
Chapter 17

January 25, 1862, Buckingham Palace!


Henry John, Viscount Palmerston, Tapper doesn't know how long Queen Victoria has been so angry before him. The most recent time, I remember the whirlwind that swept Europe in 1848 and finally hit the British Empire. At the time, after all, the whirlwind wanted to step down the European royal family collectively, which made Queen Victoria angry.

But now, she is angry again, the anger of the sky!

"What, he actually dared to refuse this request, wouldn't it be fake?" Henry John Tapper hadn't said anything yet. The current foreign secretary of the British Empire, John Russell, and the chancellor of the exchequer, William Ewart Grice Dun looked at each other.

John Russell, now number two in the Whig Party, was Prime Minister of the British Empire from 1846-1852.

In the cabinet formed by Viscount Palmerston, he was invited to be the foreign secretary of this cabinet. It was like this between him and Palmerston. They took turns to sit as Prime Minister Zhuang to form the cabinet, and the other served as a key member of the cabinet and supported each other.

However, both of them are over 70 years old. The newly trained Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gladstone, who is 53 years old, is the focus of their training.

As a result, the current Gladstone has become the No. 3 figure in the Whig Party, serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Cabinet.

Several people are the most powerful figures in the world today, and any order in their hands is enough to change the fate of many countries, affecting hundreds of millions of people.

It is precisely because they understand the power of the British Empire that they have been rejected by others. For them, it is not only a loss of face, but also dissatisfaction with the person who damaged the majesty of the British Empire.

Buckingham Palace is now known as the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. Although the Roman Court still does not recognize the Queen as the Queen, it is only a matter of time.

Especially when the British Empire supported the Sardinian Kingdom to unify Italy and increasingly threatened the rule of the Roman Court there.

This time, the Jiao court must recognize that the British Empire is an empire, and the king of the British Empire is also an emperor. This is their purpose.

They believed that the other party would compromise. After all, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the agent of the British Empire, would not rebel against the order issued by London.

With the status of London as it dominates the world's warships, which country with a coastline dares to ignore the existence of the British Empire, dare to say that it has more power than the British Empire, as long as the British Empire's navy is still there for one day, then he will Has maintained the global maritime hegemony of the British Empire.

However, now they are facing the severe test of the problem, because, in a France that is not much weaker than them, someone dares to attack the diplomatic envoy in Belgium, a country that has always been regarded as the bridgehead of the United Kingdom in Europe, and still directly To the extent of killing, if this problem is not handled well, not to mention that the British mainland built by the British Empire in the world over the years cannot be committed, and the British do not allow other countries to arbitrarily harm the interests of the British Empire around the world.

These three points will be difficult to maintain, because if you can't even protect the official people, how can other countries be afraid of your other interests.

You must know that the local area is small, and it relies on overseas resource supply to support the current power of the British Empire. If one day, other countries are no longer afraid of the United Kingdom, then it is not far from these supply chains being interrupted. .

Especially with the former colonies. The United States, which was specially used to exile prisoners, left the British rule and established a country, and they learned from the development experience of Europe. It went beyond the expectations of the British Empire and became the fourth largest industrial country in the world. Yes, it is second only to the United Kingdom. The German Confederation of the Empire and the French Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Austria.

The rise of these countries has put the hegemony of the British Empire's economic power in jeopardy. In terms of consumption, the French Empire and the German Confederation together are almost the same as the British Empire.

Industry is equal to strength, and it is no wonder that the most powerful country in Europe now, several powerful giants in the British Empire will have a gloom on their faces.

In particular, Napoleon III of France has all kinds of things over the years. With the support of Prime Minister Olivier, Napoleon III can now be said to be a formidable enemy of the British Empire.

The two sides did not want to provoke the other side, but agreed on some issues, such as the Crimean War and the containment of American forces, etc., and they both reached consensus on cooperation agreements.

However, in the Mediterranean, the United Kingdom supported the Sardinian dynasty in southeastern France to unify Italy, and supported the Prussian rule in northern France to lead most of the territory of the German Confederation, which made France very vigilant.

Therefore, the two countries have always had only strategic interests, but no real alliance.

