
Chapter 325

When King Willem IV of the Netherlands held a funeral for his grandmother, Queen Anna of the Netherlands, the changes in the world did not stop.

On May 3, 1864, the French Imperial Army entered Mexico City. Benito Juárez, the former president of Mexico, led the Confederate States of America without a cup, while the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I supported by Napoleon III. His younger brother, Grand Duke Maximilian I, was the emperor of Mexico and officially declared himself emperor of Mexico.

However, most Mexicans did not agree with his status, so they formed a large number of guerrilla opposition teams to counter the invasion of the French army, which made the status of Maximilian I always crumbling, which is not justified.

The Mexican President Benito Juarez, who fled north, was originally because the Davis government of the Southern Alliance of Michigan suppressed the other party to avoid the dissatisfaction of the French Empire, but as they and the United Kingdom Reconciled with the Commonwealth of Millikin, this time the Davis government no longer oppresses the other side.

The former president, Benito Juarez, even set up a base in the Chihuahua region on the Mexican border, which was handed over to the Confederate States of America, specifically to resist the rule of France and Maximilian I.

One of them occupies the geographical position, the other occupies the advanced weapons and the huge French Empire, and Austria is the auxiliary team. The two sides have gradually reached a balance in the past few years. Therefore, the north of Torreón, Mexico, with the support of the United States of America and the Confederate States of Millikin, has become the territory of Benito Juarez's influence.

The south was in the hands of Maximilian I, supported by the two countries headed by Fao.

Originally, if it continued, the status of Maximilian I would be more and more consolidated, but his idea was difficult to realize.

In 1866, the Austrian Empire ruled by his brother Joseph I was shocked by the defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia. After that, Prussia was even more shocked by the fact that Austria was directly kicked out of the Austrian German Confederation.

He knew that from now on, he might become a string doll in the hands of Napoleon III of the French Empire.

Although he knew that his elder brother Joseph I actually joined Hungary to form the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he had high hopes for a time, but later Joseph I lamented in his letter that he mentioned the limitation of his rights, and had already clearly told him that the Austro-Hungarian Empire was against him. There was limited help in ruling Mexico.

The most destructive thing is that, beginning in February 1867, Napoleon III was dissatisfied with the various resistances made by the British to help the Austrians occupy Mexico. Statements against French infiltration made France wary of Mexico's actions.

This made Maximilian I's original ambition even more wilted in an instant.

But it's not just the worst.

Afterwards, the French Empire actually launched a war in the Far East and Southeast Asia. What worried him most was that the French Empire actually collapsed there. Communication is close.

As a neighbor of the Kingdom of Siam, the Kingdom of the South of the Netherlands, despite the opposition of the French Empire, strongly pushed forward the newly established and established The Hague International Court of Justice in The Hague, the Netherlands. Sanctions against the French Empire.

And it is also supported by most European countries. This made him worry about Napoleon III's French Empire.

After that, the countries of South America joined and the United Kingdom followed, which made Maximilian I sad and bleak, because although the French Empire resisted the pressure of sanctions and continued to wage war in the Far East, what he saw was that the small country actually carried out the war. After a series of counterattacks, Napoleon III's Far East army has almost been spinning around until now, and it is difficult to make great progress. But the loss of the French army was tens of thousands.

Directly at the end of May 1867, the French Empire actually lost nearly 40,000 French troops and more than 20,000 South Vietnamese servants in what was supposed to be a small war of aggression in the Far East.

The number of the Kingdom of Siam is actually compared with that of France, and there are only 50,000 people, which is less than that of France. Of course, those ordinary people are not counted.

The Kingdom of Siam is said to have 8 million people, according to the French national to army ratio. 30 million French and 1/60th of 500,000 troops. The Kingdom of Siam can obviously set up about 140,000 people, that is to say, the Siam Kingdom can still use more than 80,000 troops. In the wartime state, the Kingdom of Siam can also carry out additional military service and recruit troops into the army, then the situation of the French Empire can be described as ah.

The worries of Maximilian I were also staged all over the world. Napoleon III, under the dissatisfaction of Prime Minister Olivier and the country, did something that made Maximilian I of Mexico most afraid.

On June 10, 1867, Napoleon III ordered the French troops in Mexico to gradually withdraw from Mexico on the grounds of domestic opposition and the tension in the Far East.

The withdrawal of the French Empire and the royal family, including Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico, were a huge touch.

To this end, Maximilian I asked his own Queen Carlotta to return to Europe to deal with the more dangerous and unfavorable situation that Mexico was about to enter. After the queen returned to the European continent, she lobbied everywhere to oppose the withdrawal of French troops. She represented Maximilian I. She sought help from Mexico's allies in Paris, Vienna, Rome, etc.~www.mtlnovel.com~, but her efforts failed. Just as she was about to return to Mexico City, a bad news spread, which made her trip suffer from Vienna's attention. stop.

It turned out that Maximilian I was attacked by Juarez's northern army shortly after his queen left because the French army retreated to the Far East. When Maximilian I saw that Mexico City was occupied on the Xihe, Only to retreat to Queretaro, and make it the new capital.

But when Empress Cattaro had just given speeches to the French Empire, the Austrian Kingdom of Austria-Hungary and the Parliament of Milan, Italy and was rejected, Maximilian I was under siege for weeks and was about to try to break the blockade on June 23 arrested.

Moreover, the President Benito Juarez ordered the Mexican military-law-court to offend the people of Mexico and execute them with honor.

After the news spread like a whirlwind throughout the Americas and reached Europe, it attracted a large amount of surprises in Italy.

European royals face being executed after becoming emperors in North America?

This made all the countries who had been pretending to ignore them all suddenly startled, especially the royal families of various countries. You must know that in European history, there are very few precedents where kings were executed by enemy parties due to wars and other reasons.