
Chapter One

The world around me is colorful and happy. Each step I take fills me with happiness. My friends are around me. Cotton candy skies and soft fingertips. I'm floating. No...Soaring. Everything is perfect. Nothing can ruin this.

"Wake up Mr. Somnolent!" I hear a loud bang and jolt up. I'm in class. My teacher, Mr. Patrick, is picking up the English textbook he slammed down. Everyone is facing my direction. Some people are giggling and some are giving me annoyed stares for either disrupting class again or for making Mr. Patrick slam the book.

My face goes pink. "S-sorry," I say and fix my posture. Mr. Patrick sighs and continues his lessons. I look down at my paper and it's blank. I didn't take any notes. "Here." I turn to my left and see Amy. My face goes to a brighter shade of pink this time. Amy was the prettiest girl in all the classes she was in. At least that's what I heard.

She's holding a sheet of paper and I notice her notes. I take the paper. "T-thanks." I place it neatly on my desk not wanting to mess up the paper at all. "Sorry. My handwriting is terrible." She says to me brushing her hair behind her ear. "No, it's fine," I say. "It's really pretty." She smiles at me. "Thank you."

She turns and faces the board again and continues writing. I write down what was on the paper while sneaking glances at Amy. She looked so focused. Her hand glided across the paper writing at the same speed as Mr. Patrick, maybe even faster. I hurriedly copied the notes and manage to finish.

"We'll be watching a video tomorrow. Make sure to do the pages I assigned to you. Their due tomorrow." We all say "Yes Sir" and pack our bags. I give Amy her notes. "Thanks again," I say holding the sheet. "You're welcome." She says and takes the paper. "I'm Amy." I already knew that, but kept it to myself. "Stephen," I say back. "Nice to meet ya!" She says then the bell rings.

I gather everything that I didn't put in my bag and speed-walk to the bus stop. I can feel my legs falling asleep and tripping now and then. My eyes get heavy and there's a storm of yawns approaching.

I make it to the bench and struggle to stay awake. You see my narcolepsy. It's hard for me to stay awake. I have to at least stay awake till I get home. But I couldn't. My eyes close and I'm drifting into the dream world.

I am once again greeted with the cotton candy skies and soft touches. But this time I'm alone. I walk around to see if anyone is there. It feels like a void. An endless tunnel. An endless loop of wandering around. Trying to find someone. Trying to find a way out. I hear a voice. It's calling my name. I follow it the best I can.

When I found the source I was greeted with a light. It was the size of a star. But its presence was much greater. "Follow me." It said to me and soon drifted away. "W-wait!" I say running after it. When the light talked you could hear other voices. They all spoke together and loudly.

I follow the light, not knowing where it would lead me. It finally stopped. "Where are we?" I ask panting. "Do you like this world Stephen?" It asked. "I guess." "'You guess'?" The light asked back. I looked at it confused. "This place is nice. I like to be here, but it'd be great if I could just stay awake." The light, even though not really having a physical form, nodded. "I see."

Just then there was an even brighter light. It was so bright it was blinding. When it's gone I open my eyes. "I can't help you with your problems Stephen, but I can show you the way and give knowledge. Go through the door." The light moved and I saw a big wooden door. It had engraved designs and a golden doorknob.

Just then there was an even brighter light. It was so bright it was blinding. When it's gone I open my eyes. "I can't help you with your problems Stephen, but I can show you the way and give knowledge. Go through the door." The light moved and I saw a big wooden door. It had engraved designs and a golden doorknob.

I see the bus just pulling up. My eyes adjust and I get up. I pay the toll and sit down in the front. I look out the window and adore the scenery. The trees pass by quickly. I see all the houses. All the red ones and baby blue ones. I see some barbequing and some birthday parties. I look at every person leaving the bus and wonder what they dream. I think of my dreams.

I arrive at my home and get off. I unlock the door while holding all my junk on my lap. I should've put it in my bag while I was on the bus. I think to myself. The door unlocks none the less and I put my stuff down on the couch and sit down. I look around the room, taking it all in. I exhale and start my homework.

Before we start, I wanna give dedication to my friend Heavenly for this story. She never completed her version so I decided to do it and make my own personal changes with mainly the plot. I hope it comes out well. Enjoy! ( ‵▽′)ψ

Also, there is some cursing but not that much.

LilNggetProductioncreators' thoughts
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