
Second stage and The Legendary Sannin

*Chapter start*


(Sasuke's pov)


As her sword comes down dirt and small boulders fly everywhere. The dust settles and I see Aoi smiling.

"Wasn't you the one that wanted to train everyday? Where did all that confidence go?" She says provoking me while I hear Shirou's snickering behind me.

The idiot is calmly sipping tea while looking at me suffering everyday. He even started making bets with Tenten on how long it would take for me to give up. And sincerely I'm starting to doubt if I can do it everyday too.

It has been almost a week since we started and all that I did in this week was being thrown around like a rag doll. Aoi's movements are so fast that I still have to copy her footwork even with my sharingan, not even mentioning her sword play.

But I can't really say this isn't worthy. Aoi is the only person that I know that can overpower me so easily and is also someone that is better than me when it comes to swordsmanship with the exception of Shirou. No offence to Shirou, but I can't wrap my head around trying to copy or even understand the way he chooses to fight.

"You know Sasuke." I hear Shirou's voice."Even if you were to hurt Aoi now she would just regenerate because of the beast sealed in her. You have to choose your steps carefully, she has more than enough chakra to outperform you, she is stronger than you, she is faster than you and she is also more experienced and smarter than you."

"Thank you for the incentive." I say Irritated.

"But she isn't invencible. Sasuke you've the sharingan, an eye that people would start wars for. You would need just a few days to steal Aoi's entire life worthy of training. And I reckon that with time you will outplay both me and her, but now isn't that time. If you really want to fight people like us and win you will have to play over our disadvantages not yours advantages." Shirou takes a sip of his tea before saying."In Aoi's case she is bad at reacting to genjutsus, in my case I simply can't defend myself correctly against an elemental release because of my lackluster talent for ninjutsu. When you're forced to fight an enemy more powerful than you will have to play dirty." With Shirou's last sentence Aoi's frown a bit, but remained silent."If not you will die."

"Now have you finished your little lesson Shirou? Because I remember being Sasuke's training partner, not you." Aoi says a bit impatient.

"Hmph, no need to get grumpy, just because I'm a better teacher than you." Shirou says with a grin.

"Hmph. Now, even if I don't really approve of all of Shirou's taticis, he is right. If an enemy is way stronger than you, you will never be able to beat him at his own game. In that case to save yourself you will have to play 'dirty' as Shirou said, be that fenting trickering, using your doujutsu to the maximum or even trading blows with your enemy."  Aoi says while reading her sword and tilting it into my direction."But first and foremost you still have to be strong enough to take the opportunities that you created."

Just as Aoi finishes speaking an immense gale of wind appears around her sword.

"Get ready Sasuke."

*Scene break*

(Sasuke's pov)

'Clone jutsu'

I make a clone to take Aoi away from the battlefield. I can't have her being used as some kind of weak point.

"Eliminate any distractions or disadvantageous characters from your mind, you don't want to have to focus on more than one thing while fighting." As Shirou would say.

"Take her to Shirou, he should be somewhere in that direction." I point to the trail of destruction left behind by the man's jutsu, while running into the woods.

'First I need a place where there are as many obstacles between us as possible. I'm not Aoi, I can't fight that monster head on.'

I stop in a nearby tree branch as I reinforce my ears and eyes. Soon enough my sharingan activates and two tomoe appear around my pupil, extending it even further my field of vision extending over fifty meters in front of me. Nothing inside this space can escape my perception.

Not even a second after I got a killing headache. Bringing my hand to my head.

'Not now, focus.'

I ignore the pain and start hearing my surroundings trying to find the man's position, but I hear nothing, not even the sound of  animals, the entire forest is silent. Then suddenly a few dozen meters behind me I hear the sound of a few dozen shuriken flying at me.

As dozens of shuriken fly in my direction, instead of deflecting it with my sword I take cover behind the tree branch,concentrating chakra on my feet and using it to hold myself on the tree branch.

The shuriken hit the tree branch missing me completely."You don't really pretend to hide the entire fight, do you?"

Suddenly I hear the man's voice behind me and before I could do anything he takes me by the throat and drags me.

"I have to admit I expected more from you Sasuke. Are you sure you are Itachi's brother?" He asks me with a sarcastic voice.

