
Dxd: The Tormented one

A Tormented soul wakes up in a familiar reality to start a new. ... you know the drill. English ain't my first language, and the following series or games mentioned are not my property. and the cover art source: brianna ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Daan_the_writer · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

A fight broke out


A word that envokes feeling of warmth, and safety. We humans, in our darkest time always come back to that word. Through all our pain and suffering, we always somehow make room for kindness even if it's a speck of dust compare to suffocating darkness of reality.

Our suffering is an indication of all our flaws as a being of life. We humans seems to be one of the only life that's aware of its end.

Morbid thoughts of death lingers in our life. Always reminding us that our time here is limited.

It's cruel. Our mind hold extreme potential but we are given a finite amount time to choice, and if we find out our purpose, it's already too late.

Through all this, one cannot help but be angered to the being who created us and put us here, and only giving cryptic instructions disguise as guidance. And if we even try to understand, we twisted what's already been distorted. Causing disagreement on what's right or wrong, then this discrepancy leds to fighting and destruction.

But... there's those few. Who, through all the pain, is able to lean their help and act as a bridge to help us understand each other.

Those people, who sacrifice both mind, body and spirit, to make this fragmented world a better place.

But, our cruelty knows no bounds. Even them is afflicted with this unbiased, indiscriminate brutality. Extinguishing that already small flame.

Across this sea of despair, those who cry out will only be meet by more despair.

Yet we still preveil no matter what. This persistence, no, stubbornness is what drives us to achieve the outcome we desire.

Whether it be good, or bad.


Stalking them is quite easy due to my abilities, the problem is enduring Issei's awkward attempt to know her more.

Talking, body language. All of it is squirmish; don't know what I expect he's merely a boy after all.

The girl on the other hand... let's just she's quite manipulative. Using all of the awkwardness of Issei to her advantage.

This is one of the few monster I've meet that's this patient towards its prey; just like a snake.

I've slapped my forehead a couple of times watching Issei's sad attempt to use the notebook I gave him.

The boy don't know how to properly execute the advice in the notebook.


Well no matter. The date is almost over anyway. And they're already back at the park again.




The two spent 20 minutes walking

"Come one..." I intently watch the two, waiting for a hint of hostility on the girl.

It's already sunset, the surrounds are getting gradually and as the two walk together, holding hands, mine twitching for any sudden attempt at agression.

"Listen Issei-kun," the two stopped at the front of the water fountain.

/I feel a sudden stillness in the air./

I draw the string of my bow, "To commemorate our first date..." the girl got closer to Issei.

/My fingers twitch in instinct, and my grip on my bow tightens/

"Would you mind doing something for me?" The girl question.

Issei face is red, and a stupid grin widened. The boy's excited.

"W-what is it you'd like?" Issei awkwardly asked, the girl blushing distracted Issei it seems.

"Would you die for me?"

/My pupils dilated, but I resist to shoot/

My grip hardened further, to the it could crush a human bone.

"E-eh, Yuma-chan did yo- hehe, sorry Yuma-chan could you repeat that?" Issei pinky tried clean his ears, "My ears seems to have a problem, heheh... "

The girl closed to Issei's ear, grinning she repeats, "Would you die for me?"


The figure of the girl burst into a purple hue, blinding for a second. But I was able to regain my version instantly.

Issei fall on the ground, as eerie laughter echoed through out the park, and the ske was replaced by a corrupted purple.

Fixing composure, I pointed the tip of the cursed arrow towards the now winged raven haired girl.

The aura she exude, it's different from all the other monster I've come across. This blending light and darkness, creating a paradoxical feeling. But, my eyes did not leave her direction for even a second as I intensely stare her dead straight on the eye.

"It's been fun, hanging around with you for this short time" she continues, "Playing along with your childish, and naive manner."

Her eyes glimmers in sadistic manner, " I will treasure this little thing you brought for me' and so..."

She put her arms, open palm towards Issei direction. A red glows at the center, and suddenly a spear the emits killing intent formed.

Issei still dumfounded, manage to articulate his thoughts to talk.


"Time to die~"

But before she could throw the spear, Yuma's left vision suddenly darkened.

And warm liquid flows down her cheek. Touching the her face, her fingers stained with blood.

"What?" Yuma perplexed voice hits Issei ears.

Issei was shocked also, but paler then normal, he tries to point something on Yuma's face.

"W-w-w-w" Issei struggled to formulate a word.

Yuma slowing realizing what occured, her distorted in a mix terror and rage. The arrow falls down but no blood gass out

"Wh-" she inhale, "Who... DARRRRRRES!!???"

The park shook a little due to the intensity of her shout.

