
Elta Project: Last Days Of Humanity

step by step towards the end of humanity, can we reverse that absolute point?

NeihZeleno · sci-fi
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33 Chs

The Third

the jingle of a man in a protective suit, his breathing labored through the thick layer of clothing. In his hand was a huge box and just looking at it, he didn't want to touch it. It is emitting a sound of metal colliding with each other. On it was a radioactive symbol. He had stepped in front of a wing of thick, heavy metal.

<System>: Please confirm personnel identity! The door guard let out a voice.

He frantically put down the box in front of him and pulled out a card from the pocket in front of his chest.

<System>: Identity Confirmation Successful- Hello Project owner, Dr. Albert.

The sound of the gear system's wings slowly turning created a vibration that even people ten meters away could still feel. The door that had opened he slowly entered the small room covered with a barium silver alloy metal. In the middle of the room was a room made of bulletproof glass, in which there was a metal box that was connected to three high-voltage power lines with a symbol of 10,000 kilovolts. On the other side there is a pipe that supplies some kind of liquid with good heat and population.

Albert: What should I do?

A Loudspeaker: Let's put the Plutonium filaments in there, just like when we ran the experiment.

He opened the box and there was a pile of metal threads 10 millimeters in radius that must have been half a meter long. Slowly drop it into the liquid. He slowly closes the box carefully. As soon as he put it on, he immediately ran out of that glass room, as soon as his feet stepped out, a glass plate grazed, water was pumped in, making the room filled with water.

Albert: I'm done, open the door I need go out.

The Loudspeaker: Sorry Dr. Albert, the radiation is up to 4000 millisieverts so I can't risk the lives of others.

Albert: Are you kidding me? I've dedicated my career to this place and that's how you treat me!

Speaker: Sorry Dr. Albert

From that box came a white light that was tinged with blue, and the box was shaking as if it were trembling.

Albert: Could it be that Hydrogen Trioxide can't block the ion radiation from there?

Speaker: How is that problem handled, Dr.?

Albert: No.. If I tell you, you won't let me go, I'll die anyway, I have to give my life and you will too!

Just because of a grudge, he wore that box. Everyone in the control room was panicking. There are thousands of nuclear-powered cargo ships out there that are enough to cause a level 5 radioactive disaster, but there are radioactive substances and a few nuclear devices on them. .

Speaker: We're so sorry! Please help us this affects the whole world sir !

Albert: No you're going to kill me, is there anything that keeps you from doing it? I'm going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter. Or bring this world back to the pre-World War Angel!

Speaker: We just want-


At the beginning of the earth, there were 2 big bangs of its own, The First Explosion was when the earth was formed creating a great masterpiece of nature it created itself out it.

The second explosion, there was a meteorite that fell to the earth, destroying 90% of all species on earth at that time but helping the earth to be reborn.

But now the third explosion, the final explosion of "this world". The explosion was created by the hands of the most bizarre creature that nature has created. We have destroyed ourselves. The explosion gave the earth a densely radioactive atmosphere, the dust from that giant explosion covered the earth a winter that has now lasted up to 14 years.

Over three decades, 4.5 billion deaths killed over 80% of the world's population at that time. Every day, thousands of people die from radiation, mutant animals or even the hands of humanity. It is we who create what we fear most Last Days Of Humanity