
Chapter 15 : Yasaka said smiling

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"I'd like to properly thank you Vincent for helping me and my daughter." Yasaka said pressing her breasts against my chest… and pushing me to the wall, "How does dinner sound? Just you and me?" She added that last part with a wink.

"I… I uh…" I said unsure of what to say, just cause Gamers Mind gives me a calm mentality in situations like this doesn't mean it sticks a good response into my brain, "Sorry, not tonight, I've got a devil that wants to give me the bounty on the stray idiot's head tomorrow so I gotta get back home soon." I said.

Yasaka's ears drooped the slightest bit before perking back up, "Then how about lunch right now?" Yasaka asked.

"Please?" Kunou added, giving me the most dreaded weapon of a young girls arsenal, the puppy dogs eyes.

"That's fine." I said as Yasaka pressed her breasts even further onto me.

"Great!" Yasaka said smiling, "I've got a few questions I'd like to ask you too."

"Shoot." I said, it can't be too bad right?

"First up, are you seeing anyone?" Yasaka asked.



"So… what is that Shade?" Kunou asked looking at my shadow where it had disappeared.

'Crap.' I thought, thing is, I hadn't really thought about how how I'm gonna play cover up with my abilities just yet… Okay screw it I'll tell half the story.

"Well, while I am human I have an ability that not too many have." I started, though technically that parts not quite true, I mean have you seen just how many Gamer fics are on the Fanfiction site?

"And that ability let's you summon those Shade's?" Yasaka asked.

"Kinda." I said, "I don't feel fully comfortable saying the full extent of my abilities out in the open, call me paranoid, but with my abilities I can conjure the Spirits of monsters I have slain and it also grant's me an accelerated growth rate."

"I understand your hesitation." Yasaka said nodding, "We are only strangers after all."

"Yeah that too." I said jokingly.

However it was then Yasaka leaned toward me with a smirk on her lips, "But I'd love to get to know you better." She purred.

"Mom…" Kunou moaned in embarrassment.

"I do have one other question though." Yasaka said sitting back down fully and pushing aside her empty plate, "Where and how did you get the Muramasa?"

"Wait… The Muramasa?" I asked playing dumb, "Wasn't Muramasa just a sword smith whose blades were said to never return to their sheaths without drawing blood?"

"That is true." Yasaka said, "However his first sword was the one that formed that legend, as it truly was cursed. It's the same sword you wield now."

I looked at Muramasa, even though I knew this already I still needed to act as if I didn't, "Damn it Rias." I grumbled, "If you're gonna give me a sword fact check the damn thing first."

"Rias?" Kunou asked tilting her head, "As in Rias Gremory?"

"Yep." I said, "Somehow I don't think she's gotten the hang of keeping watch of her territory, I've already taken out two Stray's from Kouh now."

"I suppose that's something you'll be going over later with your friend?" Yasaka asked.

"Yep." I said nodding, "Mind if I keep Muramasa though? Now that I know what it is I'll use it more sparingly, but I'd like to have it on hand when I need it."

Yasaka looked at me in the eye's for a while before she nodded, "It's fine, the Muramasa has switched users multiple times over the ages, another switch shouldn't be out of the usual." She said, before I saw that glint in her eyes.

'This is gonna be a long walk back home.' I thought.


"She grabbed me junk." I muttered as I walked back into my house at long last, "Would've thought she'd at least try to be a bit more subtle…"

My Shade was not being helpful at the moment as it was just laughing at me from my shadow.

'Speaking of helpful, why the hell didn't Yasaka help me with Hisame?' I thought to myself, 'Something to add to next time I meet her.'

With that on my mind I went to sleep.


I barely had time to finish my breakfast the next morning when there was banging on my door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I called out half heartedly, "Don't break down my door."

Opening my door I was met by the stern glare of Sona Sitri, and while I did notice a stack of papers in her hand I was sadly entranced by her glare.

"Vincent Lane." Sona said sternly, "You must be some kind of magnet to the supernatural, killing a Stray and bringing the eyes of Devils and the Fallen to you, then you kill another Stray and bring the eyes of the Yokai faction onto you."

"Sorry." I said stepping aside to let Sona in, "In my defense though, Rias is in charge of the Supernatural aspect of this town and I've already gone through two Strays."

Sona sighed as she set the stack of papers onto the table, where I joined her.

"Yes, I admit Rias has been rather lax in how she's surveying the town." Sona said, "But… she is currently going through some… family trouble at the moment."

"Must be some deep shit she's got at home then." I said, which is true, Riser has a face that just makes you want to punch it…

I'm willing to bet that he's weak as fuck and relies only on his regeneration to win, which may work when you're opponent can't counter it like rival devils, but he'll effectively get raped by everything else because he hasn't trained his body to evade someone using holy weaponry.

Note to self, start packing Holy Water, anti-devil hand grenades.

"You don't know the half of it." Sona said pushing the papers to me, "Anyway, I've brought you a list of the Underworlds current wanted list, seeing as you keep running into Strays I thought it would be best if you knew who to watch for in town."

[You've received a Bounty List.]

[The Bounty Board is now accessible in the Sanctuary]

[From the Bounty Board you can dispatch Spirit's to hunt down Strays across the world, you can send as many Spirits after a Stray as you want, just remember not to send out too many, you don't want to lack allies when you need them the most.]

'Nice' I thought suppressing a smirk.


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