"You can ask him to hell." I say while wrapping legs around his hips and holding his arms with my hand. From under my shirt the sound of fire burning could be heard.

"Paper bomb?" The man asks, agitated, but soon he recomposes himself and spit out his sword, piercing the head of my clone, sending a white smoke out and a bunch of paper bombs. 

The man easily dodges the explosions by jumping up. Following his movements I jumped down from the tree branch above him and my clone was, I clasp my hands together and push them onto his head with every bit of strength that I have. But somehow he was able to feel the attack coming and catch hold of my hands using my own momentum to throw me on the ground.

But while still in the air the man notices something wrapped around his arms." Shinobi wires?"

Just as he says I use all my strength and momentum to push him down, sending him upside down straight to the ground making a small crater on it. Not wanting to risk it, I immediately used a fire release.

'Fire release:Great Fireball Technique'

Sending a massive fireball down on the man still planted on the ground, creating an even larger crater on the ground and sending flames everywhere. A few seconds later dozens of trees in front of me caught fire, dyeing the forest with a crimson red color.

The flames slowly subside and from the place where the fireball hit I only see a burnt corpse, seeing the man corpse instead of relaxing I tense up. I have already seen what this man can do.

And not betraying my expectations, from the ground in front of me the man appears extending his arm and sending a punch directly to my torso. Not wanting to receive this man brute force directly I bring my arms forth crossing them in front of the attack.

Once again I remember the tremendous difference in our strength. Immediately after receiving the punch both my arms feel like shattering sending waves of pain to all of my body. And without even noticing I see myself being launched above the tree lines.

'How the hell Aoi even fought this guy. I'm sure that she isn't this strong.'

Looking down I land in a random tree branch and once again find myself trying to look at my surroundings for the snake guy.

'Let' s see. Overwhelming physical capabilities, being able to summon giant snakes, a very strong wind jutsu on Aoi's level if not higher. My grades on shinobi history weren't the best, but I certainly am still able to distinguish such a memorable character. The Legendary Sannin, Orochimaru.'

I slowly take note of my surroundings while continuing my train of thought.'But why is he attacking us? It shouldn't be Aoi, if it was her he would simply have taken her way with him instead of attacking me, besides he tried to kill her a moment ago if he wanted the bijuu he wouldn't do that.'

"I have to admit I expected more from you Sasuke. Are you sure you are Itachis's brother? " 

Remembering what he said I came to a realisation.'My sharingan. He is after my eyes, probably because he couldn't take them from Itachi. Which also means Itachi is at least significantly stronger than this guy.... fuck.'

Before I could continue to entertain those thoughts, I caught a blur on my right side. I see the Sannin fastly moving around me or at least his after-images as my eyes are nowhere near good enough to see his true form.

'Okay what he wants or how strong Itachi is, is not important right now. None of that will help me win this fight.'

Not wanting to waste my depleting reserves of chakra I turn off my reinforced ears, since this guy is way faster than the sound, anything I hear would be a mere distraction. Trying to locate I have a depressing thought.

'If I want to even see this guy I will have to do that.'

If there is one thing I'm grateful for after meeting Shirou is learning reinforcement. His self developed jutsu is practical and easy enough to learn. Despite his dreadful comments on how dangerous it can be. A jutsu that lets you reinforce the basic attributes of a person would already be considered a pretty good jutsu, just like the body flicker jutsu.

Experimenting with the jutsu in question I was able to discover that it is impossible for me to reinforce my eyes without activating my sharingan. What is my greatest downside, which means that whenever I try to see further I also see everything on an absurd level of detail, said better detailed view also gives me an unbearable headache. But that is just the simplest way of using reinforcement, what  Shirou's jutsu does is on a completely different level than a normal jutsu like body flicker. What the jutsu is truly capable of is reinforcing the very concept of the object to make it all-rounder better. 

In other words it should be possible to reinforce not my eyesight, but my actual sharingan abilities evolving its properties as far I have the knowledge to where the reinforcement is needed, and after years in possession of these eyes I can confidently say that I can do it.

"But the problem isn't really that, is it?" I say while concentrating on the blurry figure.

'The problem is that the sharingan is a visual technique, what it means is that I can't just reinforce the raw perceptiveness capabilities of the sharingan without reinforcing my eyes' capacity to see further.'

