
Gate Eviction

[Breaking news! Tonight came the appearance of a new gate near the residential area of the states capital. It has been estimated by the hunter's association that the danger level of the gate neared "A rank". It has been forwarded to us that a commission has been given to the A ranked hunter Thomas Warden from the highly praised Vigil's guild. What is your take on this, Deborah?]

[Great to hear, Jeffery! This is exciting news. Thomas has been recognized as one of the world's top-ranking hunters. Our survey shows that 84% of the population residing close to the gate felt relieved knowing that such a formidable hunter would venture ins-]

"Hey, I was watching that!" Cyrus protested as his mother switched off the TV.

"Cyrus, how many times have I told you to go to bed?" his mother scolded.

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore! I'll turn 12 in a week!" Cyrus retorted.

"As long as you live under my roof, you will follow my rules," his mother reminded him firmly. "Tomorrow is your first day of school, and summer break is over. Do you understand?"

Cyrus looked to his father for support. "Dad, aren't you going to help me out here? You've always let me stay up later."

"Whoa, don't bring me into this. Just follow what your mother says," his father replied.

"Dad!" Cyrus protested again.

"Stop it, Cyrus. Go to bed right now. This is the last time I'll say it. Now!" his mother ordered.

"Fine..." Cyrus sighed, grudgingly turning off the TV.

His parents watched him head to bed, exasperated. "Ha, when did he get so stubborn?" his mother asked.

"Hahaha! He's getting into his rebellious phase. Don't sweat it," his father reassured her.

"You! Why are you always so lenient with him? You need to be more strict. Because of you, I have to act like the mean parent,"

"Hey, don't blame me for being me. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to marry me," his father joked.

"Anyway, why is he so obsessed with hunters lately? He keeps devouring every bit of news about them,".

"He's still a kid. Hunters are like real-life superheroes. You can't blame him for idolizing them. They protect us from monsters,"

"I know but I worry, what if..."

"I know what worries you, but what are the chances of him awakening an ability? Only a small percentage of people can awaken. As he grows up, he'll realize that those thoughts are just childhood fantasies. We all grow out of that phase. Even us," his father reassured her.

"His growing up so fast... I just worry he will leave us too soon."

"Come here," his father said, pulling her into a hug. "Let's go to bed. It's getting late."

"Mhm," his mother agreed, snuggling into his embrace.


Lying in bed, a young man struggled to fall asleep. He couldn't shake off the comment his father made earlier.

"What childhood fantasy... Stupid dad," he muttered to himself.

In the year xxxx, gates and monsters appeared, posing the greatest threat humanity had ever faced. With extinction looming, a miracle occurred. A select few individuals were granted powers far surpassing humanity's weapons, rendering them useless against the gate's dwellers. These extraordinary beings became known as Hunters or Awakeners. Thanks to their efforts, humanity managed to survive against imminent annihilation.

Due to the destruction caused by the monsters, most countries were wiped off the face of the earth. With the help of the Awakeners, the remaining humans were able to establish a single country for them to reside in and be protected from the dangers outside. This country came to be known as "New Ashes." With only 10% of the earth's land being habitable, Hunters were tasked with pushing away the invaders and expanding New Ashes' territory through expeditions. Although gates occasionally appeared within the country, most of the time monsters were unable to escape, giving Hunters plenty of time to eliminate them.

"We should aspire to be Hunters. It's because of them that we can live safely... I will awaken an ability and protect everyone... just wait!"

As he lay in bed, the cool night breeze drifted in through his open window, calming him as he slowly drifted off to sleep. The night sky was clear and filled with stars, providing a serene and welcoming view. The silence in the residential area was overwhelming, allowing most to rest with ease, unaware of the danger that loomed on the horizon.

The drunkard stumbled down the street, hiccuping loudly and complaining about feeling sick from drinking too much. Suddenly, he tripped over a garbage bag left in the middle of the road, causing him to let out a painful grunt. As he looked up, he noticed a beautiful bright red light shining in the distance.

"Is that a plane?" he wondered, squinting to get a better look. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock as he realized what he was actually witnessing.

It was a phenomenon known as "Gate Eviction," something that hadn't occurred in over a hundred years. The first time this event happened was when Earth was first introduced to the existence of Gates. Normally, Gates would appear at random intervals, allowing Hunters to venture inside while keeping the monsters trapped inside. This gave humanity time to prepare for the potential danger that the Gates could cause.

But Gate Eviction was different. It was a rare occurrence where a Gate would suddenly and forcefully expel all of its contents, including the monsters, out into the surrounding area. It was a catastrophic event that often caused widespread destruction and loss of life. The drunkard, sobering up quickly from the shock of the sight, stumbled away from the Gate's vicinity as fast as he could, realizing the danger that now loomed over the city.

