
DxD: Blaze, Fire of Lust! (18+ Smut)

"I will not just watch as your church commits such crimes! Prepare to fight me, wicked priest!" "Ha, boy! You cannot even reach the altar! You are a mere commoner, how will you fight the church?" "I will find a way! Do not accuse me of blasphemy, I do not care! The MC fights bravely against the mighty Church, trying to save the victims of its sadistic crime! He is decried as a heretic, but he responds with angry vengefulness against the church. Witness a battle that shall shake the Heavens. A reincarnator DxD fic.

AngelFromSpace · Horror
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13 Chs

To Sleep, Perchance to DxD

(A/N: a 100% accurate account of how the canonical events of the DxD LN actually came about.)

Irina lay unmoving in the cold tunnel.

Her body hung limply across the ground, almost melting into it, and her shirt was soaked a dark black by Issei's cum, that chilled her as it seeped through her tight costume.

She had been left only a shadow of her once-lively self.

Unable to move, she slipped into a comatose dream.

She was walking through a school campus. The buildings were cold and white, radiating a dream-like bloom lighting across the trees and greenery planted across the path.

Her footsteps were heavy across the concrete. She could barely feel her feet moving, and felt like she would trip on every step, but somehow moved steadily forwards. She heard the giggles of a few girls nearby.

What did that remind her of? It felt so familiar.

The sound was hazy, because her ears felt blocked by a layer of heavy air, as if she had been on a long aeroplane journey. She popped her ears frustratedly, curious to hear more. As her fingers glided across the side of her face, she felt rugged skin and short hair which was clearly not her own.

Moving her hands to her face cautiously, she realized that it belonged to a male. In fact, one that she recognized well. Issei's.

She looked down at her body, and saw that she was a sturdy, ordinary build, wearing a school uniform with black pants. Seeing Issei's penis, which raised slightly at the sound of the girls, she suddenly had a nightmarish flash-back to the cave, where she saw a demon-faced Issei pinning her to the ground with his Boosted Gear while violently penetrating her and fondling her breasts. He was screaming at her, but she couldn't remember what he was saying.

The sight of his penis, straightening slowly, scared her, and even more so the feeling of stimulation that coursed through it.

She didn't want it there. She wanted to be a girl again.

As she wandered dazedly around the school, orbiting around the rough location of the girls' voices, she realized how familiar this place felt. She knew most of these paths by heart, and the location of the classrooms. Issei must have gone to school here for a while.

She passed by a few people, but most didn't seem to know Issei well. A few gave disparaging looks. Why? She wasn't sure. Issei didn't seem to be that well-known among the school, so she wasn't sure what he could have done.

But she didn't pay that much attention to them.

Her ears were involuntarily fixated on the girls' voices, and she felt a sharp pang of despair as soon as she tried to stop listening to them. They lulled her into a trance of sorts, and felt almost comforting in their familiarity.

Where had she heard them before?

As she dizzily tried to think of it, the voices seemed to grow eerily louder, until they were nearly drowning her ear sockets.

Suddenly, the world around her flashed white, and she found herself inside the building which she had been walking past. The air was hazy, and it felt like a memory. A few signs on the walls mentioned a 'Kendo Club.' She heard the excited chatter of two boys dragging her along with them, and dimly remembered that they were Issei's friends, Matsuda and Motohama.

"Come on, Ise!" one of them whispered excitedly. "I saw a hole in the storage room. Maybe we can spy on the girls' locker room!"

"Spy? You mean 'stare'!" the other one added.

"Well, whatever."

"Mate, just because you're a perv, it doesn't mean you're a secret agent."

"Hey, man, call me 007. The '00' stands for ogling massive breasts! Now let's go."

Irina made a slightly disgusted face at the boys' conversation, but they seemed to ignore her, and just dragged her along for the ride. However, she felt a sudden surge of curiosity as she heard the girls' voices rise up nearby.

As they reached the storage room, the friends ducked towards a hole in the corner, which was hidden behind a large pile of equipment and junk. They cramped into the small space in front of the hole, and began staring vigorously through the hole.

"Wow, we just hit the big time!"

"Oh my God, look at that Murayama's legs."

"Legs? Who has time for that? I'm staring at her breasts!"

"Oh shit, yeah! They're as big as my face, what the hell?"

Irina felt uncomfortable with this conversation, and also didn't like the idea of fitting into this small space with these two perverted guys. They probably wouldn't do anything to her, if she had Issei's body, but her instincts still meant that she was reluctant to get too close.

"Hey, Ise! You chicken?" one of the friends said, trying to keep his voice down slightly but not doing a good job of it.

"Yeah! Ise, come on! Leave your old life, and enter a world of heavenly breasts!" the other joined in.

