
The Reveal and Last Boss?

"But it was only stated that there were only four cardinal heroes... Are the other four backups if ever the originals died? Is that why they don't have weapons?"

Lucifer's and Artemis' reactions to that statement was to sport a tickmark on their foreheads but kept silent as a blonde-haired child said, "What do you mean by that?"

Lucifer looked at the Bow Hero in surprise as he can clearly see subtitles on his chest while still hearing him say Japanese words. It seems that his three other companions found this surprising too as they pulled on his right and left sleeves whilst the last one was on his back to gain his attention.

They then pointed towards the Bow Hero's chest and simultaneously said, "Are that subtitles?"

Lucifer could only nod his head and say, "It seems so. This is quite the predicament. The other people that I've talked to with another language that wasn't English didn't have this kind of thing happening to them... and they're ignoring us."

Artemis wanted to say something but felt a creepy and perverted gaze upon herself and looked towards the direction of the vile pig who dared look at her that way. She then saw the gigolo-looking male that was wielding a spear looking at her that way and wanted to confront him.

Unfortunately for her, Death noticed what she was about to do and laid her hand on her shoulders and shook her head while sporting a disappointed look. She then heard inside her head, 'You're a goddess aren't you? Don't you have patience?'

Artemis tch-ed at her words and ignored the pervy gigolo and stood beside her lover. Seeing that Artemis finally backed down, Death happily went back to Lucifer's side and watch the show.

Lucifer looked at the mages/priests in surprise as they started to leave the room with the four isekaid people in tow. Before they could finally walk out the room, one of the guys in robes said, "Back up Heroes! Please follow us!"

Lucifer's eyebrow twitched at his words and started to charge up an attack that could erase the very planet itself but was calmed down by Death who didn't want unneeded souls in her domain.

Zoe, on the other hand, kept quiet this whole time and looked at her father's reaction in amusement but still followed the disgusting men to where they were going. She was actually surprised that there was no female hero that was summoned out of the four.

Seeing Zoe follow the men in robes, Artemis quickly followed suit to not leave her with pigs that would desperately try to **** her. Death just dragged Lucifer by the arm and followed her daughter and daughter-in-law so things wouldn't get ugly if Artemis suddenly killed one of the men just because they tried to touch her or Zoe.

Lucifer just agreed to be dragged around by his wife as he just enjoyed the feeling of softness of er boobs on his arm. He then thought, 'I think I know what I'm going to do here...'

He then stood straight as soon as they entered the throne room and looked at Ault- no, Trash, and gave an evil smile. Seeing the bone-chilling smile on Lucifer's face, Trash shivered in fear and ignored the Devil and started to address the heroes.

"So, these are the ancient Heroes of the legend... but who are the other people that are with them? They don't seem to have the legendary weapons, and three of them are apparently women."

Before anybody could even respond to his inquiry, Trash continued, "I am Aultcray Melromarc XXXII. Heroes, and those who are with you, we ask for your names."

The Kirito ripoff then walked forward and said, "My name is Amaki Ren. Age 16, a high schooler."

Lucifer looked at Death and noticed that she was trying hard not to laugh at how socially inept the Kirito looking guy was... huh, so that's why he's like Kazuto Kirigaya then.

After Ren walked back to his place, the gigolo boy stood at where Ren was and introduced himself, "Okay, next up will be yours truly. My name's Kitamura Motoyasu. 21 this year, a university student."

'Are these heroes really stupid? Why are they stating how far they got into education and their ages? Shouldn't they just say their names or give them a little info about them that could help their training? How the hell would the people here know about high school and university?'

Lucifer shook his thoughts away and watched as the bow-wielding boy walked forward as the gigolo stood back. The kid then said, "It's my turn next. My name is Kawasumi Itsuki. 17 right now, another high school student."

Death smiled a little at how naive and lacking common sense these people had. She then looked at the last hero in their group and saw that he was actually the only one who was logical and had common sense in their merry band of buffoons.

But the problem was that the last of the heroes actually was more naive than the 3 other heroes combined. Death could only sigh in disappointment and looked at Zoe's and Artemis' reactions.

