

Romance de fantasía
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Lesen Sie den Roman EL MUNDO ABISMAL des Autors Aura_Irisviel, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.El mago mas grande de la historia creo siete cuentas espirituales sacrificando su vida en el proceso con un único propósito desconocido por todos los grandes poderes del continente santo, que pondrían...


El mago mas grande de la historia creo siete cuentas espirituales sacrificando su vida en el proceso con un único propósito desconocido por todos los grandes poderes del continente santo, que pondrían el orden del mundo en un estado caótico a la vez que se convertirían en la clave para salvar al mundo de su inminente destrucción.

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Pretentious friends

Life may take you places you never thought of going and things you never expected you'd do, but you'll adjust, you'll get used it and that would be your lifestyle, just embrace it you can't out past it, it's you. Just be happy that you are living life to the fullest extent. Life is full of Surprises it's a thriller. Do you love college? Being a teenager? The gossip, the lies, the drama, the thrill and the fun, rush and The excitement? Oh I do, it makes life interesting fun but at one point you grow old and y'all have leave most of these things behind but sometimes your bad past comes back to get you, now you're a mess. They say you gotta grab life by the balls but what if you got a pussy? I'd say punch life where it hurts, your in control of your own future and you control you destiny. So if you're past comes back to haunt you that's your bad luck cause you were sloppy and good luck though. PREVIEW: "Shane are you sure we can go public?" I am having doubts being a undercover criminal. What if someone connect us? We would put everyone we love in danger. "See I told you it would work look how successful we are and everyone is happy and alive." Shane said with confidence or maybe he's being cocky. It's amazing to have people you can trust, people you can relay on, people having your back no matter what your not just friends your family and family fight for on another they don't fight against each other. Do you have people you can trust? Can you relay on them? Are they always there for you? Do they have your back not matter what? I trust her to have her in my gang I trust her enough to tell her things, she and Ashely is perfect so I'm kinda glad that Shannon and Amanda aren't going to join Not that I don't trust them but because they suck the fun out of everything. "Shane your the best f@#king friend I ever had, the only friend I had." PREVIEW OVER This story is series number two for FRIENDS OR ENEMIES this series story is base on fiction.

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Villain: In Apocalypse

In an unexpected twist of fate, Lu Yu finds himself in a parallel universe, reborn as a privileged second-generation elite. However, this newfound reality is on the brink of an apocalypse. Will this cataclysmic event bring about a drastic change in humanity? To Lu Yu's surprise, he learns that he is destined to play the role of the antagonist in this apocalyptic narrative. Equipped with the foreknowledge that the hero, Chu Feng, will reincarnate before the apocalypse, Lu Yu promptly begins to strategize. However, when Chu Feng is reborn, he is left puzzled. What happened to the formidable ally from his past life? And the goddess bathed in white moonlight, who once harbored deep affection for him and even made the ultimate sacrifice, why does she now regard him with contempt? Caught in this complex tapestry of destiny, Lu Yu is tasked with unraveling the enigmas of this parallel universe. He must harness all his resources and abilities to ensure his survival and emerge victorious in this challenging ordeal. A/n :- Greetings, dear readers! As the dedicated Translator, Editor, and meticulous Tweaker of this enthralling novel, I am excited to share some thrilling updates with you. Prepare yourselves for an enriched narrative filled with added layers of mystery, unforeseen plot twists, and a dash of spice—indeed, you read that correctly! To enhance your reading journey, I will be introducing R18 chapters. Stay tuned for this exciting new development! Original Name of Novel :- The Villain Of The End Of The World: Starting From The Heroine Of Cutting Off The School Flower. Original Author of Novel :- Cangyun Ferry. *Warning* If narratives that delve into the gray areas of morality unsettle you, this tale might not be your cup of tea. It incorporates familiar story elements that could potentially distress some readers. The protagonist of the story is cast in the role of an antagonist, albeit one with redeeming qualities. He occasionally indulges in actions that can be perceived as malevolent, despite being capable of human emotions. Therefore, while he isn't entirely evil, readers who anticipate a clear victory of good over evil might need to tread lightly while engaging with this story. *NO NTR and NO YURI*

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