

Kuoh Academy's students slowly trickled into the school, and a bespectacled girl greeted them all at the entrance. She had a petite body with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. Like all the other girls, she wore the school uniform, which consisted of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt, a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape with a matching button-down corset, and finally, a magenta skirt, which was so short, it might as well not have been included.

All in all, Sona Shitori looked very attractive in her school uniform and would've been even more beautiful if she allowed herself to smile. Though her stern expression did also suit her quite well.

As the President of the Student Council, Sona had taken it upon herself to greet the students and make sure they were all following the rules on their first day. She also had another reason to be at the entrance, which was meeting with any transferred students. This year, they had only one of those.

Yami Atem. Sona had double-checked all the information they had on him, making sure she knew who she was meeting. Yami was born to a Japanese mother and an Egyptian father. He was raised in Egypt for his first eight years before the Atem family started moving around.

Every year, they would move to a different country, and he would get transferred to a new school. Yami had always been at the top of his class and had good behavior. Obviously, he wasn't the reason the family kept switching countries annually.

It almost seemed as if the family was running away from someone. Judging by how his parents had been killed in an unspecified 'accident' a few months ago, she was able to make her own assumptions. This just reeked of the supernatural, and Sona wondered which faction was after them and why?

Finally, Sona saw Yami, and boy, was she surprised. She knew how he was supposed to look from a few pictures she had, but he was something else. Yami was at least a head taller than her with quite the unique hair color, which apparently, was all-natural. His face was a mixture of delicate and rough, making him quite handsome. And his body? He was filling out his uniform quite nicely, and the buttons on his shirt looked ready to burst out. He might need to get a new uniform soon, judging by that.

That wasn't even the least of it. Sona felt his energy flowing out of his body. Yami either couldn't control it properly or didn't care about broadcasting it to everyone around him. He was strong for a human, that much she was sure of with just a single glance.

"Yami Atem?" Sona knew it was him, but she asked so she could gather her thoughts. She might need to make a more in-depth investigation of the new student later on.

"That's me," Yami nodded to her with a charming smile.

"A pleasure to meet you, Atem-san. I'm Sona Shitori, President of the Student Council. I've been waiting for you, so I can show you around the school and explain the rules you will have to follow," Sona said with a slight bow.

"Responsible, intelligent, and beautiful. A better person couldn't have been picked for the job. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Shitori-san," Yami replied with a bow of his own.

"Flattery won't get you any bonus points with me," Sona said, but her lips curved upward ever so slightly. Her responsibility and intelligence were two traits she prided herself with. But her looks? That was a different story, especially with how many attractive girls attended Kuoh Academy. Hearing him call her beautiful made her happy, not that she was going to show it.

"As long as I can get you to smile, it will be worth it," Yami replied with his charming smile, and she turned around, trying to hide the raising of her lips.

"Kuoh Academy has high standards, and I'm sure you will fit well here," Sona said as she started walking, "I've checked your previous grades, and you have always been at the top of your class. The same will be expected from you here."

Sona started telling him about the school and its rules, which she seemed to know at the top of her head. Yami followed after her while trying to keep his head straight to the best of his capabilities. It was hard, very much at that.

When Saji had told him the girls had to wear short skirts, he hadn't imagined they will be this short! If the wind blew them even slightly, they would raise up, revealing what the girls wore underneath.

Thankfully, Yami saw something that distracted his gaze from wandering. It was very close to the entrance of the building, which surprised him a bit.

[Small Fiend Gathering]

There was a portal right there. Yami was happy to see it since he had cleared the first part of the other three he knew of. Though, it wasn't in the best of locations. He can't just run up and enter it in front of so many people, so he would have to be smart about it. At least he knew where it was.

As the two walked around the school, Yami noticed more than a few girls shooting him appraising looks, gazing him up and down. Most looked away when he caught them looking, but a few were bold enough to wink and smirk at him.

On their walk, another bespectacled girl... woman greeted them. She had long, straight black hair that extended all the way down to her knees, heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye. She was slightly taller than Sona and had a woman's body, with a shapely figure and huge assets.

"Atem-san, this is Tsubaki Shinra. She is also part of the Student Council and will show you around the school after the first break," Sona introduced her and stared intently at Yami.

"A pleasure to meet you, Shinra-san. I'm Yami Atem," he introduced himself, and Sona didn't even realize she faintly smiled.

Yami called her beautiful when he saw her, but he didn't do the same with Tsubaki, who Sona believed was better looking than her. That made her feel much better.

"If you have any questions, you can direct them to Tsubaki, or you can save them for later, and visit me at the Student Council room during lunch break," Sona said.

"I will have to take you up on your offer, Shitori-san," Yami replied with a smile.