This unexpected occurrence was extremely rare in the present time, but whenever it happened, numerous casualties were inevitable. And at this very moment, such an event was about to take place.

Above the clouds, a brilliant red glow illuminated the sky. The intense light outlined a thin red line that pulsed and vibrated with increasing energy. Suddenly, the line cracked and fissures began to spiderweb around it. With a tremendous burst of force, a massive, scaled hand burst forth from the red line, shattering it and expanding it into a glowing portal of significant size, visible from miles below.

As the reptilian creature emerged from the bright red light, a deafening silence filled the air. All eyes were fixed on the majestic yet fearsome creature as it looked around with its massive lizard-like head. With each passing moment, the creature's presence became more imposing, sending shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it. Its body was elevated, standing tall and mighty above all, serving as a clear warning of the impending doom that would soon follow.

The witnesses were frozen with fear, unable to even form words as the creature's wings extended from its shoulders, propelling it high above the ground. The atmosphere was thick with tension and terror, and suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced through the air as one witness couldn't bear the sight of the beast any longer. The sound echoed through the night, intensifying the already overwhelming sense of dread.


"IT'S A GATE EVICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



The legendary creature, said to be the most powerful magical being to ever exist, stood menacingly in place, surveying the feeble humans it would soon make prey. A wicked grin spread across its face, exposing rows of razor-sharp teeth that could slice through flesh with ease. Its terrifying roar sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.


Suddenly, hundreds of smaller but equally ferocious creatures appeared, unleashing a rampage of destruction. Their fiery breath incinerated everything in their path, while their razor-sharp claws and teeth made quick work of any unfortunate enough to cross their path. Terrified screams echoed throughout the residential area.



Death and chaos consumed everything in its path, and the young man who had once been determined to become a Hunter now lay motionless in his bed, surrounded by flames. His parents called out to him, but their cries were drowned out by the deafening roar of the fire.

"CYRUS! WAKE UP! OPEN THE DOOR!" Cyrus's mother banged on the door with all her might, but to no avail.

"HONEY, I DON'T THINK HE CAN HEAR US. WE NEED TO FORCE THE DOOR OPEN," Cyrus's father replied, panic lacing his voice.

"S-SHIT! FUCK IT! AAAAAHHHH!" He grabbed the door handle, burning his hand in the process, and pulled with all his strength.

"I-ITS OPEN!" The door creaked open, revealing a room filled with smoke and flames.

Both parents rushed inside, coughing and waving their hands to clear the smoke. Their relief was palpable when they saw Cyrus sleeping soundly in his bed.

"CYRUS! WAKE UP!" his mother yelled, shaking him vigorously.

"H-Huh? Dad? what is it? Is it time for school already?" Cyrus mumbled, rubbing his eyes.


"W-WHAT!" Cyrus's eyes widened in fear and confusion.

*Cough, Cough*

"Here, put this cloth into your mouth," his mother handed him a damp cloth to cover his nose and mouth.

"Honey, we need to leave now," his father said urgently, pulling Cyrus out of bed.

"Let's go!" they all hurried out of the room.

The crackling of flames and the acrid smoke of the burning walls and furniture made it hard for them to run. Their skin scorched from the intense heat, and time seemed to slow down as darkness closed in on them. The heavy curtains of smoke signaled the danger they faced. Despite their strength dwindling, Cyrus's father held onto him tightly, determined to escape the burning building.

As they approached the exit, the roof's pillar collapsed, crushing Cyrus's mother.












With an unprecedented burst of strength, Cyrus's father managed to rush out of the burning house, carrying his son to safety.

"Dad, what have you done? Mother is going to die if we don't help her!"


Cyrus's father's thundering shout for help caught the attention of a passing hunter who quickly rushed to their aid.

"I'm from the Hunter's Association. Are you okay? I've come to help!" said the hunter.

"Thank god. Please take my son away from here," pleaded Cyrus's father.

"I understand, but you have to come with us. It's not safe here, there are monsters all around," the hunter explained.

"I can't. My wife is still inside. I need to save her," said Cyrus's father.

"I see. Then I'll go and-"


"Dad, let him go save Mom, and we can leave together!" Cyrus pleaded.

"P-Please, sir, take my son away," Cyrus's father begged the hunter.

"I... Let's go, kid," said the hunter.

"What? No! I'm not leaving without my mom! Pow Aghr!" Cyrus exclaimed as the hunter knocked him out.

"I'm sorry, kid, but I can't let you make things harder than they are," the hunter said apologetically.

"Thank you," Cyrus's father said as he turned around and rushed back into the burning house, leaving his son behind.

Cyrus's legs wobbled as he was carried away by the hunter. With a last glance before being consumed by darkness, he could see his father's saddened smile as he disappeared back into the flames.


Have any feedback or opinion? Feel free to let me know in the comments. :)

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