"That's, like, poetic, dude! But it's so true!"

Irina sighed. "Fine, I was just nervous. You guys are making a racket, heh."

"Yeah, yeah! Calm down. Mate, if you see some of this stuff, you'll understand why!"

Irina walked up to the wall, and tucked in, feeling the boys uncomfortably pressing against her back and chest as they scrambled to look into the hole.

She could barely get a look in, as the others were jostling hard to look into the hole, and she was reluctant to get tangled up with them as they wrestled for a better view.

She did manage to get a glimpse of a large pair of breasts, though she didn't know whose.

She found herself staring at them, until she was pushed out of the way by the others.

As she had seen them, she felt a tide of conflicting feelings. On the one hand, her penis instantly inched forwards until it was standing straight. It wasn't that large, but she found its sensation overwhelming and unfamiliar, and had to crouch down. Moving her lower body had become awkward. However, the strongest emotion she had was one of longing for a female body, one like her own.

She looked down on her body, as if willing it to be like the body of the girl which she had glimpsed. Right now, the girls would kick her out of the changing room if she tried to enter. But she felt like it was where she belonged. She had spent her life craving male attention, and had almost been flattered at first in the tunnel, when the boys were sizing her up and drooling over her, before the real trauma began.

Now she was on the other end, an average male gawking at females, and she didn't feel at all comfortable with it. She didn't even have breasts any more. She could only gaze at them, a thick wall dividing her from them. But she still had to look, because by immersing herself in these female bodies, which she caught a few glimpses of, she was able to almost sense and feel what her body should be like. It was a sort of intensely physical escapism, where she lived vicariously through the sensuousness of the females she saw, and hence could ignore the restraints of Issei's body for a moment.

But this almost reverent attention conflicted with her new, unfamiliar male urges, and as she tried to daydream peacefully about having these girls' bodies, her instincts kicked in and she suddenly felt her penis throbbing uneasily as her imagination was flooded with images of it thrusting into these girls' bodies and smearing her cum over them. 'Oh my God, yes, yes, take me deep, Murayama-chan! I want you, I want to get off against your legs, I need to cum over your breasts, please!' All of her visions brutally violated the sanctity of Murayama's feminine body. This ruined her sense of an innocuous daydream, but there was nothing she could do about it. As she came, she felt a heavy wave of guilt, and decided to stop thinking about such things.

As Issei's friends talked loudly about the sights in the girls' changing room, she found herself mostly barred from looking through the hole. In a way, she didn't mind that, by now.

However, soon, she heard the loud sound of footsteps approaching the storage room from outside, probably drawn by the boys' loud voices.

The memory faded, and she was back where had been before, outside the building.

She realized that this might be why the strangers had cast disparaging looks at Issei. He had a reputation as a serious pervert.

But she found that he was ignoring most women who passed by. Why?

Thinking back, she could only find one vivid scene in his recent memory.

"Please go out with me," a girl had said.

She was named Amano Yuuma, and had long, silky black hair that fanned out when she walked as if the air was a page and she was dark ink calligraphy written upon it. She had a small waist, and pronounced hips, although it was difficult to tell because her uniform was worn so loose. But she looked well out of Issei's league, even though she dressed so humbly that it almost disguised her attractiveness.

Issei felt almost weightless when he saw her, as if his body was going to drift across the room to be with her. But it wasn't pure lechery. He had never expected to be asked out by a girl like this, and almost felt like it was the first time that his life had a true sense of worth - everything else was numbly murdered by retrospect. While he obviously wanted to fondle her, first and foremost he just wanted to bask in her presence and live in her gaze, like a martyr taking comfort in a symbol of the cross.

Without her, his life was as dreary as being a corpse.

Irina recalled that, after Issei instantly accepted Yuuma's invitation, he was elated for the next few days. He felt like boasting and celebrating constantly, and his friends were slightly perturbed as he began laughing at them and putting him down brusquely, feeling suddenly confident because he had a 'girlfriend.' Irina almost giggled slightly, finding it humorous how much guys like this were elated by the idea of an attractive girlfriend. She hadn't realized that guys were privately falling over themselves to this extent as they thought of her, she just thought they were perverted and were attracted to her body.

Not that she would go out with a guy like Issei.

At least, not when he was just an ordinary, awkward guy in his school.

Now, the date with Yuuma was fast approaching. The school day was drawing to a close, and Issei was nervous, thinking over and over about the occasion. He didn't just have butterflies in his stomach, his stomach was practically moth-eaten by now.

