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For thousands of years, mystics, magi, and sages from various world traditions have known that the Akashic Records—a dynamic repository that holds information about every soul and its journey—every truth and lie, every start and end Once reserved for a "spiritually gifted" few, this infinite source of wisdom and power is now available to me to answer questions big and small. "What is the purpose of life?" An innocent question went answered yet unanswered in this journey of my new life. Note: The cover page is MINE. LOL.

Krishnbarad · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Devils = Arrogant + Delusional

"Good morning, old man," Rei said, and as he walked downstairs, he found his father sitting on the sofa while reading the newspaper.

"I am not old yet, brat! Good morning; I hope you slept well," the man said without even taking his eyes off the newspaper.

"Zhh~ Not quite well, but I guess it was something," Rei said offhandedly as he packed his stuff while still getting ready for school. He spent all night making new blueprints for the magical core, the existing blueprint of the core was pretty trash, though the effect of the generation of mana with the magic core is greater than that of the magic circuit.

But for the current him, meh!

Regardless, going back to the main topic, the best core he could make right now would generate around 1,000 units of mana, which is already less than what his magic circuits could generate, which is around 100 units of mana per circuit, and he has 100 of those, which would sum up to 10,000 units of mana.

His target is to make up a magic core that could make 100,000 units of mana, and he would join them with his existing magic circuit rather than implanting it directly in his body since a 100 magic circuit is the limit of his current body, and adding a magic core would blow his body with an overflow of mana.

"You need to take care of yourself; you can't pull all-nighters all the time, and sometimes you need to rest," Amon said while looking at his son with a glare.

"Whatever you say, old man, see you later." Rei said as he left.

"Hmm, oh! I forgot to mention that your older sister Angelica will be visiting us in the coming week," Amon exclaimed, but it was too late; his son had already left.

"Sigh. What am I going to do with this brat?" A troubled father sighed.


School was something that Rei had never understood the point of.

In theory, it was supposed to teach children skills that would be useful in their future careers, but he couldn't remember ever picking up any useful information from the clock tower in his previous life. If all of the posturing and popularity conquests were any indication, then it did not appear that anyone else learnt anything either.

Hell, some folks even had titles. If the "Great Oneesamas" are any indication, a good number of people appear to have gravitated toward the "big sister" sort of character.

Therefore, Rei did not find anything noteworthy to do at school. which is why he considered his decision to sleep through it to be acceptable.


or attempting to do so, at the very least. Rei only cocked his head in the direction of the voice because he reasoned that the effort required to raise his head from the desk would be an excessively poor use of his energy.

To the obvious surprise of everyone in the room, he was confronted by an extraordinarily gorgeous young man at that same moment. He was beaming with happiness and his smile covered his entire face. And despite the fact that it was odd for someone with whom he had never dealt before to speak to him, Rei's internal clock indicated that it was still just about lunchtime.

It is way too early to start socialising.

"Get lost,"

Therefore, he reburied his head in the palms of his hands again. The young sorcerer was confident that if it were significant despite the fact that it was doubtful, it would be brought up again.


It really seemed like a miracle.

A supernatural occurrence that is said to have been created by God and that appears to be impossible; such an occurrence is not thought to be feasible for devils, or something like that.

Rias was ready to tell Sona about the mistake she made with Rei Nakamura when she saw him strolling through the main gate as if he weren't meant to be dead. He looked perfectly healthy.

Rias' reaction to the sight was so euphoric that she almost did an eager jump. She had no idea how he had survived the fallen angel or what had happened to him, but he was still alive! She could make another attempt, or she could just ask him to join her peerage.

It would be the first time in her entire life that she attempted something like that, but she reasoned that if the heiress of the Sitri family could pull it off, so could she. By the time lunch rolled around, she had already dispatched Kiba, her knight, to retrieve her future bishop.

The young blond boy has returned with some unfortunate news.

Rias questioned, "He ignored you. Why?"

Kiba grimaced. "Yes, buchou. He said, "Get lost," and immediately went back to sleep."

"I had heard that he was self-sufficient to some degree, but to completely disregard you like that..." The King shook her head.

"It makes no difference; both you and Koneko-chan will pick him up after school." She decided, causing her companions to glance at her in a perplexed manner.

"Ah, buchou?" Kiba scratched his head in apparent bewilderment. "Why Koneko?"

The redhead smiled in a cavalier manner. "Because she's adorable."

"Buchou? Who are you talking about?" The new curious pawn asked as he looked at Rias.

"You will find out very soon, Issei-kun," he said. She continued to smile at her pawn with the same beguiling giggle, but the boy was too concentrated on her jiggling jugs to notice her smiling at him.


Bored red eyes met stoic gold. For a minute, no one spoke as the two simply stared at one another.

Rei turned to the boy. "Do you think I would follow you just because of a loli?"


"Isn't she adorable?" Kiba tried to come back with a nervous chuckle, but it seems his king's plan backfired, considering the disgusting looks Rei was giving him and Koneko.

"Pervert." A voice brought Rei's attention back to the loli.

That childlike face, which conveyed an impression of innocence; the feathery white hair, which was adorned with a cat pin; the frail physique, which compelled one the desire to shield her...

However, this brat was a thousand years too early to trick someone like him; he could see right through her rather quickly, and she appears to be disgusted with Rei's attitude. This is the type of person who irritates Rei the most because they are so self-deceived that they believe that if they feel something is right, then it must be right regardless of the circumstances.

'In this case, this twerp thinks I'm a pervert,' Rei couldn't help but snort at her erratic behaviour.

His perception of these proclaimed devils has already undergone a considerable shift; at the moment, based on his most recent calculations and observations, he can describe them using just two words: arrogant and delusional. Well, they seem to be the easiest to manipulate around; let's see what he can juice out of them.

"Shall we go, and pay a visit to your "Buchou? Let's hope it's worth my time."

The fact that Rei spoke to Kiba and motioned in her direction while entirely ignoring the fact that the girl was present was extremely irritating to her.

"Of course, please follow me."

The young man gave a kind smile while Rei followed him and used a structural grasp on both of the devils to examine their fundamental body structure, which uncovered a great deal of information that was previously unknown.

Oh, boy, it looks like we're in for an interesting visit.
