

Marylyn releasing herself into the air,

Mr Robert and Ava were ten feet away from her.

Mr Robert screamed marylyn no!!

luckily Ava was the best runner in her school,

she ran with her great speed, just in the nick of time was able to grab one of her arm, looked at marylyn and said hold on tight

marylyn was dangling at the side of the building any mistake could end her life;

At first marylyn was trying to struggle for Ava to let her go but she looked at the ground which was ten feet away, she was frightened and held on to Ava's hand tight with both hands, making Ava almost lose her balance but Ava was able to adjust quickly;

Mr Robert helped her pull marylyn up

By now the roof top was filled with student recording the scene with their phones

Ava was confused at how they could be so inhumane to be think of recording this terrible incident

marylyn was in Ava hands

and Mr Robert asked in a worried tone

Mr Robert; are you okay??

marylyn just kept on staring at Ava dumbfounded;

then a noise came from the crowd

"lemme through" in a frustrated tone trying to shove everyone out of his way,

finally a young boy around eighteen years old, black hair, tall, brown eyes, in a school uniform came out of the crowd, ran and kneel before marylyn; are you okay

marylyn simply nodded to say yes

in a sad tone the boy said how could you think of doing this to us??

to us?? Ava was confused

am sorry came from marylyn with a sad face

the boy; let's go, mom and dad are waiting for us`

taking marylyn off Ava's hands without even a "thank you"

he screamed at the crowd "seperate!!

just like magic they made way for him

he left with marylyn

think about the girl in her mind Ava said to herself I feel so sorry for the girl

Mr robert turned his attention to students with firmness he said get back to your classes now the show is over!

the student frowned at him, murmuring and left one by one....

now back to Ava, Mr Robert was curious to know who the little hero was?

Mr Robert: miss I don't think you are a member of this school?

snapping back to her senses

Ava: uuh-huh

Mr robert: I meant who are you" in a friendly tone

Ava: Yes sir, am Ava brooks I came to deliver a cake to someone in this school

Mr Robert: that's okay, well thank goodness for you being here, you prevented a great tragedy for the school

Ava: it's nothing sir" with humbleness

(but mr Robert was a bit puzzled by how fast she was)

Mr robert: but your speed how could you do that are you a sport person?? with curiosity

Ava was a girl with confidence and said yes I am a runner sir

Mr Robert: that's amazing, I am a coach in this school with a smile,thank you once again you will be hearing from the school authority for this kindness

Ava: I don't want anything sir

Mr Robert: are you sure?? with a surprised face

Ava; yes sir, I will get going now

Mr Robert stopping her;

Mr Robert: think about it well, this is "Dan high school" just name it" with confidence

Ava thought about her cake and said

"oh yes, There is one thing sir, I actually came to deliver a cake to Leo blake but I never got to because I couldn't find him, I was hoping you could help me deliver the cake to him?

Mr Robert with a smile in his face " that wouldn't be a problem miss

Ava happily " thank you sir

and made way to the exist

Mr robert said to himself while watching Ava leave " such talent, who know she would be the one to save the younger sister of the boy that ordered the cake (with a sigh)life is truly ironic

Mr Robert made way to leave too

then a green light blinked from the top side of the door, nobody noticed

it was a surveillance camera

but who knew how this could change Ava's life completely???

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