Irina thought the date was strange. After all, why would a girl like Yuuma date Issei? But she was invested in Issei's story by now, in her own way. Although she would typically despise him as a pervert for his antics in the Kendo Club, after her experience she actually identified with it. Even she had felt a flood of intense emotion as she watched the girls, and the certainty that she *belonged* there, only to be flatly branded a pervert. The disparaging stares hurt her feelings, because she wasn't used to being looked at like that. Just because others didn't recognize her needs, it didn't mean that she couldn't have a story, right? And this date was the chance she deserved, to find someone who could recognize her feelings.

But she didn't really know how to date a girl, as a guy.

She had never done it, after all.

All she could think of was how many disparaging thoughts she had about the males whom she had dated or even interacted with. She would easily get impatient, or even infuriated, though she tried to hide this. Would Yuuma be the same? After all, Issei would probably be a step down for her, surely his mannerisms and attitude would give him away? Still, Irina felt like she had go through with it. At least she might be able to relate to Yuuma, since they were both females, right?

But she had no idea how to present herself as a male. She had mostly just judged guys by instinct, she knew what she liked when she saw it, but she couldn't really explain this in a specific way. Obviously, not being a female now, she couldn't just show off some skin and get a queue of enthusiastic suitors. And Issei wasn't really that exceptional, she knew that she would have rejected him on sight herself.

But she recalled that Issei had taken a lot of precautions for the upcoming date. He had almost planned the whole thing out, and had taken a lot of measures in advance, such as taking a ton of showers. But most of his ideas just made her laugh. 'Don't say I love you, say I want to get to know you.' He had even bought new pants, in case he shat himself. What a loser! She almost relished how much power Yuuma had over him, just because of her elegant, feminine form. It was power that Irina should have.

And she would have it, if she was still a girl.

Issei had marked the date as occurring in under an hour, so Irina rushed over to the spot. However, there was no sign of Yuuma for half an hour. Had she been stood up? But, looking through his notes again, she saw that he had written, 'Mark down the date a few hours early, so that you go early. Fool yourself into going early! You can't miss this!' Dweeb.

As she waited, she saw a man wearing shades, wearing a large, black top hat and coat, handing out leaflets.

"Hi there, name's Darren," he said, walking up to her. She had almost thought that he was trying to flirt with her, until she realized that she was now a male. "You wanna know something about the occult? With a few rituals, and sacrificing some goats, you can bend the world to your will. Power, wealth, beautiful women, you want it? You got it! Join us in The Satanic Temple. Actually, hey, you know what? You go to school near here?"

Irina just wanted to be a girl again. While she found this offer to be suspect, and probably just empty claims, she would willingly join this guy's group if it helped her attain that end... But that was unlikely.

"Yes, um, just around the corner," Irina said, nervously.

"Excellent! We're setting up an After School Satan Club, known as ASSC for short. Feel free to join in! Here's our leaflet, make sure you come along, kid."

He handed her a leaflet filled with pentagrams, goat heads, upside-down crosses and other symbolism. She noticed the text at the center, inside a large, white magical circle: 'Your dream will be granted!'

She stuffed it into her pocket, not seeing a bin nearby.

It nestled in there comfortably, and made a faint, low-pitched whispering sound as her pants scraped across it, when she leaned to the side tiredly.

When Yuuma arrived, she was initially tongue-tied, not really sure how to strike up a conversation like this.

Issei had once watched a rom-com where the protagonist meets his childhood crush again, after waiting hours for her train to arrive, and greets her by saying, 'Don't worry, I also just got here!' in order to defuse the tension and try to desperately hide how long he had been waiting for her. The audience had laughed.

Irina remembered this now, and decided that she might as well try it out. After all, she was also fond of romantic comedies, and borrowing a line verbatim helped her to focus on hiding Issei's growing erection.

Yuuma just giggled and smiled. "You're also cutting it fine? That's just like me!"

Irina felt Issei getting turned on by the suggestion that they were similar, and wanting to reply, 'Yeah, we have so much in common! Isn't it amazing?' She found that corny.

Instead, she just smiled back sheepishly, and said, "Cutting it fine? Well, maaaybe a little bit."

She was slightly unsettled when Yuuma replied, "Ha! We have so much in common, isn't it amazing?"

Was Yuuma reading her mind or something?

"I wish! That violet vest is so cute, my wardrobe is like a warzone or something. You have some fashion tips?" she blurted out, stopping when she realized that she was slipping into acting like a female.

"You pay attention to these things? That's more than most boys! It's a good start." Yuuma smiled, and tugged at the top of her vest, guiding Irina's eyes towards her breasts.

Irina felt a surge of arousal at the sight of Yuuma's large, picturesque breasts. She couldn't tell if Yuuma had used plastic surgery: while the breasts looked natural, they were almost too large and sturdy to suit Yuuma's modest, wispy frame. But she didn't think about this much, since she had to try really hard to stop Issei from drooling at this moment.

