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Home » Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne SIJIDT » Vol 3 Chapter 305: The Netherlands must protect the Kingdom of Siam

Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne Vol 3 Chapter 305: The Netherlands must protect the Kingdom of Siam

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With the support of the Netherlands and other European countries, the anti-French invasion of the Kingdom of Siam harmed the interests of all countries, and the army of the Kingdom of Siam also achieved good results.

A considerable number of French troops were defeated, and even several middle-level commanders of the French army were killed. The most heartening thing is that in several wars, the French army and the servant army lost 60,000 people, which was enough to subvert Europe's influence on the French Empire. The influence of a powerful country, and even the confidence in the Siamese kingdom to resist the invasion has been blessed.

The news of this data has attracted the attention of all parties, and under the momentum of Europe, the imperial decree gave the outside world the illusion that the victory of the Kingdom of Siam is in sight.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the case. The results of the first phase of the battle of the French Empire were not as good as expected. It was because the French Empire was too "certain". First, it looked down on the other small countries in the Far East, thinking that it was the same as those indigenous countries in Africa.

Therefore, in terms of layout strategy, it seems that none of them have been deployed.

Second, the strong reaction from European countries has made the French Empire somewhat tied.

The military power of the two countries is not equal. Even if the Kingdom of Siam has good results now, unless other European countries actually send troops to participate, they will eventually hate it. "

After William IV finished speaking, the entire Privy Council began to quickly digest the content of William IV's words.

Obviously their king did not think that the Kingdom of Siam could finally withstand the invasion of the French Empire. In this case, the Netherlands needed to carry out a countermeasure plan, otherwise, the Dutch investment in the Kingdom of Siam for many years would be in vain.

"Your Majesty, the sanctions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, do you want to push it further?"

The speaker was Dutch Justice Minister Ross.

"Yes, I also agree with Secretary Ross's statement. Now the number of countries that have sanctioned the French Empire has far exceeded even numbers. This has world influence, especially when the United Kingdom has obviously joined our ranks. If we once again sacrifice this big Killer, then we will make France even more intimidated and difficult to carry on."

This time it was Education Minister Rude Bells. Obviously, as an educator, the famous attack seemed more suitable for him. As the words of the two fell, almost everyone looked at William IV. Obviously, most people believe that it is more appropriate to increase the efforts to promote the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Everyone understands in their hearts that an army conflict is impossible, unless one day, the Netherlands is far away from the French Empire. However, that kind of thinking is just a thought.

William IV understood what they were thinking. A military conflict with France is definitely not something that can be done right now, and it is not in the interests of the Netherlands. Obviously Napoleon III knew this, so last time he would unscrupulously conduct exercises on the border between the two countries to demonstrate to the Netherlands. .

"Direct military conflict support is impossible, sanctions by the International Court of Justice in The Hague?"

William IV said helplessly: "I don't want to use it anymore, because it's too much. If I use it too many times, his international intimidation will weaken, and other countries will also be disgusted with the dominant position of the Netherlands. Therefore, I will prepare for the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Let it be empty for a while, and be quiet for a while"

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jane von Capello couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, in this case, how can we check and balance the French Empire? After all, we have just announced an agreement with the Kingdom of Siam to invest 1 million pounds. If the Kingdom of Luo is gone, then the Netherlands may become the laughing stock of the world."

"Yes, the Kingdom of Siam, from a strategic point of view, is very important to the Far East policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Therefore, the Kingdom of Siam, I don't think it should be lost. This is for the security and economic interests of the Netherlands in the Far East. That said, they are both good allies."

Navy Chief of Staff Joseph Karls and Army Chief of Staff Jopp Il looked at each other, and the former followed up: "Especially when facing the British and French Empires on the Southeast Asian peninsula, if we let the two countries If the kingdom of Luo is nibbled and divided, then these two countries may turn their guns to look at the East Indies in the south, and even New Guinea and the Australian mainland are targets. This is not good for the Netherlands. I suggest that the military For example, in terms of armament, the Netherlands can provide more Mauser rifles to the Kingdom of Siam, arm the Kingdom of Siam, and consume the military power of France."

William IV looked at the two of them, and at the Dutch Minister of Armaments Louis Bell next to him. When he connected this, he immediately understood that these guys obviously pushed the latter suggestion to be the key.

The military is still the best partner for collusion with arms suppliers. However, this is an interest chain that exists in all countries in the world. Demand is the rationalization of supply and demand.

What's more, the largest arms group in the Netherlands is the Wilhelm Group, in which he is the largest shareholder, with a share of more than 35%.

So speaking, if the Kingdom of Siam can buy more arms, he is also one of the biggest beneficiaries.

However, he is not prepared to use this as the only means.

