
DxD: Beast Master

Waking up as a 6 years old who is about to be trained to become a church exorcist after taking a nap wasn't exactly how I imagined my day to go. But hey, look at the bright side, I will be able to do crazy magic stuff and become rather strongest ever. Yeah right I'm so fucked. ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer: No harem, If you recognize anything here then I probably don't own it, I only own my OCs and all the credits go back to their owners for the ideas, characters and the like. Also, no Harem. This will be a power fantasy story, about how the mc will try to become stronger and stronger, using all means he can. He has no type of goal or anything, no ' I will live my life to its fullest' or ' I will live without regrets'. I suck ass at talking to people IRL so you can expect interactions to be awkward, weird if they even happen cause I will be trying to minimise them. This story isn't actually a real story, it's more of an outlet for me to write about all the crazy stuff in my head, about the lore and possible power ups for a person. So again, be warned, that this story is more like a summary or diary about the events with minimal interactions. Discord link: https://discord.gg/hQPmj4WZ

Shub_Niggurath · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Ch27: End of the terrorrsist attack

AN: Sorry for the delay, but Ramadan is finally over, so maybe I will go back into pumping up chapters, but there is a problem as my exams are very close as the end of the year is close. Sigh, life sucks, anyways please leave comments, reviews or whatever as they help motivating and reminding me that I actually have a fanfic to write. Enjoy the chapter


(3rd pov)

( Location : Kuoh Academy: Alternate dimension)

If one was to have a very basic look at the world fundamental pillars of existence, there exits 3 main ones that are necessary for lower-dimension life forms existence of self.

Those 3 are: Space, where everything exists, acting as the main platform of existence itself. Time, where everything moves and happens, allowing the flow of action and the cognition of self to exist for said life forms. And finally Destiny, how things work and happen, dictating all actions and predestined the course of action of all existence.

All 3 pillars of existence, of course, can be surpassed by a being of enough strength or if their existential weight is too much for said world laws to handle.

So it goes without saying, that each world's structure is very different in that sense, as some world's have a very weak space-time structure allowing more lower lifeforms to perform acts of space or time manipulation. Others have more solid laws and structure, making said actions neigh impossible except for a very select few.

And so, it can be concluded that any being who is able to delve delve deeply into any of these 3 concepts is a mighty force of power in any place they might find themselves in.

That's what the rogue magicians, devils and fallen angels realized as they faced the giant Dragon floating above them, as they saw their attacks seemingly freeze in front of it, but on a closer look, they could feel that their attacks are still moving, its just that the space they are crossing seems to infinitely expand, making them effectively useless.

Azaroth, a Heavenly Dragon-class monster like Azi Dahāka and Leviathan, made from the Dimension Lost Longinus that was captured by Samuel on his raid against the Hero Faction, with other materials and knowledge on space, looked at the ants that were preparing another volley of attacks while some tried to run. Waving one if its wings in their direction, it watched as their attacks got redirected at them before roaring and unleashing another wave of space power.

When the wave passed the offenders who were busy blocking their own attacks, close to half of them vanished, only to appear in different places after which bloody explosions ensued, as some where teleported together in the same place, others found themselves in ground or walls and some only got partially teleported, leaving behind some or most of their body parts which didn't get teleported.

The survivors realising how out of their league they are, tried to flee or teleport away, only to realize that the magic they used to control the space of this place was already hijacked.

As for the fleeing ones, they quickly found themselves victims to either a trio of reincarnated angels weilding some of the strongest holy swords there, with Xenovia blasting everything with Durandal, Jeanne using her balance breaker and enchanting all her allies and swords with Hauteclere and Irina using Kusanagi's absurd sharpness and poisonous nature to deal with anyone who got too close.

" Should we stay here and guard or further pursue them?" asked Irina, as she she blocked some magical lasers using Light spears and rings before she slashed towards the attackers, sending a giant sword slash that cut all on its way and poisoned those who survived.

Looking at the stray magicians and devils littering around, they saw that they were too busy fighting off the seemingly immortal horde made of hundreds of artificial angels that were raining down light attacks and the army of shadow soldiers on the ground that keeps harassing or assassinating there menbers.

" I don't think we need to further follow, just stay around the leaders and the frozen people" answered Jeanne before sending her Dragon to support Kiba who was having some problems as he was getting overwhelmed by Old Satan followers. Xenovia and Irina nodded before feeling explosions of auras as the leaders of the attackers, Satannael and the Descendants of the original Satan all used some black snake to boost their power.

Azazel, who was clad in his Downfall Dragon armor, was looking at Satannael, holding the holy turned demonic sword Ardonlight, who now have 12 wings like him, just said.

" Ouroboros? So it's giving its subordinates power huh. But, this is unlike you Satannael, you were focused on creating an artificial longinus, this sort of terrorist attacks is Kokabiel's style, and look how it ended up for him" but Satannael didn't respond, he just proceeded to attack Azazel with Ardonlight, which was seemingly enchanting Satannael's power at the cost of his sanity.

Azazel proceeded to keep distance between them as he bombarded him with all light weapons and spells, which Satannael proceeded to either deflecting or avoid, as he didn't seem to have lost all reason yet.