Huh, they still looked very disgusted... makes sense.

Seeing that his companions were done introducing himself, the last hero then stepped forward and said, "Then I guess I'm last. I'm-"

Before the last hero could even finish his introduction, Trash interrupted and said, "Ren, Motoyasu, Itsuki. Then who are the others with you?"

Lucifer and his companions didn't reply as the last hero immediately said, "King! Please don't forget about me!"

Trash looked at the forgotten hero impassively and closed his eyes while saying, "What? Oh, sorry."

Itsuki turned to say something but was interrupted by the forgotten or the ignored hero saying, "Well, whatever. I'm Iwatani Naofumi. 20 years old, university student."

Trash then opened his eyes and looked towards the Devil and his family and said, "Then what are the names of those who were summoned alongside the current Heroes?"

Lucifer pushed Zoe lightly and had her take the spotlight and smiled when she glared at him. Seeing that there was no way out of this other than introducing herself, Zoe relented and said, "Zoe Morningstar, Huntress of Artemis."

The moment Zoe said the word Artemis, she got the 3 gamer Heroes' attention while she had Naofumi's undivided attention.

Naofumi then thought, 'Zoe "Morningstar"? Wasn't it Zoe Nightshade if she really was the huntress of Artemis from the book Percy Jackson?'

Seeing that Zoe was done on her introduction, Artemis stepped forward and said, "I am Artemis, Goddess of the moon. If you pigs ever try and touch me and Zoe then you better expect yourselves to turn into jackalopes in a blink of an eye."

Trash and his people looked like they were outraged from her words while the four heroes were dumbstruck by her words. Who didn't know the Virgin Goddess, Artemis who would kill men just because they spoke to her in a wrong way?

They were from modern earth so they definitely know who she was! What in the world was she doing in their adventure?!

Seeing the speechless heroes and the raging nobles, Death gracefully walked forward and said, "I am the personification of Death. If you ever want to die please come and see me."

All the people paled in fright at her words. What in the world did they summon!? How can they summon such overpowered beings!?!

The heroes, on the other hand, looked at her with lust, fear, and confusion. Seeing the gigolo looking at his wife with lust, Lucifer stepped forward and said, "Hello insects, my name is Lucifer Morningstar. The humans from earth know who I am but for those who aren't from earth then I'll only say this once. Do listen closely to what I'm going to say 'cause I'm never going to say it again."

The people from Melromarc looked forward to what he was going to say while the four heroes paled much, much more than they did before. What in the hell!?

Lucifer rolled his shoulders and popped out his devil wings while changing into his devil form while saying, "To everyone curious, I'm the Devil. Do be mindful of your actions while I'm here."

Trash looked at Lucifer in shock and turned towards Death and Artemis and noticed that Death changed into her skeletal form while Artemis was leaking a divine light. He then shouted, "Mistress Death! Lady Artemis! I beg of you! Please help us get rid of that unholy being!"

Hearing his words, Death and Artemis could only giggle in amusement at what he said. Death then shook her skull and said, "I am sad to say that even Lucifer over there is much stronger than I. Even if I teamed up with Artemis we still couldn't come close to defeating him."

Trash and the nobles looked like they were going to die at that moment and it soon got worse as Death said, "And I don't really like to get beaten in a batter by my husband. Artemis, on the other hand, is dating our daughter so she can't really fight against her father-in-law."

Artemis blushed a golden hue at her words and in turn, made Naofumi think, 'AH!!! That really is Artemis from the Percy Jackson series!!!'

As if hearing his thoughts, Lucifer and Death looked at him in amusement while Artemis gave him a confused look. What Percy Jackson series? Does he mean the son of Uncle Poseidon?

She then ignored him and looked at Lucifer who was walking towards Trash in a slow and terrifying manner. Whilst he was marching towards Trash, music suddenly appeared that awfully sounded familiar to Naofumi. Wasn't that the Music for Vader's March or something?

When Lucifer was standing in front of the quivering Trash, he then stomped his right foot near Trash's head and said, "Why don't you give us a room and after tomorrow we'll be out of your hair, neh?"