"Yeah, a start, but... Still nowhere close to you! Could you, ahem, groom me a bit, show me something to wear?" she said.

She could tell that Yuuma seemed slightly surprised by this line of conversation, but still adapted to it comfortably.

"Well, I didn't expect to go fashion shopping on a date! I do that too much already... But fine, have it your way."

Yuuma gave a challenging glance.

"You can't have too much of a good thing," Irina said quickly.

"Oh, very true." Yuuma laughed. "Alright, I know a store just nearby, we can try it out."

They went to the clothing store nearby, holding hands. Issei's id stirred heavily at the idea of physical contact, and Irina found herself glancing guiltily over Yuuma's body.

Yuuma's thighs peeked under her dress as she walked, and Irina stared as she got a clear view of Yuuma's buttcrack, and started to imagine her penis thrusting deep inside it, and Yuuma's body dancing back and forth like a lily under the pressure of Issei's desire. She blushed heavily as Yuuma looked over and caught her stare, but Yuuma just giggled and kept going.

Had Yuuma known what she was doing?

Well, she wasn't a perv like Issei. In fact, Irina was used to female company, so Yuuma would probably feel comfortable with her. Maybe Yuuma hadn't assumed the worst?

In the clothing store, Yuuma guided her around, and showed her some clothes to try out. The shirts all seemed a bit off, mostly having overly broad shoulders or too large a chest for Issei. It was as if Yuuma was goading him for his ordinary physique. But Irina found some of the pants comfortable, as well as fairly cheap, so she bought a few in order to go with the flow. The jeans were a bit too much Wild West cowboy film to suit Issei's look, but as long as she didn't have to wear them now it would be okay.

However, what Irina really enjoyed was when they looked through clothes for Yuuma. She would look through them carefully, inspecting the curves and edges, and occasionally pointing out imperfections. She marvelled as she saw how the clothes followed Yuuma's physique, and tried to envision her current, ordinary male body if it could wear these elegant clothes. She could imagine it curving and contorting into shape, until these clothes fit as smoothly over her as over Yuuma, and the thought thrilled her.

She occasionally held the clothes up to her own body surreptitiously, and fantasized about her body setting into the beautiful, elegant clothing she held.

She noticed that Yuuma had a thing for violet and black clothes, so she scanned through the store and quickly suggested a few appropriate ones, surprising Yuuma. She even cheekily mentioned a few bras.

"Well, you're quite a fashionista," Yuuma said, looking through some of the suggestions. "But I'm surprised we couldn't find you a shirt! Why don't we try a few more?"

She led Irina to a mirror, and mockingly hung an array of shirts over Irina's body, even though they clearly wouldn't fit. Her breasts rested firmly on Irina's back, making Irina nervous. Her penis almost stretched backwards at the touch of the breasts, and her torso almost began blindly thrusting in eagerness to make something of Yuuma's nearness. Even worse, she felt pathetic when she compared her body to some of these shirts. She realized that Yuuma was pretty enough to find a boyfriend that would easily fit into these majestic outfits, and she probably wouldn't have a chance of keeping Yuuma around.

As she picked a grey, white-striped shirt that she sort of liked, she had a slightly nightmarish vision of a large, muscular, older man grabbing Yuuma and forcing himself on her as she moaned in pleasure, overpowering her and pressing her to the ground like a shrinking violet as he wore the shirt. The stripes were like a prison cell as he covered Yuuma, and she accepted them gleefully, making an innocent expression yet no attempt to resist as she cooed in pleasure and eventually collapsed in ecstasy.

Apologizing, she put that shirt away and picked another shirt at random, to please Yuuma. Looking down, she saw that she had picked a green shirt with red blotches like blushes on each side.

"That would look great on you! Oh, and you can calm down, right?" Yuuma said, flirtatiously nuzzling his cheek. "You were trembling the whole time we tried these out! You're a great guy, you don't need to act nervous around me,"

Irina felt a surge of nerves as she heard this, and blushed more heavily than the shirt. Was Yuuma using some kind of reverse psychology to make her a helpless bundle of nerves? Or maybe she was just on edge.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Irina said.

Dropping the subject, the two went to another section of the store and checked out some decorations for their rooms, discussing this casually.

She realized that it was weird how she had felt such an inferiority complex about her lack of a 'masculine' build, given that she wasn't even a male. Did she really identify with Issei's body that much? Then again, it wouldn't surprise her. By now, she had worn his body for hours, and felt every thrill of his penis as a sublime ecstasy. Her pleasure was tied to his,, and she doted on every emotion that his penis felt. She felt strangely attached to him.

