

unknown_20281 · Anime und Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 59

Wisteria Irina folded her hands and pleaded with her eyes slightly bright.

Su Mu hesitated a little, then nodded lightly.

"Okay, I still have a house nearby. Although I let two friends live in it before, it's no problem for two more people."

"Mmmm, thank you Su Mujun~" Wisteria Irina thanked her obediently.

In fact, she was still a little disappointed.

After all, when she made the request to help solve the housing problem, her original purpose was to find an excuse to live in Su Mu's house.

no way.

Wisteria Irina secretly complained in her heart that Su Mu didn't understand a girl's heart.

In fact, Su Mu just didn't like too many people staying in her home.

As it is now, there are three people in the family, which is enough.

Su Mu, Orpheus, Rebel.

Orpheus is the wife and pet, while Rebel is the maid and the toy.

If there is more, Su Mu will feel troublesome.

Girls are like food. The smell of a single food will make people mouth-watering, but the combination of the smell of various foods will make people seriously uncomfortable.

So, just send it directly to the rest of the residences under his own name.

Well, that sounds like pretty scumbag behavior.

Su Mu admitted that his liking for these lovely girls is more of a possessive desire for beautiful things.

In a sense, his liking is often closer to the emotion of opponents.

There is no shame in admitting this.

At the very least, he will not open the harem wantonly, but also say that he is true love for everyone. 287

Tsk, can't you honestly admit that you are actually possessive?

Su Mu thought to himself, then froze slightly.

In his eyes, as long as he could see the light screen, dense handwriting appeared quietly.

[Ding--! Achievement hints. ]

[Destroy the Bible System Tri-Clan Peace Treaty Signing Meeting a week later, you can complete the Gold-level achievement! ]

[To completely destroy the peace talks between the three clans, you can get a platinum level achievement! ]

[Completely destroy the situation in which the three clans are gradually tending to peace, and re-provoke a huge war that swept the underworld, the world, and the heavens, and you can get a diamond-level achievement! ]

Sure enough, the so-called achievement system is essentially a messing system.

Su Mu muttered to himself in his heart.

It seems to be catering to Su Mu's thoughts, and as he complained, the handwriting on the system's light screen changed again.

[Let your notoriety, from the end of the starry sky to the gap between dimensions, no one knows, no one knows, let the whole world go to chaos and end in the chaos of your plan, and you can get colorful achievements. ]

Su Mu was silent.

Old p-snake player.


ps: After sitting in front of the computer for more than three hours at night, I realized that compared to other books of the same type, the sense of existence of the system in this book seems to be too weak... I will make adjustments and update it during the day (seriously). ).

Chapter 100: Longing for war? You do not deserve!

Like these tips given by the system, no matter which one they are, they are well versed in the way of doing things. Whether it's sabotaging peace talks or directly causing war, the word "achievement" can be matched.

It's just that people who do this kind of thing don't look like good people.

Therefore, someone like Su Mu with a relatively bright image can only be able to...

did it secretly.

Rejection is impossible to refuse, and achievement of this kind of thing is not too little after all.

In addition, the most important thing is that Su Mu also feels that if this world is directly peaceful, it is indeed not very good.

What he focuses on is whether the world can serve as a qualified nursery and produce what he needs for him.

Whether it is knowledge, or the rest of the various resources.

There is no doubt that a world at war is not suitable for a nursery.

After all, as long as a large-scale war begins to spread, its destructive power is uncontrollable.

For example, in the two world wars in Su Mu's previous life, it seems that during the war, many scientific and technological achievements emerged.

But in fact, this is nothing but the accumulation of technology accumulated in the past, and the war is only a catalyst at best.

A completely peaceful world is also not conducive to development.

Because in a peaceful environment, or when there is no sense of crisis, people will inevitably be lazy and stagnant.

Therefore, Su Mu hopes to keep small frictions between the various forces in this world, but always has the most basic restraint.

"It seems that I still need to cooperate a little with Kirkball's actions."

Su Musi thought.

Kirkball is an ancient fallen angel who survived the ancient war. He is used to war and feels uncomfortable with the gradual arrival of peace.

For him, only the world at war is what he likes the most.

In other words... the long years spent in the war have made it difficult for him to escape from the war. That's why he stole the holy sword that was kept in the church in an attempt to challenge the heavens on behalf of the fallen angels.

After failing to get the response he wanted, he brought the holy sword to Kuwang Town, in an attempt to force the underworld to fight the fallen angel again by killing the sisters of the two demon kings.

The means are slightly inferior, but this is nothing. After all, it's all for the purpose of not shivering.

The point is, even if you do this, it may not be effective, right?

To be honest, in Su Mu's opinion, the best way is to have a big attack in the underworld.

But obviously, Kirkball does not have this strength and courage.

