
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasie
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12 Chs

The ranking battle of Elimination round finale

As the two cats were enjoying their victory, dragons on the other hand were fuming with rage since the connection was gone and intense pain spread all over their bodies. They were asking themselves "who died and who dares to touch us? We must find out who dares to touch, we shall grant him or her fate worse than death." The leader of the remaining dragons let aloud roar "Roar! All dragons assemble in the north let see who is dead and whoever killed him then you have sign your total dammination suffering and death for you have courted death you hear me?" The realm was silent as the verdict was announced and dragons began to move to the north since this was a serious matter with heavy complication and consequences. All dragons were assembled and the golden dragon did not come and the pure white dragon said fearful " the favorite patriarch grandson is dead for sure what shall we do. No one will escape oh no! I haven't finished my harem and my last wife is expecting and now i will die no no no "

The leader said " calm down will ya! panicking will not help but we have a way whoever killed him then he has the dragon core which has a strong aura which can be detected around 3 kilometer square radius then spread out to find the culprits before day break since they will escape once tomorrow arrive and also sent the dragonic silent voice don't engage at all do you hear me?" "yes sir "They chorused. The rat champion who was in the vicinity said " hahahaha! how far has the mighty have fallen and the strong have been sent packing. whoever has done that he is my buddy for life hahaha damn you dragon this is your own medicine have a taste of it and if i meet any of you i promise you an experience you will remember in your wildest nightmare" Then he vanish from that place as if he was only an imagination or a ghost, however the night was far from peaceful as dragons were busy searching for killers thus the night became lively as more creatures were smacked to blood mist as the question continued but to no avail.

The cats saw what was happening and decided to hide deeper but the tiger realized something was odd because the pure white dragon was on their tail so they dive into a lava since the dragon was a water attributed hence they had a breather. Cats were highly sensitive to aura both hidden and explomarirely so both sensed the strange aura signals and frequencies thus they took the possessions obtained from the fallen dragon and inspected carefully and determined the root cause of the problem. " The cursed dragons must they have such a trump card in their sleeves we need to be careful next time ok brother " the lion said with serious expression on its face. "ok brother we need to be extra careful next time but lets combine our innate power and wipe its aura " the tiger said with gloomy face [ innate power was that which a creature was born with and cats mainly was total domination and ruling powers which would manifest as scared white golden fire which they could conjure when they were a month old. The scared fire could eliminate everything on its path] 

The scared fire of grown cats was bigger and powerful, without wasting any time two gaintic fire manifested and wiped out the aura in 10 breaths. Dragons were now at loss since the aura vanished the moment they reached where the white dragons was. They wailed in pain and roared in anger and vowed together " we will kill 20 thousand of the creatures remaining to avenge and account for the Godise death and patriarch anger will be quenched." As the day approached the storm was unavoidable since the changes of last night, today would mark the genesis of bloodbath during kingship wars as there were plots all round the realm. 

The day began peaceful and calm, both realms of heaven and dark anticipate this battle as they deployed their war agents to stabilize the realm as today it would be a ruin. Roar were heard but this time fierce and the owners were out for blood, groups were dismantle as the killings began ( those were not strong and mutual stable). corpses littered the realm ground by midday however the killing gear was strong and the creatures eyes were red bloodshot. The weak ones had no where to hide in this hot pan, dragons led in points as well as killings followed by cats and the carnivores society were in the front then rest followed barely. At the end of the day or precisely the last hour an archangel blew a horn and the creatures snapped out of their frenzy killings.

A large plate floated gracefully in the air in it 7 thousand names were written on it and dragons took the first four followed by cats and others. The golden rod had entered the realm and was on top of the plate. A mighty voice said " the next round is combat elimination and the top 5 shall have a chance to subdue the rod in this realm in the next 12 days and i will announce greater news after crowning of the new king as per the will of creator disperse now" " yes your royal highness. " the creatures said as the bowed down.

Suddenly a blinding light came from highest heaven and an elderly voice said " everyone has been invited to watch this battle and no death is allowed and first elder of the high heaven shall oversee it. Creatures accept the creators verdict" The world shook with these words and the creatures chorused mighty " we accept and shall obey"

Momentary the world was at peace but plots were being made armies were rallied. In the midst of all these no one noticed the chamber of prophies in the midst of order of worlds a prophesy was written a new era was about to be ushered and young Redir saw it in a dream. A glorious era he saw which will change the entire grand scheme of things but an elder appeared before and forbid him from telling others what he saw and the great burden he must carry. He woke in the morning and said " i need strength for what is to come and i will usher it with powerful will" A darkling heard him but ignore him, little did he know he let a powerful enemy loose and their defeat was approved. An era was coming but what was it … 

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