
Dream Sovereign

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds a Relic of Ancient god and became Candidate To became a certain God and facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

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13 Chs

Reflections in the Dust

On the outskirts of the city lay a sprawling dumpsite, the designated location for all the waste produced by the city's inhabitants. Giant hover trucks arrived and departed ceaselessly, unloading massive amounts of trash, including advanced electrical waste and expired expensive solutions. The discarded materials accumulated over time, forming mountains of different kinds of refuse.

Amidst this desolate place, several young men and children could be found rummaging through the trash, searching for anything of value. One of these individuals stood out from the rest. Clad in black leather attire, with dark hair and brown eyes, a young man named Alex traversed the mountains of waste with remarkable familiarity. He carried a bag filled with various items he had salvaged from the trash.

Alex was a sixteen-year-old orphan, but his background held a secret. In truth, he had been transmigrated from a normal world into this sci-fi realm. In his previous life, he had perished at the age of twenty-five due to overwork. However, due to the unstable social hierarchy in this world, despite being knowledgeable and educated he struck here as dump collector for the government to Live a good life. He doesn't know who his mother and father are in this world. When he opened his eyes after Transmigration he was laid in Junkyard. Although he was somehow survived the pressure because of a miraculous square shape Junk cover him up from other junk. But Thanks to Old man Wei he is alive today.

Old Man Wei had treated him with kindness and became his guardian. However, tragedy struck when Alex was only ten years old, as Old Man Wei passed away. From that moment on, Alex had to navigate life all by himself. Although it was not particularly challenging for someone with the mentality of a twenty-five-year-old, the government's laws restricted nomads like him from accessing basic facilities.

Before Alex reached the age of eight, there was no access to electricity for nomads like him, even in this technologically advanced world. Even after living for over sixteen years, he had no idea what the real world, beyond the outskirts and the dumpsite, truly looked like. It was on his twelfth birthday that the government recognised the nomads as half-citizens and permitted nomad children to receive basic education. Alex suspected that even this change occurred due to the relentless efforts and sacrifices made by citizens and nomads like himself, who fought for freedom and the recognition of their rights. After years of struggle and sacrifice, the government finally agreed to grant nomads the status of half-citizens.

Because of this, Alex has to make a living on his own to put food in his stomach and pay for school fees. That's also happened because of sacrifice of young orphan like him. He takes care of nomad children and orphans whose parents are unable to work or have passed away.

However, let's not misunderstand his intentions; he utilise them to earn money, just to attend school to educate to this world. Just giving them three time of food daily and little bit money (monthly) he is sending them to near death door every day.

Since Nomads are Mostly Ineligible for Any work, he and his group had to collect dump and do some odd job. That's why They are here with him, amidst all this waste, searching for salvageable items that still could be used and sell it.

"Enough for today, I suppose," Alex whispered.


He blew the whistle, signalling the entire group to wrap up their scavenging activities.

"No serum?" Alex asked, looking at the boy who was arranging their findings. His face was covered by a black dust from the modern dump yard, giving him the appearance of street boys.

"No, boss. No serum," replied a little boy, around the age of 11, as he scratched his hair.

"Samir Arrange and treat everyone, And for Gods sake don't forget to use antiseptic," Alex instructed.

"Alright, Alex! But what about that kid who nearly cut his hand tendons? Treating him will cost at least 400 federal dollars." Samir inquired.

"We'll figure something out," Alex sighed, glancing at the injured child. Unfortunately, such accidents were common among the nomad kids, and many of them ended up crippled.

"Just don't be a saint again" Samir muttered.

It was quite evident that no one in the group was willing to spend 400 dollars to treat the child, as it would leave them and their families hungry. As the leader of the group, Alex understood this predicament.

Thinking about past mistakes Alex smiled helplessly.

"Certain situations have the power to shape one's mentality and worldview." Alex thought.

After freshening up with a bottle of water, Alex headed towards the market.


Unfortunately, today seemed to be a bad day for Alex and his group. Despite his efforts at the market, he had only managed to pick up a few items that were of little value and couldn't even be sold at the general store.

Feeling a sense of disappointment and frustration, Alex knew that he had to sell this thing to feed others. And so, he made his way to the scrap shop, hoping to sell whatever he could in order to earn some money. The shop was dimly lit and smelled strongly of metal and rust.

A gruff-looking man sat behind the counter, eyeing Alex with suspicion as he approached with his meager haul. With a heavy heart, Alex placed the items on the counter, hoping that they would be enough to earn him some much-needed cash. The man examined each item carefully, muttering under his breath as he did so. In the end, the man offered Alex a small amount of money for his meager collection. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep Alex afloat for another day. "Sigh, I Don't like when Bad expectation became fulfilled." Coming out of the shop he stretched his limb waist and back. Up in the sky the bright orange sun is already blazing with terrifying heat, add if to burn Everything under it's light..

Seeing this, Alex said "I guess it's time for me to go back. I don't wanna roasted by the Sun out here and waste little bit saved Water in my house I have.

Alex made his way through the bustling market, clutching a brown paper bag filled with plump oysters. With each step he took, the weight of the bag swayed in his hand, the delicate aroma of the sea wafting towards him.

As he made his way towards his humble abode, a piercing whistle interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see a group of children playing in the street, their laughter echoing through the narrow alleyway. With a smile, Alex continued his journey, feeling the tension in his shoulders ease with every step he took.

Finally, he reached his home, situated in the corner of the refuse-filled dumpsite. Despite its unassuming appearance, the small wooden house offered him a refuge from the chaos of the world outside. Alex stepped inside, greeted by the familiar sight of old and dilapidated furniture. It may not have been much, but it was enough for a young man like him to call home.

Although Everything looks old and tattered the house is actually clean and tidy.

There is not even a speck of dust that can be found since Alex Always tries to keep his house clean to at least give it homely ambience.

"Ugh, I'm finally back. It's so hot outside, I want to drink some water."

"Grrhh Grrhh"

A hungry howl could be heard.

Guess I am hungry too.

Alex took pitcher of cold water from an old refrigerator that he had found in the dumpsite in the past.

Glurg,Glurgh,Glurgh ~~

Puah ~ now I feel refreshed!"

While humming a tune, Alex headed to the bathroom quickly washed his body and came out feeling cool and fresh.

Thinking of the oyster he bought Alex Cooked it and start to devoured the freshly shucked oysters, his eyes lighting up with pleasure as he savoured each succulent bite. It was a moment of pure ecstasy, a rare respite from the struggles of his daily life.

After the Launch Alex sat down on the only sofa inside his house. Thinking what to do for the next day.

Ahh~ after so many days feeling the luxury of Sofa. Alex Muttered as he felt the comfort brought by softness of the sofa.

I'm glad I took this back home yesterday, Alex said with a satisfied smile.

"I guess I'll take a nap in here."

Saying that, Alex closes his eyes and place his hand on the armrest.

Since this is an old sofa from the trash there are some broken parts here and there.

So, when Alex put his hands on the armrest his palm landed on a broken part where a glossy black metal thing is visible.

The moment his skin made contract with it; Alex felt a stinging pain come from the tip of his Index finger.


He hurriedly retracted his hand to take a look at it.

Alex saw that there was nothing wrong with his hand, so he turned his attention to the black metal on his Armset.

"What the hell is this?"

Suddenly, Alex was hit by sleepiness out of nowhere and in an instant Disappear from the sofa along with the black stone.

What Alex didn't know was that, when his finger made contract with the black metal, a drop of his blood was absorbed by the unknown metal.

When Alex Open his eyes, all he saw was Rainbow surface as far as his eyes could see.

This…. Where is this?