Yuma head keeps darting around competely ignoring the now unconscious Issei.

/The sound of the air being cut/

Yuma is still a monster so of course, a cursed arrow will matter that much.

She dodge the incoming arrows, but the more I shot, the more I reveal my position.

"COME OUT YOU WORM!" she shouted.

Realizing that the cursed arrows will not work anymore, I put the bow back to my shadow, and fished out the curved blade.

Using the shadow as a camouflage, I jumped using the trees getting closer to her.

Removing the veil of darkness that masked my aura, I reavel my energy; letting it freely flow in the air.

She manifested another spear, but this time she sadisticly grinned, "There you are little worm!"

She throw the spear, but I easily dodge the predictable attack.

Reaching swords reach, I inhaled air, I swung with killing intent.

/The air is being decapitated/

She widen her eyes, but it seems she has seconds to block.

/Sound of metal clashing, skin to a gun shot/

She struggled to maintain her composure, as my inhumane strength slowly cracked the ethereal spear.

/Our eyes met, her's of rage and desperation, mind of uncanny calmness/

"Why would being of your strength, meddles with a human child?" I questioned the panting girl.

Of course, it has something to do with the Longinus that resides in Issei, but to actually outright attempt of neutralization of host carrying a dragon; it's something else.

A pointed the tip of the eastern sword at her.

"Do you think humans are that weak?" I questioned again, "The way you speak, you're playing with your pray."

I don't need to use sigils to kill her, the sword is enough. And, frankly I don't want to kill her yet.

Information is invaluable, when dealing with this type of beings; staying Ignorant is suicide.

"Why do you care swordsman?" She said, using some sort of spell to hell the eye I shot, "You think you can handle me? Ha! Don't make me laugh you miserable insect!"

So, she's one of those huh. Too prideful for their own good, unwilling to ground themselves.

I hate those types.

Without saying any words, I dashed holding the same position for my sword.

But again, she's still have time to dodge.

"Doing it twice won't work, you cockro-" I kicked her on the liver.

The force of my kick sends her flying for few meters, like a stone with throw it to river, she skips when she hits the ground, eventually she crushed to the waterfall. She was not able to stand up immediately.

Using the time I have, I distance Issei unconscious body away from the fight.

Focusing my attention back to her. I dashed towards the collisoned.

/She's foaming/

I guess I kicked too hard.

Eh, no matter prefect chance to capture and question her.

I double tap her, making sure she's completely knock out.

/The sound of space splitting/

I noticed a circle with some symbol forming right at the center where Issei where knocked out.

A familiar red-headed girl pop out into existence, at the center of what can I call pentagon shape sigil.

"Hmm~ fancy meeting you her Kurushime-kun," Rias said.

Noticing something she continues, "Where's that boy?" She point her finger at his lower lip.

"Boy? Oh, you mean Issei," I did not lower my sword, "What business you have with my classmate Rias Gremory?"

Rias only smiles at my obvious cautious questions, "Oh, nothing much, I've just taking a liking to him~"

/I flare my energy a bit/

Putting power to my words, "Do you really think I believe that Rias."

Rias seem to deflate a little, "No need to be that guarded Kurushime-kun, I mean no harm," she said, "I'm here to ask Issei to join peerage."

A peerage? That's new word I've heard, "Peerage? What's that?"

Rias seem to be surprised, as she widen her eyes just a little, "You do not know what peerage is, Kurushime-kun?"

Before I could speak Rias continues, "Well that's a surprise, I assume a person of your caliber would know what that is, I guess not everyone is the same. Well Kurushime-kun, a peerage is basically a group."

She intentionally left the last part out, "A group of what exactly?"

She giggles, "Assuming you've seen me use a portal, I think you're already aware that I'm not human..."

/No shit/

Suddenly two pairs of raven black wing spurted out Rias back, flapping it Rias talks, "I'm a devil of the house Gremory, specifically their heir."


Rias is rather perplexed by the lack of reaction, "You don't know what that is do you?" She asked in realization.

"Yes, and frankly I don't care," Rias eye twitches after hearing that.

"What I care right now, is question that girl over there," I pointed the Bruce girl, "And, what you have to do with this whole fiasco."

"And when I find you have malicious intent, I'm gonna gut you like a pig."

"Calm down, Kurushime-kun as I said before, I mean no harm, I'm merely asking Issei to join my peerage." She talked.

"And when he don't agree, what would do next? Force him," I stated.

"Not really, it's his choice," Rias clapped back.

Now, how many I've heard that before?

"Really now? Coming from a devil I see no reason to trust you."

"I guess we just to wait for Issei to wake up then," Rias said monotone tone.

I guess she's right, and I guess, I need her for questioning too.