
Chapter 53: War (2/3)

The battle continued to rage on- Fire and blood, brim and grim, dust and ash in this battlefield as roars of dragons and men echoed in this place. It was a terrifying slaughter!

And then, they appeared- The Eight Colored Knights of Tiamat and their Dragons, the direct offspring of Tiamat herself! Or what was left of them, that is-

The Blue Knight, also known as Latinius Akropolites, the Blue Sword, who rode on Illaciala, the Queen of Thunder and Lightning.

The Green Knight, also known as Jumabek Abdyrakhmanov, the Poisonous Tongue, who rode on Azizbek, the Mistress of the Green Mist.

The Purple Knight, also known as Zhyrgal Alymkulov, the Screeching Void, who rode on Mades, The Corrupted.

The Yellow Knight, also known as Rakhat Khasanov, the The HeLalulandraxllfire Apex, who rode on Nurdeen, The Dry Death.

The Black Knight, also known as Oghagnni Israilov, the Deadly, who rode on Lalulandrax, The Acid Serpent.

The Brown Knight, also known as Chynara Mamazhanov, The Damned, who rode on Talnelidesk, The Disloyal.

The Grey Knight, also known as Togolok Osmon, The Corrupted, who rode on Ykthigraxr, The Corrupting Evil.

And one of the already had their fate sealed- The Blue Knight Latinus the Blue Sword and her ride Illaciala, the Queen of Thunder and Lightning, who were going to become food for the God of Hunger himself, Mokzaxirrathan Grimspeaker, for their immoral sin of killing Mokza's only (alive at the time) sister: Tallilnil Grimspeaker. The God already caught sight of her and her ride, flying above the battlefield, roaring Lightning down upon the army of the United Resistance, who attacked back and defended themselves with powerful magical and psionic blasts and barriers. Roar like the thunder, fast as Lightning, she flies above the battlefield with ferocious might of slaughter- Until, that is, a large shadow blocked the sunlight from above, casting a shadow and covering her in darkness!

As the eyes of the flightless looked up at the heavens, dread filled their hearts as they saw the demom that protected the enemy- A large gargantuan sized beast, with scales as dark as the night sky, with eyes as red as a flame, with teeth as sharp as swords, with claws as long as spear- Spikes grow out of his back like a porcupine, but said spikes are weirdly moving like an invisible wind is blowing on them, and each moving tendril has one or more eyes that stare at them, bubblig with air and popping like bubbles right before a yellow liquid drips from the wounds they caused, ulcers grow from the hide of the underside of this majestic flying beast that doesn't have wings.

It was a sight both terrible- for the enemies- and terrible- for the allies- to behold.

Disgusting it was , but no one dared say it out loud, because the flesh on their bones knew what it was- The flesh that held their muscles and skin, their tendons, their beating heart was very aware of one single and simple fact- That they were beings of blood, flesh and death, they could easily come to be as they could cease to exist before the presence of this God.

And so, they adored him.

[You.] A single, echoing word was said upon the entire battlefield- And for a single second, there was peace upon this land, no one dared swing their sword, no one dared moving, no one dared even breathing in fear they would call upon the anger of this Wrathful God of Hunger upon them and their families- [You are the one!] A large red torrent of blood emerged from his left arm, quickly grasping the comparatively small blue dragon, who could not even move even if it desired to do so. Soon, they all saw a sight that they would never forget- A sight that would be talked about for generations to come!

The red river that grasped and grinned upon the corpse- Well, it soon would be anyway- of the blue dragon- As white, yellow, and black teeth started to emerge from the liquid, it had several sizes and shapes, but they all showed signs of withering or cancerous growths of also variois sizes and shapes, all with one thing in common- They all had one single eye or large tongue. [You shall be consumed.] the voice once again declared, his order absolute the blood closed around the trashing and resisting blue dragon and her knight, who long drowned in ulcers and pus that pushed deep inside her bones, corrosive reality of their pathetic little lives.

The red liquid pulled back into the body of the God, who only looked down at the battleground before he said one single word- One word to stop a war, and one word, to continue it: [Continue.] A single command that his troops followed to the best of their abilities, swords swung and cut, arrows were shot, spells were weaved, psionic waves, projectiles, and much more were used, at that single second- Every single soldier was in pure, undeniable synchronization that echoed to even their heartbeats.

The drew blood, they killed, they mercilessly slaughtered their enemy from below and above.

They worshipped their Gods- Tiav'erix the Weaver, Vwovy the Guardian of the Chained Oblivion, Millun, the Goddess of Medicine, but mostly- They called, cried, prayed in the name of two Gods: Mokzaxirrathan and Náttúrumaður, God of Hunger and God of Life, respectively.

-Scene Cut-

The chains around her body stopped her from moving- She roared to the heavens as she felt the pain of having her soul ripped apart in tiny pieces from within- Her children were dying, and because of her promise to the God of Evil himself, Tharizdun, who took her soul as part of the deal and was slowly damaging it by pressuring her to break his chains.

She regreted it- But regret is a sour medicine.

-Author Notes-

I've been slightly down yesterday (Saturday) so i did mot post anything, but instead edited the [Symbiote and Magic] from my Random Novel Ideas a little bit. Only to chapter 4 though! And i haven't edited it heavily, only some things here and there.

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