Sona did her best to keep her face neutral. 'Don't smile. Don't smile. Do not smile.'

Yami chose to come to her rather than bother Tsubaki, which boosted her self-esteem. He also looked at her right in the eyes when he spoke to her with his captivating violet orbs. She was still a bit wary of him, but he was making it hard for her.

Sona would try to dig out whatever other information she could find on him before lunch, but she was already considering asking Yami to join her peerage. She had her eyes on Genshirou Saji and planned on offering him a spot, but... Yami seemed much better, especially so when he was already pretty strong.

The only other problem was that Sona's best friend and rival, Rias, might try to do the same. She had to admit that the Gremory heiress looked way more attractive than her and will probably have a higher chance of recruiting him.

"We are in the same class," Sona said as she led the way to their classroom, "Classes are about to start shortly, and you would have to wait outside for a moment. The teacher will call you out in a bit and introduce you to the rest."

"Thank you for showing me around, Shitori-san. I will visit you during lunch break, as long as you don't mind me," Yami nodded with a smile as the two entered the room while he stayed outside.

The moment they were gone, he massaged his lips. His body was just not used to smiling for so long, but it was worth it. Ddraig hinted that they probably were already aware he wasn't exactly normal, so it was better to have friendly relations with them.

"... we have a new transfer student this year."

And this was his cue to enter. Yami walked inside and stopped in front of the students. There wasn't a single boy in the class, and most of them were girls, with a few women among them. There was just no other way to describe them, considering their shapely figures.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Yami Atem," he said with a bow before looking up. They all seemed to be expecting something else from him, so he figured he might as well use this opportunity.

"I'm still adjusting to your customs, so forgive me if I offend you by mistake. And if it isn't too uncomfortable, I would appreciate it if you address me with my first name as I'm used to that."

"Thank you, Atem-san," the brown-haired teacher said and turned to the class, "If you have any questions for Atem-san, feel free to ask them before we begin the class."

"How often do you work out?"

"Is your hair natural?"

"Where are you from?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Are you looking for a girlfriend?"

That wasn't what he was expecting, but he still answered the questions, "I workout daily. Yes, my hair is natural. I was born in Egypt, and no, I don't have a girlfriend."

They were about to ask him more questions, but the teacher quickly stopped them, "That's about all the time we have for questions, so Atem-san, why don't you sit next to Ichika-san."

The teacher pointed at a brown-haired girl, who had a slight blush as she was the one that asked if he was looking for a girlfriend. Ichika squirmed a little as Yami sat down next to her and blushed even harder.

The class started with a revision from last year, and Yami couldn't help but notice how easy it felt to him. Yes, he had already gone through school once before, but this was different. He just absorbed all of the information like a sponge and processed it instantly. He didn't bother dwelling on it too much as it worked in his favor. Wasting his time on studying and homework was something he wished to avoid, after all.

When class ended, Tsubaki walked over to him, "Yami-san, follow me, please. I will show you where the various clubs are and explain each one to you as you are obliged to join one within a month."

"Thank you, Shinra-san," Yami replied with a smile.

"You can just call me Tsubaki if you are more comfortable with that," she replied with a smile of her own.

"Thank you for your understanding, Tsubaki-san," Yami bowed slightly to her.

Tsubaki showed him the various clubs while he kept repeating in his head, 'Be nice, keep smiling, and play your role.'

As they walked around the school, Yami saw a bespectacled girl, with brown hair tied into braids on each side, staring right at his crotch. Unlike most other girls, who were only dressed in their school uniform, she also wore black stockings.

Looking at bare legs was enjoyable, but there was just something special about girls who wore stockings. Maybe it was a fetish of his, but he really liked it.

The girl marched over to Yami with slightly reddened cheeks. Her gaze never left his crotch until she reached him, and she struck a pose by placing her hands on her hips.

"How you doing?" She asked while biting her lips.

Meanwhile, after Sona left the classroom, the buxom red-haired beauty known as Rias followed after her.

"Sooo..." Rias started with a playful smirk, "Is our new transfer student the reason you entered the classroom with a blush on your face. I never thought I'd see that from you, Sona."

"Shut it, Rias," Sona replied, looking away from her best friend.

"Is that a blush I see, Sona," Rias jumped in front of her, "Ohhh, you look so cute."

"Enough, Rias," Sona said, still looking away from her best friend.

"Anyway, you felt it right?" Rias then asked.

"Of course, I did. Yami is definitely strong, but I'm not sure exactly how much," Sona replied.

"Hmmm," Rias hummed, "Brother contacted me a few days ago that we might get a new transfer student and to not antagonize or bother him too much."

"Sirzechs knows something about Yami?" Sona asked in interest.