On realizing this, she also realized that she was beginning to feel a massive amount of pent-up sexual tension from Yuuma's flirtatious mannerisms. She quickly booked into a bathroom, and began masturbating, thinking about Yuuma's body and every time that Yuuma's sharp curves and wide hips had pressed against hers. But she wasn't able to cum.

As she tried again, she suddenly found herself wanking not to Yuuma, but to herself, Irina's own female body. She imagined her older delicate, feminine hands caressing Issei's penis, instead of his own hands, and since she was doing it this almost seemed vivid.

She filled her mind with every memory she had of the nooks and crannies of her body, the warmth of her vagina, and found Issei getting incredibly turned on. She felt pangs of ecstasy overwhelm her mind, and kept thinking more and more of her own body pressing against Issei.

It fulfilled her - as Issei - more than any other fantasy, because the proximity of herself to Issei was greater than any other female she could think of. She was literally inside him, and her thoughts and memories of her body draped deeply across his body until he ejaculated out a stream that had seemingly been lying in wait the whole day. Perhaps that had been jamming his ability to cum for Yuuma before? But she didn't really know if the penis worked like that. Still, she was glad to finally express her long-running sense of closeness to Issei's body.

As she left the bathroom, she was blushing heavily, involuntarily. As Yuuma saw this, she giggled and hugged Issei, thrusting her breasts up in front of his face aggressively to try and deepen his blush. However, she was surprised when it made no difference to the blush painted on his face. It should have, she figured, since after all Issei was clearly blushing after masturbating to her. Well, that seems like something that Issei would do, so it didn't surprise her. But it was weird how he suddenly seemed almost cold towards her.

However, he was still clearly aroused by her breasts, and she wondered if perhaps he was just experiencing some sort of severe post-ejaculation clarity. She led him back to look at the furniture, and soon he was acting as horny as always around her.

Soon, it was the afternoon.

They went to a park out of town, with nobody else there. Irina looked around uncertainly, wondering what was going on. Bringing her here was like the kind of sleazy move some guy might try to pull, to try and get a piece of ass, but why would Yuuma do it?

At least she was able to relax alone, with nobody to watch her eyes tracing over Yuuma's body, focusing on the feminine figure that Irina wished for. She had come to admire Yuuma in part because her figure was so archetypally feminine, with most features like breasts, hips, and curves being clearly accentuated. Irina could freely use her as a model for her own fantasies. Further, Yuuma seemed to not mind the attention, which meant that she might even accept Irina's feelings...

But what made Irina more nervous was her quite noticeable erection as soon as she was alone with Yuuma. Her eyes began to obsess slightly over Yuuma's shape and breasts, and she had to hold herself back to avoid falling onto Yuuma and groping her.

By now, she had actually begun to explicitly enjoy Issei's arousal, and was almost upset to have to hold it back.

Soon, Yuuma lightly let go of Irina's hand, and walked towards the fountain. There was a hint of ceremony to her slow, measured walk, with her pale skin and the white of the fountain glowing so brightly that the park background almost faded from view.

She stood calmly by the fountain, letting the wind caress her hair and throw her skirt back as she leaned subtly backwards, taking a passive, sexualized stance that instantly fired up Issei's passions. Irina almost stumbled forwards, and found that her hands were raised up on both sides like a zombie's.

"Issei... I want to celebrate this date. Could I ask you for something?"

Irina immediately blushed. Did Yuuma want a kiss? After all of this, it would practically be a perfect ending for Issei. And for her as well, since she would finally get to feel Yuuma's body up close, linking together with it, almost feeling like a female again. Her and Issei's passions would inflame at once, and end this day in a great conflagration.

By now, she had begun to try and co-operate with Issei's desires. In fact, she had almost taken on a fantasy where Issei overcomes his insecurities and becomes a masculine, strong figure, and she became a female again, and they formed a relationship of perfect husband and wife. Yin and yang. And that night, in the conjugal bed, she would get to feel their passions inflame at the same time again, in harmony, and her nerves would flame up and burn in pure ecstasy.

But honestly, she wasn't sure if she should be feeling that. But she felt it too deeply to deny.

So she was almost slightly jealous when she felt herself staring at Yuuma, with her mouth agape. Issei's penis was pointed right at Yuuma's vagina, as if to say, 'Yes, anything dear.'

Irina tried to give a measured response, but couldn't really think of anything. Besides, Issei's response struck her as, weirdly, hot. Yes, it was awkward, but the way that it felt, the pacifying sexual desire that straightjacketed her body, was like being clamped in place and forced to feel his penis coursing through her. It was as if he was suddenly really strong, and held her effortlessly in place. She thought back to his Boosted Gear in the tunnel, and, despite her trauma, almost felt a longing for him to hold her down with that Sacred Gear, leaving her with no chance of resistance, and no ability to even breathe if he didn't feel like it.

