

.Evandale Ellis, The rare beautiful girl whom everyone desires. The ocean eyes of hers captivates anyone who makes eye contact with her. She is a confident being who hates being a werewolf.Arwen Gray,her now pretending fiancee still loves her. He is obsessed with her. He will not let anyone take her away from him. So,when a bewitching mysterious werewolf named Lorenzo Venus comes in their life,what will happen in each of their lives? What storms will destroy each other? Will they fall in love? Will they despise each other?

o_12 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Friends teasing-part one

Evandale Ellis Pov-

Finally Hazel and David came after we,no I waited for what like hundred years. I am really pissed off because the people I was stuck with for the past hours annoyed the hell out of me. The whole time they were arguing like monkeys without any reason at all. In conclusion,they were annoying and I am pissed off. But time to feel less pissed as I am with all my friends right now. I know I can not just stop being pissed just because I think so,but as I said I am with my friends,my precious people.

"Care to explain who this hottie is?"Hazel asked while squeezing my life out of my body. I mean she is hugging me but a little too tightly leaving no space for me to breathe.

"You first explain why you both were so late?"I asked trying to pull myself away from the hug.

"I asked you first. You answer first. And stop moving so much,I am not releasing you today from my grasp."Hazel said patting my back.

"That guy is an acquiantance of mine,not anything more."I said glancing at Lorenzo who was still arguing with Iris. They did not bother to look at us.

"And here I thought,you finally broke up with Arwen. Anyways,why is hottie arguing with Iris?" Hazel asked loosening her hold on me.

"Having a lovers quarrel I guess. " David said hugging me with Hazel. Just when I thought I could breathe.

"You guys do realize that you both are suffocating me? Just hug me softly like you both hug. "I said groaning.

"But we both hug like this always. Ofcourse a little more tighter than this. " David said pecking Hazel.

"Oh my God,please continue this cute adorable things when I am not standing in between you both. WHy is everyone annoying me so much today?" I glared at them,more like at their bodies.

"We missed you so much Evans."David and Hazel said loosening their hug.

"Me too I guess. Honestly,I really feel like I just saw you yesterday hihi. But I missed you truly." I said smiling.

"We really were so worried. Mrs.Ellis just told us you were in deep sleep and you were not waking up. Nothing much." Hazel said pulling herself away.

"Well,actually that is basically the details for everyone. No one knows the exact reason why I was passed out for such a long time." I said sitting down on the ground.

"That is a really worrying situation. But are you good now?" Hazel asked sitting down with David beside me.

" Mhmm. For some reason,I feel quite healthy and fresh. But I feel tired." I said.

"You feel freshly tired or what?" David said chuckling.

"Yeah maybe that. I actually am feeling tired but fresh at the same time."I said chuckling.

"Do they know if this will happen again?" Hazel sai holding my hand.

"That we do not know." I said squeezing her hand.

"Oh guys,when did you both come ? Why did no one called me?" Iris asked finally noticing us. He sat down with us.

"We thought you were having a lover's fight."David said grinning.

"Yeah sure,we were." Lorenzo said sitting down with us.

"Hello acquintance of Evandale. "Hazel said grinning at me.

"The name is Lorenzo Venus."Lorenzo said glancing at me with his playful beautiful eyes.

"I am David Darwin and this beautiful woman,Hazel Maynard is my girlfriend." David said holding the other free hand of Hazel.

"Nice to meet you both."Lorenzo said nodding.

"So,angel?I am just an acquintance?I am a bit hurt. I thought we were feeling something there in our hearts." Lorenzo said acting hurt. He really is something.

"What more do you want to be,Venus?" I asked looking at anything but his eyes.

"Maybe your sweet heart too like you are mine?" Lorenzo asked smirking. Anyone could tell I am blushing right now because I am. What is wrong with me?

"Wait-what?Sweet hearts?Am I the only one missing something here?"Hazel asked looking at me tilting her head to me.

"No one is missing anything. He is just messing around.He wants me call him sweet heart." I said glancing at Lorenzo.

"Yeah sure,Evandale. We all can see how you are blushing. Give all the excuses you want."David said grinning. I will punch his grinning face.

"Angel, give it some thought. You can think of me as your sweetheart too. Or call me sweet heart. Anything you prefer." Lorenzo said grinning. He is being sarcastic again.

"I have nothing to say for real to you guys. Stop annoying me." I said sighing.

"Should we go somewhere to eat? I need food."Iris said getting up. For some reason,he looks a bit bummed out.

"Yeah we should. I am hungry too. "I said getting up and walked to Iris .

"So,we all are going. Lorenzo,you coming?" Hazel asked geting up along with the other two.

"I do not see any reason why would not want to."Lorenzo replied walking towards me.

"Please speak in a not so confusing way,your highness." Iris said groaning.

"If my words sound so confusing,then cover your ears dork." Lorenzo said glaring at Iris.

"Please do not start this again. It is truly annoying."I said sighing trying to keep my calm not wanting to hit them.

"I have my car with me. You can all fit in."David said chuckling glancing at me. I glared at him.

"Oh,I bought my bike with me."Lorenzo said glancing at me.

"Then should we just divide into two groups and meet at our usual resturant? Lorenzo and Evans can come together in the bike and we three can takethe car." Hazel said winking at me. No why are you winking at me? Nothing is happening with Lorenzo.

"Yeah that is reasonable as Lorenzo does not know our usual place."David said walking towards his car.

"Why don't you go with Lorenzo? We will take the car." Iris whined.

"And who will drive? You?"David asked opening the door for Hazel.

"Hazel will drive." Iris whined again.

"I love Hazel.But I can not let her destroy my car.I am sorry baby." David said smiling at Hazel.

"Dear Iris,please stop talking and get in the car." Hazel said glaring at Iris. Iris looked so bummed out.

"Hey,I will sit with you in the restaurant. Love you . See you later." I said squeezing Iris's hand.

"Love you more." Iris said pecking my head and got inside the car. Hazel opened the door for David from inside the car and he got inside.

"Such a sweetie you are,my love!" David said pecking Hazel's hand.

"Please start the car ,David!"Iris yelled. I laughed. They drove out from there first and I stood with Lorenzo like a kid.

"Climb up, sweet heart."Lorenzo said already in his bike with his hot helmet over his head. Wait I have seen that heelmet before.

"Angel,please zone out later. "Lorenzo said passing another helmet to me.Glaring at him,i climbed up.

"I am starting angel. Hold tight." Lorenzo said making me hug his waist again.

"Ride at a polite speed now."I shouted because of the heavy air.

"I am a polite rider. Do not hurt my feelings again,love."Lorenzo said with his sarcastic deep voice.

"I just told you to drive safely. How does that hurt your feelings?"I asked.

"Telling me to drive safely obviously hurts my feelings,angel.And as an angel you should not goon making me feel hurt." Lorenzo said. Yep,his voice filld with sarcasm.

"I won't even ask why. Just ride how you always do." I said hugging his waist tighter.Lorenzo's pretty laugh sounds filled the air as we rode towards our destination.