
Edge of honor

Living on the Edge doesn't mean to guard against it horrors. When you face evil, challenge tyrants & break a bone or two, remember to uphold the best of all Commandments, ARROGANCE. Oh, Honnored ONE, Always bring glory & RULE them all.

BardN_x · Fantasie
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3 Chs


Brilliance comes at a price.

Ting Ting

"Greeting citizen, welcome to the edge 43 Quarter. H.. how can we make your day better? "

A few lil steps helped the visitor to move into the quarter wide lobby. at first all sound normal but two facts have made Joan alerted.

Thin and so dimished body. covered in something no better than rugs. It may sound normal, taking how close they are to the edge.

However the ill educated rats living through these parts are wise enough to know how is bothering a quarter official is worse than death.

As a cadet, searving for reception duty, she konos how scary this new visitor may come to be. The state of art scaners which were suppose to alert her of the sick boy arrival have just started doing their bloody job.

Her answer were of panic rather than service. A minute ago would totaly have another meaning. Specially if the scaners did their job at the required radius of no less than a mile from the quarter.

The boy has been just registeredby the system. Something is wrong, Very wrong. At the edge, its titled nothing of a miracle and such errors carry a whole diffrent meaning, related to horror.

" Huuuuh, huuuuh ... hel ... "

A large side Gate opens wide as 2 meters high armored individual walks out in a Heavy movement. The large armor steps echo through into wide lobby. All reveal a clear indication of its physical might.

The Entrance lobby grow even more rowdy with arrival of the armored unite support troops. The show of rush carried by troops is very clear as well, showing a sign of their readiness. The battle was meant to start even before The scaner data can bring an update of the Infected boy states

" Cadet Joan, clear the area, make sure to take your vaccine "

Joan didn't even bother to Salut, moving fast past her superior large frame while shivering. The temperature management throughout the whole facility somehowe started to face fearsome struggle in regulating specifically this area drop of heat.

"Command Sergeant Major Arther Mol of the 43 Edge Quarter, state your name child! "

The panicked, desperate look on the child face has no idecation of such predator real form. His continued silence only has an Omen of death.

Command Serget Major Arthur within his augmented armor and the troops following his command affirmed their will. As they are wise enough not to delay any longer. Awaiting whatever horror it is to arrive, makes their hunt doomed to fail.

The armored Unit thick arm arose. A large muzzle as thick as a man's torso was locked into target.As It Has started to heat, The troops following Arther fired their Salvos.

The fraction of a second impact Didn't echo.

The same silent, closed lips where wide open even faster than possibly be. A black fendish arm, larger than the boy as whole emrged in the company of a river. It appeared to be some irregular bladd sluggish liquid.

The black substance arose, guarding what was now less of a being and more of a flesh gate. All Hits were devoured in and not even the Aether load within the Salvo showed any indication of harming their target.

The Spawming of a black river and whatever was at the end of the arm continued. The boy body was being dragged by black tentacles towred the troops in slow but Alarming pase.

Arther's muzzle hasnt started to fire to this very moment. Only charging, a charge that the Incoming horror has seen as danger. Yet, Arther and his squad kept hell bint on aligning their hearts. All to give the shot its required strength. The chant was in commence

""" Stand your guard """

""" Fear no Dark """

""" Burn all evil & break it apart """

""" Stand even when all is lost """

The soldier's speeling and bullets continue. The Muzzle heated even more with every breath Resonating to their devotion & ...

""" Stand to fight """

""" Prepare for war """

""" Named as Honnered ... Broke an Edge"""

""" To bring glory & rule them all """



" A bright night ladies & gentlemen, this is your Favorite show ... Mord & Mircales only at The Edge news network "

" ZACK, Did you prepare your sister's bag? "Alice's shouts are met with the bored silence of her eldest son. The teen phase of existence has dominated the brat's every action.

Unfortunately, the young single mother wasn't much older than her child. A good answer to any riepliouse punk is a wack to da head.

Sooner the boy was doing as asked while his mother was taping the last box of what little the family owned. Alice finds herself not occupied for a minute. A minute that allows thoughts and hesitation to build up.

Is she doing the right thing??

' what about Zack, is it right to take this decision in his steed? ' she thought. Her poor children are raised in one of the safest communities. What luck would bring them back to that wile nest?

[ the awarding ceremony to The Blooded of our esteem Honnoered, will commence in a week. The rising start, SGM, Arther will finally be discharged from the dilgint care of Ark Laps care units. His valor against one of.... ]

" sick, they say he fought one of them and beated it long enough for a an Augmented to finish the Job... "

Alice turned to have her child as he finished as in rhythm with Mord.

" [ the strongest Mortal! ] "

Alice didn't like the look in Zack eyes, the bored and less than enthusiastic are growing less by the day since this Arthur came up. The lil fool have no idea, Boaring is good. Boring is safe.

" Your are done! " she is no fool to spell her criticism. All are monitored in their lil heaven.

" yeah, doubt sis will be allowed her Teddies, but I am bringing her Fav. She would love to hold Captin Agatha when we visit "

Alice lost interest to a dress her child fantasies and headed out of their lil complex.

On the hollow screen at the center Captin Arthur stood proudly. behind him the armored unit with so big and epic.

" sick, we should pay that ceremony or whatever a visit "

Living withing the Edge is no cheap, leave this poor dweller a review... Maybe two & share this not so grand work. May darkness never find your dreams

BardN_xcreators' thoughts