
Chapter 42

In 1831, nominally belonging to Ottoman Turkey, but actually self-governing Greece, their Greek governor Ioannis Kapotisria was assassinated, and Greece suddenly fell into anarchy.

Ottoman Turkey was ready to send troops to subdue this center of Eastern Rome, but it was blocked by other powers.

In the end, Ottoman compromised in front of the three major powers of Britain, France and Russia, and he was the one who settled down to the end.

In 1832, when the British Foreign Secretary Palmerston took advantage of his reputation for helping the founding of Belgium, the three countries, Britain, France and Russia, led by him, in order to prevent the Ottomans from intervening in Greece again, the three countries jointly decided that Greece would become independent from Ottoman Turkey. Independent kingdom, the king finally after many compromises, the 17-year-old Prince Otto, the second son of the Bavarian king Ludwig I of the German Confederation, became the newly established king of the Greek kingdom.

However, they demanded that the past heir should be the descendant of Prince Otto. If there is no descendant, Otto's younger brother and his descendants will be the heirs of the Greek king, but they cannot be the same as the Bavarian throne.

In 1833, he officially succeeded to the throne. When he succeeded, he was escorted by the armies and navies of Britain, France and Russia. The purpose was naturally to prevent Ottoman from taking risks.

As a minor, Greece is governed by a council of regents, and the three governing members are all Bavarians.

The three advocate strong governance, and many policies have been introduced, which have caused people's grievances.

And the Greeks soon discovered that they now pay more taxes than before, even more than they did during the Ottoman rule, and even Greece had to rely on Britain, France and Russia to borrow money to survive, which became a tax on the Greeks. Heavy taxes and chaotic management.

The Ottoman bao coup became the bureaucratic rule of Bavaria, so the Greeks despised the so-called "Bavarian bureaucracy". They were all sad that they still had no say. Therefore, they were even more dissatisfied with Otto, the new king arranged by the foreign powers.

In particular, the Greeks were all Orthodox believers, but the death of Otto I of the Catholic Church did not change his belief that he was a Catholic, which made the Greeks think that he was an alien.

Even more unpopular.

In the second year, Greece moved the capital to Athens. Although there were many twists and turns, in the end, he was willing to give Otto I a chance. People continued to tolerate it, and more than 10,000 people moved the capital to Athens successfully.

It was not a dream that Greece would become prosperous and strong under the rule of the new king Otto I after moving the capital, but the reality is very skinny. In the Greek government, basically more than two-thirds of the cabinet members are from Bavaria, and even the national defense law has been passed. This post is all Bavarian.

Under such circumstances, the Greeks no longer wanted to endure it.

They took to the streets last week. The pro-Russians demanded that an Orthodox prince be re-elected to replace Otto I, while the Anglophiles demanded that all Bavarian officials be expelled from Greece.

So the three kingdoms asked Otto I to put the constitutional monarchy at the top of the constitution,

I thought everything was over, but on September 3, 1843, a protest broke out in Athens, demanding that Athens be replaced by Greeks to manage the Greeks, which was eventually extinguished, but because of this, Otto I became an "outsider" to the Greeks.

Otto I tried to restore public opinion and finally agreed to completely remove his Bavarian advisers and to convene a parliament to promulgate a new constitution in 1859.

But in 1859 there was a war between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia.

This time Otto I had the first diplomatic disagreement with his subjects.

The Greeks sided with the Sardinian kingdom, but Otto I sided with his relative, the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. In the end, the Kingdom of Sardinia was victorious with the support of Napoleon III of the French Empire.

This made his prestige completely swept into the trash by people, but Otto I didn't want to be abandoned by people like this, and was ready to launch a war against the Ottoman Turkey that resounded in the hearts of the Greeks, in order to stimulate their inner hatred , It is a pity that due to the lessons of the last Ossa War, the Greeks no longer trust this second son from the king of Bavaria, a "foreigner" who only serves his motherland.

It was under such circumstances that many students in Greece took to the streets to demand Otto I step down, and the voices of calling for a new king in Greece became louder and louder.

Under such circumstances, William IV revealed for the first time to a few people in the Tsarist Empire just now that he had been planning to have William III succeed Otto I in inheriting the Greek throne.

Because he still remembers clearly in his previous life, it seems that before the end of the year, Greece really successfully removed Otto I, and his successor will come in 1863. He is the king Christian IX from the British Empire who will inherit the Danish throne next year. 's second son.

Because Christian IX will take over the throne of Denmark at the beginning of next year, and after he becomes Christian IX, his eldest daughter, the eldest princess of Denmark, Alexandra, married Edward of Queen Veria in the same year. Crown Prince.

