
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime und Comics
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120 Chs

Ch 9

Arthur, Bikou, Le Fay and Kuroka watched in amazement at the battle before them.

"That guy is really strong," Bikou said.

"To deal damage to Vali like that. Impressive . "Arthur agrees with Bikou.

"Even though he is a magician, he moves very quickly." Le Fay said.

"He kept moving so that Vali couldn't touch him. At the same time, the counterattack is extremely impressive. His flame was many times hotter than usual. Even standing far away I can still feel the heat from the fire. " commented Arthur.

"He's too strong, I think I should make kittens with him Nya" Kuroka said.


Vali is now sweating profusely. He couldn't touch his opponent. You can't use Divide.

"Use the Balance breaker," Albion said.

Vali grinned and then shouted. "BALANCE BREAKER"

Vali's body is covered with white dragon armor. Vali felt his strength greatly increased. With Balance Breaker, he won't need to touch his opponent to use Divide.

Vali raised her hand towards her opponent.

[ Divide ]


"Vali used the balance breaker. "Bikou said with surprise.

"Looks like he's stronger than we thought. ' said Arthur.

Both Kuroka and Le Fay nodded in agreement. In order to push Vali to use Balance breaker, Ogami's power level is much higher than they thought.


Ryuhei looked at Vali's balance breaker with amazement. This is his first time seeing Divine Dividing Scale Mail. He was really impressed with the armor. ' The armor is really nice , it's better than my Scale Mail . my armor reminds me of a shrimp more than a dragon.' Ryuhei commented, ignoring Ddraig's grumbling.

[ Divide ]

Ryuhei felt his power split in two. However, he just ignored it. Ryuhei gathers a stream of fire around his body like when using Enkai, but it is much larger and swirling, then compresses into a giant fireball - like the Sun. The majestic blue fire sun made everyone turn pale when they saw it. Even Vali was sweating at the scene before he eyes.

Ryuhei grinned and said. " Dai Enkai " He then threw the fiery sun at his enemies. "ENTEI"


Arthur, Bikou, Le Fay and Kuroka gasped at the scene in front of them. They never imagined that Ogami could create such a powerful attack.

"Is he trying to kill Vali? " Bikou said with anger. He wanted to rush in to help Vali. However, both Arthur and Kuroka stopped him.

"Wait, I want to see if Vali can resist this attack. We should believe in our leader. " said Arthur.

"That attack had no killing intent. He didn't try to kill Vali." Kuroka said, then turned around to gaze at the scene before him in a mesmerizing way.

Le Fay closed her eyes in fear.


Vali's eyes widen, his face pale.

[Divide divide divide divide ]

Vali tries to use Divine but his body can't absorb the full blow. He raised both hands to block the attack.


Vali clenched his teeth, he tried to block the attack. His armor was severely damaged.

"VALI" Albion shouted.

Although he had reduced the size and power of the attack. But the fire sun is still too strong.

After the attack ended, Vali fell to the ground. His bones were broken, numerous severe burns appeared on his body. Vali was still trying to get up, he looked at the figure moving closer to him.

Vali felt that if he could get this person to join him, he could train and make his team stronger.


Ryuhei flew closer to Vali, staring at the boy in front of him. He was impressed by Vali's eyes. Those are the eyes of determination, the eyes of effort. These eyes are similar to Ryuhei's eyes when he was in the dungeon. Ryuhei showed an amused smile upon seeing Vali's determination. ' A king needs a strong general to follow. Instead of killing arch-enemies. I will make him bow before me. He will be a strong addition when I go to other worlds. Don't you think so, Ddraig? White will have to submit to Red'. Hearing what Ryuhei said, Ddraig just silently thought.

"Like I said before. I won't join you, however I will give you the honor of being my personal punching bag. "