She blurted out, "What do you want?"

The tone of her voice is a weird inter mundia between perverted and low-pitched, and bitter and jealous. Issei would be Yuuma's, not hers. It wasn't fair. What did Yuuma even know about his feelings? What did Yuuma know about his body? Having stayed in this body for a while, Irina had grown biased towards it, and almost saw Issei's emotions and sensations as more deep and meaningful than any other man's, something that only she could truly give the love it deserved.

Yuuma smiled, and said, "Will you die for me?"

Huh? That was a weird response. Who is she, George W. Bush? The militry-industrial complex?

More seriously, Irina wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. While Issei seemed turned on by the question, out of a sense of chivalry that made Irina almost giggle warmly, she didn't really seem to understand the question. "Excuse me, could you repeat that?"

Yuuma used a finger to direct Issei's gaze towards herself, then repeated the question. "Will you... die for me?"

The last part was almost a whisper, and the frail breath of her voice almost sounded like a part of the wind.

Irina stared, as Yuuma's hands covered her own body. Irina started to think about how much she'd rather be in Yuuma's body than her own. She'd die for it! She'd die for it it... and even more, to have Issei staring at her like he was staring at Yuuma right now.

She almost blurted out, 'Yes,' as well, and smiled slightly when Issei's libido almost did the same. Noticing her bizarre reaction, Yuuma started laughing.

Issei immediately tried to come up with an evasive reaction, like trying to act like Yuuma's comment was a joke, but Irina found that distasteful. Dying for someone was a serious matter, she had read enough romance novels to know that. After all, even Twilight was based on Romeo and Juliet, right? Dying for love isn't something she had ever seriously considered doing, but it was somehow comforting to hear that there was someone out there holding a candle to the heavens. It was an ideal that gave its light to all love, making it more meaningful and rich, even if she didn't do it.

Instead, she dithered, oscillating between plans to reply, 'Yes, if your body was the price,' favoured by Issei though it was originally her idea due to her infatuation with having a female body, and, 'So what's your plan?' a whimsical response that she liked but was almost too nervous to use.

As she looked up, tongue-tied, she suddenly saw that Yuuma had grown two leathery black wings.

Wait, what? Was she an angel? Even in the romance novels that Irina had read, this was a bit ridiculous.

Yuuma's eyes had turned a cold violet, with the texture of liquid mercury. As her wings flapped and she rose into the air, a few feathers flew out and skidded to an elegant halt beside Irina.

Seeing a hint of fight-or-flight response in Issei, who raised an arm aggressively while looking for escape routes, Yuuma laughed and threw off her clothes, revealing a more adult physique than she had seemed to have as Yuuma. Was Yuuma just someone else in disguise?

But Irina stared at Yuuma's new figure, and couldn't look away. It was like something out of a magazine. The curves, the hips, the hourglass figure, the breast, all synchronized perfectly. It was a figure that she would have dreamed about having, even if she was a female. But now, she wanted it more than anything. It would make her a perfect female, even more than she had ever been. She could end up with Issei, and he'd never be able to resist or leave her, not for any other woman.

Her eyes were transfixed on Yuuma, envisioning it as her own body.

Yuuma laughed. "Don't look me over like that, if you're not willing to die for me! You are, right? But I've enjoyed our time together."

A faint, misty white spear appeared in her hand, buzzing loudly, and she threw it towards Irina. Huh?

"I just want... give me your body..." Irina whimpered.

"It will never be yours," she whispered. "But wouldn't you do anything for it? Think of it like that. What happens now... it's what you wanted. Don't resist."


She shuddered slightly at how weird her thoughts had become, but her mind was becoming erratic as death called. Besides, gender dysphoria is quite a drug.

For a moment, she no longer cared about Issei. She just lost herself in violent yearning to return to a female body, and escape from this male form that felt like such a prison. She regretted being here, she regretted being Issei, she just wanted to be a female again.

As the spear struck, it pierced quickly through Irina's heart. With her last thought, she screamed, 'I'M A GIRL! I'M NOT A BOY... I'M TRAPPED IN A DEVIL! HE MOLESTED ME! HELP ME!'

Soon, she found herself trapped in Issei's body, lying dead on the ground. She screamed helplessly, repeating that she was a girl and this was unfair. She hadn't even got to go back to being a female, before dying! She couldn't stand it, she tried to weep but couldn't because Issei was dead. She thought fondly of his eyes, and wished that she could use them again to vent her emotions. This wish filled her with self-hatred.

But Issei's eyes were dead, and didn't respond.