Putting all my remaining reserves of chakra into my eyes I slowly start to see everything around me in extreme detail, from the natural carvings of the trees to the minuscule dust particles in the air. With it I'm finally able to trace  the movements of the legendary Sannin, but with the reinforcement of my perception my eyesight expands to a ludicrous amount, instead of the usual fifty meters now I see everything up to five hundred meters.

While clutching my head as I try to ignore the unbearable pain caused by the sensory overload I unsheath my sword ready for combat.

'Fire was useless against him and I'm nowhere near the strength needed to inflict significant damage to him, but Aoi's sword was easily able to cut Orochimaru several times. Just hope that Shirou's favoritisme didn't fucked me up with a worse sword than Aoi's.' 

With my hands trembling from pain a painful smile surges as I remember Shirou and Aoi's antics."I hope I just don't die."

*Scene break*

(Orochimaru's pov)

He is doing remarkably better than I expected, nowhere near that blonde kid, but it is expected he isn't comparable to a jinchuuriki that has some level of control over her bijuu.

As I run around the boy I suddenly notice the changes to his eyes.

'Did he unlock his third tomoe?'

Just as I notice the change I suddenly feel that my every move is under the scrutiny of the boy. I feel like an open book and that whatever I do is under his surveillance, that every move is predicted and expected.

"Hehehe… just like Itachi." A smile creeps into my mouth as I sprint to the boy's direction.

Throwing up my sword and reaching it with my hand I take the infamous Sword of Kusanagi out from my throat. Without giving the boy any time to think of his next move, I lower myself to the ground and thrust the sword at the boy's head.

As if he had seen the attack from a mile away Sasuke's head get's out from the reach of my sword as he fastly moved his own sword to meet mine. Sparks fly as the two swords meet each other and at the same time some strange pattern shinys onto the body of his sword.

'Now that I think about it who made these swords, not only they are able to keep up with my Kusanagi but they also seem to have some kind of special abilities, that girl was seemingly able to generate wind ninjutsu out of nowhere as far it originate around the sword.'

While considering stealing the swords after the battle is over I notice that despite holding back my hand, Sasuke is still not able to take all my attacks and blood trails start to appear all over his body.

'He is decent I guess. He isn't on Itachi level even when he was at this age, if I'm not mistaken the massacre occurred when he was eleven. But he has talent and a lot of room for improvement.'

For a split second I snap my eyes from my fight to a random direction.

'So they finally notice. Konoha's reaction time is as low as ever, I have to thank Sensei for having so many leechers around him. So for the last time…'

"Let's end thi-'' Before I could finish my words a smirk appeared on the boy's face.

Suddenly out of nowhere I hear several sonic booms behind my back, not underestimating whatever those things are. I  jumped from the tree branch we were landing on another tree several meters away.

A frown appears on my face as I see several arrows obliterating the tree branch and impacting on the ground below creating small craters on the local area of the impact. Looking at the direction from where the arrows came I see a very angry face staring into my eyes.

The red-haired boy lands beside Sasuke and asks."Are you alright?"

Sasuke nods and says."Yeah, somehow. But I won't be able to keep this forever."

Looking at the boy once again I finally notice that he seems to be in pain.

"Look Sasuke I need you to creat-" Before the red-haired boy could finish I appeared right in front of the duo.

"If you think I will let you two do as you want again you are wrong." As I say I punch Sasuke in the face before he react planting his face onto the ground, right after I swing my arm at the red-haired boy's bow, snapping it on half creating a sickling metallic sound, but my arm just don't stop there after passing through the bow my arm reach the boy's shoulder with enough strength to launch him hundreds of meters away.

'Summoning jutsu: Castle gates'

As I reach the ground with my hands forming two summoning circles white smoke covers almost everything between me and the red-haired boy.

"Finally." I take my sword and impale Sasuke's hand on the ground that was trying to reach his sword.

"You three… really were a lot of trouble. If I knew that beforehand I would have sought a better opportunity to test you better, but for now this will serve I guess." Feeling the backlash from trading bodies during battle I tiredly take Sasuke by the hair and bite his neck.

As the light fades from the boy's eyes I say to myself."Hah… I'm really getting sloppy. Getting pushed this far by a bunch of brats."

'And I still have to perfect this jutsu. There was a significant loss of stamina after the change.'

