
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 : Battle for the rod (kingship of the world part 1)

Away from the capitol city, to the north of the tiger land and lion pride lands lies a land of the overlords 'Dragons' who were very prideful and arrogant divided into clan tribes section and above all united like an iron steel. At the center of this enormous land was a mountain with an active volcano beneath it and kilometers upwards a castle was floating aloofly like an immortal king aloof of worldly things. In here there were 100 dragons meeting to discuss of action to be taken after descent of the rod. Whispers continued until the blue massive dragon opened its blood red shot eyes rendering others to be fearful to make the slightest noise lest they incur his warth. "what do you say dragons, let's toy a little with the immortal creatures or we be bored till death?" His voice reverberated throughout the castle. They said " yes sire what you think is best we shall follow without any objection let's cut down their pride again until they are worn out and serve us wholeheartly" The king was delighted and sent a degree throughout the immortal creatures world.

It stated this " My fellow immortal creatures i have decided to allow all of you to prove yourselves worthy by participating in a contest where we shall rely on our own strength to obtain the rod. I want every clan, tribe and family to sent out their champion at level of immortal sensing energy lord realm to fight for it. whoever win their family leader is king for 35 years before the next contest for kingship is held. Receive my verdict on 7th day of lunar eclipse let meet on the tallest mountain." The word spread out in a fast motion like wild fire and then families were informed about this new development. Every family upper leaders held meetings since it was likely a trap of those arrogant dragons. They however knew that they could not refuse the order so they would act in precaution. They concluded that they would sent they would held championship contest in their families and sent the champions, however they had plans in the dark.

In the tigers land a bigger competition was held since tiger and lion were in good terms so they incorporated together thus the competition was held. Lions came with a lot of their clansmen and the deal was that championship will go on individually and then champions will face each other sparingly. Tigers started the competition with vigor as the brave tiger face off with their paws and claws. At the level of sensing immortal lord realm is basically one could control the affarmity as he pleases causing them waves of energy filling the atmosphere and also they can fly in the air and can walk in space and can withstand void realm. Basically this realm was a dream for many creatures but it was difficult than ascending to the sky but they could not . The face off was swift as the loser was beaten miserably. Since the lion champion had decided to use myriad lions roar that entails a roar of a hundred saint level lions ( a profound voice battle technique of the mighty lion's clan which render the soul of the opponent shaken and worst scenario the soul dissolve and is destructed). The attack came instantly to the golden coated tiger, however as a veteran of battle the tiger opted for a combined vision and audio kind of attack and defense such that the lion roar was suppressed and his soul was attack viscously. The lion let out a painful roar but as one of the upper clans in this world, decided not give up thus in a lightening-like manner waves of fire attributed congregated and formed a massive red lion claw and rushed to the tiger and landed on the chest of the tiger. The tiger was throwed more than 50 yard off course, in retaliation the tiger roared mighty and gathered lightening spiritual energy which formed a bigger right paw of the kindered tiger king (this was ancestor of the tiger clan) which came to the lion at a blink of an eye and before it landed, lion said in a deep voice "I submit to you and have accept my loss" just as it was sent it immediately disappear as if it was only but imagination. The battle was so swift that only 20 breaths only had passed but it was a death match, the tiger king laughed " impressive talent to both sides, the young ones are promising and i hope they will beat the dragons asses is that not so pruger" Pruger was the lion king and he said " hahaha my brother they are ahead of us so let us hope that the rod will end up in our cat race so that we surprise those arrogant punk" The two tribes continued with their merry but the two leaders called upon the two champions and instructed them to work together and beat the hell of the dragons. Each were given different gifts but were mysterious implanted to them and were told " when the time is due they shall manifest so be on your way" The two began their trip that night to the tallest mountain by the name mount Dregasias, every clan and race sent out their elite to that mountain without alarming other. Mount Dregasias was rather peaceful mountain but the following days to come chaos and bloodbath shall fall upon this ancient ethereal mountain. One by one the creatures arrived on the base of the mountain imposing and threating aura but there was some thing they did not know that the fallen angel and creator's angels were very attentive to this war as it would decide the fate of this world in the cosmic order. Dragons as usual were last to arrive on the battlefield and the heavens opened and the lord of all archangels appeared with all archangels declared mighty" This battle shall take two phrases, first it shall be elimination round where all weak ones shall be eliminated and 7000 shall remain and the period will be 7 days the more you eliminate shall be your bonus," white branded stones appeared before all the contestant and the angel continued " this is where your to store every point you collect including cores, let elimination begin" the mountain was razed down making it plain but isolated and another realm was formed by Archangels staging the battlefield. As per laws of the battle it was death match merciless. The Archangels went back to heaven and battle began and the rod came to the top of the battlefield and rotated in high speeds as battles began.