
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime und Comics
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125 Chs

The Begining


I feel Cold.

I opened my eyes. I was laying on something white.


Why am I laying in snow?

"OH, you poor thing. You won't live for much longer"

A girl. The voice of a young girl.

"Well since you have come this far it must be fate and you have a sword-type Sacred Gear. Very well.

In the name of Rias Gremory. I revive you as my KNIGHT. Now rise and live for my sake as my servant."

I feel something entering my chest. I'm starting to feel sleepy.

No, I still have questi...


I find myself in a run-down room with many beds,

images start to show on the walls, like those old movie projectors.

I see kids, lots of kids, and a nun. An orphanage? A church?

Are these memories? They are not mine.

On the images, I see the reflection in the mirror. A young boy with blue eyes and blond hair.

"Isaiah time for lunch" the nun calls out.


I know that word. It's Hebrew for Saviour or God's Salvation depending on the meaning.

He must have been named by the people at the Church,

I see through his life. They were happy. They didn't have much but they had each other,

But then tragedy struck.

Men from another church came and started doing tests on kids. The ones who tested positive were taken away. For the 'Holy Sword Project'

Under the supervision of Viper Galilei.

The children were experimented on. Something was being extracted from them.

When they got what they wanted from the kids. The experiment was deemed a failure. It was decided to 'clean' the test site.

The children were poisoned via gas first then burned to ashes.

Isaiah's friends sacrificed themselves to stall the guards so he could escape.

He ran as far as he could but eventually succumbed to the poison. In his dying breath, he prayed to any Deity listening to him. he didn't care for the price. He wanted revenge on those who killed his friends.

The next thing was a supprised for me. Inside his mind, there was a cold voice. it sounded like something out of a horror movie.

'Are you willing to sacrifice your soul? Do you wish to kill them that much?'

'Yes. Anything. Everything,' young Isaiah screamed out in his mind

'Very well. I shall take your soul and send a warrior to take revenge in your place. You may watch as he decimates those responsible'

Isaiah's Memories stop there. And mine Begin.

The church disappears and I appear back in one of my apartments.

'You have died in battle. You wished for a second chance at life. I'm giving it to you. The price is to take revenge on those that have wronged young Isaiah. Do you accept?'

The same cold voice asked me this time.

This is a no-brainer. I'm not letting a second chance slip through my fingers. I can deal with the rest later.

' I agree'

'Very well. Here is information on this world. And who you must kill.'

As soon as the voice finished talking. I suddenly had access to new memories. It was a weird feeling. Like it just appeared inside my mind.

~A few hours later

Okay, I get the gist now. DxD World.

Gods. Angels. Fallen. Devils. And all the other pantheons. Mixed together to form a fan service anime, that is basically soft-porn.

The light novel was far more useful and had more information. Fanfictions too.

Well this is gonna be hard.

My targets are all the people involved with this. I get the church officials, they are corrupted bastards. But the Pope and a few Angels are involved as well. Everybody is on the hit list. Some of those Angels serve directly under Archangel Uriel. The Holy Flame.

Killing them is a good reason to start a war. I mean it's like killing Grefiya or Rias in cold blood in front of Serzehs. Every Angel is at least 1000 years old. That depends on their generation. So killing Ureil's commanders. Who he has led through the Great War. and considers them like brothers. Which they are anyway, But they mean a lot more to him than any other commanders

So war is inevitable. That is.. If I'm caught.

This is gonna be a pain. But for a chance at a second life. It has to be done.

Well Cheers to my new life in a Harem World, where you could die one minute and not even know why.

*Cough* ' Ophis' *Cough*

What could go wrong...


"Why isn't he waking up?" a red-haierd girl whines impatiently

"Calm down Rias. He was in pretty bad shape when you found him. So let him wake up naturally" the tall redheaded man put a hand on her shoulder and smiled gently.

"Will Blondy be ok?" a small shy white-haired girl answered in a very low voice.

" I'm pretty sure he will be fine. And Rias will take good care of him like she takes good care of us. isn't that right Koneko-chan" a girl with a similar height to Rias answers. She has Violet hair and violet eyes.

" I just can't help but worry Akeno. He has been unconscious for 3 days. It never takes this long. And don't you try to convince me otherwise Serzechs-nii-san" Rias said while pacing inside the room

"Well Rias all we can do is wai-" "Oh he is waking up " Akeno was interrupted by Serzechs voice, as he is much more powerful than them he sensed it first.

"Really" Rias jumped in excitement and rushed to the bed

The boy groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"You are finally awake, you had us worried" Rias says with a bright smile

The boy looked at her, then at each person inside the room.

"Where am I? Who are You?" the boy asks in a monotone voice, which made Serzehs lift his eyebrow. That was not normal

"You are in the underworld, in my house. And I am Rias Gremory. Your new Master. What's your name?"

The boy stared at her for almost half a minute before answering

"My name is Isaiah. And what do you mean by Master?"


Word Count 1030

I think it turned out pretty well all things considered.

For an idea that happened because my brain doesn't know the meaning of chill out and focus on one fanfic. It's not that bad.

Btw she got Akeno, Koneko, Yuuto and Gasper in that order. I don't know how old they are. But I'm going to guess Yuuto 8. Rias and Akeno 9, while Koneko was 6-7, can't remember for her.

Redheaded or Red-haired?

'Kiba Yuuto' means 'Horse-Rider'

Koneko Toujo- Koneko= Kitten, Toujo= Castle, in reference to her being the Rook

Real original there Rias

Release date on Webnovel. 16/11/2022


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