
Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti.

"Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti" unveils a realm where elemental kingdoms flourish, and a forgotten city, Rieti, holds extraordinary powers. Sira uncovers her lineage's secrets and seeks vengeance, igniting a quest against prejudice and injustice. As she battles adversaries and uncovers hidden truths, Sira's journey sparks change in a world where magic and unity hang in the balance.

_asalahh · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter Nineteen.

In the land of Luton, purity was a treasured virtue that had endured for generations. A realm where every wrong was dubbed a 'blemish', and among the royal line, a chosen one was celebrated as the Celestial, a paragon of purity. Empress Avena held her son, Prince Tiago, dear, guarding his path to becoming a Celestial with fierce devotion.

Sira couldn't help but conceal her unease as she observed Tiago's lackluster conversations with others. Zev, accompanied by Koa, approached, sharing a laugh at something Koa had said. They noticed her discomfort, and Koa tapped her gently. "You seem uneasy." he said with concern. Sira furrowed her brow and turned to them, confessing, "There's something disconcerting about his aura." Zev poked her shoulder and whispered, "It's about to get even more interesting," his eyes locked on something behind her.

Sira turned around, only to find Prince Tiago making his way towards them. He offered polite nods to the others before approaching Koa and Zev. "Koa, Zevran," he greeted with composure, shaking their hands. His eyes momentarily settled on Sira, who quickly averted her gaze. Tiago finally spoke, "Would you be so kind as to introduce me to your friend?" Zev was quick to answer, "This is Aesira," and Koa chimed in, "Our newest addition to the family."

Tiago flashed a faint smile, and remarked, "Ah, i see you still have a penchant for embracing lost souls. How noble of you," meeting Koa's gaze. Just then, Henson's commanding voice echoed through the room and everybody turned to face him. "Announcing the arrival of the Fairy of the Sea, the epitome of beauty, Princess Fae of Cillicia!" The crowd erupted in applause, whistles and anticipation.

Sira gasped at the sight of Princess Fae's radiant beauty as she graced the dome with her presence. Fae's cerulean hair cascaded like a waterfall, her eyes sparkled under the dome's lights, and her skin radiated under the dome's luminance. Princess Fae leaned toward Henson and inquired softly, "Where is Tiago?"

With a deep bow, Henson replied, "He's here somewhere. I shall find him for you, Princess." Fae nodded gracefully and patiently awaited Taigo's arrival.

Tiago sighed and excused himself from the group, wearing a smile. "I must be on my way; my fiancée awaits," he revealed, making his way towards Fae.

Sira turned to Zev and couldn't help but whisper, "Fiancée?" Zev shrugged.

Koa nodded and added, "They've been promised to each other since childhood."

Zev chuckled softly, "How sad," and Sira joined in, finding it all rather bittersweet.

Arane strolled through the crowd, nodding politely to a few acquaintances, her drink in hand. Her eyes lit up when she noticed crab dumplings on the table where the food was displayed. "Finally, something to look forward to here," she murmured to herself, a wide grin spreading across her face. She made her way to the table, snatched one of the dumplings, and savored the first bite, her contentment evident.

But her joy was short-lived as she spotted her approaching sisters. She let out a groan, "We can just ignore them," she suggested to Illume, who was hidden in her dress before wiping her mouth with a napkin. The twins, Arla and Isla, laughed mischievously. Arla spoke up, "We know you're up to something; we're gonna find out what and tell daddy about it."

Arane sighed, a wry smile on her face. "Do you really think daddy is going to listen to anything that could distract him from this event? How stupid can you be?" she retorted, taking a sip of her drink. The twins frowned in response.

Isla's anger flared, "How dare you speak to us that way?" she yelled, her hand radiating intense heat as she grabbed Arane's arm. Arane winced and yelped, dropping her drink. The glass shattered on the ground, causing a hush to fall over the onlookers as they stared. But they quickly composed themselves when Isla and Arla gave them irate stares. Arane forcefully removed Isla's hand. Arla hissed, "You little bitch!" she threatened and raised her hand to slap Arane, but her hand refused to move.