Trash then stuttered, "H-H-Ha-Ha-Hai!!"

Lucifer nodded his head in satisfaction and walked back towards his companions and waited for Trash to say something. Seeing that the Overlord of Demons was waiting for his move, Trash quickly pointed at one of the men in robes and said, "Y-You! S-S-Send Lord Lucifer and his entourage to one of our finest rooms here in this castle!"

The robed man jumped a little in surprise but still followed his king's orders and turned towards the menacing Lucifer and stuttered, "P-P-Pl-Please! f-f-fo-fol-follow m-m-me!"

The robed men then quickly walked towards the door while still shivering. The girls silently followed the terrified man while Lucifer stayed a little and said, "Whelp! See you guys tomorrow!" He then walked away cheerfully as he left the room in turmoil.

Motoyasu shivered a little and said in a tiny voice, "Did we just meet the Boss that's only supposed to be unlocked when we finished the game? If so, how the hell can we beat that guy!?"

Motoyasu screamed the last question towards the shivering king and looked towards his fellow heroes who were equally shocked as him. He then said, "So this is the end huh? We're all going to die before we could even go on our adventure... I couldn't even go on and complete my dream of having a harem yet."

Naofumi, Ren, and Itsuki looked at Motoyasu and said, "Wish at least go on an adventure for a week," "It seems so," "Justice will never die!"

All three heroes looked at Itsuki in wonder as Ren said, "It's good to be optimistic but don't get too hopeful."

As the frightened mage left the four powerful beings, the only male in the group chuckled as he said, "Ha! It's been a while since I scared humans."

Death rolled her eyes at that while Zoe and Artemis looked at the only bed in the room blankly. Artemis mechanically turned towards Lucifer and back to the bed and pointed at the devil while shouting, "I'll never share a bed with a pig, like you!"

Lucifer hummed while looking at her and then smiled cheerfully, "Good! Then I could just sleep with my beautiful daughter and wife tonight. Go sleep on the streets or something then."

Artemis outraged at that and said, "You should be the one sleeping on the streets you disgusting male!"

Lucifer ignored her and had Death wrap her arms around him while he carried her on his back while carrying Zoe princess-style. He then jumped on the bed and watched as Artemis turned red in anger while looking at Zoe who looked like her brain shortcircuited.

Artemis reluctantly walked towards the bed on Zoe's side while Lucifer watched her in amusement. Death looked at the two in amusement as she watched Zoe's expression turned from reluctance, embarrassment, and acceptance.

Lucifer then stretched his arms and included Artemis in the hug when she finally laid on the bed. He knows that she would immediately scream so he quickly put one of his hands on her mouth.

Zoe looked at her father in anger at how he was treating her mistress and lover but felt helpless when she saw him starting to fall asleep. She then thought, 'Who even sleeps in the middle of the day!?'

Zoe then turned towards Death for help and felt despair when she saw her asleep too. She then sighed and shook her head and placed her head on Lucifer's chest. She then looked at her mistress' back and noticed that she stopped moving and thought that she probably passed out.

She then wrapped her arms around Artemis' waist and brought her closer to herself and her father. Zoe then thought, 'This is going to be a one weird family trip.'

Unknown to Zoe, her father and mother were fully awake and were conversing in their minds whilst reading Zoe's in the process. Hearing her thoughts, Lucifer and Death chuckled and continued their conversation while agreeing with Zoe's thought process.

After talking to each other for a couple of minutes, the two agreed to continue their talk for tomorrow and just sleep for the day.

Whilst the family of four were sleeping in the room that was given to them, the king, the nobles, the priests, the nuns, and the heroes were plotting against them. Unfortunately for them, nothing they'll do will work against the family.


To all the readers of this book, please know that I have a Pa.treon page now. I will be grateful to those who will join and be my patrons and most of all to those who will use the Tier.

https://www.pa treon.com/SatanicSamael

Hey guys! Author here!

I'll just leave my PayPal here so if you guys want to donate money to me for my time to make more chapters then here... paypal.me/tupi165

Don't worry guys, I'll still post chapters but it's still gonna be a little long... Have to work and all that so I really can't put all my time in writing.

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