
Chapter 4

It's been 4 years since then.

Azazel keep is promises and we now have jobs with wich my faction has a 100% completion rate.

Azazel got vali and became his grandfather, teaching him stuff and such. he even did research on.

Speaking of research he's made great progress, he hasn't made his own scared gear yet or even his own scared gear system but he's gotten real good a runes, he's already mastered book 1 through 3 and halfway through number 4.

Today though I plan on inviting Azazel and vali on a tour and maybe give me acess to the wards inside Grigori HQ, only them though, this way vali could get stronger, I plan on training him also.

I stepped through the portal into Azazel's lab, he's still going through book 4 but it atleast looks like his almost done.

"so your almost done with book 4." shiro

Azazel looked up then back at his book

"Yeah, even with these runes I still can't sense you coming, it's like your a phantom." Azazel

"of course you can't sense me, I'm the dragon god of space so I'm literally Part of space, no matter who tries to sense me I would just feel like I'm part of the world it's self." shiro

"yeah yeah yeah, so what's brought you here this time."Azazel

"well its been 4 years since we started working together, I thought it was about time I showed you my dimension, so I'm inviting you and vali, I'm also going to give you and vali acess to the teleportion wards. I've got them set up all over the world, no matter where you want to go there is always a teleportion door to take you, plus I have way better training facility's I thought vali might like, and for you old man my version of earth has no pollution so the fish are mighty so you could have some good fishing." shiro said with a smirk.

"oh really, that sounds wonderful, I'll call vali." Azazel said going to get up.

"no need." shiro said snapping his fingers then vali showed up Confused. he was about 12 years old with silver hair. he looked cute.

"he was already heading this way so I just teleported him."shiro

Azazel explained the vali and he looked kind of excited.

we walked over to the teleportion ward withing his lab and I tapped on the side briefly then a small ward showed up, this was the information ward attached to the teleportion ward. I set the data to allow vali and Azazel acess then entered it. the teleportion ward then changed color. it looked like a purple portal opened up, the same size of a door.

"come on now follow me." shiro said walking through.

when they went through there where amazed, there was teleportion doors everywhere with names above them so you know where your going, and there where people of all different race's walking in and out of portals.

"come on we don't want to stick around all day." shiro

I lead them out side and vali was really surprised, he was beautiful.

"welcome to my own personal heaven, through I did get rid of all the white and gold, it was too flashy for my taste." shiro

"yeah it does look alot better." Azazel said remembering heaven

I showed vali my combat house, with different dungeons for different monsters to get used to fighting different opponents then my real dungeon that has the tower of bable over it, it was it hardest dungeon I have because the further you go down the harder it becomes.

I showed Azezel my research labs and he had stars in his eyes from all the gadgets and tech we were making.

when I got to showing earth off I did something different, I showed them to a big room then pulled up a huge hologram of earth for them, it looked alot different.

"you said you copied all of this, so why is earth so different." Azazel said confused

"Well, humans don't live there, that's one race I don't have, so I got rid over everything human from earth 2 and remand it. I added 5 yggdrasil's to my earth, since they are the world tree the got rid of the pollution and the nature energy skyrocketed, the only real race living there are the various youki races." shiro

"wow, that's interesting." Azazel

From there another 2 years passed.

Azazel came by every so often for fishing, I was happy to because it gets boring sometimes, I also helped him with his research, he accually finished his rune magic all the way to the legendary level so he recently started working on his scared gear system, it would probably take 2 years then another 2 years for his scared gear just in time for the start of the show.

vali comes by about every day to use the training facility's, he did ask me for training too.

For the first year we trained only in combat, fighting different monster and races and such, he accually got the eternal arms mastership.

for the second year we worked on his energy manipulation and magic skills. I made him learn all types of magic, from Norse to angel and devil all the way to dragonic. he easily mastered them all.

I wanted to continue his training be I need to do something first. we have 4 years left until the binging of the show, so I'm going to go save kuroka, she strong and hot so it's a win-win for me.

I teleported back to earth and spread my senses and found here within the underworld, she we running away from some stray Devil hunters.

I teleported to her and enveloped both me and her within a space bubble. she looked surprised then kind of scared, probably thinking I was a hunter. I stepped back then put my hand above my head to show I was friendly.

"I don't mean any harm, I only came to save you." shiro

"save me, why would you do such a thing." kuroka looked both confused and vigilant.

My eyes then transformed into my dragon eyes, Rose red with silver in the center. Shrio bowed a little.

"Mine name is Kaneshiro, I'm the dragon god of space and time, I've already save all the other nekomata, besides a few important one to time. I've come to save you because your important to future of the world, I wish to help train you." shiro

she looked both afraid and kinda glad

"very well."kuroka said with a small smile.

I took kuroka into a hug then teleported back to heaven 2

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