
Chapter 111

As soon as this news in the "Financial Times" appeared, it stunned everyone in the world, and people began to pay attention.

Some Europeans protested against the Netherlands' actions, while others protested that their own governments were too slow to lag behind the Netherlands in plundering overseas.

Some protested that their country's military was weak and incompetent, and some also protested that their own country's government was too slow to obtain information, and it was necessary to learn the truth of such a major incident from the information channels of the private media.

In short, when all countries are struggling with this matter, the dissatisfaction of the people is increasing their pressure.

With the "Financial Times", which was originally only popular in the United Kingdom, it is indeed because of this report that it has become the second most famous in Europe after the "European Times". The sales volume is also under the eye-catching sales of this issue. Secured the second position.

This made Queen Victoria of England dumbfounded.

At the same time, in South Africa, where there were newspapers, people who were very concerned about everything in the British mainland took notice of this message, and it was passed down from one person to another, and it spread all over South Africa.

This made all the forces in South Africa, especially the Transvaal leader Martinas and the Orange Free State leader George and even the Zulu Crown Prince Kai Chiwayo, who had secretly surrendered to the Netherlands.

Because they finally understood why the Netherlands asked them to wait, and also understood where the confidence of the Netherlands came from. With the confirmation of this news, even if Lenovo was rushing to the British army halfway across the Atlantic, they were not afraid, because, As the Netherlands landed on the Congo River, the original Dutch plan really started, so their confidence skyrocketed.

At the same time, Joben and Shepstone were also in a daze with the newspapers in their hands.

The whole of South Africa has now almost fallen, except for East London and Port Elizabeth in the southeast, because they are close to the sea, so with the support of the fleet, the strength of their connection is condensed within 200 square kilometers around them.

"Didn't the Netherlands use the army to support the Transvaal Republic?"

This is not just Jobun's problem, but even London and other countries have questions.

Since the Netherlands has excess troops to "invade" the Congolese indigenous kingdom, I wish France and Prussia to go south like the Netherlands...


It was a surprise to people, including Queen Victoria, who suddenly thought of a possibility.

This is the time when the Netherlands is turning everyone's attention to South Africa, and the British troops are all heading to South Africa, locking in South Africa for a war of attrition. But it is secretly expanding the territory of overseas colonies.

When Victoria figured this out, she was instantly irritated.

"Unfortunately, at this time, it was difficult for the UK to stop the other party, and the reasons were not sufficient.

When the next day came, she was more aware that Britain's efforts to stop them were over, and that it was a foregone conclusion that Europe would swarm Africa.

On June 15, 1862, the 3,000-strong Dutch landing army finally arrived at Mbandaka on the same day after a long journey of nearly a week. After 3,000 muskets fired neatly against the sky, King Gang finally chose to abdicate, but in order to show the generosity of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Colonel Braga took out the viscount award of the Netherlands.

It only took less than one day before and after. With the surrender of King Gang, the topography of the entire Congo was described in front of Braga's eyes.

In particular, the road from Congo to Tanzania and Kenya in the east has become his greatest concern since before he came. Even the chief of the general staff, Mark Rudd, gave the order to die, which was a task that had to be done.


After all, the Financial Times has limited staff, but there are other newspapers in other countries.

June 16, 1862.

Everyone was stunned, especially the Prussians. After he read it, he laughed up to the sky, his face full of excitement, because Prussia finally had a colony overseas.

It turned out that the latest edition of the "Berlin Daily" published the latest Prussian garrison in Southwest Africa (Namisia), Cameroon and Somalia. On it, Bismarck even declared its sovereignty over there, asking countries not to violate Prussia. to the territory.

As if not to be outdone, France's "Le Figaro" announced that the French Empire has officially stationed more than 5,000 troops in Mauritania, Togo, Ghana, and Côte d'Ivoire. Even Olivier announced that they had already marched south through Algeria, attacking the three places just now, and they were about to take down Mali.

What is stealing the beam and changing the column, that is, the Three Kingdoms supported southern Africa with great momentum, but it was not bad to land directly in Africa halfway, but it was northern and central Africa, and the remaining number of troops going south was definitely a price difference.

At this moment, everyone felt as if they had been tricked by the Three Kingdoms.

Especially the UK.