As early as last year, he had prepared several new means, and the power of these means, in fact, seemed to be more peaceful, but it was not at all weaker than the legal sanctions weapons of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

So he gave Dutch Foreign Minister Heisbert Von a wink.

The latter said knowingly: "Everyone, in fact, I think we seem to have forgotten a person who is not here, but has a very important influence."


Haysbert Feng has always been William IV's dog-tail flower. Many times, he is the microphone role representing William IV in the Privy Council. The exchange of glances between the two just now was seen by everyone else.

However, looking at Prime Minister Tolbeck's appearance, it is obvious that the three of them had exchanges, and this Privy Council meeting was only carried out under the influence of promulgation.

For this reason, although it is not a taste, I have to admit that the "cooperation" of the three people has made the Privy Council more efficient and less quarrelsome compared to the previous period of His Majesty William III.

Of course, this also proves one thing from the side, that is, the kingship of William IV was confirmed by all the members of the Privy Council, which was lacking in William III.

Haysbert Von announced the answer: "ElBaradei, Director General of the International Red Cross"

"It's time for the ICRC to play"

William IV said: "War causes civilian casualties~www.mtlnovel.com~ I call it the collateral damage of war, which refers to the innocent people who are killed or injured by mistake without the intention of the military. Wars are happening all over the world frequently. , the collateral damage has always been very high. Take the Pudan War as an example. Denmark paid more than 200,000 poor people for this. You must know that Denmark's population is only 2 million, one tenth, which is very terrifying."

In the past few years, the Russian Empire, the Balkan Peninsula, the internal war in Milikian, etc., these are actually the places where the International Red Cross should work.

Of course, the status of impartiality and neutrality is internationally recognized.

Now in the war between the Kingdom of Siam and the Empire of France, the casualties of civilians are obviously calculated by the Kingdom of Siam, and the French Empire, as an invader, can almost be ignored. Every day, the data on the rescued wounded and the death are released and telegrams are sent to newspapers and governments in various countries every day. Then, as the data changes, what will happen to this war? "

Following William IV's description, the scene seemed to blow over, and everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Among them, the first person who couldn't help it was the Minister of the Navy, Jan Peter, who exclaimed: "Then the whole world doesn't hate the French Empire anymore. At that time, I'm afraid everyone in the world will treat the French Empire as a murderer who kills humanity. - the king hooked up"Home » Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne SIJIDT » Vol 3 Chapter 305: The Netherlands must protect the Kingdom of Siam

Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne Vol 3 Chapter 305: The Netherlands must protect the Kingdom of Siam

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With the support of the Netherlands and other European countries, the anti-French invasion of the Kingdom of Siam harmed the interests of all countries, and the army of the Kingdom of Siam also achieved good results.

A considerable number of French troops were defeated, and even several middle-level commanders of the French army were killed. The most heartening thing is that in several wars, the French army and the servant army lost 60,000 people, which was enough to subvert Europe's influence on the French Empire. The influence of a powerful country, and even the confidence in the Siamese kingdom to resist the invasion has been blessed.

The news of this data has attracted the attention of all parties, and under the momentum of Europe, the imperial decree gave the outside world the illusion that the victory of the Kingdom of Siam is in sight.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the case. The results of the first phase of the battle of the French Empire were not as good as expected. It was because the French Empire was too "certain". First, it looked down on the other small countries in the Far East, thinking that it was the same as those indigenous countries in Africa.

Therefore, in terms of layout strategy, it seems that none of them have been deployed.

Second, the strong reaction from European countries has made the French Empire somewhat tied.

The military power of the two countries is not equal. Even if the Kingdom of Siam has good results now, unless other European countries actually send troops to participate, they will eventually hate it. "

After William IV finished speaking, the entire Privy Council began to quickly digest the content of William IV's words.

Obviously their king did not think that the Kingdom of Siam could finally withstand the invasion of the French Empire. In this case, the Netherlands needed to carry out a countermeasure plan, otherwise, the Dutch investment in the Kingdom of Siam for many years would be in vain.

"Your Majesty, the sanctions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, do you want to push it further?"

The speaker was Dutch Justice Minister Ross.

"Yes, I also agree with Secretary Ross's statement. Now the number of countries that have sanctioned the French Empire has far exceeded even numbers. This has world influence, especially when the United Kingdom has obviously joined our ranks. If we once again sacrifice this big Killer, then we will make France even more intimidated and difficult to carry on."

This time it was Education Minister Rude Bells. Obviously, as an educator, the famous attack seemed more suitable for him. As the words of the two fell, almost everyone looked at William IV. Obviously, most people believe that it is more appropriate to increase the efforts to promote the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Everyone understands in their hearts that an army conflict is impossible, unless one day, the Netherlands is far away from the French Empire. However, that kind of thinking is just a thought.

