

unknown_20281 · Anime und Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 19

"Cana, you—?"

Seeing Zhi Quangna's pleading appearance, Rias suddenly showed a stunned expression. Although she does treat her family as a family, in this family, Rias can also be regarded as the "head of the family".

When she really made a decision, whether it was Himejima Akeno, who often seemed to be wrong with her, or anyone else, she would be obedient.

When facing outsiders, she will also jointly protect her face.

So in her eyes, Zhi Quocang's extremely weak pleading gesture was a little unusual.

If you just want to persuade your relatives, you shouldn't show such a gesture, right?

Suddenly, Rias woke up with a strange look in her eyes.

It seems that for Zhi Tou Cana, this is not just a family member.

It's no wonder that before he knew that Su Mu had a divine weapon on his body, Zhi Quocang decided to make him his vassal.

If you think about it this way, the act of grabbing yourself like this is really a bit inauthentic.

Of course, even if she did it all over again, Rias would not regret her decision.

"Okay, since it's the invitation of President Cang Na, I naturally won't refuse it abruptly." Su Mu nodded.

Su Mu still had a lot of affection for the demon girl named Zhique Canna, or Canna Sidi in front of her.

And...the favorability level you brushed yourself, naturally you can't just ignore it.

Although she no longer needs her to help him reincarnate into a demon, it is impossible for such a beautiful girl to say that Su Mu will not have any thoughts in her heart.

All in all, Su Mu's favorability towards Zhi Quocang Na was far higher than that of Rias.

"It seems that if you want to win Su Mu with Cang Na, it will be quite difficult."

Looking at the closed activity room door, Himejima Akeno showed a slightly wicked smile on his face.

Those teasing eyes glanced at Rias' cheek.

After all, this is Rias's rare shameful appearance.

When in front of outsiders, she still needs to give Rias face.

But now neither Su Mu nor Zhi Quocangna are here, it's my own people here, so naturally there is no need to be so restrained.

Mingming finally made up his mind and confidently went to cut the beard from his friend, but he did not expect to be rejected.

"Shut up." Rias rolled her eyes and said unceremoniously, "Although he rejected me, he also did not agree to Sona's invitation. This does not mean that I still have a chance. ?"

"That's not necessarily true. In my opinion, Cang Na has far more chances than you."

Akeno Himejima didn't care at all about Rias's angered expression, or was not used to it.

This soft black-haired woman with a dark belly smile on her face slowly shook her fingers and spoke in a natural tone.

"According to my observation just now, Canna seems to have a good impression of Su Mu. If it goes well, it is not impossible to develop into a lover in the future."

"With such a relationship, then Su Mu is more willing to become a dependent of a classmate than you, is it the most normal thing?"


Before Himejima Akeno's words were finished, the sound of something being crushed suddenly sounded in the activity room.

Akeno Himejima, who was still teasing Rias just now, stopped her words.

Whether it was Rias or Himejima Akeno, they instantly turned their gazes towards the direction from which the voice came.

Tower City Kitten.

Because of Himejima Akeno's words just now, her hand subconsciously exerted force and accidentally crushed a handful of potato chips that she had just grabbed in her hand.

"I'm sorry, Minister, Himejima-senpai, I'm a little rude."

The Tacheng kitten took a deep breath and stood up, with the same indifferent expression on his face as before.

"Now that the lunch break is almost over, I'll go back to the classroom first."

As she said, she put the potato chip crumbs in her hand directly into her mouth, then patted the remaining powder on her hand, got up and left.

"Hey, Juno."

Looking blankly at the door that was closed by the Tacheng kitten, Rias silently turned her gaze to Himejima Akeno with a thief smile on her face, and suddenly reacted.

"What you said just now must have been deliberately said to the kitten, right?"

"Of course it is."

Akeno Himejima's tone was lively, but there was a hint of black belly in it.

"Don't you feel that Kitten is too lack of initiative on weekdays? Mingming and Su Mu are almost a year old, and I also have a good impression of Su Mu, but I haven't been able to win him yet. "

"Obviously, the kitten is so cute, as long as she can use her appearance advantages, and Su Mu seems to like the kitten very much. As long as she can take the initiative, then it is probably not a big problem?".

Chapter 40 Cang Na's Apology


Seeing Himejima Akeno's expression of wanting to watch a good show, Rias was suddenly speechless.

It was obvious that Tacheng Kitten had a good impression of Su Mu, and she deliberately said something in front of her, such as Su Muhui and Zhi Quocang's becoming lovers.

It is normal for kittens to feel dissatisfied.

"Are you trying to use the kitten to win over classmate Su Mu?"

Rias rolled her eyes and asked speechlessly.

"I won't rule it out, there is this factor." Akeno Himejima said quite calmly, "After all, even if you delay your engagement, it won't be delayed for long. That Lesa Phoenix who made an engagement with you. , it's not a waste master."

"Student Su Mu was able to defeat the lost demon at the intermediate level demon level directly and easily when he just awakened the divine artifact, and his strength may have been able to compete with the superior demon. After being reincarnated as a demon, it will take a while to have a real superior demon. The strength is probably also easy."