Confusion washed over Arla as she strained to control her hand. Meanwhile, Sira, who had been watching, discreetly intervened, using her magic to restrain Arla's hand. Arane and Isla exchange puzzled glances. "What are you doing?" Isla demanded. Arla hissed in disgust, "I don't know, the fucking hand won't move."

Koa tapped Sira on the shoulder twice, and she gasped startled by his touch, releasing Arla. Still bewildered, Arla dropped her hand and stormed away, with Isla following her.

Arane held her throbbing arm, "So much for ignoring them, right Illume?" she said to her bird. But Illume, instead of responding, was fixated on Sira. He had noticed her aura when she used her magic. Arane noticed his fixated gaze on Sira and asked "Did she do it?" Illume cawed in response.

Narrowing her eyes, Arane scrutinized Sira, who was engrossed in a conversation with Koa and Zev.

The twins, Isla and Arla, approached Tiago and Fae, with Fae tightly holding onto Tiago's arm. Isla beamed at Fae, exclaiming, "Fae! It's so great to see you again!" Fae shot her an irritated glance but managed a small smile. Clinging to Tiago, she forced a cheerful tone, "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Isla giggled, dismissing the past, "Yes, it has. But today is what matters most, the most important day of our lives, and we're all here to celebrate it!"

Arla turned to Tiago, inquiring, "Where's Theodore?" Tiago looked down at her, his response curt, "I don't recall him being any of my concern." Arla sighed and crossed her arms, expressing her frustration. "Come on, Isla, let's go," she grumbled as she moved closer to her twin. Fae, with a mischievous smirk, kept glancing between the siblings. In a sing-song voice, she taunted, "See you on the stage." Both Isla and Arla's expressions darkened.

Then, a clinking of glassware from the other side of the dome draw everyone's attention as Emperor Bayle rhythmically tapped his glass. Bayle began, "It's time for the main event. Let's begin, shall we?" The room erupted in cheers and applause as the Emperor raised his glass. Everyone settled back into their seats, eagerly anticipating the festivities that would follow the main event.

A few minutes later, Emperor Bayle cleared his throat and announced, "I will now introduce our chosen replacements for the Silver Wolves. But first, an announcement. " Confusion rippled through the audience, with some whispering and speculating. Bayle continued, "The guild was entrusted with a crucial task, and they failed. Due to this failure, they will be disbanded."

The crowd gasped and murmured in disbelief, struggling to grasp the implications. Bayle reassured them. "Chosen individuals who are more than capable of handling any challenge will be celebrated today!" A sly grin played on Bayle's lips as he surveyed the crowd, asking, "Aren't you excited?" A thunderous roar of approval erupted from the audience, and Bayle chuckled.

Sira and the Alvarez siblings wore puzzled expressions but managed to maintain their composure, all the while bracing for their impending adversaries. Emperor Bayle raised his hand, silencing the roaring crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to introduce our new members, starting with your beloved Gemini Twins, my precious daughters, Princesses Isla and Arla," he declared with a mischievous grin.

The twins blushed deeply as the crowd erupted in cheers and whistles, their own surprise evident. An orc leaned over to a human nearby and whispered, "Are they really appointing their own kids?" The human chuckled and replied, "Well, why not? They disbanded the guild, who better to succeed them?"

The twins ascended the stage, showing their respect to the rulers and then facing the ecstatic crowd, beaming with delight. Bayle continued, "Now, let us welcome the ethereal Fairy of the Sea, Princess Fae." He gestured toward her, prompting an ear-splitting cheer from the audience. Sira winced at the deafening noise.

Fae released Tiago's hand and gracefully made her way to the stage, acknowledging the crowd with her smile. As she reached the stage, Bayle extended a helping hand, and Fae gave a courteous bow to the rulers before turning her attention to the jubilant assembly.