If that's the case, let him help him get his attention and make some big news himself.

Su Mu thought to herself, but she didn't see anything unusual on the surface. She brought the holy sword duo from the church to the place where Aisha and Luffy were previously arranged to live.

However, the meeting between the warriors of the church and the witch who was expelled by the church was a bit awkward.

Whether it was Xenovia or Wisteria Irina, the expressions on their faces were quite unnatural.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the ex-Saint Aisha who was expelled by the church~"? "

Xenovia stared at Asia and sized it carefully, and asked in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"You were expelled because you used an artifact to heal a demon. I didn't expect you to come to the country of Neon, and I didn't expect us to meet here."

Artifacts, seen as gifts from the God of the Bible.

Aisha, who has the artifact "The Smile of the Virgin", is called the Holy Maiden in the church.

Although Xenovia and Wisteria Irina were not very familiar with her, they had dealt with her before.

"Originally, I thought it was you who had failed the name of the saint and the cultivation of the church. But now, both of us have been abandoned at will—"

"It's inexplicable, it really has a feeling of being the same as the end of the world."

"Huh?" Aisha blinked blankly when she heard Xenovia's words.

Then, he put his hand on his chest and spoke softly.

"Although I don't understand what you are saying, I have never abandoned my faith in the Lord."

"And, even with the reputation of 'witch' on my back, I firmly believe that the glory of the Lord has never left me."

Elsa spoke softly, a holy smile slowly drawn on her face, and her delicate golden hair seemed to glow with a halo.

In those holy eyes twinkled, a faith stronger than anyone in the church.

Even if the entire church denounced her, her belief in this would not be shaken.

Even if the whole world questioned her piety, she would not question her own beliefs.

Even if Michael came down from the heavens, or even if the God of the Bible himself resurrected to deny her, she would still strengthen her belief.

Because the "God" she believed in at this time was not actually worshipped by the church, nor was it the God of the Bible that really existed in this world.

But, in my heart, belongs to my own "God"!

On the contrary, Xenovia and Wisteria Irina were confused at this moment.

Being abandoned by the church is already a fact that has to be faced.

But they still decided to complete their mission regardless of their lives.

Because no matter what, the church that nurtured them is kind to them.

Even if they have already begun to fall in love with each other, the favors they once received always have to be paid off first.

After this mission, whether it is success or failure, they and the church have already been cleared.

As for, if you can survive this mission, what will you do in the future... For these, the two have yet to think about it.

the other side.

"'. Holy sword, that's what it is."

A man with black wings spread out behind him, holding a shining golden holy sword in his hand.

A slightly disdainful smile appeared on his gloomy face.

The holy sword is most effective against demons, but if the opponent is a fallen angel...

Fallen angels are a race that uses the power of light, and naturally they will not be restrained by the power of the holy sword.

"Lord Kirkball, the sword in your hand is just a fragment of the original holy sword. Only when the seven holy swords are collected can they be unified and become a real holy sword."

The chubby man named Balupa smiled and bowed slightly.

He was in charge of the church's original plan to use the holy sword for experiments.

For him as a foundry, good and evil do not matter, what he really desires is to make the sword with great prestige reappear under his hands.

After the experiment, he was expelled from the church, thinking that he had nothing to do with recasting the holy sword.

What he didn't expect (Nuo Lihao) was that when he was about to give up, he was actually found by the powerful fallen angel in front of him and continued his goal of uniting the holy swords.

"Hmph, the sword of the king with seven holy swords in one, I'll just look forward to it for a while."

Kirkball sneered, then threw away the holy sword in his hand.

Then, he frowned, with a displeased look on his face, and glanced around vigilantly.

"who is it?"

Following Kirkball's voice, a certain path slowly appeared, and behind him was a huge sky blue wing.

His face was extremely blurry, and even if he looked closely, he could only see the brilliant yellow flames on his face.

Wrapping the body is a flowing gray robe.

"Let's say hello for now, called 'The Fallen Angel of Kirkball'."

Satisfied with her new image, Su Mu had a rather happy smile on her face.

He looked down at his chosen tool...partner with condescension.

"You can call me-"


Chapter 101 Stars hang down, the moon flows

The angel Raziel, which means "God's Secret", has the title of "Secret Realm and Supreme Mysterious Angel".

He dwells on the Tree of Kabbalah, and is the guardian angel of the second essence, Wisdom.

It is said that the "Book of Angel Rachel" written by Rachel records extremely esoteric knowledge in 1,500 aspects of heaven and earth, the essential secrets of all things on earth, and the laws of motion of celestial bodies in the universe.

It is precisely because of this that in a certain work in the previous life, the name of the Angel's Annunciation (Rachel) held by the second spirit, Honjo Erya, will be given.