
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · Anime und Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 31 - I'll be waiting....at the top of the tower.

After Valerie had awaken Issei took the time to make her feel comfortable and gave some head up plans for her. She would be in Kuoh academy with a fake Identity to avoid the Tepes Faction from finding her.

Valerie would be able to enjoy her peaceful life though she would only join after she got used to her new environment. She was excited but understood that it wasn't the right to go freely.

Issei return to his home though he was reluctant to leave her but she only smile telling him she would be fine. Of course before leaving Issei made sure nothing would be able to passed through his barrier unless it was people he knew.

He made the same barrier on his home with the help of Crimsyn and Ophis. It was nearly undetectable unless their High God class.

When he gotten back home, His parent kept asking what happened while teasing him since they knew about his little date. They were his parent it was obvious they knew. Asia pouts a bit but she was happy for Murayama.

Afterward, when they were alone, Issei told Asia what truly happened to make her worried but calm her down since he had already dealt with it.

"Asia, you need to be extra careful alright?"

"H-Hai! But Issei you need to be more careful, I don't want to see you getting hurt."

Issei warmly smiled then patted her head while reassuring her nothing was wrong. They silently enjoyed their bath since it was a norm for to spend time inside the bath.

His parent already knew about their relationship and doesn't mind though a bit afraid since Issei was pervert before. They always tease them about becoming grandparent to early.


Issei was inside a training dimension below his private home which he recently finish with the help of Crimsun and Ophis. It was connected to the dimensional gap where contain a solid space around the same size as Kuoh town.

It was a place strong enough to withstand his power and avoid people from sensing his power. This is the reason why it took a lot of time to create it. This places contains Ophis 'infinity' and Crimsyn 'Dream'.

Issei had train outside one time due to fact Asia was with them and she won't be able to withstand the dimensional gap. Additionally, he didn't expect for his power to go amok that would cause the barrier that hid them to be destroyed.

'That was stupid too be honest. Now then let's train.'

Issei began by doing light exercises having a based power of D ranked Super class devil but if he used his other ability then it would be E to C ranked Middle-class god. He was getting much more precise with less recoil and backlash in his power that may cause collateral damage.

Afterward, he tried training his Boosted gear to reach the Diabolos Dragon God form but it only resulted in few seconds until it disburses much to his dismay.

Issei concluded it was due to his new ability that rejected the foreign power. He wasn't disheartened considering it was only been a week since he was sent in the past by Big G.

Putting aside his dragon side, He switch focus on his demonic side making sure to not used the armor as even though it did help control his demonic energy it was better to have control without it.

He has power of destruction which he took the time to control and improved. Issei manage to replicated the Aura of destruction of Sirzerch but with a weaker effect than the original. Afterwards, he tried molding them into different shape which cause him create six floating red needle-like protective.

[A/N: like Vergil in dmc5]

'Shaping them is harder than I thought.'

The next thing he did was bring out the blade of Chaos. Issei was surprised that Power of destruction was compatible with the weapon causing to be more powerful. Training the weapon for few swings return it back to his pocket dimension. He won't need it much as Issei rely more in close combat.

Issei turn to his Divine form producing fourteen white wings. It was the first time he took the moment to observe his new angel form. He tried focusing and found black lightning waste produce from his palm.

"Oh I have Father-in-Law's Lightning!"

Though it was different color being dark with golden outline. He tried the same thing as the power of destruction and found it was harder to mold than former. Issei then tried surrounding himself in lightning letting power course through similar to Aura of Destruction.

It reminded of him an old remade anime he used to watch. A character had an ability to surround himself with lightning become as fast as one which he called as 'Godspeed.'


Issei took one step and was instantly a kilometer away from where he was. It cause him to crash due absurd speed, he dusk himself off while shaking his head.

'Damn it's hard to control but I have time.'

From that Issei took the time in trtraining each ability causing his power to reach B-ranked Super-class devil. He exhaled while his body was beaten in pulp from overexerting himself. The aftermath of his training causes all the artificial mountains to disintegrate only leaving a wasteland.

'Still, it's not enough.'

He didn't try his Holy demonic form since he focuses on giving a solid foundation to his current ability before exploring other abilities. It becomes more difficult if he kept changing focus.


The next day, Issei went back to school finding the three girls who looked at him nodding. They kept everything a secret as it would troublesome.

He had told them they would be trained in his private home by Azazel to help them grow stronger. Aika can learn magic while swordsmanship fro Katase. He had asked about bringing Vali and his group along since they needed to grow as well.

As for ORC, He will trained them himself even if they don't fight Raiser in rating game. Issei would internally laugh how it's basically cheater since his too powerful.


Being near the window, Issei was able to see far a transference of young boy with scarlet hair wearing brown cloak and small glass holding a wooden staff smiling at him that quickly change into teenage version.

'What the-!"

'I will be waiting…at the top of the tower.'

From a child to a his teenage voice, the young man disappears into thin air leaving the dumbfounded Issei. He rubbed his eyes and spread his sense but nothing it was as if nothing happened.

'Who was that? He looked at me like he knows me!? Something bigger is going on….screw it I can't be thinking about it when I don't have a single clue.'

"Mr. Hyoudou please pay attention!"


Leaving aside what happened Issei went on the day uneventful while the thought of the young man lingers.


Issei was on his bed having deep thought about the young boy who seem familiar to him despite seeing for the first time. He felt the need to go find him but couldn't without a single clue where to look.

'Wait for me….I'll come back to you."

He clenched his head when a voice so familiar yet foreign rang through his head. Issei felt a pulsating pain to head while dozen of voice spoke in his head.

'W-What's going on!?'

[Issei are you alright!? You seem to be in distress?? Did someone cast mental attack!?]

'Irene!? No it's nothing but I saw something earlier that I'm unsure who it is yet the person seem familiar to me?'

[Hmm do remember what the person looked like?]

'He was child that turn to a teen with scarlet hair wearing wizard robe wielding a stuff.'

[Interesting. Anything else?]

'That's it but the last thing he said I'll be waiting at the top of the tower.'

[I don't know who his person is but we can't do much without other clues. For now relax and focus at the task at hand]

'I know but something within me want to go find that person.'

His deep thought came to a stopped when a teleportation sigil began to form on the floor and immediately pop Rias who turn to Issei. She push Issei down looked straight into his eyes.

"Please Issei take me now."