Other countries were even more unwilling to gain territory for these three countries, so the fleets of European countries began to assemble, preparing to go south and prepare to occupy land in Africa. In addition to the United Kingdom, there was also the newly established Kingdom of Italy. , the old Spanish kingdom of Spain, the nearest African countries, as well as Tsarist Russia, Austria, and even Denmark, Sweden, Tsarist Russia and other Nordic countries have all moved south. Suddenly, Africa is very lively.

And Africa has also entered the colonial era. The initiator is the Netherlands under the leadership of William IV, which is more than 10 years earlier than history.


"What is it, what is that frowning, thinking? My dear"

"Hi dear, why are you here?"

"Isn't it possible, I was about to get dizzy by the children at home, so I handed them over to the servants. I just thought of relaxing in the yard, but I didn't expect you to sit on this swing alone first. People are on the swing, can't I come out?"

"No no no, absolutely, you are not a slave, of course OK!"

"Say it"

"say what?"


"Oh, so that's what you're asking? Well, it's not the UK's biggest concern right now."

"Dutch warships landed in Congo? Or is it that South Africa was beaten by indigenous kingdoms and felt ashamed of the British Empire?"

"Yes, Georgiana, as you know, I am very serious about participating in politics and have always been very interested."

"Cecile, trust me, you can make your dreams come true"

I hope, by the way, you just said to relax, you haven't said the reason for your frowning look just now."

"Not your father yet, from London, because he, like your father, doesn't think our marriage is ideal, so he's not very friendly to me."

When Cecil heard the words, he felt sad.

His father made it clear that he, a Conservative Tory aristocrat, married the daughter of a Liberal Whig judge, but the two of them rejected the "good intentions" reminder and got married anyway, and then in Fitzroy. The square is really a simple life, but the two are very happy. It has been 5 years since they got married in 1857. The three children are all grown up quite lovely, but if there are too many mouths to eat, the cost of living will increase. .

Even during this time, he wrote articles for the Quarterly and the Saturday Review on foreign policy to increase revenue.

Especially in recent years, as the Liberal Whig Party is in power, his articles criticizing the Whig Party have attracted a lot of people's attention.

"He's looking for you?" Cecil asked.

"Not for me but for you"

"Looking for me?" Cecil stood up at once, but then he sat back again, the excitement just now, but suddenly returned to the dull.

Looking at Georgiana's beautiful and moving face, while he looked at him with a smile without saying a word, Cecil felt embarrassed, but

However, Cecil straightened his waist generously in the end and said, "Okay, Georgiana, I know I care too much, you know, my father has always been a very influential figure in London, and in Tory The party side is also well-connected, if he can help me, then I will in the future."

"Okay, I understand it's alright. Let's go, don't make father wait too long. His old man rarely comes here. He's teasing his grandchildren."

Cecil joked: "That's just right, just to make up for the guilt of his grandfather in the past"

His full name is Robert Gascoyne Cecil. Born in 1830, Robert is his surname, his father is the second Marquess of Salisbury, although he is the second son, but the eldest brother died young, he is the future heir. He studied at Eton College in his early years and graduated from Oxford University. After graduation, he went to Australia to serve in the military for two years. After returning, he represented Stamford in the House of Commons in 1853. Unexpectedly, he succeeded.

It is a pity that he was dissatisfied with the ruling of the Whig party and disagreed with the Tory party. In the end, he chose to leave~www.mtlnovel.com~ and became a freelancer.

In the front room, Cecil's father, the 2nd Marquis of Salisbury, was teasing his grandson, but he was thinking of his only son, Cecil.

Cecil is now independent, but in general he holds Conservative views, he voted against Jews entering the British Parliament, against the abolition of religious exams at universities, and on the other hand, he thinks the Poor Council in London is not good for the poor. Too harsh, she protested the current British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gladstone's attempt to levy income tax on charitable causes.

He writes articles on foreign policy that are sharp and thoughtful, for example, he argues that because the Schleswig-Holstein question challenges Prussia, although his articles have recently retreated in a roundabout way, The same graceful retreat

Because recently his pen has been biased towards asking the Danes to give up their tough claims, but he has not stated whether the UK will help them after Denmark gives up these claims. A vile crime against honor and loyalty.

"This kid, it can be seen from this that his political attributes are becoming more and more mature. It's time to give him a push."