
Echoes of Eternity: predations, gods and devils

"In a world where gods and devils manipulate mortal pawns, where fate and love lie in one hand Kael and Espona stumble upon the ancient Book of Spells, a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power. As they delve into its secrets, they're drawn into a treacherous game of cat and mouse between powerful forces. With Edana, Kael's fierce and powerful sister, by their side, they must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and confront the darkness within themselves. But as they unravel the mysteries of the Book of Spells, they realize that their fate is inextricably linked to the fate of the world. Will they be able to harness the book's power to save their world from destruction, or will they become pawns in a divine game of chess? Dive into a world of magic, adventure, and heart-stopping suspense in... Echoes of eternity

Allen_Peter · Urban
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15 Chs

Book of spells (1)

As Kael trailed behind Espona, the enigmatic witch, his unease grew with every step. His sixth sense screamed warnings, like a chorus of cautionary voices in his mind, but he pushed on, driven by a mix of curiosity and determination. The magnificent building loomed ahead, its medieval-style gate and walls shrouded in an illusion that was slowly fading like a veil of deceit. The true scene beneath was one of decay and neglect, with rusted swords and ancient bronze sculptures littering the compound like the remnants of a forgotten battle.

"This place looked beautiful from afar, but what do humans see when they get closer?" Kael asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he feared disturbing the eerie silence that shrouded the building.

Espona's reply was cryptic, her voice low and mysterious. "The ordinary humans won't notice the ruins even if they get in. The illusion stopped working on us because it wasn't an illusion in the first place." She led the way, her confident stride a stark contrast to Kael's hesitant steps.

As they entered the musty, dimly lit hallway, Kael's eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. The air was heavy with the scent of age and neglect, and the silence was oppressive, like a physical weight that pressed upon his shoulders. Espona's whispered words only added to the mystery, her voice echoing off the walls like a ghostly whisper.

Kael's confusion was evident, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to make sense of Espona's enigmatic words. "Sigh, this is one of the downsides of starting late," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with a knowing glint, like a teacher imparting a secret to a favored student. "This is a natural illusion, one that forms on its own, without a spell or core to power it."

Kael's mind raced with questions, his thoughts tumbling over each other like a chaotic waterfall. "How is that possible? Without a spell and a core, an illusion won't stand...and this one seems to have existed for a long time." He spoke slowly, as if choosing his words with care, his eyes fixed on Espona's face as if seeking answers to the mysteries that plagued him.

Espona's eyes widened in surprise, her expression a mix of surprise and concern. "You didn't learn the basics?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment, like a teacher discovering a student's lack of preparation.

Kael's response was hesitant, his voice barely above a whisper. "I learned basic spells and stuff." He spoke as if he feared his ignorance would be revealed, his eyes darting around the corridor as if seeking an escape from the conversation.

Espona's expression turned serious, her voice taking on a cautionary tone. "When a very powerful person stays at a place for too long, their energy leaks out and fuses into the surroundings. Sometimes, it's a good thing, and other times...it can attract curses or give birth to ghouls and specters." She spoke slowly, as if choosing her words with care, her eyes fixed on Kael's face as if willing him to understand the gravity of the situation.

Kael's goosebumps rose at the mention of malevolent entities, his mind racing with the possibilities. "And here? What do we expect to see?" He spoke quickly, as if seeking reassurance, his eyes fixed on Espona's face as if seeking a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty.

Espona's voice was reassuring, her tone a mix of confidence and caution. "We're still passing through the corridor. We might not know what to expect...but it might turn out to be one without any of those beings." She spoke slowly, as if choosing her words with care, her eyes fixed on Kael's face as if willing him to trust her.

As they walked, Kael changed the subject, his voice a welcome distraction from the oppressive silence. "What's so special about the Book of Spells? We have many of those at home in the library." He spoke quickly, as if seeking a new topic to focus on, his eyes fixed on Espona's face as if seeking answers to the questions that plagued him.

Espona paused, her head cocked to the side as if listening to a distant sound. "Did you hear that?" she whispered, her eyes scanning the darkness like a wild animal sensing danger.

Kael shook his head, his eyes fixed on Espona's face. "Hear what?" He spoke slowly, as if unsure of what to say, his mind racing with the possibilities.

Espona cast a globe of light, illuminating the corridor like a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness.

"Be vigilant, I sense danger ahead," Espona warned, her voice low and urgent. She stretched her hand into space, her fingers closing around the air as if grasping an invisible hilt. With a swift motion, she clenched her hand into a fist and dragged her wand-like staff out of the void. The staff gleamed in the dim light, its Orb topping it like a glowing crown. Kael's eyes widened as he recognized the Orb - the same one Edana had given him for winning the match.

"I didn't bring any weapon," Kael admitted, his voice flustered and unprepared. Espona's gaze settled on him, her eyes narrowing as if she beheld a primitive creature. "Isn't the basic teaching of every mage to never go out without a weapon?" she asked, her eyebrow arching in disbelief. Her eyes conveyed a message, a silent inquiry that seemed to say, "Are you even sure you are a mage?"

Kael's thoughts raced, his mind scrambling to justify his oversight. "Hmm, I am a mage aspirant," he thought, the words tumbling out of his mouth in a hurried attempt to clear the air. Espona's response was a dry, "I never asked."

As they walked out of the corridor into a spacious hall, Espona's eyes widened in shock. "Dee-ah," she exclaimed in her mother's tongue, the word tumbling out of her lips like a prayer. Her gaze was fixed on something ahead, something that made her face pale and her eyes gleam with a mix of fear and awe. Kael followed her gaze, his heart racing with anticipation. What terrible omen had they stumbled upon, one that they were so woefully unprepared for?

have a good day/night wherever you are

Allen_Petercreators' thoughts