
DxD: I Got Saved by Ophis

Issei's parents are killed by orders of Kokabiel and he is left all alone. As he is about to get killed by the people who killed his parents Ophis comes to save him. He learns that he is the great-grandson of the Vanishing Dragon Albion and coincidentally has his sacred gear Divine Dividing and the strongest Vritra sacred gear.

cakemonster · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 11

Kalawarner began to fly towards Issei in an attempt to kill him by stabbing him with her light spears but Issei easily dodged each and very one of them with little effort.

[Why don't you use me to finish her?]

'There's no fun in that Vritra, plus I wanna know why she's even trying to kill me'

Issei continued to toy with her a bit more until he grabbed one of her light spears, destroying it, forcing her to make some distance between them.

"So why exactly are you trying to kill me?" He asked.

"Because you killed my sister!"


"Don't act as if you don't know you bastard! You killed her, YOU KILLED RAYNARE!"

"I think you're misinformed. I didn't kill her"

"Don't lie! Dohnaseek told me that you killed her, that's why she didn't come back last night!"

She charged at him with two more light spears in hand with even more killing intent than before. Right now she was in a state of pure rage.

(What now. Its obvious that she's not in a state to be reasoned with)

'The only thing left for me to do. I'm just going to flare some of my power to get her on the ground'

Issei flared barely even 5% of his total power and Kalawarner was instantly affected by the power. Her legs gave out and she fell on the ground, losing all will to fight she closed her eyes and awaited her fate.

Issei began to walk towards the downed Kalawarner and summoned a sword of shadows and had the tip of the blade scratch the ground.

"Just do it, end me so I can finally be reunited with my sister"

Issei raised his sword above of Kalawarners head to strike her down and finally swung it.


"W-what the?"

Kalawarner saw that Issei didn't stab her but instead dug his sword into the ground.

"Stand up you're not dying here today"

"You don't understand. I can't live without my sister!"

"If you die now you won't be reunited with her in the afterlife. She's alive and well so if you die here she will be alone"

"You're lying! There's no way that she can be alive, Dohnaseek said so!"

"Who are you going to believe, him or the person who saw her last?"

"How do I know that you're not lying so you can kill me later"

"I could have killed you earlier so what's the point" Issei reached his hand out waiting for her to accept it.

"F-fine but if you're lying i'm gonna kill you"

She took his hand and Issei used magic circle to teleport both him and Kalawarner were sent to his home to see Raynare. Something they were unaware of though, was that Kiba was watching the entire thing. He was completely shocked to feel the power that Issei showed off and wondered if he was holding anything back.

"I need to tell buchou about this"

[Issei's House]

Raynare was sitting on Issei's couch, watching tv while awaiting for the return of her Issei. That was when a magic circle appeared infront of her and she got into a defensive position because she didn't know who was going to come out of the portal. When she saw that Issei came out of it her defences dropped but it was the second person with him that surprised her.

"K-Kalawarner?" Raynare asked dumbfounded.

"RAYNARE!" Kalawarner exclaimed while crying in her arms. "I THOUGHT HE KILLED YOU!"

"You see? I didn't lie about killing her. At this point she's too special for me to let her die" Explained Issei.

Raynare immediately began to blush all over her face hearing what Issei said but then it hit her. "Who told you that I died?" Raynare asked.

"Dohnaseek did" Answered Kalawarner. "Dohnaseek told me that the kid you were sent to kill killed you last night"

[I sense some irony in this]

'Shut up Vritra'

"Excuse me from cutting into this reunion but what are you going to do now Kalawarner-san?" Issei asked.

"Dohnaseek lied to me about Raynares fate, he deserves to die" She said.

"So I assume that you will stay with Ray-san and I?"

"Yes. From now on I refuse to leave my sister alone"

"Very well. I'll go get a room set for the both of you while you catch up"

Issei walked out of the room and left the two Fallen sisters alone to talk over what has happened over the past few days. Kalawarner went over how angered she got when he told her that Raynare had been killed by the one she had been sent to eliminate and how Issei was easily able to incapacitate her with little effort and Raynare explained the special sacred gear that he has within him.

"Speaking of sacred gears, the nun had arrived earlier this morning" Explained Kalawarner.

"Already?" Asked Raynare. "She wasn't supposed to arrive until next week"

"I don't understand why she arrived so early but it made Dohnaseek have to change the plan and is making him change the day of the ritual to Wednesday"

"I'll assume that now that i'm gone he's going to take Twilight Healing for himself now, am I right?"

"Correct. He didn't think that neither myself nor Mittelt deserved it so he's gonna take it"

Raynare sat there thinking about what she was going to do until she finally decided about what needed to happen."We can't allow him to take Twilight Healing for himself. He needs to be taken care of!" Declared Raynare.

"I agree with you on that. He chose to lie to me about your death sister. He deserves to die" Agreed Kalawarner. "But who's going to kill him?"

"Oh that's easy, my Issei-sama is gonna kill him" Raynare said.

"Your boyfriend is gonna kill him?" Kalawarner teased.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Raynare exclaimed as she began to blush all over.

"Oh yes that's why you referred to him as your Issei-sama"

"That's not what I meant"

"Sure it isn't"

[Meanwhile with Issei]