"He didn't tell me much, but he didn't say I can't try recruiting him," Rias smirked.

"Haa," Sona sighed, "I know your current predicament, so I will give you the opportunity to be first, but if Yami refuses, he is free game."

Rias playfully grinned at her, "Naughty, naughty. Didn't you tell me you were interested in that blonde, second-year student? Or have you fallen for the hot new guy?"

"Rias!" Sona looked away.

"I don't blame you," Rias shrugged her shoulders, "He is pretty hot. For a moment there, I thought the buttons on his shirt were about to burst out. And his hair, it's pretty exotic, I gotta say."

Sona didn't respond, and Rias giggled at her, "Okay, okay. I won't tease you anymore, but remember, you promised I get the first chance of recruiting him."

Classes passed one by one, and he noticed that Rias was staring at him with hungry, almost greedy-looking eyes. If Yami remembered correctly, Rias was one of the Devils in Kuoh and a love interest for the main protagonist. He wondered how that will play out now.

Rias would probably try to recruit him, and Yami was already prepared for that. Ddraig had hinted at him that he wasn't able to control his energy and hide it, so the Devils in the school were probably aware he wasn't a regular human already.

If, no, when Rias tried recruiting him, Yami planned to refuse her. He already told Ddraig so, and there was nothing the red-haired beauty could do to change his mind.

During the breaks, Tsubaki showed Yami the various clubs in the school. The braided girl, Aika Kiryuu, always followed after them, staring intently at his crotch with a drool.

If Tsubaki hadn't been with him, Yami would've pulled Aika into one of the bathrooms to satisfy his urges. She seemed quite interested in his crotch, and he didn't mind showing it to her.

An intriguing thing Yami found in the school was another portal at the Kendo Club. So, far there were two portals in the school, which was quite surprising. Then again, it was one of the central locations in the anime, if he remembered correctly. He should've paid more attention to the plot than the sexy girls.

[Small Warrior Arena]

Warriors cards would be useful to him as some of them could be able to assist him with his fighting technique. Though most of them would probably use some kind of weapon, which he would need to purchase. At least he had solved his current money issues due to his nightly activities.

A question also came to his mind when Yami thought about Warrior cards. What would happen if one of them died but lost its weapon before that?

Would the weapon disappear as well? He would have to test that out.

During the lunch break, Yami walked over to the Student Council room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a girl called out from within.

Yami entered and was met with a room full of girls. It seemed Saji hadn't been invited yet. He met up with the blonde during one of his breaks, and they talked for a bit. Saji also looked to be in a bit of pain. If Yami wasn't wrong, it was due to the life force the blonde was being granted each day from Snatch Steal. He wasn't sure how long Saji had to live if that was the case.

Saji had been pretty nice to him ever since they met, but Yami had to ask himself, was it worth saving the blonde? Yami could probably do it if he drained a bit of the blonde's excess life force with Absorption Line. But again, was it worth it?

"Thank you for having me, Shitori-san," Yami said with his charming smile.

"It's... my pleasure," Sona said, trying to look anywhere but his face. A few of the girls giggled at her reaction, but she shot them a glare, and they quickly shut up.

"Would you like to play a game of chess while we talk?" Sona asked, "I find chess to be quite relaxing."

"Sure, I haven't played in a long while, so please take it easy on me," Yami sat down and agreed with her offer.

Sona quickly placed a board on her desk and readied the pieces before asking, "Is there any questions that you have."

"A few," Yami nodded, "They are mostly about the clubs, and I also might need a new uniform soon."

Yami asked away, and Sona replied to him like a professional. They talked about quite a few clubs, but he had already made his mind on the Kendo one since it will give him easy access to the Warrior portal.

Their chess game lasted the entire lunch break, which surprised Yami. He really hadn't played in a while and was pretty sure that he wasn't good at it, so that left only one option.

"Thank you for going easy on me, Sona-san," Yami said. She had allowed him to call her by her first name after they started talking.

"I didn't go easy on you," Sona replied, but she didn't even dare look at him in his eyes.

"Please, you are far too intelligent, and you knew what you were doing. I'm sure you could've ended the game in just a few moves, but you delayed it to not make me look too bad."

Sona didn't reply, as she really could've ended the game wayy sooner.

"Again, thank you for going easy on me, but I promise to work on my chess skills and beat you in the future," Yami said before leaving. He didn't like losing at whatever it was, so he really planned on beating her in the future. After he makes sure was no longer in danger of dying, that is.

Sona watched him leave, and the moment Yami left the room, her peerage surrounded her with playful smirks.

So... big question is, should Yami help Saji? Yay or nay?

Allgodcreators' thoughts
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