"If you can win classmate Su Mu to become your dependent, then if you want to break the marriage contract at that time, it can also increase the chance of success."

"I know this." Rias rolled her eyes. "Otherwise, why do you think I risked breaking up with Cang Na to compete for the candidate she has long been interested in."

"Ahhhh, but if you continue like this, you will definitely fail." Himejima Akeno spread his hands, "After all, what I said just now wasn't a lie. Judging from Canna's appearance, it was obvious that I have a good impression of classmate Su Mu for a long time. In this case, if the two really become lovers in the future and have such a relationship, how can you compete with classmate Cang Na?"

Since it was the party that Zhi took Cang, he himself went into battle.

So, it shouldn't be too much to send a Tacheng kitten here, right?

It's just that she might not be happy to say these things directly to Tacheng Kitten.

Therefore, it is better to stimulate her and let the kitten have a sense of urgency and take the initiative.

"And, after all, this matter is also for the kitten."

A slightly dark belly appeared on Akeno Himejima's face.

"Although I was inciting the kitten to let her take the initiative, but everything I said is true."

"Obviously I have a deep affection for others, but I am embarrassed to take the initiative to attack because of face problems, and finally watch the person I like being taken away by others."

"As a kitten of a lovely younger generation, if faced with such a sad ending, even I can't help crying."

Rias glanced at Yuto Kiba, who was sitting in the same place with her eyes closed and seemed to have heard nothing.

Then, he glanced at Himejima Akeno, who was watching the fun with his face full of words.

Finally, she shook her head gently, not knowing what to say.

However, it is undeniable that what Himejima Akeno said just now is indeed correct.

She encouraged Tacheng Kitten to take the initiative to attack, whether it was beneficial to the entire Supernatural Research Department or Kitten herself.


Rias still had some doubts in her heart.

"According to Kitten's character, can I win Canna? I'm a little worried about this!"

She sighed softly and said the words subconsciously.

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno's face was slightly stunned, and then it was quickly replaced by a playful expression.

"Alara? Rias, are you worried about this? Actually, I'm a little worried too."

The girl with the style of Yamato Nadeko smiled, her delicate black hair swaying slightly.

"I don't think it's very likely that Kitten wants to beat Sona. Why don't you do it like this, Rias, how about you join in? In this way, you can form an offensive and defensive alliance with Kitten, and you won't lose to Sona. That's it."

"Shut up, Bear Pleasure."

Rias pouted and glanced at the ups and downs in front of Himejima Akeno.

"If you want to seduce boys, Zhu Nai, your figure is the best weapon, right? If so, let you seduce Su Mu instead of me."

"Ah, ah, this is not acceptable." Himejima Akeno slowly shook the fan in his hand with a happy expression, "I already said that I will always follow you, Rias. If you are willing to seduce you first If he says it, then I would be willing to follow."

"Tsk." Rias glanced at her contemptuously.

This guy is also a strong mouth king, a master tactician.

In fact, real-world experience is still equal to zero.

However, are we going to seduce classmate Su Mu together...

Rias shook her head again and again.

No, no, I want to get a powerful family just for the sake of breaking the marriage contract. Now if I put myself in because of recruiting family members, wouldn't the cart be put before the horse?

And the Tacheng kitten, who ran out a long time ago, did not know the conversation between his two seniors.

At this moment, her golden pupils were flickering with indefinite light, her back was slightly curved, and she walked like a nimble cat.

Tacheng Kitten, join the hunt tonight! .

Chapter 41 Cang Na thinks it's not enough!

The Tacheng kitten walked out of the gate of the old school building where the Supernatural Research Department was located, with a slightly curved back, and the pace between walking was like a sensitive cat.

In the pair of golden pupils, there was an indefinite light flashing.

At this time, she was like a hunter chasing after her prey.

The nostrils moved slightly, recognizing the smell remaining in the air.

"Student Su Mu, is still the president of the withdrawal——"

The Tacheng kitten pursed his lips lightly.

"I don't know what President Zhikuo wants to say to Su Mujun, but I'm always a little worried, so let's take a look."

The girl raised her hand and touched her silver hair, and said to herself.

"Sure enough, I still hope that Su Mu can join the Supernatural Research Department..."

As she whispered softly in her mouth, she chased after the remaining scent.

Although I always feel that I am at this moment, I don't seem to have any position to interfere with Su Mu's affairs.

However, the Tacheng kitten chased after him subconsciously.

"H's guy."

"Fake guy."

"Always like to do one face to face and one behind the other."

When she saw Su Mu for the first time, she could feel that this guy had another bad idea.

This impression, even now, has not changed in the slightest.

Cursing like this, the Tacheng kitten, who was chasing after the smell, was not slow at all.

Although this guy is such a bad person, Tacheng Kitten doesn't want him to be taken away by others.

Even if it is similar to the minister, the successor of the Sidi family of the demon clan is not enough.

Or, not even Minister Rias.

Then, the Tacheng kitten stopped, and the beast-like eyes narrowed slightly.

It is not that he has caught up, or that he has given up and continued to catch up.

However, from this place, the smell just now stopped.

The breath seems to have been deliberately cleaned up, and this method is obviously aimed at himself.
