
Dance Party intercourse

..... Sweet ebony so sweet my dear .....

Child let's play, let's read, let's stay together freely living .....

Long have I waited, long have a craved ..... the oh so sweet nectar of your taste ..... So don't you worry my dear sweet ebony ..... as long as you're sitting next to me ..... I'll wait .....


"Hah hah hah hah" (heavy breathing) accompanied by a alarms sound system.

Tut tut tut tut tut tut

" time is 6:00 am get your fancy pants back together girl it's time to party hard!" said a robotic voice.

Kaileen is pannting heavily as her head began to come back to the time she was naive and stubborn.

raising her right palm towards her forehead she sighed deep in thought beginning to remember a strange song that she used to hear from her childhood, but not remembering who sang it to her then. her breathing started to steady as she removed her palm from her forehead to take a pink inhaler stratigically placed to soothe her ache.

ever since she was born Kaileen was always having a hard time breathing as her weak body constitution hindered herself to act freely and openly. later the truth to her condition was revealed, She new now that she didn't have to much time to live after hearing those words during her check up ... she knew she couldn't do anything to stop her body from crumbling in the hospital then. she knew but chose not to act nor tell anyone about the tradgedy that awaited her.

That is why she couldn't help but sigh after inhaling, for one week has already passed from her check up in the hospital. she didn't want to sit still and wait, especially for today as she was looking forward too this final day in this world. The year end party of her school life was tonight as well as her death day, her friends will be there so she wouldn't wait any longer for time to seat her crumbling life away, her resolve was firm and fixed; she will be announcing her final day today openly to them; to the people who she considers family.

not wanting regrets nor affording any setbacks she hopped down from her bed and walked into her luxurious bathroom slamming the WHITE bathroom door shut to take a bubbly bath in her jacuzzi. stripping naked she couldn't help but sigh once again as she stared towards her weak body figure in grief, a trickle of tears flowed down from her eyes for she realised that all her dreams were shattered the moment she exited that horrible place called the hospital.... she grunts in pain cursing her frail existence all in one day.

" Bah you can do this, no use in not telling them because you might just cause them a great deal of pain later on if you don't" Kaileen murmured to herself, quickly getting in the bath preparing herself for today's awaited endless pampering from her friends. rumeging around to pick a telephone stationed at the wall, as she is currently staying in a five star condominium unit with high room service and respectful staff members.

as she picked it up she pressed on a customised button integrated by the condo for quick service on their customized phone brand made from their company.

letting out a loud ringging sound the telephone was quickly answered by a young man's voice with sincere over tones. "Good Morning Lady Begonia! How may my services be off use to you?, or would you like to add something to your breakfast" he asked professionally. " Good Morning as well Joffrey, yes i would like to have a healthy meal today" she paused but continued. " something that can make my body very energetic for the day, like SUPER ENERGETIC TODAY because today is REALLY IMPORTANT FOR ME" she said seriously raising the pitch of her voice here and then to calm herself by being a little sarcastic, all the while implying her seriousness on the topic of PERFECT BREAKFAST to go easy on Joffrey as he is ignorant of her condition.

" Alright well be preparing the most energetic breakfast you'll be having in your entire life, rest assured it will be here the moment you go down to the dinner" he assured her as he sees the importance she implied towards today's event not wanting to ruin it. her mood lightens up as she recieves the response she wanted from the usually over bearing Joffrey, she wanted to thank him later when they meet by bring him a bottle of 1920 champagne from her family storage in which was relocated to her fridge today after knowing about the event that would transpire soon.

she voiced her praise towards him as she couldn't help but cry again slightly a bit while doing so. "Thank you Joffrey, I'll thank you later for being understanding" her voice was perfectly heard by Joffrey, but then he recognised that her voice was kind of sorrowful making him begin to be curious about her behaviour today as she was usually happily chatty as for the past week she's been like this.

lively as ever, but some how dead in the inside. he wondered but he didn't want to assume because he was usually blasted by her curses and over the top personality when doing so. this tense yet sorrowful atmosphere was making him want to push her buttons even more so like last month so that he could bring back the dead back to life from to much teasing, but now he couldn't bring himself to do it for some reason and just gladly accepted her request. but still kept attitude attach to work" Err alright then, yes your majesty your welcome as well" he replied non chalantly then afterwards putting down the phone as he stood in his work space getting ready to prepare her day.

" Ugh, i should tell him ...." Kaileen said as she sulks her body deeper into the bath water to relax. closing her eyes as her mouth was encased by the water letting only her nostrils and half her head out of the water. She wanted to not worry over trivial matters however she still couldn't help but worry over everything else that didn't revolve around her. her friends wanted her around .... she knew but she wasn't ready to be around them, after all this time until today. so she tried really hard to forget that feeling all the while relaxing herself for a couple of minutes.

'everything was going smoothly so far ' ... she thought to herself. ' Hope fully i wont really die today .... at least not until tomorrow to celebrate my birthday ' .....

time passed by slowly ... her mind was now completely blank ..... everything is going smoothly as she had planned it to be...

tick tick tick tick tick tick ... the clock moved backwards .....


a sharp scratching sound was heard from within the walls, followed by a shatter as if glass was recently broken down.

Kaileen was startled by this defining sound, she jolted her head upward moving her body out of the water revealing her plump breasts. she looked towards the origins of the sound, opening her eyes only to wide even more from shock. as her mirror was cracked showing her face crooked and lifeless ....… she went up to exit her jacuzzi only to widen her eyes even more instead becoming afraid. as she looked down at the water dyed crimson red like the color of blood. " Ahhhh" she quickly yelled then rubbed her eyes. openning them again only to see that everything was back to normal.

Her heart raced as she cursed inwardly 'What the Fuck am I seeing things this early in the morning, ugh must be my weak body unable to sustain myself ' she glanced around her surroundings again to check what she was seeing was real specially since she was an avid reader of horror fiction. she didn't want to get cought between the fabric of reality and fiction. especially since her body was currently suffering.

she sighed cursing herself for being an avid lover of that genre as she checked the place was really normal in her mind, forcing herself out from the bathroom she was no longer in the mood to take a long bath before attending her daily meeting to greet her friends as the sudden weird phenomenon scared her shitless. she slammed the RED door of the bathroom closed with out looking and hurriedly got dressed to proceed to her tasks for the last time in the day; the bathroom was left quiet and clean as the water level in the jacuzzi began to drop from the unplugged drain with a wooden ebony doll.