
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 8 : Kuroka

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I'd say my hang out time with Yuuma went well… I base that on the fact she hasn't tried to gut me just yet.

I also sent one of my Shades into her shadow, you know so I can figure out what her plan is for me.

In the mean time I was sitting in my house looking at the Muramasa sword, which I hadn't drawn yet.

"She was pretty weak for a Rook." I said to myself looking back on the fight, "If Rias said she was sent to kill Stray's then that means she was pretty darn weak."

Looking at the blade once again I started to chuckle, "Oh, now I get it." I chuckled.

Let me explain, Hiromi doesn't have a Gamer ability, so she can't get stronger by killing enemies like I can, instead her situation was as such- A noob who somehow managed to get their hands on the ultimate weapon.

Muramasa was literally doing all the wok for Hiromi, all she had to do was maintain the skill and strength needed to use the sword and she's got all she needs. And as a result she ended up neglecting her training, meaning she could never actually tap into her full potential.

In all honesty I'm pretty sure I would have been dead if I didn't have Gamer's body keeping my injuries to just an HP bar.

"Well then." I said putting the deadly katana back into my inventory, "I'm gonna need a normal katana so I can gain some katana skill without having to rely on Muramasa's power… I should probably wait on learning magic though, I don't know if Devils, Angels, and Fallen can detect someone with Magic."

With that in mind I left the house and pulled out a map that I thanked Yuuma for, and to my luck, I found that there was indeed a metalworks in Kuoh, thank… I should probably start thinking of someone else to thank instead of god if I'm gonna join Rias's peerage after Issei- After all I don't wanna screw him out of a place if I can't stop Raynare.


I found the metal works pretty easily, despite the fact it was kinda wedged in between two buildings that were much flashier.

Stepping inside I looked around at the works on display.

[Steel Katana]

[A simple steel katana, nice and sharp, good weight, and no evil curses… Unless you slap one on it.]

I smiled at that and noticed the price was fairly affordable for me, 15,800 Yen may be a bit of a dent in my wallet, but at least I can fight with Melee now and not have to draw blood that could result in me having to kill someone.

Buying it I left the metal works, hiding the sword in my inventory as a small distracted crowd passed me and walked back toward my house…

"No, I should probably hit up a bookstore first." I said to myself, "Knowledge is power after all."

I could gain skills from books or perhaps even increase my stats, considering they go up by themselves on occasion.

[You deductions of what you can do with books has increased your WIS by one… Point Proven]

'Yeah like that.' I thought dismissing the screen.

It was then I heard the barking… no, yipping dogs coming from an alleyway. And that pissed me straight off.

Now let me make something clear, I don't hate dogs in general, but the small dogs with high pitched barks that bark at every little thing I find annoying as all hell.

Despite him being a comedian, Jeff Dunham has a point, the size of the dogs is roughly correspondent to how smart a dog is. Which is why I prefer being around larger dogs instead of smaller ones.

"Okay, what is making these midget mutts yip their throats out?" I grumbled walking into the alley.

Sure enough I saw three small dogs barking at a small cardboard box in the edge of the alleyway.

"Okay, what are these brain dead pups barking at in the box?" I mumbled walking up behind the dogs and pushed them aside with my foot, which actually caused the dog that I touched first to jump and tumble over my foot, "Shoo mutts." I snapped at the dogs.

Instead they stood and barked at me, so in turn I picked up two trashcan lids and slammed them together, causing them to jump and scatter.

"So… what were they barking at?" I asked aloud turning back to the cardboard box and getting onto my belly to look into the box.

And was met by a clawed swat to the face.

"Ow." I said blinking at the sudden attack to my face.

I was apparently attacked by a little black cat that was hiding in the box, naturally I observed her.

[Kuroka Lvl 62]

[Race: Nekosu-Devil]

[Piece: Bishop]

[HP: 1,520/1,520]

[MP: 2,390/2,390]

'It's amazing how I can so easily be killed by everyone around me.' I thought looking at Kuroka's stats, 'With how many people I've seen close to or passing the 50th level mark it makes me wonder what the level limit is.'

"Well… aren't you a feisty little one." I said softly and held out my hand to the Nekosu.

Slowly but surely I managed to pet the disguised devil with a single finger.

'I always did consider myself good with cats.' I thought, "Come on little one, you're safe. Are you hungry?"

Slowly but surely the small cat stepped out of the box and I picked her up and held her into my arms, "Well, this was easier than getting Ghost out of a bush." I said mostly to myself.

"Mreow?" Kuroka meowed.

"Don't you worry about it you little fluffball." I said smiling, "Let's just get you to my place, I'm pretty sure I've got something you'd like there and if I don't I can sprint to a pet store if I need to."


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