Suddenly from behind me I hear a loud sound of metal cracking, but also a melodious sound almost like a lullaby. Within the split second that took me to turn around what I'm only able to see is the absolute destruction of one of my greatest defensive jutsu. In less than a second a golden light pushes true my summoned gate shattering and incinerating more than half of it and pushing even further in my direction accompanied by the melodious chorus.

Seemingly having a will of it's on the light shrinks right before reaching me and the fallen boy behind, making this way, only possible to hit me instead of both of us. While enveloped by the golden light almost softly and wondering just what kind of jutsu is this I hear a far cry.


*Scene break*

(Aoi's pov)

"Hmf… even after taking all that power you still lost." The giant fox in front of me says.

"You talk like you were actually trying to help me… Kyuubi." I once again state an undeniable fact, that this monster only truly wants to slowly corrode the seal that imprison him.

"You know, if you hadn't been trying to kill me for the last decade then maybe I would have considered breaking the seal." I say to the fox a bit indignant. If having a bunch of villagers hating you to the bone wasn't I also have to cope with a bored fox criticizing my every move.

"So what do you want? You don't seem to be needy right now, it's not like you to keep me here for no apparent reason." I question the fox while at the same time jabbing at its loneliness.

For a second I think I saw a smile on Kyuubi's face but before I could look more into it the fox says."You're disillusioned to think that I actually need the attention of such a brat like you." The fox snorts before staring at my eyes."Since that moron that you call first hokage captured me after his battle with that damnable Uchiha the world has been strange. In the last century I've been used twice, all my brothers and sisters have been sealed and the only clan capable of controlling me has been exterminated."

"So? What do you want to do?" I ask the fox.

Kyuubi gives me a strange glance before saying."This new organization, Akatsuki, is trying to take all the bijuus for some unknown reason. What I want is their protection, in exchange I will help you without any second intentions."

"Oh… I didn't take you for the family type." I tease the fox for a bit, then ask."And I suppose you will trust me now?"

The fox snorts."They may be a bunch of imbeciles, but they are still my family, but most importantly I don't trust you. Whatever you are is not normal."

"Thanks for the compliment I guess." Well I suppose that it would be strange if this guy didn't notice."Okay, then why are you saying this all to me?"

The bijuu looks intently at me like his eyes are looking after something much deeper, much more private."I may not trust you, a freak of your own species, sometimes when I look at you I almost see one of my own. But the golden scabbard inside your soul, it accepts you and protects you, I simply decided to trust it's judgment."

I frown for a second."So you already knew about Avalon."

"You surely underestimate me, King Arthur. I've been inside your head for more than a decade, it wouldn't be strange if I knew all of your little secrets." The fox says with a large predatory smile.

"You.. I…"

"Hahaha… what is it, did the fox eat your tongue." The fox grins madly at me."You are a few thousand years too early to be trying to hide something from me. Now away with you, your presence starts to bother me."

"Wait I sti-" The fox cuts me off with a smile filled with smugness."Remember you must never let all the beasts be gathered together again. If so, I fear that you and your boyfriend's future plans may end in ruin."

With his final words my eyes finally open and I'm greeted by Sasuke's inquisitive gaze.

Damn you Kyuubi, I say to myself while trying to hide my embarrassed expression.

"What happened after I passed out?" I ask while massaging my head with a mild headache.

Sasuke nods at me and says."After you passed out my original body made me and said that I should take you to Shirou, not much later after I found him and left after my original body I saw a golden flash and dust flying everywhere. Trying to see what happened I find my original self and Shirou fallen to the ground, Orochimaru nowhere to be seen."

I nod at Sasuke's clone and turn to look at the two boys lying beside me."Orochimaru? I think I remember the name…" If I'm not mistaken he is one of the Legendary Sannin, one of the disciples of the Third Hokage… just like my future sensei, Jiraya."What happened to them?"

"They both have fever, but I don't know exactly why. My body has some strange mark on it and even though I used structural analysis on it I wasn't able to get much information on it. All I know is that the mark can somehow consume my chakra and change it for something else. I think it can be giving my body some kind of violent reaction." Sasuke's clone then turns to look at Shirou." As for Shirou I don't really know what happened to him. All I know is that he has some strange internal burns inside his arm and his body and has a very high fever."

