
Like Orihime and Hikoboshi (6)

Kiryu always found it surprising, how whenever he held Lila in his arms. It felt like it was just the two of them, surrounded in a sea of stars.

At first, he was slightly uneasy. Though he put up a brave facade, he's also nervous. He hasn't held Lila in so long. He was uncertain whether he ought to. But, when she edged him on. He couldn't say no. Perhaps, for Lila, there's something she wants to prove. His gaze fell on the girl below him, sweat coating their bodies. Only a few, minutes had gone past, and all he has been doing is kiss her, but he noticed how Lila was desperately trying to hide her embarrassment. Is she still embarrassed? How many, times has he done this with her before?

Kiryu pulled away slightly, to get a better look at this cute action of hers. He stared at her for a few seconds, seconds that quickly turned to minutes. Lila upon realizing he stopped, looked at him with confused eyes. But that confusion stopped; when she leaned her face on to his hand, wearing a beaming smile on her face.

This idiot. What is she doing so suddenly? Touching him when he's feeling like this. He didn't expect this at all. How is it possible for her to have matured this way appearance-wise and still look so cute? Instead, with her elegant appearance and cute antics. Kiryu found a new attractiveness in her. This is bad. He is discovering something like this when they will be separated again after tonight.

Also, she just had a bath, so she smells nice. Ahahhfhhfhffh. Kiryu recited pie in his head and exhaled deeply. He needs to get a grip. What is he doing acting like this now? It's not their first time. But, it's been so long since he held her. It's not like he's forgotten. Everything she likes, he remembered. But her body's changed so much since he last saw her. What to do, he is tempted to try out new things.

"You know Kiryu. We haven't done this in a while."

Yeah. He knows that.

Otherwise, why would he get this worked up? He is usually a calm person. But with her, he becomes like this.

"So, I'm really, nervous. Being separated from you made me realize how much I love you. So, um, my heart's going to frenzy mode, and my mind is a mess."

Kiryu said nothing and stared at her, her words and actions rendered him speechless.

. . . Why is Lila saying such cute things now? She's making her situation worse. "Um, will Kiryu go faster now?"

".. You want me too?"

She shyly nodded.

It's strange that they are even talking about this. Since when did Lila ask such questions? For a split second Karashima comes to mind, but he shook his head. Karashima has done nothing with Lila yet that much Kiryu could tell. Forget Karashima, right now he should focus on this cute girl in his arms.


No sooner had he finished Lila slumps her head on his chest. Still such a strange girl. He gently fixes a strand of loose hair away from her face, and he wrapped the surrounding blanket around her.

After catching her breath, Lila spoke up, "My Kiryu."


"We have to part again tomorrow. So, can we stay up all night and chat loads?"

Honestly, Kiryu would love to. But, Lila will probably fall asleep soon. That job must have worn her out.

"Then, to keep my Lila awake. Shall I sing a song?"

The girl's eyes light up, and she smiled. "En!!!! Ah, I know Kiryu! Let me write you a song."

"Huh? Now?"

Lila nodded.

"I feel like I can write something amazing. Ah, but, go over it again later okay? It's your song Kiryu, so it has to be good."

He brushed his forehead against hers, "If it's a song written by you, I don't have to change anything."

"Then let's write it together.."


When he is sure, she is sleeping Kiryu got up slowly. He needed to smoke, and call Selia to make sure she is okay. But the moment he did, he feels her hands grab hold of his, preventing him from getting up.

Are you kidding him? Kiryu tried to move her hands away, but they firmly intertwined with his and he quickly gives up. She's too cute. He could probably get away if he wanted to, but she'll probably cry in her sleep. From holding her, he can tell. Nothings changed at all. Her feelings for him have gotten stronger. That should reassure him, and yet, he can't help but think something is wrong.

Kiryu pulled out a cigarette and pauses. Can't smoke in front of her. Even if she is asleep, she'll scold him the moment she sees the cigarette. Although, she used to say things like she likes the scent. Last month, she read those strange articles. Kiryu was about to put it away when he feels Lila bury her face on his side.

"I'm putting it away, "Kiryu reassured her, but seeing her frown still, he crushed the cigarette in his hands and gave her the packet.

Lila stared at it for a few minutes, before asking him, "Kiryu, it's not good for you. Have you been smoking the whole time I was gone?"

He held out for quite a while.

"Just recently."

Kiryu lifts her head up and blinks. The girl's cheeks were puffy. So cute. Really, she's too precious.


Kiryu didn't have to hold back.

But, he probably wanted to make this special for her. They already had a nice dinner and watched the stars too. Even though she spurred him on earlier, he took no action until the dinner and stargazing were over. They played games for a while too. It's like nothing changed at all. She supposed two weeks isn't enough for people to change, and yet she feels different from before. She wondered why that was.

Is Kiryu really sleeping now? After they chatted for a while, she noticed he was getting sleepy and made him lie back down.

Lila stared at him.

Even though she's been with Haruka this whole time, she hasn't forgotten Kiryu once. Even though she knows it's wrong, yet she compared the two. There's no distance. A month has passed, and they have both met so many new people. Even then, there's no distance between them. She thought he would begin to like that assistant of his. But, when she drank his blood earlier, there was no trace of such fondness. Kiryu stirred awake as she was extending her hand out.

"My Lila, go to sleep. I know you're not well."

But, she wants to touch. It's different from when she reached out towards Haruka earlier. It's different, with Kiryu, she wants to feel his warmth. She wants to be one with Kiryu. Her cheeks reddened realizing what those words meant.

"K—Kiryu, I—I want to touch you!"

Kiryu chuckled, "Pfft, I was wondering why you were suddenly getting embarrassed. Sure, go ahead."

She said she wants to touch. But uh, where does she? Seeing where Kiryu was pointing, she hides under the blanket.

"Lila, don't hide from me now."

B—but, he's uwaaah. Lila felt her heart beating like crazy. She removes the blanket slightly but had her back turned from him. It's difficult to face him right now; she's still embarrassed. Kiryu used that opportunity to hug her from behind.

"Well, I get it. I'm nervous too. I haven't seen you in a long time." Kiryu murmured.

"L—liar, you're not nervous."Lila stammered, there's no way Kiryu is nervous.

"But I am, my heart is pounding loudly. Didn't you hear it?"

The sound of that heavy heartbeat, wasn't just hers? Just as she was about to say that, she heard it, a thumping noise from her back. Oh..Kiryu's heartbeat?

Is he nervous? She looked at him with wide eyes before she asked. "You're nervous Kiryu?"

"Seems like it, when I'm around you, I'm always nervous."

Lila turned around and extends her hand out, without hesitation this time.

"My Kiryu, you seem tired." she moved her hands slowly to his hair and combed it with her hands.

Her hearts still beating a lot. But, they'll be apart soon. So she should touch him as much as she wants. She should talk to him, about loads of things. About what the two of them will do now. About their relationship. She should ask him, are they still dating?

So soft...

Kiryu's- her pretty silver.

(๑•́︿•̀๑) Dad's birthday today, so that's why this update is a bit rushed. Normally it would be a double but I don't have time to edit a extra chapter. So if you spot any mistakes, please feel free to point it out.. the 420 people who added this story to their library. I hope to see you in the comments section too

( • ̀ω•́ )✧

The usual 5 chapters will still happen. Just the extra 4 will come a bit later (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

XOMatsumaeohanacreators' thoughts
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