
Dropped X3

Autor: Gaburieru
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Chapter 1The Fall of Mythos: The Void Breaker

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

-Friedrich Nietzsche

In another world, far from the hold of this reality, there was an ancient world divided into two parts. The first inhabited by humans, and the second by a race only known as the Ferals. The two worlds lived independently of one another for quite some time, with the humans being completely unaware of their counterparts existence until one day, gates called void rifts started appearing all over the world.

The ferals invaded humanity and drove it to extinction, but a team of heroes stood against them, closing seven of the eight gates that the Ferals were coming from. On the eve of the last night, the heroes came to the last gate lead by the great hero Mythos, who's Breaker Blade could destroy any sword, and destroy any gate.


"This is it everyone," Mythos said riding on the back of his dragon. He and a pack of his finest generals were riding on a great beast through the storm.

"This storm is a sign of the end, this pouring rain is the tears of our fallen comrades, and the thunder are their cries from the other world."


As he and his team of mages flew through the night, a giant thunderbolt came down from the clouds, lighting the night sky with a blue glow. As he whipped back his hair that was soaking wet from the storm clouds he was flying under, he aimed his breaker sword at the giant beast that lay before him and his soldiers.


A giant whale was flying through the sky as if it was water, swiveling its tail slowly to propel itself through the air. As it let out its loud groan, hundreds of little mana cannons were on its back aimed at the group of mages.


The lasers fired at Mythos and his crew.

"Light Magic! Photon Barrier!" A girl cried.

The thousands of little blue lasers were deflected by the light, saving the group from the attack.

"Nice Job Cicilia," Mythos said. "With your magic, hopefully we can make it out of this alive,"

"Hehe lighten up Hero!" Cecilia laughed. "You act like it's the first time you've saved the world"

As Cecilia and Mythos exchanged smiles, a horde of flying Ferals flew out from the whale approaching from the right.

"Seven!" Mythos yelled.

"More like five," Seven said. A man with a hat covering his face lifted his right hand and pointed it towards the group of Ferals. As he chanted something under his breath, a large green light started to emit from his hands

"AeroBlast!" He cried. In an instant a giant green cone of vapor enveloped the entire landscape, blasting all 100 ferals out of the sky.

"Five seconds that is," He said, tipping his hat.

"Great job Seven'' Mythos said "How your hat doesn't come off in the middle of a storm, never ceases to amaze me." Mythos said laughing

"What else do you expect?" Seven said grinning.

"How the air in his head never deflates is what amazes me." A man with tattoos all over his body chimed. "Here's hoping he doesn't make it back from this battle."

"Tsk, Tarro," Seven said. " You should be more down to earth, I can help you with that" Seven said looking down from the dragon they were riding.

"Woah is it hot in here or is it just me?" A man with barely any clothes on said. As he spoke, he playfully juggled a ball of fire in his hands.

"We're in the middle of a rainstorm...It's just you Fritz" Cecelia said, shaking her head.

"How about you guys stop yapping and focus on the battle!" A woman with a large Mace said. "Did you forget about the plan already?"

As she spoke, the group cleared the last storm cloud, revealing the battle scene below.

THousands of ferals great and small were gathered in hordes, all bloodthirst for human blood. As they looked on with bloodlust, a man on a giant elephant made eye contact with Mythos, thousands of feet away.

"Mythos!" He screamed from his elephant

"Maȟpíya" Myrthos groaned.

As he came into eye contact with Maȟpíya, his eyes landed on a huge sphere of purple energy, warping and distorting matter. The sphere whirled and spat out watts of purple energy, just behind his opponent.

"THe void rift," Mythos said. "I've got to close it… for Nero's sake" He thought.

"Zara's right," Mythos said. "Cecelia, you continue to provide a defense! Seven, keep the small Ferals at bay! Tarro, I'm going to need your support on the ground! Fritz,I need you to back up Tarro, there are going to be at least 4 generals there you don't have to defeat them but you must at least hold them back, and FInally" Mythos said turning to Zara "Zara, do something about that giant whale!" Mythos ordered

"I thought you'd never ask," She said, jumping off the dragon.

As she drifted through the air, a huge cone of Ice came at her from below, nearly the size of the dragon she had jumped from.