This is really true that a woman can go to heaven with her father and brother, and all three of them have become kings.

Compared with her, Cinderella is simply not worthy of support!

William IV secretly said: The British, as expected, are still the most calculating group. They are digging holes everywhere and earning the most profit everywhere.

Netherlands, compared to them, both in terms of strength and ability, they are far behind!


February 19, 1862, exactly 10 a.m.

Outside the embassy of the British Empire stationed in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, horse-drawn carriages began to drive out of the gate of the most luxuriously decorated British Empire embassy in the Netherlands, slowly heading towards the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

This is a small and simple army. The front 10 people are carrying guns and walking on footsteps, the back is accompanied by four carriages, and after that, 10 soldiers are riding horses. At first glance, the horses from England are tall and handsome.

Along the way, many pedestrians pointed at this scene, especially some insightful people, who even recognized that one of them was a carriage belonging to a high-ranking official, and the other three were dressed only by members of the royal family.

"I am in Amsterdam in the past two days. It's really lively in Amsterdam. The dignitaries from all over Europe are running here, especially those unmarried members of the European royal family who were rarely seen in the past. It's not uncommon in the past few days. Let's not talk about the Netherlands. How is it developing now? This scene alone is the only thing I have seen in my life as a native of Amsterdam. The Netherlands, it seems that according to the recent newspapers, in the rapid rise, perhaps in the near future, the 17th and 18th centuries can be restored. The glory of it may not be certain."

"Who said no, especially in the past five or six years, with our Crown Prince William IV assisting King III in politics, the Netherlands has begun to operate rapidly. Just industrial factories, the Netherlands now employs more than 500,000 people, what plastic factories? , and other hardware factories, etc., they are all the most advanced classification factories in Europe now."

"Who said no, there are a lot of emerging companies now, such as Heineken Beer Company, Shell Oil and Electric Company, Meisujiaer Milk Products Company, Nuouneng Food Manufacturing Company, Amsterdam Bearing Company, Netherlands Industrial Advanced Equipment Manufacturing Company, KPMG, Dutch Shipbuilding Company, etc."

"I am dissatisfied with everyone. I am now working at Philips as the workshop director of our company's latest product, the Philips bicycle."

"Ah, is it the Philips, the European bicycle manufacturer, that has caused a stir recently?"


"That's great, I'm a dealer from the Rotterdam side and I want to get some Philips bikes from your company, don't know if this will work, Philips bikes are very popular there, even I'm thinking, in Rotterdam For the South Centre, if Philips agrees, I would like to help sell Philips bicycles to the Belgian side"

"Of course it's no problem, let's go, let's go back to the company headquarters first. I think we, Philips, will definitely welcome you very much."

In one of the carriages, Princess Louise listened to the various discussions of the pedestrians on the side of the road with keen ears. She began to learn Dutch when she was 10 years old. It should be said that not only Dutch, but also the official language of the ten major European countries. dabble.

"Philips? It's that bike that sells on the streets of London today, with a single phoenix logo on the front of the bike? Philips? Phoenix? Is it related?" Princess Louise was full of many questions.

"William IV heard that he was born in 1840 and is only 22 years old this year. It is said that this man has a strong figure~www.mtlnovel.com~ The short red hair unique to the Netherlands is even more heroic on him. The most important thing is , he has created many enterprises in his own name. The ones I just mentioned, according to the information I received, are now developing rapidly in their respective industries, and even occupy one-third of the production capacity of the Netherlands. , can be called terrifying, just as the "Financialist" introduced some time ago, William IV is a mysterious man. Such a man is the most charming and the most challenging, isn't he? "

Princess Louise's carriage is the fourth, just like the succession to the throne. Except for the Prime Minister Palmerston, the three princesses all drive in order of age. This is the iron of the European royal family. Laws, common in Europe.

"A flying phoenix?"

In the first carriage, Viscount Palmerston relished these words,

"Does it mean that the Netherlands will be like the phoenix in the east, dying and reborn, reborn from the ashes?"

"Anyway, this William IV, who began to do so many foreshadowings during the crown prince's time, seems to be a really ambitious lord.

In Europe, there is a Queen Victoria as the pinnacle of the sea, which has led to a lot less wars in Europe recently.

But with the rise of Bismarck, and the ambition of Napoleon III is not great.

In addition to the top ambitions of Alexander II, there is now a mysterious William IV in the Netherlands.

William IV, who was able to recognize the Netherlands' own ability to win relations and fight, and who knew how to hide his incomparable low-keyness, these four people alone are enough to make Europe bloody.

Wait a minute, if meeting and being famous are the same, then Europe will enter a troubled time from now on. "