'I don't really know anything about that mark, Shirou should be able to identify it but first I need him to get up. From what Sasuke said he probably traced something beyond his actual capacity, probably Caliburn from Sasuke description, I will need to use Avalon.'

"Sasuke, could you hunt for some food and water."I turn to the clone and say.

"Are you sure about that? You just woke up, I'm not sure if there is someone else around here."

I get up from the ground and say to Sasuke's clone."As long as another Legendary Sannin doesn't show up we will be fine."

The clone looked at me for a second before replying."Ok then, I will be back after a few minutes."

Leaving a small cloud of dust behind the clone disappears in the dense jungle.

"Ahh… what a day." I say as particles of golden dust leave my body.

*Scene break*

(Kabuto's pov)

I don't muter a sound as my master looks at me and my 'colleagues' with a ranging face. But it seems one member of my trio didn't get the memo."Lord Orochimaru what happened?"

A good question, how did one of the most powerful men in the world suddenly lose an arm and get half of his body set on fire? Lord Orochimaru by his own merit would be able to fight bijuus and kages head on, under normal circumstances nothing in this forest would be able to even hurt him.Again a good question, but not at the right time.

Orochimaru looks over at Yoroi. Rage is clearly apparent in his eyes, but instead of lashing out he just says."Contact the team of the sound, they should not approach the boy. I will come back to the hideout to recover." Taking a second to think further he says."You tree should stay here and continue to provide more information, I don't think the boy will come to us so soon, but eventually. Keep an eye on him and make sure our infiltrators stay out of sight." 

Our master soon becomes one with the darkness leaving us alone.

I turned to look at my two team members."Not as bad as one would expect from him." I let a dry laugh escape my mouth looking at the tension of the other two."We should keep going, after all we still have an exam to pass."

'It seems that I will have to update my deck.'

*Scene break*

(Sasuke's pov)

"Well, we certainly ate shit this time" Shirou says in one of his classical sarcastic remarks, just so that Aoi sends him an unamused side glance, shutting him down.

"We were utterly defeated." I say a bit angry.

Aoi snorts and says, also seeming a bit angry, though she also seems to be better at hiding it."I would be surprised if we have done better, that man legends speak for him. There was nothing much we could do, we were ambushed , separated and attacked individually and worst of all he was just testing us or more specifically you Sasuke."

Aoi gives me a worried glance then says."He clearly gave his mark to you because he expects to see you again, he is giving you a taste of his power so that you come back to him at your own volition."

"I'm not stupid Aoi, I know what he wants." I say angrily at her.

Then I bury my head between my knees and say softly"Sorry."

'I just keep lashing out on them, don't I? How can people stand next to me?'

I hear Aoi's soft voice talking to me."It's okay, we all had a long day. All we need to do now is finish this damn exam and get some sleep. But first we need to know what exactly Orochimaru did to us." 

Aoi says while getting up."Stay this way Sasuke."

Keeping my head down I hear the sound of clothes being taken off.

'She didn't even hesitate.'

After a few seconds I hear Shirou saying."You can look up now." 

I follow the command and see Aoi sitting on the ground near Shirou while putting his hand on his chin like he is trying to understand something really hard.

"That is an Uzumaki reverse seal modified by Orochimaru, it's objective is to make it possible to mess up with the chakra flow of the adversary. What he did specifically against you is literally messing with the original seal on your body, originally the seal that hold the Kyuubi inside your body was meant to give you somewhat of a control of it's chakra slowly letting a bit of chakra pass through the seal so that you can use it. But because of the five point seal that flux of chakra became a mess, with time there won't be any difference between your chakra and Kyuubi's." Shirou gives a pause before saying."But for now I didn't see any difference. Actually, I think your chakra flow is better than before, somehow."

Aoi shows a strange smile before asking Shirou."What about Sasuke?"

Shirou approaches me as I tilt my neck to him.

"Well I can't really say if this thing is bad or not, I mean I could feel a lot of malice coming from its creation, but I'm not even sure if said intentions were directed at Sasuke."

Both me and Aoi give Shirou a puzzled look."So what does it do?"Aoi asks.

"This thing is called cursed mark and its objective is to make a trade between its user chakra for nature chakra, almost transforming its user into a sage creature through the most basic and primal way of senjutsu." 