This is the reason why the British hegemony must be maintained in the European continent, and there cannot be a strong dominance, and then the energy exceeds the development of the sea. If the United Kingdom is threatened by this dominance country, it is very dangerous. After the former Portugal and the Netherlands were defeated a few decades ago, these three countries have been in decline since then, and the conclusion was reached without entering the top 5 negotiating table of the Vienna Peace Conference.

At the same time, this is also the reason why over the years, although Queen Victoria knew that the rise of Prussia would inevitably lead to a formidable rival in Europe, she did not prevent Prussia from quickly annexing other German Confederate principalities. To check and balance Tsarist Russia in the north, Austria in the east, and France in the south, and at the same time let Prussia become other countries watching it closely, and the United Kingdom made a fortune at sea and strengthened itself. Is there such a good pattern?

Originally thought that such a situation would make the United Kingdom comfortable for a while, but Queen Victoria, who was widowed for 2 months, was **** off by news from Belgium.

France, is it itchy?

This is the first thing a few people heard from the Queen when they came to Buckingham Palace.

And several others are also questioning: Is France testing the bottom line of the British Empire?

Several people looked at each other, and even Queen Victoria saw the surprise in the other's eyes. You must know that France now has to take into account the three sides of the land because of Prussia, namely Prussia in the northwest, Austria in the northeast, and now Although Italy in the east and Spain in the south are very close to France, they also need to be prepared.

Could it be that, surrounded by so many great powers, France still wants to provoke the British Empire?

Did Napoleon III really think he was his uncle Napoleon I?

Viscount Palmerston pondered deeply. He felt uneasy some time ago and couldn't find the reason. Now he found some clues, but he still couldn't grasp his head, which made him a little uneasy. I was very uneasy, and the level went up a level.

He always felt that what happened recently was not that simple. Logically speaking, although it was reasonable, it was because it happened in such a sequential manner that it revealed that there was a hand in control. The pulse of things is beating.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Too smooth, it's weird!

With this thought, his face became solemn, his face slightly gloomy.

It didn't take long for the atmosphere to be strong. The Queen's speech broke the silent palace reception room.

"Prime Minister, what do you think of his letter just now?"

There was no lack of spirit in his eyes because he was in his sixtieth year, but the eyes of the squinting old man, showing a strange light from time to time, said:

"His guess is right, the Monroe Doctrine is indeed the U.S. for many years to seize the influence of our European countries there. This Monroe is very shrewd and knows that this is the only way to get rid of the U.S. being interfered with by the European excuse. The best excuse for the country.

Well, I can describe him as a refusal strategy. On the surface, he is refusing us to intervene in the Americas. He has won the moral high ground of the people of the Americas, and unknowingly recognizes that the U.S. is the leader of the entire America and is willing to accept their command. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

In fact, it is just to add a layer of peripheral protection to their country. I clearly tell you that the European countries, if you want to intervene in the United States, then you must intervene in these countries first.

Monroe, Monroe, you are really a genius of our time, and you are indeed a well-respected leader in the United States."

Russell and Gladstone also had expressions of admiration on their faces.

When Queen Victoria saw Viscount Palmerston's expression, she certainly understood the meaning of the five flavors, because it was an eager expression.

The latter served as foreign secretary for sixteen years. Unfortunately, when he first took up this post, Monroe had already left the post of the American Legion in 1825.

But to be honest, Queen Victoria admired the idea of ​​this plan, and some lamented that the other party had a long-term vision! Just sigh that he doesn't have a role in the British Empire!

But wasn't such a plan broken by the young man who inherited the throne at the end of last year?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at the other side of the sea in the northwest, where the Kingdom of the Netherlands was located.

"But Your Majesty, he is not simple, although he seems to have not been conspicuous in the position of the crown prince over the years, and he has not done much.

However, the economy of the Netherlands has developed rapidly in recent years. In 1860 alone, the former crown prince invented a new kind of clothing called denim and established a company called Dutch denim. The denim clothes and jeans sold in the past two years, Even cowboy hats, etc., have sold more than one million pieces in Europe and America. Calculated at a unit price of 1 pound for a pair of jeans, the income exceeds 100 million pounds. You must know that the previous first-class sailing battleship cost only 100,000. only sterling"

What a guy who can make money!