
Let the journey, begins!

Mika arranged everything once the day had finally ended for them to start going, practically leaving his room vacant. Even Mika, who was packing an unbelievable quantity of materials, was unaware of how enormous the bag was and how much it could hold.

"I feel like I've taken our lengthy adventure a little too far," Mika shared Sougo's attitude of skepticism about the need to bring so many things at once.

Mika had never really gone on any lengthy adventures, which was noticeable.

Mika placed them in his backpack and used the "Albatross" spell to make it so he did not need to carry the bulky bag.

Sougo was outside before they left, checking up on his Syyon.

Sougo had quickly gotten stronger; he had already attained a level of human which none had surpassed in his world, without having the foggiest clue how the logic in this world worked.

"Shows your discipline, huh?" From behind Sougo, Mika predicted what was in Sougo's mind, hinting that Sougo's discipline contributed to his strength.

"You've been working hard, day after day. And somehow, much to my annoyance, you're stronger than me now. Well, it's because you're a war veteran of course.

"Remember, we are in a realm where voracious beasts lurk in the shadows of nightfall, including you, Sougo, who remain astir when normality dictates sleep, not relentless training." Mika's voice was laced with irritation, his tranquility disrupted by Sougo's nocturnal training rituals.

Luna, in stark contrast, seemed to find solace in the cacophony, slumbering undisturbed. Mika, however, was compelled to resort to earplugs, his only defense against the intrusive noise.

"Have you prepared for the journey?" Sougo broke the silence with his enquiry.

"Yep. I've taken one last pilgrimage to the tomb before stowing away our necessities. This way, we can delve into the adventures that await us without the shadow of worry looming over our heads about running out of coin before we reach Auberyonne.? Mika portrayed himself as a boy who craved the fullness of experience from this journey. Sougo, however, harbored a different desire - a yearning to reconnect with his family.

With the motivations of Sougo and Mika laid bare, all that remained was the enigma called Luna. This mysterious girl, with her fragmented memory, held the last piece of the puzzle. Mika ventured a guess that her desire was to reclaim her stolen past.

Luna, despite being ill-prepared for the treacherous journey ahead, was brimming with an eagerness to set forth, to avoid the torment of solitude once more.

As such, Mika began contemplating teaching her the art of magic, a safeguard for unforeseen emergencies. Alone and unobserved, he cast a protective seal over their dwelling, ensuring its preservation in their absence. The house, thanks to his potent enchantment would remain untouched by time.

Yet, before their departure, Mika had one last matter to attend to. His disposition had visibly changed, his once playful smile now a mere memory. Sougo, noticing this change, resolved to unearth the truth behind Mika's transformation in the days to come.

Sougo discovered Mika paying respect in the presence of a tombstone, a recorded memory of an elderly woman framed in its heart. Ordinary in its design, the grave bore no grandeur, its inscriptions being its only character. Nearby, a broom and a hat lay discarded, their ownership linked to the arcane world of witches. An incense stick placed by Mika quietly smoked in the air.

"Please forgive me, granny. It's time for me to leave you," Mika's voice was hushed, a small smile adorning his face as he murmured a farewell to his grandmother. The words reached Sougo, stirring a sense of familiarity within him, as if he had encountered the elderly woman in the realm of his dreams.

"Ah, mister Sougo," Mika turned, his eyes reflecting deep-seated gratitude toward the grave. "I was offering my final adieu to my grandmother. She was my guardian for twelve years before she passed away."

Silently, Sougo took in the sight of Mika's grandmother's picture, a strange sensation washing over him. He chose to ignore it, suggesting they leave without wasting more moments in silence.

"You're right," Mika agreed, his gaze shifting from the tombstone. "Lusina might be waiting for us. Let's go."

With that, they ventured beyond the boundaries of Mika's residence, leaving the familiarity of the home behind. Lacking any vehicular convenience, their journey commenced at a leisurely pace.

As they moved farther from Mika's dwelling, curiosity bloomed within Mika, prompting him to seek more insight into Sougo's life.

"Samurai, they're warriors, correct? They engage in combat using katana blades? I seldom witness you wielding anything outside of a bow and a katana," Mika inquired.

"Yes, the katana is the final resort in a battle. It's impractical to charge against a cavalry with nothing but a katana. During the bitterness of war, we frequently resorted to heavier, longer weapons like "Yari" a spear or a bow called "Yumi"," Sougo responded, his focus on the katana he was meticulously cleaning.

"I once wielded dual blades, but I've found a certain solace in possessing just one. Its utility extends to both self-defense and the harrowing act of suicide, though I consider the latter a foolish pursuit of honor. My ultimate objective was to bring an end to the bloodshed, not to serve as an instrument of revenge. This led me to often disregard the commands of my Shogun," Sougo's grip on the handle tightened, his teeth gritted in suppressed frustration.

The pursuit of peace was not within his command; only capricious fate had deceived him. Sougo finally permitted his eyes to close, quelling his rage to release the ghosts of his past.

"So, are samurais perpetually bound to the shogun's will?" Mika probed further.

"To fight for the shogun, to uphold the shogun's honor, and to lay down our lives for the shogun, that is our purpose," Sougo retorted, his tone laced with irritation.

"Sounds slavery..." Mika's eyes narrowed, reeling from the harsh realities of Sougo's existence.

Hours elapsed as Sougo, Mika, and Luna found themselves bathed in the grandeur of the natural world, finally emerging from the forest's embrace, the hills presenting themselves in welcome.

Nearby lay the remnants of the settlement Sougo had laid to waste. Unable to bear witness to the aftermath of this terrible event, Mika averted his gaze upon realizing Sougo's military past.

In the meantime, Luna looked on, a melancholic gaze falling upon the charred remains. Their journey, dictated by strategic necessity, led them to the southern reaches, where the majority of cities were located.

Upon reaching a bifurcation in their path, a signpost at the junction to guide them, Mika's mood further soured. One path promised the Avalaya valley, a destination Mika found distasteful. The alternative led to the Salanka river, a place of nothingness.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

The jarring caw of crows echoed from above, casting an ominous pall. "Halt! State your intentions!" an unfamiliar voice, muffled by the crows' cacophony, demanded from an unseen perch.

"We are mere travelers, no cause for concerns," Mika retorted.

"Leave. Go north or east, it's of no consequence. This place is unsuitable for your ilk." The hidden figure, perched atop the signpost, urged them gently to divert their course.

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