"Next in line, Tirion's esteemed leader, Prince Theodore," Bayle proclaimed, motioning to the left side of the hall. The young prince, looking dashing with a sword at his side, graced the stage. His warm smile and bow elicited another round of exuberant cheers from the crowd. Fae rolled her eyes, observing the spectacle unfold before her. Theodore then bowed to the rulers and faced the cheering multitude.

Bayle emptied his drink in a single gulp and grinned. "Last but not least, our very own soon-to-be celestial, the powerful elemental whom we all adore, Prince Tiago!" With a wink, he concluded, prompting a thunderous ovation as Tiago rose and moved towards the stage. The prince ascended the stage, offered a bow to the rulers, and even kissed his mother's hand before taking his place beside Theodore.

Sira exchanged bewildered glances with Zev. "Our mission just got alot more challenging," she murmured. Zev shook his head, his brow furrowed as he kept a keen eye on the stage. "This isn't a favourable turn of events at all," he whispered, his gaze shifting to Koa and Twila, who maintained their composed demeanor while sharing the same concerned expression.

The children knelt down and bowed before their parents as they rose from their seats. Empress Lorelai and Avena exchanged smiles at Fae and Tiago. The rulers enveloped their hands with their auras and placed them above their children's heads. Emperor Luke began, his eyes emitting a bright green haze, We are delighted and proud to be here on this momentous occasion." The room resounded with enthusiastic cheers.

Empress Lorelai's bright blue eyes radiated as she added, "You both embody our realm's values and unwavering commitment to Elamenta." she cupped Fae's face and whispered. "You look stunning beside your fiancé, darling." Fae blushed while Tiago kept his gaze on the ground. Empress Avena spoke next, "As Elamenta's finest warriors, you'll serve with dedication and honour, securing our prosperity. Your responsibilities are weighty, but so is the honor."

"May the supreme beings of the sun, earth, sea, and sky bear witness as we bestow upon you the name, title, and authority to defend Elamenta," Emperor Bayle concluded, beaming at the children, sparking another round of cheers. The rulers places their hands on their children's shoulders before helping them up. The children faced the audience, bowed, and then left the stage to a standing ovation.

The rulers took their seats, except for Emperor Bayle. He summoned a waiter and obtained another glass of wine. Raising the glass, he proclaimed, To the future of Elamenta! Let the celebration commence!" The room erupted in cheers as everyone lifted their glasses and clinked them together. After the toasts, Bayle took his place on the throne, observing the crowd with a smirk.

Zev and Sira exchanged nods with Twila and Koa before rising and making their way to the food and drinks. Arane, who had been keeping an eye on Sira, followed suit, drawing a suspicious glance from Empress Margaux.

Sira sighed, shaking her head, and began to devour dumplings. Zev watched her devour the food and teased, "Are you trying to eat your worries away?" Sira swallowed and took another dumpling, replying, "Nah. I just want a quick bite before I have to deal with anything else. I'm stress-eating." Zev rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Such a drama queen," while Twila giggled as Sira kept stuffing her mouth.

"We've discovered who our adversaries are, but this isn't the place to discuss it," Koa said, adjusting his glasses, the rest nodding in agreement. "We'll have a meeting when we get home. For now, let's savor the event and keep our composure," Twila added, enjoying her seafood.

"I'll be with other dignitaries. You guys have fun, okay?" Twila smiled, placing a shrimp in her mouth. Koa and Zev nodded, and Sira gave a thumbs up as Twila walked away. Zev and Koa chatted while Sira kept eating.

Suddenly, Sira heard a soft voice whisper behind her, "I know it was you who stopped Arla from slapping me." Sira's eyes darted between Koa and Zev, who were still conversing. She spun around and found herself face to face with Arane's amber eyes.

She hesitated, replying, "I'm sorry?" Arane have a half-smile and said, "You do not have to pretend; I will not tell." Zev noticed Sira talking to Arane and rugged Koa's sleeve, whispering, "Look, they're talking to each other." They watched Sira and Arane converse in whispers.

Koa cleared his throat and greeted, "Princess Arane, what an honour!" with a warm smile. "Likewise," Arane replied, flashing a genuine smile. Sira raised her eyebrows, puzzled by the "Princess" reference.