Shirou finishes his analysis and says"I don't advise using it, as far as I know senjutsu is basically impossible to control without any guidance. And just because we know what it does, does not mean that it will actually work out fine without Orochimaru's surveillance, for all that we know it could very well kill you if you try to use it." Shirou then gives me a strange look before saying."I also caught a significant amount of Orochimaru's chakra inside it and I don't think it has any correlation with the mark."

"Whatever Orochimaru did we need to talk with the Third, Orochimaru was his disciple and he was also the one that banned him from the village he should know better about Orochimaru's goals."

"Tsk just my luck." I say resigning to  my fate.

Then suddenly I feel Shirou's hand on my shoulder."Sasuke It seems like we have a lot more in common than we previously thought." 

"What…" As I say I hear Aoi laughing at my confusion.

"Hahaha… we should get going, the third day will already start and we still haven't finished this survival test." Aoi says, jumping away from us.

"Well the good part is that the hardest is behind us. I doubt that we will be fighting something worse than a Legendary Sannin anytime soon." Shirou says while jumping after Aoi.

'Thanks for the jinxing us all Shirou.'

And as Shirou said nothing much happened after the fight with Orochimaru. We fought a team from the sand that coincidentally had our needed scroll and the trip to the tower took us just a bit longer.

"I contacted one of the jonin in the tower. We will soon get an audience with the Third Hokage, Kakashi-sensei will get by to bring us to him after the end of the next part of the exam."Aoi says as me and Shirou come back after talking to a weirdo that came out from the scrolls.

After waiting a few hours, the time limit for the test finally ends and we are brought to the center of an arena where the Third Hokage gives the remaining shinobi an inspiring speech about something I don't really care about.

What surprises me is that all our classmates passed this part of the Chunin Exams. Besides them I also see team bushy eyebrows, the informant team and two extra teams, the sound team and the sand team that we meet at the entrance of the chunin academy.

"Before we start the next part of the exam I will ask. Do any of you for any reason want to give up? This will be your only chance." The hokage finishes his speech and asks the crowd.

I see a hand raising up to my left."Yes Hokage-sama, I, Yakushi Kabuto, would like to give up on this part of the exam."

The Hokage nods at the informant, as he gets out of the exam room followed by Aoi and Shirou's suspicious looks. Both of them said to me previously that they had some doubts about Kabuto's real intentions, I also have to admit that the guy is a little strange.

"Now I finally announce the third part of the Chunin Exams starts now." The hokage announces the start of the next test as a new shinobi and our teachers appear from behind him.

A man wearing the standard military uniform from Konoha introduced himself and the next part of the exam."I'm Gekkou Hayate and I will be your supervisor for the next part of the exam. In this part of the exam each one was supposed to receive a number that would dictate who you would fight in a tournament like scenario, but this year we had an excessive amount of shinobi that passed the second stage of the exam twenty to be exact. Because of that a preliminar will be conducted with only ten of you that will actually be able to pass to the next part of the exam. And of course we will follow with the battle elimination idea. Any questions?"

Seeing that no one has any questions Hayato then says."Go to your sensei and wait for your name to be called to the arena."

We turn to some standing platforms where our sensei is ignoring the man next to him.

"Hoh… Kakashi was right after all, you all were able to pass the test." Guy says as we approach him with his team right behind us.

Tentem also says."Finally we will be able to decide who is the best weapons expert in this village."

Rock Lee follows right behind her."Yes, in this exam we will finally decide who is the best taijutsu user."

Shirou just looks confused at the two before giving his irritating smirk."Well, I guess I can beat one or two disillusioned kids."

'When did Shirou become the public enemy number one? And since when did Shirou become a taijutsu user.'

Interrupting the other team's antics with Shirou, Kakashi asks us."Are you three okay?"

Shirou turns to our sensei and says."Yes, mostly at least."

As Kakashi and Shirou talk Gekkou Hayate takes a scroll from his sleeve and throws it at the air, opening itself on the air the scroll flys hitting the wall opposed to the entrance of the arena forming a white frame in the wall.

Slowly two points of black ink appear in the frame moving on it's own forming several random names.

I hear Aoi saying beside me." There really is a jutsu for everything in this world."

Somehow I feel that there was something off with this commentary.

