
Cross Road (6) (Edit)

Haruka's house (Library room)

A few hours later, when Haruka noticed that she was no longer resting. He quickly traced the girl's footsteps and found her in the library room,

"What are you doing?" Haruka asked, as he stepped into the room and approached her from the back.

"Ah, getting a book!"

Haruka walked over to the shelf, "You know, I haven't used any of these in a while myself. I guess once I acquired the knowledge, all of it became meaningless."


"But, I can still learn a few things from it."

"Ah like--" he cuts her off by sealing her lips. Once again the two were engaged in another sensual kiss. A moan escaped Lila's lips, and he paused. Whenever they kiss, she makes such cute sounds. Haruka's imagination ran wild, what would happen if he were to do more than this with her? Credit where it's due though, her mouth tasted terrific. Lila's face was flushed as he moved away from her lips and slightly slipped of the girl's top, revealing her beautiful shoulder blades.

Haruka concentrated on sucking and licking her sweet skin when a familiar annoying voice broke thus lustful atmosphere.

"Ari-chan? You've been gone long. Are you oka--" The voice belonged to none other than Hamano Mikami. He stood in the door way; an amused smile made it's way to his lips.

Lila realized and quickly shoved him away, causing Haruka to frown.

"You know, if you two want to get it on ~, we could just leave." Mikami teased them.

"N-no! Um, I'll help." Lila stammered.

Mikami nodded, "Ari-chan, I'll leave for a bit. Join us in a second."


But Haruka didn't let her say anymore. Mikami said a few more things before he turned to walk away. The whole time Haruka was holding her hands and felt the girl's palm become sweaty. He didn't have to look at her to know how nervous she got.

No sooner had Mikami left, Haruka wasted no time before he pushed her against the bookshelf. Before she could speak, Haruka kissed her and silenced any questions she had. The girl's words replaced by moans as his tongue rolled inside her mouth. After kissing her for a while, he pulled back, "Tell me, how long must I hold back?" Haruka brought his lips to her ear and asked.

Lila didn't seem surprised by his sadness, "We-well, um, you see…I have a boyfriend..so."

Austin Kiryu huh…? But recently she, Haruka decided to ask instead of think it through, "Didn't you two break up?"

"Um, I'm not sure... I think it's up to me."

"So, I stand a chance?"

She shyly nodded.

So he stood a chance, he supposed that's better than nothing. His thoughts broke off when she brought her hand to his hair, he stopped her though and brought it to his lips, "Wha--" Lila said, startled.

"You, I'll make you mine."

Haruka only told her five words, and yet these five words are filled with so much conviction.


"They'll be distracted for a while. What do you want me to do?"


Just a kiss?


Haruka has never thought much about setting when it comes to being intimate with anyone. He's had plenty of women before; he's taken them regardless of time and place - he's never received complaints either. So he didn't think much about the fact that Lila is laying down on the cold wooden ground. As for clothing, he only removed her shirt. On her side, however, Lila was practically naked, he was on the verge of tearing away her skirt and bra - but Lila shook her head, "Were only kissing.."

Haruka sighed deeply and clicked his tongue in annoyance. Does she think that it will stop at that? How naive. But he supposes he can take advantage of this opportunity. He lowered himself down for a moment and started licking and sucking different areas of her body.

She should be used to this pattern now, but even now it surprises her.

"...What are you looking at?"

"I was just thinking; this is strange."


"You know, you don't have to be so curious whenever we do something intimate," It's hard for him not to lose control of himself when she's like this. It makes her look cute and all that, but it backfires on her, finding her gaze on him he asked, "What?"

"Um, you're sweaty."

Gee, she's too innocent.

Guess he ought to stop it at just kissing.


S Town (28 A Street)

The girl with the name Kanehera Yumeko was hurriedly rushing down the pavement. She was in a hurry and yet contrary to her hurried footsteps. Her mind was conflicted. Is it okay for her to go? Even though Mikami-kun gave the okay. No, it should be fine for now. Mikami-kun is there too, even Takahiro-kun and Ruka-chan are coming. Onii-chan, it was his idea. But for some reason, he isn't coming along.

She recalled the jacket that was wrapped around her when she woke up and exhaled deeply. Idiot, Idiot...it doesn't mean anything.

But, this is the first in a long time. That Haruka even paid that much attention to her.

Yumeko thoughts broke off upon spotting a familiar car. That's --!


Likewise, on Ruka's side, it was the same. But unlike Yumeko, she was panicking. AHHH, she's late! She was supposed to go with Takahiro and Hamano to Karashima-senpai's place. Yumeko, she probably won't go; lately, things seem more complicated between her and Karashima-senpai. Even someone like her understands this much. Her thoughts broke off when she caught a glimpse of blonde. Oh !! But, something was strange. Her friend seemed to be desperately following a car.

"-chan! Wait... "


Before the woman could say any more, the driver beeped the car and said, "Mistress we have to get going."

