
Embrace of Starlight

In this heartwarming tale, two lifelong friends embark on a journey together, having known each other since they were little. Raffy and James share a bond that runs deep, filled with inside jokes, shared memories, and unwavering support for each other's dreams. As they grow older, their dreams align, and they decide to face life's challenges hand in hand. Their friendship blossoms with every shared moment, and they become each other's pillars of strength through thick and thin. However, as they navigate through life's ups and downs, they start to see each other in a different light. A subtle shift in their feelings begins to take place, though both are hesitant to acknowledge it, fearing that it might jeopardize the beautiful friendship they've built. As they continue their adventure side by side, they cherish every moment spent together, not realizing that the very thing they seek may be right in front of them all along-a profound connection that has been quietly flourishing since their childhood days. Will their dreams and this unbreakable bond converge, leading them to a future they never imagined? Dive into their captivating journey and uncover the secrets that destiny has in store for Raffy and James in this heartwarming and mysterious tale.

JamesSilver · realistisch
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 15 | Muted Chords

James' POV

"I've moved several times. I was born in Baguio, specifically in Bakakeng. We moved to Manila for my mother's breast cancer treatment. Then, we were forced to relocate to Arizona, thinking that the doctors there could help us better. But nothing changed; when a person is meant to go, they will. That's why, while your loved ones are still here, cherish them. Don't waste your time, because you'll regret it when they're gone. I didn't pay much attention to my mother because she always showed me that she was okay, so I thought everything was fine. And that's my biggest regret." Christian started his own story.

"Where's your father?" I asked with curiosity.

Christian continued. "We were with him in Arizona; he rarely comes back here because he has worked there. I don't bother him much either because I understand his situation. If anyone is deeply saddened by my mother's passing, it's him. He's a skilled doctor, but despite all the awards he's received, he couldn't save my mother's life. So, he blames himself even now. I avoid showing up too often because it just makes him sadder; I look a lot like my mother."

Raffy and I fell into silence after Christian's stories. I pondered his words about valuing the people we love. I felt sympathy for Christian; he's a cheerful person, yet his life is so sorrowful. I realized how fortunate I am. Despite not being wealthy like them, I have parents who are willing to do anything for me. Even though we might not have much, we stick together through thick and thin.

It's heartwarming to think that because of Christian, I've awakened. My pride had consumed me, causing me to mistreat Raffy. Living with those you love is truly wonderful. Yes, I won't waste time; I need to constantly show them how much I care. So that I won't have any regrets in the end.

Our conversation had gone on for quite a while when suddenly, Raffy stood up. I thought he was just going to the restroom, but I was surprised when he climbed onto the stage.

Raffy's voice projected through the microphone as he announced, "I'll sing a song, and I hope no one objects. Well, this is for one of the most important people in my life. I don't think that person is deaf, so I hope you're listening."

I noticed Christian's perplexed expression as Raffy's words flowed. Suddenly, a familiar tune began to play, and a smile crept across my face; I recognized the song from before, one that I had grown fond of.

("Please Don't Stop the Rain" by James Morrison)

And if it's going to be a rainy day

There's nothing we can do to make it change

We can pray for sunny weather

But that won't stop the rain

You're feeling like you've got no place to run

I can be your shelter 'til it's done

We can make this last forever

So please don't stop the rain

Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall

Please don't stop the rain

Let it fall, let it fall, let it fall

Please don't stop the rain

Oh, we're a little closer now

In finding what life's all about

Yeah, I know you just can't stand it

When things don't go your way

But we've got no control over what happens anyway...

I was truly taken aback by this individual. His voice was exquisitely beautiful, casting an enchanting spell that left me unable to remain still. It was akin to encountering a celebrity right before my eyes. The audience erupted in cheers and applause, honoring his performance. It turned out that this man possessed remarkable talent—a fact I had been completely unaware of. And though I couldn't be certain, it almost seemed as if he was sending me flirtatious glances. In response, I instinctively lowered my head and began massaging my neck, grappling with the unease his actions stirred within me. Unbeknownst to him, he had not considered that Christian might be observing his gestures. Following the conclusion of the song, he made his way back to our spot.

"Truly astounding, my friend! Give this man more drink!" Christian lauded Raffy's singing prowess with genuine enthusiasm.

Realizing that Christian was aware of this guy's impressive singing ability, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy between the two of them. The way Christian had embraced Raffy earlier, they looked so closely. My earlier embarrassment quickly turned into irritation. They didn't appear sweet at all; they looked more like a couple of oddballs.

"It's annoying. Hey! You both look like escapees from a mental institution." I could almost shout that at them, but I said in my thoughts.

As they sat down, we resumed our conversation. I learned that Raffy had actually taken singing lessons, which explained his exceptional skill. Our conversation didn't last too long, though, as Christian received a text and had to leave.

"Guys! I need to go. Here's some money, Raf, for the bill. Just continue enjoying yourselves, James. I'll call you if I can come back, okay?" Christian announced.

Raffy responded, "No problem, I'll take care of the bill. You go; it might be something important. I'll handle James."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. And here, give this to James later," Christian whispered to Raffy, and I noticed a slight frown forming on Raffy's face.

I chimed in, "Should I come with you? Where are you headed?"

Christian hesitated, "No need, just stay here. Enjoy yourselves, okay? I'll be upset if you leave Raffy behind."

"Alright, fine." I spoke.