
Eclipse of the Overlord

Fear not the darkness, for within it lies the brilliance of my reign. The world shall kneel before the unseen hand that controls its very destiny.

Digiman · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

I think around ten years has passed.

This world is really filled with magic, bringing about extraordinary possibilities.

Magic is truly incredible, granting the ability to surpass human limitations effortlessly. With its power, one can instantly shatter stones and rocks, reducing them to rubble. An impressive display!

By harnessing the power of the earth, the ground can tremble and convulse violently, obliterating any obstacles in its path. And Magic even allows for the alteration of gravitational fields, increasing the pull on objects like rocks. It's quite bewildering!

I am deeply concerned that the presence of a dragon poses a significant threat that exceeds the boundaries of what can be considered within the realm of magical possibilities.

However...., However...!!!!

"Magic! Magic! Magic! Magicmagicmagicmagicmagic!!!"

Where has my magic gone?

I yearn for magical capabilities, but all I possess is ordinary girl physical resilience, which is admittedly disadvantageous in this world. Consequently, for me, earthly weapons become my sole means of defense. So, how am I any different from my previous life?

The thought of being a mere ordinary girl in a world teeming with powerful dragons and other strange and formidable creatures has crossed my mind. For me, What worth is there in becoming an overlord by compromising my principles? So now what?

I find myself surrounded by the strongest beings, feeling as delicate as a flower amidst a pack of roaring lions.

Nevertheless, I continue to strive towards acquiring an ability that can conquer the world. I dedicate my days to research and training, exploring a certain possibility that has recently surfaced in my mind.

Oh, By the way, I recently uncovered a fascinating revelation about my ancestral lineage. It turns out that the family I was born into is a noble house with a remarkable heritage of knights renowned as magic swordsmen. Although I may not be the designated heir, I hold a unique position within the family, albeit as what some may consider a defective or illegitimate child.

Nevertheless, my parents shower me with boundless love and affection, which at times overwhelms me. Perhaps my exceptional ability to portray innocence and charm is flawlessly executed.

My dreams extend far beyond being a supreme ruler or overlord. The path to achieving my aspirations is still distant. However, I am aware that the training I receive as an apprentice swordsman is not entirely useless. It allows me to learn how people in this world fight using magic and provides an opportunity to evaluate and refine my own fighting style.

To be frank, the swordsmanship techniques I learned from ancient books in my previous life are far more refined and rational. They are akin to modern martial arts, where useless techniques and unnecessary movements have been eliminated, and the best aspects of different schools have been adopted and combined. This blending of techniques has led to their perfection, albeit within certain boundaries or rules. That is a concise portrayal.

Certainly, in this world, swordsmanship is wielded in conjunction with aura. Thus, someone like myself, who lacks magical abilities, is simply left to rely on the sheer mastery of physical combat skills.

Nevertheless, Let momentarily leave aside the art of swordsmanship, I find the fighting methods of this world inherently intriguing. What captivates my interest is the presence of magic, which undoubtedly plays a significant role in these techniques.

Auras, the fundamental energy fields that envelop and flow through every living being, are essential in the world of magic. These auras serve as a source of power for magicians, enabling them to cast spells and manipulate the elements. However, auras differ from person to person, resulting in diverse magical abilities and specialties.

Close combat magicians primarily rely on Aura Augmentation. They excel at channeling their aura to enhance their physical attributes such as strength, speed, and agility. By intensifying their aura, they perform extraordinary feats in hand-to-hand combat, making them formidable opponents in close-quarters battles. They prefer melee weapons or unarmed combat, utilizing their augmented aura to strike with exceptional force and precision.

On the other hand, long combat magicians harness Aura Affinity as their primary magical technique. They possess a deep connection and affinity to a specific element or type of magic. This affinity enables them to manipulate and control their chosen element with finesse and power. They specialize in long-range attacks, using spells and magical projectiles to engage enemies from a distance. Their mastery of aura affinity empowers them to unleash devastating elemental attacks, summon protective barriers, and even manipulate the environment to gain an advantage.

When a close combat magician confronts a long combat magician, their differing aura abilities come into play. The close combat magician with Aura Augmentation relies on their enhanced physical attributes to close the distance and engage in melee combat, aiming to overpower the long combat magician with sheer strength and skill. The long combat magician with Aura Affinity focuses on utilizing their elemental control and long-range attacks to keep the close combat magician at bay while weakening them from a distance.

The outcome of such a battle depends on various factors, including the magicians' skill, experience, strategy, and the compatibility of their aura abilities with the combat situation. Each type of magician has its own strengths and weaknesses, resulting in a dynamic and unpredictable fight.

People fight according to their nature, and even goblins have their unique fighting style. That's the essence of it. The speed and range of movement in this world are remarkable.

Moreover this world's fighting techniques are vastly different. And, there is no exchange or cross-pollination of techniques between countries or schools. Some techniques are even forbidden to leave the confines of the school. Even if a technique is made public, there is no medium to spread it widely. In essence, there is no melting pot, no selection, and no refinement. If I were to summarize it in one word, it would be "crude."

However, in this world, there exists a girl who lacks magic. To protect herself, she distance herself as much as possible from opponents, believing it to be safer to stay out of their attack range. As a result, conflicts frequently descend into a scenario where that kind of girl resorts to fleeing when her opponents rush in to attack, instead of initiating the fight. However, this basic repetitive motion hardly meets the criteria for a genuine hit-and-run strategy.

Yes, that girl is none other than me. Both long-range and close combat are equally futile to me. In battles that rely on wit and wizardry, I possess one secret weapon: a dazzling smile that disarms even the most powerful sorcerers. Ahaha!

This new world is really magical and its magic has gradually dissipated as I conduct my experiments and gain a clearer understanding. So, all is well for now.

That's pretty much how my daily training at home unfolds. It's just me, my older sister, and my dad. My dad teaches swordsmanship to both my sister and me, and we engage in sparring sessions. My sister, who is two years older, possesses considerable talent and will likely become the family heir. In a world where magic grants immense strength even to girls, it's not uncommon for them to lead their families. Certainly, in this perilous realm of enchantment, it is indeed logical to impart the skill of swordsmanship upon a young girl devoid of magical abilities. So, the opportunity to learn, despite lacking magic, is considered fortunate.

Due to this, I find myself being beaten up by my sister almost every day. I mean, how could I possibly win?

Nah.. Well, it may seem improbable at first glance, but it is indeed within the realm of possibility. Until the day my cherished aspirations come to fruition, I shall persist in upholding the facade of a tender-hearted and charming little girl.

Regrettably, it appears that I am left with no alternative but to undertake this course of action.

1. "Waaah, big sister, don't approach me"

2. "Waaah, Daddy, help me"

3. "Waaah, if you make me sad, I might develop a teeny-weeny grudge against you!"

Are my daily status Quotes.