
Chapter 3 Shin scratched his cheek.

Just like the anime did not do her looks justice, neither did it do her voice justice. Her voice was so naturally sultry, so sinful that it sent shivers down his spine. 'Honestly, I always kind of dislike Rias for her nerviness. But looking at her now, I don't think I can care about that anymore.' Just like any other human male, he had fallen victim to the commands of his second head.

However, he kept himself from blushing of showing any signs of his thoughts. After all, he had to make a good impression.

"Hello, my name is Rias Gremory. It is nice to meet you." Rias said, Shin, taking his seat and looking into her blue-green eyes.

"That's weird, I thought this school was for humans," Shin said, deciding to fuck with her a bit, relishing in the shocked look that overcame her face. "After all, I thought goddesses' were bound to heaven. At least, that's what the bible says." Shin continued before she could make any statement.

This instantly shot away her shocked look, being replaced by one of relief. Although Shin did take pride in the fact that there was a dusting of red along her cheeks.

"My name is Shin by the way. Shin Hyoudou." Shin smiled, causing Rias' blush to deepen. "Gremory? Isn't that a strong Duke of Jinnestan in demonology? That's a cool last name to have." Shin said, once again surprising Rias.

"Yes, you are correct. Not many people know that." Rias said, gaining an interest in the boy next to her.

"Well, I guess you could say I'm fascinated by the Supernatural. Demonology, Christianity, Norse, Greek, Shinto. They are all quite interesting to me." Shin said, lying straight out of his ass. However, he knew this would grab Rias' attention, something that would come in handy.

"Is that so?" Rias said, smiling that devilish smile of hers. It really took all Shin had not to give in and become flustered when he saw that smile. "Why is that?" Rias asked.

Shin scratched his cheek, trying to play his part to the best ability that he could. "I don't know, really. I guess, for some reason, I've always felt drawn to it. As if in some way, I'm connected to it." Shin said.

Shin smiled when he saw he had successfully piqued Rias' interest with his words. He worded it specifically to sound like he was a person unbeknownst to his supernatural stature. Without a doubt, she would now be keeping an eye on him, resulting in it easier for her to recognize his potential over the next year.

Whatever Rias was going to say next, however, was cut off when the teacher entered the class, drawing the attention of all the students.

It was now the end of class', and Shin was packing up all his stuff. Seeing Rias was getting up to leave, he purposefully knocked the pencil on the side of the desk on the floor. Rias, who had just stood up, took notice of the pencil and bent down to pick it up.

By the time she looked up however, Shin was already walking out the door of the classroom. Deciding she would just give it to him tomorrow, she picked up her stuff from her desk and left the classroom, her destination the ORC.

However, along the way of the ORC, she saw Shin again, sitting against a tree in a comfortable position with his eyes closed. He seemed to be meditating.

This provided her the perfect opportunity. If Shin was meditating, then it will be easier for her to sense a sacred gear in him if he has one. Closing her eyes, she focused on Shin's life essence, feeling it out. For a second, she could feel something inside him, but it was gone just as quick as she felt it, not giving her the chance to get a read on what it was.

Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see Shin right in front of her, staring at her. This caused her step back warily, her face flushed red.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that I felt someone near me while I was meditating. I was surprised to see you there, just looking at me with your eyes closed." Shin said, scratching the back of his head.

Rias relaxed, so that was why whatever she felt inside of him disappeared so quickly because he had stopped meditating to see who was near him. However, the fact that she couldn't feel it at all once he stopped meditating suggested the sacred gear was hiding very well inside of him. In the case of sacred gears, this usually meant they were strong.

"No need to apologize, you didn't mean to scare me," Rias said, regaining her composure.

"By the way, what were you doing?" Shin asked, acting confused. "Not that I don't mind you staring at me, but why do it with your eyes closed? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?" Shin said.

Rias once again became flustered, something that didn't happen very often. "I-I… Ummm," Rias stammered, struggling to come up with an explanation for what she was doing. Seeing none, she decided to pick option two. "I wanted to return this to you," Rias said as she pulled out his pencil, or at least what she thought was his pencil.

Shin stared at her confused. "Ummm, thanks. But those aren't mine." Shin said as he pointed to her hand.

Rias looked at her hand and her whole face turned an atomic red in embarrassment. There she was, holding her reading glasses, offering them to Shin. Quickly pulling them back, she put them back in her pocket and pulled out Shin's pencil.

"I mean this. You dropped it when you left class." Rias said, her face looking at the ground to hide her embarrassment.

"Oh, thanks," Shin said as he approached her and took his pencil, his hand gliding past hers as he took his pencil back, causing her to once again sense whatever was inside of him. This time, she could feel it long enough to deduct that whatever the sacred gear was, it was very strong. At the least, Longinus class.

Her embarrassment gone, she looked at Shin in shock. "Thanks a lot for giving this back. See you tomorrow!" Shin said as he walked off, throwing her a wave over his shoulder, his mission successfully completed.

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