William IV understood what they were thinking. A military conflict with France is definitely not something that can be done right now, and it is not in the interests of the Netherlands. Obviously Napoleon III knew this, so last time he would unscrupulously conduct exercises on the border between the two countries to demonstrate to the Netherlands. .

"Direct military conflict support is impossible, sanctions by the International Court of Justice in The Hague?"

William IV said helplessly: "I don't want to use it anymore, because it's too much. If I use it too many times, his international intimidation will weaken, and other countries will also be disgusted with the dominant position of the Netherlands. Therefore, I will prepare for the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Let it be empty for a while, and be quiet for a while"

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jane von Capello couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, in this case, how can we check and balance the French Empire? After all, we have just announced an agreement with the Kingdom of Siam to invest 1 million pounds. If the Kingdom of Luo is gone, then the Netherlands may become the laughing stock of the world."

"Yes, the Kingdom of Siam, from a strategic point of view, is very important to the Far East policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Therefore, the Kingdom of Siam, I don't think it should be lost. This is for the security and economic interests of the Netherlands in the Far East. That said, they are both good allies."

Navy Chief of Staff Joseph Karls and Army Chief of Staff Jopp Il looked at each other, and the former followed up: "Especially when facing the British and French Empires on the Southeast Asian peninsula, if we let the two countries If the kingdom of Luo is nibbled and divided, then these two countries may turn their guns to look at the East Indies in the south, and even New Guinea and the Australian mainland are targets. This is not good for the Netherlands. I suggest that the military For example, in terms of armament, the Netherlands can provide more Mauser rifles to the Kingdom of Siam, arm the Kingdom of Siam, and consume the military power of France."

William IV looked at the two of them, and at the Dutch Minister of Armaments Louis Bell next to him. When he connected this, he immediately understood that these guys obviously pushed the latter suggestion to be the key.

The military is still the best partner for collusion with arms suppliers. However, this is an interest chain that exists in all countries in the world. Demand is the rationalization of supply and demand.

What's more, the largest arms group in the Netherlands is the Wilhelm Group, in which he is the largest shareholder, with a share of more than 35%.

So speaking, if the Kingdom of Siam can buy more arms, he is also one of the biggest beneficiaries.

However, he is not prepared to use this as the only means.

As early as last year, he had prepared several new means, and the power of these means, in fact, seemed to be more peaceful, but it was not at all weaker than the legal sanctions weapons of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

So he gave Dutch Foreign Minister Heisbert Von a wink.

The latter said knowingly: "Everyone, in fact, I think we seem to have forgotten a person who is not here, but has a very important influence."


Haysbert Feng has always been William IV's dog-tail flower. Many times, he is the microphone role representing William IV in the Privy Council. The exchange of glances between the two just now was seen by everyone else.

However, looking at Prime Minister Tolbeck's appearance, it is obvious that the three of them had exchanges, and this Privy Council meeting was only carried out under the influence of promulgation.

For this reason, although it is not a taste, I have to admit that the "cooperation" of the three people has made the Privy Council more efficient and less quarrelsome compared to the previous period of His Majesty William III.

Of course, this also proves one thing from the side, that is, the kingship of William IV was confirmed by all the members of the Privy Council, which was lacking in William III.

Haysbert Von announced the answer: "ElBaradei, Director General of the International Red Cross"

"It's time for the ICRC to play"

William IV said: "War causes civilian casualties~www.mtlnovel.com~ I call it the collateral damage of war, which refers to the innocent people who are killed or injured by mistake without the intention of the military. Wars are happening all over the world frequently. , the collateral damage has always been very high. Take the Pudan War as an example. Denmark paid more than 200,000 poor people for this. You must know that Denmark's population is only 2 million, one tenth, which is very terrifying."

In the past few years, the Russian Empire, the Balkan Peninsula, the internal war in Milikian, etc., these are actually the places where the International Red Cross should work.

Of course, the status of impartiality and neutrality is internationally recognized.

Now in the war between the Kingdom of Siam and the Empire of France, the casualties of civilians are obviously calculated by the Kingdom of Siam, and the French Empire, as an invader, can almost be ignored. Every day, the data on the rescued wounded and the death are released and telegrams are sent to newspapers and governments in various countries every day. Then, as the data changes, what will happen to this war? "

Following William IV's description, the scene seemed to blow over, and everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Among them, the first person who couldn't help it was the Minister of the Navy, Jan Peter, who exclaimed: "Then the whole world doesn't hate the French Empire anymore. At that time, I'm afraid everyone in the world will treat the French Empire as a murderer who kills humanity. - the king hooked up"