"First fight Uchiha Sasuke versus Akado Yoroi. Please the two come to the center of the stage." Hayato announces.

Just as I was getting ready to jump down I heard Shirou voice calling me."Hey Sasuke I forgot to say, you can't use chakra if you want to win."

"Hah… I supposed so." This damn cursed mark.

I jump down to face my opponent. 

"Do any of the two have any objections to this fight?"



As we both finish saying at the same time Hayato announces the start of the match.

"Then let the match begin."

Wasting no time Yoroi takes several churiken and throws them at me.

I simply dodge all of them without giving it much attention.

'Tsk why am I so unlucky? Recently I feel like everything that could go wrong goes wrong with me. Two S-rank nukenin a cursed mark that steals my chakra, what next a tailed beast?''

"You should pay more attention to your enemy." Yoroi says as I dodge one of his scratches?

Taking my attention to him I see some kind of chakra concentration on his hand, his fingers bent into a grappling position.

'So he is a grappler huh, well not that matter.'

"And you should talk less during a fight." I say provoking.

The man sprints at me while trying to say."Look here you bra- kuh…"

Before he could get anywhere near me I simply ran and entered his guard perimeter and smashed the tip of my sword pommel against his abdomen, sending him flying a few meters in the air.

Seeing that he isn't getting up from the ground any soon I direct myself to my team.

"Winner of the match Uchiha Sasuke."

I reach my team to be greeted by a smiling Aoi."It was an excellent match, Sasuke."

"Not that your opponent was much of a fighter." Shirou opens his mouth just to receive divine punishment from Aoi.

I can't really say that was much of a fight either. That guy was nowhere near as fast as Shirou or Aoi. He wasn't as strong as Orochimaru and nothing in the intimidation sector.

'Oh and his taijutsu sucks.'

"Sasuke, are you feeling okay?" I turn to Kakashi as questions me with a worried face.

I give him a confused look."Yeah… I didn't even get hit."

"Are you sure? Don't you feel anything strange at all?" Kakashi once again asks, still worried.

"I already said I'm fine. Why are you so-" Interrupting me I hear Shirou's voice beside me.

"Curse my E-rank luck."

"Next match Uzumaki Shirou versus Uzumaki Aoi."

*Chapter end*

Well that's another chapter done.

Here are Orochimaru's parameters.








Chakra control Ex-rank

Orochimaru is at the pinnacle of the shinobi world in his own regards. One of them is chakra control, spending most of his life learning almost every jutsu he could get his hands on. Orochimaru's control of chakra is second to none.

Mana resistance C-rank

Orochimaru is able to completely resist D and C-rank ninjutsu with high level resistance to average B-rank ninjutsu and minor resistance to weak A-rank ninjutsu.

The Legendary Sannin B-rank-

The title was given to him by the Demi-God of the Shinobi, Hanzo of the Salamander. This skill increases his carisma related skills and lowers the parameters of any less courageous fighter.

Jutsu master A-rank++

Orochimaru has mastered most of the jutsu he knows and improved several others. This gives him a gigantic plethora of different jutsu and jutsu combinations that he is capable of.(this skill includes ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, genjutsu and Kinjutsu)

Pioneer of the Stars A-rank

Orochimaru is able to learn, master and improve whatever subject he dedicates himself to,  able to master not only jutsus and science but also has developed some level of control over souls, senjutsu while also being one of the strongest shinobi in the world. But where he really stood up was in genetics, arguably his techniques are better than even modern genetics. This skill gives Orochimaru the ability to easily learn and master whatever he wishes to as long as he is passionate about it.

Noble Phantasms

Triple Rashomon Gates A-rank+

An anti anti anti-fortress that is able to completely block an A-rank anti-fortress noble phantasm. This noble phantasm takes the form of three demon-faced gates that protects its user from whatever attack he faces like a small beast bomb.

Manda A-rank

A gigantic purple and black serpent the size of skyscrapers, Manda is a prideful and powerful snake that rivals the power of kages and mid-high level servants.

Fushi Tensei A-rank(incomplete)

A kinjutsu that lets Orochimaru possess someone else's body while they are still alive, parasitizing their body. This jutsu gives Orochimaru a kind of eternal life, but more usually than not because of the incompatibility of the new body and Orochimaru's soul the body and soul of whorever suffers from this jutsu end up dying eventually.

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