She felt herself detach from Issei's body, and almost felt the warmth of her own body again, albeit at some distance. She was still frozen in Issei's corpse, and she was enraged. Why was Issei still imprisoning her, even after death? She thought again of the tunnel, and how she could never get away from him, as he followed her and violently penetrated even her injured chest. "I'M A GIRL! I WAS REBORN AS A DEVIL! A DEVIL! BUT I'M A GIRL!"

There was a flash.

Suddenly, she felt herself appear, still as Issei, on a bed.

A red-haired girl was leaning down across her body, pressing her vagina across Irina's penis which was almost suffocating against the bedsheet.

She felt large breasts pressing against her body.

In fact, the girl's white skin, which looked like marble in the morning light, was smothering her own. She felt intense urges sprouting up, but the girl kept her penis pressed down in place, unable to rise. She made an almost primal attempt to wrestle her way upwards, but the girl laughed and pressed her down. As she tried again, the redhead lowered a palm gently to wrap around Irina's penis, and massaged it helplessly down.

Under the pressure, and with Rias' unclothed body right up against hers, Irina was unable to hold back Issei's arousal which flooded her mind and almost drowned her out. Her thoughts were filled with visions of violent thrusts, pressing her shaft into every crevice of Rias' body in a futile quest for satiation. She imagined not only thrusting her penis into Rias, sometimes violently, but also thrusting knives or other objects, anything so long as it could give some simulacra of the sexual fulfilment which she craved.

Her thoughts became even more violent, and soon she was imagining beating Rias up, and choking her while raping her barely conscious body. Even partially drowning Rias in order to have sex with her.

Rias stared into Irina's eyes, and Irina was temporarily frozen by the icy blue of Rias' eyes. Giggling, Rias said, "You said that you were a devil, right?"

"Um," Irina dithered, before a sudden twitch as she attempted to rise up and wrestle Rias' body and force sexual penetration.

But, again, she had no chance of rising, because Rias easily prodded her aroused penis until it simply collapsed into a mass of ejaculate over the bed and couldn't muster the strength to rise any further. "Don't you feel like a devil?" Rias said, leaning closer and whispering in Irina's ear.

Rias self-consciously pressed her breasts against Irina's face in the process, and Irina felt a sudden urge to confess. "Yes. You know, I think about violence, I think about, um, taking you by force, and, um..."

She was only just holding herself back from telling everything.

But Rias laughed and fluttered her eyelashes. "You've been reborn as a devil. Don't you want to know what it's like?"

"Yes," Irina said involuntarily.

She quickly tried correcting herself. "I mean, um, no... " Rias pressed heavily against her body, and drew a hand across her crotch, until Irina gave in and whimpered, "Yes."

"What do you most like about it, Issei? Is it being mine?"

Rias drew her hand down and cupped Irina's penis, and Irina noticed that a small, rough, chihuahua-sized dog collar had been fit around it. The friction turned her on, but she felt almost degraded by it. Her thoughts were a blur, however, and she seemed unable to think straight without immediately relapsing into sexual thoughts about Rias.

"Yes, master," Irina said, barely able to think.

"And what else?" Rias said.

"I'm just a schoolkid, I won't impress you," Irina whispered, regurgitating Issei's insecurities. "I want to be a king of... of..." she was about to say, 'hell,' which she associated with being a devil, but it didn't quite sound right. Her mind swam with images, not of fire, but of fiery lust in her penis finally unleashing across a mass of crudely objectified vaginas.

"A harem?" Rias whispered soothingly.

'That's exactly it!' Irina thought, with a start. "Yes, yes!" she cried.

Rias laughed. As she got up, she kicked Issei's penis back down as it rose, and Irina felt a stiff, blunt impact that was almost sickening. Nonetheless, she stared after Rias as she went.

The scene faded to white.

Irina again felt detached from Issei's body. However, this time, she almost groped for it, trying to swim her way back. She was almost addicted to it. After Rias had almost press-ganged her body and mind into experiencing Issei's lusts, she almost felt incomplete without them. She couldn't live without his penis pulsing through her, it made her feel complete. Maybe that's what Rias had meant, when she said that Irina was a 'devil' now? Irina couldn't truly dissociate from issei any more?

Suddenly, there was another flash, and she appeared in Issei's familiar school again, but now accosted by a bevy of schoolgirls. Looking around, she watched their breasts with admiration, and flashed back to Issei's time watching the Kendo changing room. She noticed that they had grown wings, like Yuuma, but that wasn't enough to stop her.

Once again, Rias was holding her in place, pinning her to a chair as the other girls showed off their bodies. One of the girls looked almost like Yuuma - at least, before the transformation - and Irina stared at this girl's large breasts. Laughing, the girl introduced herself, "I'm Akeno. You're our new recruit, right?"

"You're devils?" Irina whimpered.