"Light Magic! Photon Barrier!" A girl cried.

A barrier formed around her protecting her from the ice.

"Tarro, Fritz, we go now!" Mythos yelled. "Seven can we get a boost?" He asked

"Wind cannon!" Seven yelled projecting a blast of wind at the three men.

Mythos, Fritz, and Tarro crashed to the ground surrounded by enemies. As a swarm of hundreds began to attack them, Maȟpíya laughed in the background.

"What hope do 3 men have against my whole army?" He said laughing.

As Mythos and his crew made their way through the enemies with a round of Attacks, they heard a sound from above.

"Gravity Hammer!" Zara creid


The huge Whale that was flying above them crashed into the battlefield, scattering thousands of enemies left right and center.

Running past all of the commotion, Mythos came face to face with the man in charge of the army.

"Tala, Udna!" Maȟpíya cried. Two generals of his army pounced at Mythos

"Tarro!" Mythos yelled

"Earth Magic, Golems fist!"

A huge fist of earth smashed the two generals leaving Maȟpíya man open.

"Raza! Nala!" Maȟpíya cried again.

"Two more generals came from behind him"

"Holy fire!"

A giant cross split the battlefield in half trapping the two generals where Fritz was.

Maȟpíya laid defenseless with his generals now dispatched.

"YOur mine!" Mythos yelled, jumping at him.

"Master! A young boy stepped in front of the man."

"You fool! You haven't learned defensive spells strong enough to fight him yet!" Maȟpíya yelled "The sword he wields will break you to pieces!"

"I don't care!" The boy yelled "I won't let him break our world!" Running up to Mythos. the boy came at him with a spear that came out of his hand.

"Impaler!" He yelled trying to stab Mythos.

"You have my respect, boy" Mythos said as the boy approached him. "But not my sympathy!"

"Breaker Magic, Sword breaker!" Mythos yelled

Mythos's sword went right through the boy, breaking his spear to pieces. As the spear broke, so did the rest of the boy's arm. As the crack continued up his arm to his neck, his right eye completely disintegrated into pieces.

"Mythos you Bastard!" Maȟpíya cried. He jumped to meet mythos in the air, taking out a giant Scepter.

"You know how that magic affects us ferals!" He screamed, "We lose more than just our weapons!"

"I did not intend to do that much damage," Mythos said. "But he is not innocent, he tried to take my life, and on this mission I can afford no mistakes."

"Your mission to close the last gate? The last link between my people and this world?"Maȟpíya yelled

"Yes!" Mythos said "This world was peaceful before you arrived! What gives you the right to invade and start killing left and right!" Mythos yelled.

"I could ask you the same question!" Maȟpíya yelled. " he pushed mythos away, preparing an attack.

"Reaper! Come to me!" He yelled.

As he spoke a giant creature with a scythe loomed over his shoulders.

It came at Mythos with a devastating swipe.

"The opponent is fast and sleek, Breaker Magic will be tough here" Mythos thought "I'll use an elemental spell instead!!"

"Light Magic, Angel Ray!" Mythos cried. A ray of light came down from the heavens striking the reaper and taking out nearly a hundred enemies below.

"His magic is so amazing," Cecilia said. "Using a high class spell like that without a scepter or a chant is unheard of"

"Awaken! Red cloud!" Maȟpíya yelled

Maȟpíya transformed his body into a giant red demon. Growing 6 arms from his shoulders, a red steam started pouring out from him.

"Red Death!" He yelled.

A giant red void ripped open tearing a hole in the air. From inside the void, thousands of red Hands extended out reaching out to Mythos.

"This is over," Mythos said. "You should know better than to use Void Magic against me." Mythos said

"Guys he's going to use it!" Fritz yelled.

"Everyone get ready! Holy defense of godly light, Barrier Prims!"

"Void Breaker!" Mythos yelled.

A giant void in the time space was ripped, slicing the chieftains body in half. As the ripple in space opened, the man's body began to be vacuumed into it. Along with hundreds of his men.

"So it looks like we lose this battle" Maȟpíya said. "It looks as if there is no hope for my people"

"Not in this world no there's not" Mythos answered. "I'm returning you guys back for good!"