Arane briefly stared at Sira with a smile before turning back to Koa. "How are you enjoying the ceremony?" Koa smiled softly and replied, "Everything has gone smoothly as expected of every event." Arane shifted her attention to Zev and Sira, inquiring, "And how about you two?" I do not think I've seen you before," she said, gazing into Zev's eyes. Zev maintained an indifferent stare.

"They're members of my family. Zev has been with us since birth, but Sira recently joined us," Koa explained, putting his arm around Sira protectively. Arane's gaze softened, "Ah, I see," she said, touching Sira's arm. Her eyes turned serious, and Sira twitched at the sudden contact of Arane's cold fingers. "I need your help. Help me escape from here; take me with you if you have to."

With that, Arane left Zev, Koa, and Sira staring after her. Sira broke the silence first, exclaiming, "Huh?"

Zev interjected calmly. "Woah there, Princess. That's not the kind of thing you can just say to someone." Koa nervously chuckled, adding, "That's right, Princess Arane. I'm sorry, but we can't help you with that." Sira dropped her plate, saying exasperatedly, "Look, I didn't help you with anything, and we can't help you either. Do you understand?"

Arane sighed, folding her arms across her chest. Her expression even more serious as she looked at them. "You know, there is only one kind of elemental who can do what you did. You might have been discreet, but you cannot completely hide from a crowd." Arane narrowed her eyes, and Sira exchanged worried glances with the boys.

Arane continued, "I know what you are, Sira, and it will please my father to know someone like you is here. It will also make this event utterly pointless."

Koa and Zev tensed, their expressions revealing their apprehension. Sira, her jaw clenched, shot a fierce glare at Arane. With an exasperated sigh, Arane spoke, "Look, I genuinely do not care who you are. I just need to get out of here, and I cannot do it alone. So, take me with you," Sira scowled, her frustration evident, "You expect us to refuse you? How many times do I have to say it? We can't help you, princess!"

Arane's voice grew stern, "Very well then, brace yourselves for what comes next." She turned abruptly and started walking away, leaving the trio in bewildered silence. An inward groan from Koa broke the tension, and he called out to Arane, "Wait!"

Arane paused, and flashed a brief smile to herself before facing them. "We'll help you, just tell us where to find you."

Arane nodded, offering a hint, "During the ceremony, there will be a dome snowfall. When it begins, meet me at Red Shore. You know the place, right?" Koa and Zev nodded in agreement. "We'll be there. But, what should we..." Koa began to ask, but Arane spun around and vanished into the crowd, leaving the trio in stunned silence.

Koa let out a sigh while Zev fixed an accusing gaze on Sira. "What have you done?" Zev's tone was harsh. Sira blinked, her unease evident as she nervously rubbed the back of her head. "I'm sorry. I...I just couldn't stand by and watch her get mistreated. She didn't deserve that." Zev sighed, massaging his temples. "And now, how does this make you feel? Huh? You've just handed us a dangerous problem," Zev stated bluntly. Koa tried to intervene, tapping Zev on he shoulder, but Zev brushed him aside, grabbed a glass of wine, and walked away.

Sira watched Zev's departure, he eyes sad, biting her lower lip. She noticed Twila conversing with others nearby and excitedly grabbed Zev's arm as he approached. Koa adjusted his glasses, refocusing on Sira, offering comforting words, "Don't dwell on this. We can't change what's already happened, but we can figure out how to deal with it " Sira nodded in response and helped herself to another dumpling. Koa gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, saying, "Zev will come around. You should never feel guilty for helping others."

Arane returned to her seat beside her mother, her face adorned with a wide grin. Mixed emotions churned within her, creating a whirlwind of excitement and anxiety. She petted Illume absentmindedly, maintaining her composure so as not to arouse suspicion in her mother. "Soon, Arane. Soon," she thought to herself, her heart racing.

Sira rested her chin on her hands, pondering the events that had unfolded, eagerly waiting for the ceremony to conclude and for the moment they could finally return home.

creation is hard, cheer me up!

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