"Would you like us to be?" Akeno answered innocuously.

"I was you to be part of my... harem." Irina was out of it by now, and could barely think about her answers.

"I would be glad... but you'd have to catch me first. I want you to think of that."

Irina's mind immediately flashed to scenes of Akeno's thin waist being tied up and forced into sex, being tied to a bed in her house as Issei almost surgically penetrated her, and finally of abusing her in a church, pressed up against the crucifix. Soon, her mind was flooded with similar thoughts about all of the girls in front of her, especially Rias. She could barely see or sense anything outside of these racing thoughts, and didn't notice as the girls slipped a poison pill into her mouth.

Soon, she suddenly fell down again, but this time she barely realized that she had fallen out of Issei's body. She was Issei. She couldn't understand life without him, his sensations were what made her feel alive.

Strangely, she heard Akeno's voice echoing around her, though she couldn't see Akeno. It said, "Will you die for me?"

Where had she heard that before? Oh, yes. Yuuma. Akeno did look a bit like Yuuma, though not entirely. But was she just imagining this voice? It seemed too persistent.

It couldn't just be imagination, right?

Finally, she appeared in a church, just like the one she had imagined. However, she saw an exorcist in front of her, holding a young, blonde girl hostage.

"Free her!" Irina said.

"No, I am keeping her safe, keeping her safe from devils like you," the exorcist replied.

"Who are you?" she said, tears in her eyes. Her hands were almost reaching for the blonde girl, unable to resist Issei's frantic, overstimulated desires.

"I am Freed Sellzen! I am an immaculate man of God! Do you know what God gets to do? He's just like you devils! He lets us molest young girls, like this beauty! Aren't you devils into that? Wouldn't be much point to it otherwise, right? But we do it to save the girls, we do it for the sake of what's right. Not like you sickos! There is no time for niceties in this world, my friend. It is a battle of good and evil! It is the battle of godliness against pure evil, namely your kind. Search your heart, tell me it isn't true. You know what evil lurks in the heart of... yourself, right? You don't know what I think when I have sex with this young, beautiful girl. Maybe it's religious thoughts, uplifting thoughts, maybe I just enjoy it. But you, you're perverse. You know that!"

"You won't get away with this, Freed!" Rias called out, suddenly appearing beside Irina.

"N-no, he won't..." Irina stammered.

Freed gave a knowing smile. He had seen through the Matrix, and learned that the world outside was primarily composed of misogyny, paying Andrew Tate, and hating transsexuality. "I see you point your blade towards me, Irina - ahem, I mean, Issei, but is that really what you want? Don't you really want this sweet girl here? She's named Asia, by the way! I'm sure she could mean the world to you. But she belongs to the church! She will never join you devils!"

Irina surged forwards, angrily, and slashed a deep gash across Freed's back. "Face it, it's over," she said, tasting the heroism and determination in Issei's voice like heavenly mana.

Freed only laughed. "Oh, is that all? It's alright, I have help! I have... the fallen angel!"

Suddenly, the scene disappeared, and she found herself once again trapped on the ground beneath Yuuma, with a spear sticking into her.

Her head felt almost numb for a moment, and anesthetized. However, in a moment, she suddenly looked up and saw that the floating figure nearby wasn't her at all. It was... Issei?

And her own body was lying on the ground. Feeling the ground around her, she found that she was in a small tunnel.

Issei walked up to her, and smiled. "Will you accept me again?"

"I can't live without you," she whispered back, barely able to breathe. "I don't feel anything now, come closer."

As he came closer, she felt his penis nearing him, and she breathed in and out in tune with it. He gasped, slightly guiltily, and crouched down next to her. "You really don't mind?" he said.

She wanted to grab him, but she was took weak. "Slip it in."

Impulsively, she added, barely able to breathe, "I'd die for you."

He hesitantly penetrated her, and then suddenly began going at it more enthusiastically. "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed. "I know this feeling! This is heavenly!"

Soon, he ejaculated, and lay on the ground beside her. As she saw his cum entering her, she felt electrified, and saw it as if it were a lighted spear. She saw cum fall into her like lightning from Issei.

However, another figure rose up above them. He was wearing a crucifix, but Irina didn't recognize him.

"Come back, Issei. Her time is done," the priest said. "You shall have plenty of time with her corpse, until you either realize the way of God, or become suicidal with self-loathing and guilt. For truly the way of sin is the way of Judas, who hanged himself out of guilt."

Suddenly, she recognized him. Her eyes widened desperately, but in a few moments she had died.

As night came, the cracks of light across the tunnel disappeared, and Irina's body was bathed in thick black. As she died, her hair had looked like black ink spilled across the floor, seeping lifelessly into the chinks of the stony ground.