The older woman seemed conflicted but nodded, as she turned to Yumeko, "I'll be on the Dream Stars judging panel. I'll meet you very soon!"


"Please...don't tell him, that I'm coming."

The woman whispered softly.

Yumeko seemed reluctant to let the person go but nodded, "Okay…"

. ….

Ruka watched as the car drove of and she quickly hid behind the tree. It only took that brief exchange for her to understand that this was complicated. As she thought, right now there's so many things going on with the people important to her.


The last thing he expected was for her to get close to him casually. He thought once Yumeko was here; she would stay over there. Then again, he probably hasn't given Yumeko an opening to get close with her. "Haruka, what are you doing?"



Seeing her look genuinely interested, he pulled her to his arms so she could see the laptop. "Can you see?"

"Ah-huh, um, um so.."

"You see this..?"

"Hacking?" Lila asked.

Oh, so she knows. Haruka nodded. "It's for work."

"Ah-huh." Lila trailed off, "But um you know I don't think you should touch this company, you see they don't have much to offer. Rather because of their history, you can say its simply a camouflage."

Haruka blinked. He wasn't expecting this; he thought she would lecture him. Instead, that girl has an IQ of 200. She's a genius. When he first heard that he was genuinely surprised. After all, he had followed g her since the beginning of her debut. What's more, she doesn't know. Good grief. A genius who doesn't even know about her own intelligence. He supposed it's a typical story.

"So, which place do you suspect?" Haruka asked.

"Etto, over here."


Lila nodded.

"This area, for a while now. They maintained a somewhat straight line, and suffered neither decline nor raised in terms of funds no matter how well their product is doing."

But this area huh? Haruka tapped the place she pointed on the map.

'I have it under control' is what Mikado told him. That sly guy, he's probably the one manipulating things. Or maybe it's neglect. Geez, his thoughts broke off when he discovered Lila leaning on him more. What caught his attention though was the girl's breasts, "Hey.."


"Your breasts," Haruka told her.

At that, she frantically moved away. "U--wwa h, sorry.."

Why is she apologizing? He extended his hand out and touched her right breast, soft.

"Wait..um this…"

"Get closer."

Once she was in his arms, his fingers darted across both her breasts, she seemed startled, but like usual a moan escaped her lips, "Ah...uh.."

"You're beautiful," he commented.

He's never seen anyone this beautiful before. He wanted to possess, to learn everything about her. He licked her behind her ear, "Ah….Uh...Ahh." Repeated sounds, some different but to Haruka every single sound Lila let out was music to his ears.

Haruka chuckled when he saw how into it she was getting; the girl's face was flushed, eyes filled with desire, "Hey, if you're this loud. Someone will notice."

"B-but, your…"

So helpless.


He picked her up and was grateful the others didn't notice and quickly took her to the back. As he did in the library earlier, Haruka pushed her down, this time though it was on grass, "Har--Haruka..," Lila stammered.

"15 minutes…"

Like usual, he doesn't wait for her to respond and started to remove the girl's clothes. After a few minutes though, Haruka gets annoyed. She always wears such complicated clothing. How does he get this off? Hearing laughter, he paused.

"Help me."

Lila laughed, "Aha."

"Don't make me tear it."

"Wah, you can't."

"Help me out then."

Lila shyly listened, but he sensed her hesitation. He's leading her on too much, someone as kind as this one can't turn him away. Is it pity? He knows full well that she doesn't like him.

"Not enough."

"T-this amount is fine," Haruka, however, didn't listen and tore away the remains of her shirt, his lips curve to a smile as he mumbled about things he could do, "H--Haruka, do--don't."

He's never taken a girl like this before. It's refreshing, Haruka does not give her a reply and begins to kiss her, "Hey, if you don't open your mouth a bit more, how can I kiss you with my tongue?."

"...But, I--"

She always talked about pointless things, that may be why he doesn't leave her an opportunity to speak. Seeing her gorgeous breasts, he paused to examine them for a bit. What a lovely shape, that aside this color. "Unngg …."



Haruka examined her carefully, unlike the dim light of the library room. Outside it was brighter, and Haruka could get a proper look at the girl's skin. It's beautiful, milky white skin.

"Ahh..no...do ...don't."

"I won't go in." he murmured against her ear.


She's getting even more embarrassed now. How cute. "Tell me..something.."


"Have you done this before?"

He was referring to their situation — both on the ground. Bodies pressed together...covered in sweat. Haruka felt his own body becoming increasingly hot.

"Um, I think so. "

So she has. Well, no matter.

When she puts her arms around him, his gaze softened slightly. She's really, an idiot. But why is it, that he feels like he has to treat her especially? Is it because of love? He doesn't get it. The moment he felt her arms around him though, he noticed that she was shivering. Is she afraid? He's never paid attention until now. But whenever he does this with her, perhaps...

The cross road arc ends next chapter. So I'll be posting a extra chapter after this, I just need to finish editing. Expect it in the next hour.

XOMatsumaeohanacreators' thoughts
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