"Before you do that, take this gem" The man said, throwing Mythos a gem. "See what it is you are destroying."

As soon as the gem touched Mythos's hand, a flash of pain overwhelmed him, he saw the thousands of deaths of all the ferals cross his vision. When he came to, his 5 generals were waiting for him.

"What are you guys doing!" Hold them off!" Mythos ordered.

"They have lost the will to fight," Seven answered. They have surrendered completely, now we can destroy all of them!" Seven said.

"Wait… that's not why we are here, we are here to destroy the gate!" Mythos said.

"Mythos… with their leader dead we can exterminate all of them! We can take the breaker magic to their home world, and break their world! We can exterminate every single last one of them. No child will ever go to bed in fear! No woman will ever lose her husband in battle! It's all so simple!"

"But severing the world rifts will save us-"

"Only for now but what about later?" Zara said. "We still don't have a grasp on their magic or where these rifts came in the first place! For all we know they could create more if we don't act now while their leader is dead!"

Mythos looked at his team of generals in utter disbelief.

"Am I the only one who doesn't want to exterminate an entire race? These are women children and babies were talking about!" Mythos said.

There was no answer

"Tarro, Fritz say something?"

"I'm sorry Mythos," Fritz said. "Since we lost Nero, we haven't been the same"

"Nero…" Mythos said.

"What about you Cecelia?"

"Mythos it's different for you… you didn't have a family that was massacred by these creatures. When your parents died, you were still a baby, your wife and kids are still at home. For us, we've seen the terror with our own eyes, and we don't want anyone to go through it again, thats why-


Mythos spat blood out from a wound in the back. Someone had stabbed him.

"Tarro, Cecelia, Seven, Zara, Fritz," My five generals are all here, who could have"

"Death isn't the end, it's just the start of a new beginning Mythos,: A voice said from behind.

"THat voice… impossible… Nero?" Mythos said turning around.

As he turned, the image of a pale skinned man with white hair came into view.

"How are you still alive?" Mythos said. "I watched you get sucked into a rift!"

"You mean this thing?" Nero said creating a rift with his hands.

"Impossible!" Mythos said.

"With your sword I will break the world of the ferals and end this once and for all!" Nero said.

"Breaker Magic!" Mythos said "Shatter!"

Using the last of his magic, Mythos sent fragments of the breaker sword into different parts of the world, scattering it.

"Hehehe, you;ll never reach your goal now.." Mythos said.

"See I told you all but you didn't believe me! He's nothing more than a traitor!" Nero said.

"You bastard burn!" Ifirit said lighting Mythos on fire.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Mythos cried burning from the pain.

"You treacherous Bastard!" Zara yelled. "You should have exterminated those vermin when you had the chance!" She said smacking Mythos with her mace.

"Heh" Mythos said grinning

"Heh Heh" Mythos laughed.

"What's so funny about being on the verge of death?" Nero asked.

"You've all become so powerful, I remember when we first started, and you pissed your pants the first time we saw an enemy Fritz. Zara you couldn't even wield a sword, even you Nero, when we first started you said you could never kill someone. You've all become so powerful, so monsterous, way beyond the limits of humanity, it seems you have lost your humanity and have become Monsters!"

"What!" Nero yelled.

"If you are still human, as such, deciding the fate of a whole race, is not something humans do. It's that sort of thinking that is Inhuman! It's that kind of thinking that Monsters do!"

"Someone kill him! I can't listen to this anymore." Seven said. "This isn't the man who attended all of the funerals of those fallen soldiers!"

"I'm sorry Mythos," Cecilia said crying. "I'm only doing this to end your suffering

Mythos was impaled through the heart by a ray of light. He fell to the floor, surrounded by his 6 friends.

"We will find the fragments of that sword, and end the Feral race, one way or another." Nero said. "YOur death will be pointless."

"Maybe so," Mythos said. "But I will die with dignity, I will die a human! None of you will be so lucky, one day the same mercy you refuse to give, you will beg for! And I won't be here to protect you from it!"

"Men!" Nero ordered. "Kill all the remaining ferals! Don't let them escape through the gate! Those will be the last words you hear.. The dreams of those you failed to protect."

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