
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 34 : "Well…" Yuuma started.

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I considered grabbing a weapon made of Iron, because you would not believe how many creatures out there are repelled by pure iron according to lore, but nothing like that has come after my ass just yet, so I'll leave that be.

My next stop was the Armor Shop, where I bought myself a Steel Curiass, which would cover and my chest and back from simple damage, and I bought myself another for testing.

Next I went to the Accessory Shop and bought myself a few Iron Rings (At least now I can punch the shit out of anything weak to Iron in the face) also for testing.

I swear I'm not a mad scientist… Yet.

After all that I went to my Workshop and put onto the table one of my Steel Katana and pulled out my Dark Element Shard and touching it to the blade the shade was absorbed into the blade.

[Steel Katana]

[Dark Elemented: Deals increased damage to Light Elemental beings like Angels, but reduced damage to Dark Elemented beings like Devils]

"Nice." I mused, then set a Shade Cloth on it and went to work.

[Modified- Impacts with this weapon will make no sound]

"Okay not the most useful thing, but if I miss it'll help." I said putting the Katana (After naming it my Shadow Edge) away and pulling out a second one, this time setting a Vampire Fang to it.

[Modified- Attack's with this weapon will now drain enemy's health to heal you]

"Very useful." I said grinning, naming the katana by Draining Edge and pulling out my Leather Whip and adding a Vampire Fang to that, getting the same effect.

Next I pulled out my spare Curiass and merged a Dark Element Shard to it.

[Steel Curiass]

[Dark Elemented: You take less Damage from Dark elemented attacks, but double damage from Light Elemented attacks… A.K.A. don't where this thing when fighting Fallen Angel's, Angels, or someone from the Church, you will die… Painfully.]

"Okay I get it, don't be a jerk about it." I muttered before switching out to an Iron Ring and paused looking at it…

"Yeah I've got no idea what to merge with this." I muttered looking at it for a moment, before decided I may as well just put the thing away for now until I find some better loot that might look like it would do me some good.

Seriously, I've only got Doll Arms, Vampire Fangs, and Shade Cloth. And while I suppose adding a Shade Cloth would give a sort of stealth boost to it, I really can't say I'd get better with other things.

I'd better look over my things one last time before leaving.

[Shadow Katana]

[Dark Element]

[Modifications- Silent Impact]

[Draining Katana]

[Modificatons- HP Drain Attack]

[Leather Whip- (Renamed) Vampiric Whip]

[Modifications- HP Draining Attack]

[Steel Curiass- (Renamed) Dark Curiass]

[Dark Element]

Nodding I left my Sanctuary and went to my room, however when I was walking over there I noticed Kuroka had fallen asleep on the couch, an unhappy look on her face told me what she was dreaming.

"Poor kitten." I whispered picking Kuroka up and carried her to my room, "You've had a hard life because you wanted to protect your sister… Wish I could do more than just patch your relationship with her though, you two can't afford to keep this a secret."

[A New Quest is Available]

[The Cat's Sorrow]

[Objective: Access the Mansion of Kuroka's former master and retrieve evidence that her actions were not ones of Senjustu induced Mania]

[Bonus Objective: Gain information on Kuroka and Shirone's other family members.]

[Reward: ? (Though expect to get laid by Kuroka.)]

I sighed softly as I set Kuroka on my bed before getting in next to her. I may not be wanting to rush a relationship, but I'm not going to just leave Kuroka in pain like this with her nightmares.

I'm gonna regret this in the morning though most likely.


Surprisingly after after I had texted her the night before I went to bed Raynare arrived at my house pretty early.

Seriously, 7 A.M., seriously what the hell woman? No sane human would come this early for a hang out session, hell most people are still staring at their coffee machines waiting for their cup o' joe.

"Morning Yuuma." I groaned, pretending to still be very tired.

"Are you okay Vincent?" Yuuma asked, still playing the innocent girl, "You don't look too good."

'Aside from the fact I've got a Vampiress that is trying to rape me in my sleep?' I though remembering the fact that said Vampire broke into my room through the window and accidentally woke me up while she was in her birthday suit… Hell the only reason I woke up was because she tumbled over the table I set by the window. "Just tired." I told Yuuma, "It's seven in the morning, most people are only just waking up."

Yuuma turned red and looking away cursed herself under her breath, "Sorry, I was just excited to meet up with you today, I haven't had much time to myself lately and I don't really have too many friends."

I nodded at that and invited her inside, idly noticing Issei staring at my front door from his window, a magazine I'm willing to bet is a porn mag in his hand.

Can't get rid of old habit's that easily I suppose based on the magazine. Either way I shook my head and shut the door.

"So…" Yuuma said taking a sip of her coffee, "What have you been doing since we last met?"

I shrugged, "Making friends, making enemies." I admitted, "Just the normal new guy stuff."

"I see." Yuuma said, knowing there was more than what I admitted.

"Yeah." I said finishing my coffee and standing up, "So, any place you wanna head to for today?"

"Well…" Yuuma started.


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