As the exchange of blows continued, with Satannael being sometimes hit by some attacks or Azazel not being able to keep enough distance and being forced to deflect Ardonlight with his Telesma enchanted wings.

As time went on, it seemed that Satannael was becoming more and feral and powerful as he was burning his lifeforce to draw more power from the fused sword which start showing cracks on it. It was clear that despite his more experience in fighting on this level, Azazel was slowly being driven to a corner because of Satannael' close ranged advantage and enchanted power using Ardonlight.

Realising this, he decided its time to go all out. He proceeded to forgo defense and appeared in front of the suprised Satannael who immediately striked down to split him in half. Azazel, who was able to shift away from certain death by raising and sacrificing his arm to shift away the attack, proceeded to stab him with a light spear mixed with a gold dragon aura and all his remaining Telesma, sending both Satannael and the quickly expanding spear down.

Soon a giant explosion capable of erasing the whole of Japan ensued, but the strange thing was that it didn't seem to expand or affect the surroundings. Azazel who saw this, looked above to see the giant Dragon glowing with power looking his way. He just let out a chuckle as his armor demarterialised and whispered.

" Space Domination huh. This user of Annihilation Maker is really terrifying, he is actually capable of creating monsters that surpasses Titan-class" after which, he proceeded to go down and pick up the now broken Ardonlight in his hand.

" As for this? I guess it can be repaired and used as gift for the Red Dragon Emperor" muttered Azazel, before he felt a shifting temperature as he saw a part of the artificial dimension, which was where Serafall and Katarea were fighting was now covered in ice. Looking more closely, he was able to see a giant snake like creature made of Demonic energy was freezed in an ice block before breaking down and exploding into countless little shards, killing the monster inside.

Floating towards the frozen hell, Azazel saw Serafall with her wings open floating there, with Ice covering her right inside as he felt his movement become more sluggish the closer he got, as all matter seemed to slow down as if time was slowed because of the temperature which was nearing absolute zero.

Serafall, whose expression and eyes were blank looking at the shattered seepanr, noticed Azazel when he stepped in her domain, as she stopped imposing her power on the surrounding world, making the temperature start returning to normal.

" Something on your mind?" asked Azazel, lookimg at the now dissolving ice, which just disappeared instead of turning into water.

" Nothing, just reminiscing about some old memories is all." answered Serafall, as she and Azazel started retreating towards the last battle which was ensuing.

" Still, to think she was able to access the Serpant of the end form. That is a suprise to be sure. Last time I saw it was in the Great war, when the original leviathen was going all out and drowning millions of people in her rampage" continued Azazel.

" I personally never encountered it, but I saw the aftermath of one of its manifestation. It was similar albeit still weaker than the one Aju-chan described Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan was able to turn into in the civil war" Explained Serafall before they arrived at the barrier where Sirzechs, Micheal and the others where gathered.

After some Greetings, they all turned to look into the final battle that was still ongoing. As they watched the flashes of lightning thundering, the air cracking because of sound quackes, the surroundings covered by numerous magical flies that were either spitting poison or joining together to form magic circles and finally a giant chimera like beast that was flying and quacking everything near it.

" How nostalgic, the chimera ability of the Asmodeus clan and the Lord of the Flies ability of the Beelzebub clan" said Sirzechs, as he remembered the flying poisonous Chimera fly that was a descendant of the Beelzebub clan, which forced him to use his true form to finally get rid of it in the civil war.

" Although I shod say, those 2 monsters are indeed absurdly powerful and quite intelligent" remarked Azazel as he looked more interested in REGULUS and MINIUM, both beasts were busy wrecking down their enemies as the lion was pouring thunder on all surrounding insects and using the heat from said lightning to attack the giant bee-like monster that is Shalba.

On the other hand, MINIUM was continously sending sonic blasts and screams at Creusery who was now a flying abomination with 3 heads: A lion, a Dragon and a Goat which were attached to long necks covered with scales which spouted thick fur. It has 12 bat wings that it was using to fly and a snake tail.

As the 2 devil turned beasts were continously bombarded and mutilated but still regenerating. The battle was ended as Samuel finally took actions, after he felt the time flow returned back to normal, as he raised his hand and summoned a giant magical circle. This magical circle actually have the same function as the one Kokabiel used, not that anyone realised or even remembers, as it calls upon the judgement from heaven to smite down the enemies of the Lord.

And so, since Samuel is basically God now, he has total access to all heavenly authorities, which is the main requirement for using this spell. As the magical circle rotated, the sky turned gold as giant amounts of Telesma floated the sky and were siphoned into the magic circle.

" Divine Judgement" the name of this spell, with it unleashed, numerous giant bolts of holy lightning mercilessly slaughtered the 2 devils and all the remaining enemies continously for a 5 minutes, leaving nothing behind.

With it, Samuel just nodded and dispelled all his monsters, making the the alternate dimension collapse which caused them to return back to the destroyed school building and find Rias, Issei, Koneko and Gasper. As all were occupied talking, no one noticed him summoning a grail which proceeded to gather all the dead souls that were killed in this place.

Soon the negotiations ended on a positive note as all 3 factions helped repair the damage done, but privately, Samuel noticed the quite disappearance of Vali, who upon realising how outnumbered he is if he ever fought, decided against acting and instead opted to dissappear without making a commission.