
Embrace of Starlight

In this heartwarming tale, two lifelong friends embark on a journey together, having known each other since they were little. Raffy and James share a bond that runs deep, filled with inside jokes, shared memories, and unwavering support for each other's dreams. As they grow older, their dreams align, and they decide to face life's challenges hand in hand. Their friendship blossoms with every shared moment, and they become each other's pillars of strength through thick and thin. However, as they navigate through life's ups and downs, they start to see each other in a different light. A subtle shift in their feelings begins to take place, though both are hesitant to acknowledge it, fearing that it might jeopardize the beautiful friendship they've built. As they continue their adventure side by side, they cherish every moment spent together, not realizing that the very thing they seek may be right in front of them all along-a profound connection that has been quietly flourishing since their childhood days. Will their dreams and this unbreakable bond converge, leading them to a future they never imagined? Dive into their captivating journey and uncover the secrets that destiny has in store for Raffy and James in this heartwarming and mysterious tale.

JamesSilver · realistisch
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16 Chs


James' POV

Christian shouted all the way from the kitchen. "Maybe you guys want to talk," he said, his voice booming from the kitchen. "It's free, give it a shot. It's more enjoyable than both of you just sitting there like statues."

Raffy shouted back. "Alright, we'll handle it. You focus on cooking."

"Sure thing. My dear James might seem standoffish, but he's actually nice," said Christian.

"Haha, yes. Let's test if he's really as nice as you say." Raffy said and he burst into laughter.

"Nice, huh? Well, this oddball might have some screws loose. Tsk, this lanky fellow doesn't know who he's dealing with," Raffy whispered to himself.

"Hey, how's life, buddy? Everything good?" Raffy asked as if nothing happens between us.

"Um, yeah. It's all good. Haha, how about you? How are you doing?" I asked him back hiding my emotions.

"Maybe you have something to get off your chest. You better spill it before Christian joins us. I know you weren't thrilled about what happened between us, so spill the beans about why you did it. If not, I might just give you a good knock right here," Raffy softly told me.

"I've got nothing to say. I did it so you'd stay away from me. I want you to stay away from me. Do you get it? Don't talk to me as if things are the same as before." I told him.

"James, what really went down? Whether you share it or not, I'm digging deep to uncover what really happened to you. Why'd you act that way? Did waiting for me wear you out? I promised to help you. Why are you behaving like this now? Don't you trust me?" Said Raffy full of concern.

"I'm fine now. I've gotten used to not having you around. And you don't owe me or my family anything. I can support my family on my own. I don't need you." I firmly answered him.

"James, please don't be so distant with me. I haven't changed, in case that's what you're thinking. I'm still your buddy. You can lean on me as many times as you need, as long as we get back to the way things were. What's really bugging you?"

"I don't have an issue. Just keep quiet for now, your friend is here." I Said to him while looking where the kitchen is.

Christian returned to our spot along with his nanny, Aleng Saling, and Raffy's teasing finally ceased. They brought the cooked food with them, suggesting we eat right there for a more enjoyable time. As far as I remember, Christian didn't usually eat at the dining table because it made him sad, reminding him of his late mother who passed away the previous year. After a few months of knowing each other, I've learned a bit about him.

Christian set up the makeshift dining area and even placed candles on the cake that he said he made himself.

"Let's eat here, okay?" he said. "You both know the reason, right? And for a more joyful experience."

"There you go! Let's sing 'Happy Birthday,'" he continued. "Even though it's late, it's still your birthday, hehe. And let's eat quickly. This is boring. I wouldn't bother doing this if it weren't for James. Seeing a cake feels like a children's party to me, hehe. Let's go to a bar later; it's my treat."

"It's your fault for going through the trouble; I'm not used to being celebrated," I replied.

"It's okay. We're making up for the days when you didn't celebrate," Christian assured. "If you want, I can prepare something for you every day."

"You're crazy. No need and I feel uncomfortable when there's a celebration," I insisted.

As they sang "Happy Birthday," I felt embarrassed by their actions. It's not really my birthday, and I'm not used to this kind of attention. But on the other hand, I'm also happy because I've never experienced something like this before. And Raffy is here; despite my poor treatment of him, he hasn't given up on restoring our bond. He's still the same, never leaving me. It's me who changed. Money and climbing the social ladder have consumed my thoughts, but I wish a good life wasn't solely based on money. I don't stand a chance with that.

"James, you've gone silent. Aren't you happy with what we did?" Raffy asked, his expression innocent and curious.

"Ah well, it's okay, I'm actually happy. Hehehe, thanks to all of you," I answered, attempting to smile in appreciation for their efforts, but deep down, I felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, that's nothing. Let's go, it's time to eat and then head out later," Christian suggested.

We had our meal, and all four of us finished almost simultaneously. Manang and Christian were quite hearty eaters; it seemed like that's all they do at home. We rested for about an hour before the three of us left. We went to a bar named BARCODE 99. I didn't know where it was; I didn't bother asking since I wasn't interested in these things anyway. Once inside, we quickly found seats. Unlike other bars that my clients brought me to, this bar was somewhat quiet. There was a small stage where a band was preparing to play.

After ordering our drinks, Christian began talking. "Are you two planning to talk? Because I'm not planning to engage in a conversation where no one responds."

"Sorry, we can't find a topic. Do you have something to discuss?" Raffy asked, sounding slightly apologetic.

"Let's talk about childhood. James, where did you grow up?" Christian inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Um, from childhood until now, we've been living in Tandang Sora. That's where I was born too," I replied.

"Haven't you moved at all?" Christian persisted as if he was determined to have a conversation with me through a barrage of questions.

"Not yet. We don't actually have our own house. We live in a squatter area," I mentioned "squatter" specifically so Christian could understand the situation; he hasn't been to where I live.

"Ah, I see," Christian remarked, his voice carrying a tinge of sadness. "You know, I think your life is really exciting. Sometimes I wish I had grown up like you," he admitted, his words laced with a hint of envy. "I wish I knew how you lived, and I wish we could have been together since then. Because honestly, I envy you. My life is quite boring."

Turning to Raffy, he inquired, "So, Raffy, where did you grow up?" His question was met with a sudden choking sound from Raffy as he took a sip of his drink, clearly caught off guard.

"Whoa, take it easy," Christian advised with a chuckle. "There's a lot of alcohol here, and you'll get drunk too soon. It's still early. So, where did you grow up, Raffy?" Christian's curiosity about Raffy's background was evident. "You know, Raffy and I have known each other for almost a year now, but I don't know much about this guy," he gestured playfully in Raffy's direction. "It was his first time visiting my house earlier."

Raffy, after recovering from his momentary coughing fit, began to respond, "Uh, I grew up in the same place as..." However, my quick intervention prevented him from revealing too much. I kicked him in the foot.

"Ouch!" Christian exclaimed with a hint of confusion. Unfortunately, I kicked the wrong foot. "Why did you kick me, babe?"

I quickly interjected, trying to cover up the situation, "Sorry, my leg just straightened out because it felt numb. Hehehe, my bad."

Reassured, Christian brushed it off, saying, "It's okay, just don't do it again; it hurts." His attention returned to Raffy as he asked, "So, what were you saying?"

With a subtle wink directed at me, Raffy offered a succinct response, "Uh, I was born and grew up in Taguig. Same as James, we never moved." His swift understanding of my unspoken wishes brought relief; Raffy's honesty was crucial, and his ability to read between the lines ensured that Christian remained unaware of our shared history.