

Everyone has a dream. At some point or the other they wish their dreams to come true. But not in my wildest dreams I thought I will be struck in my dreams and drag the whole world with me. WHAT!!!! I get it , confused? I'm Vish , to get a clarity join my adventure. WELCOME!!! to my dreamland

nika2907 · Urban
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10 Chs

The Dreamer's Code

Vish's mind raced with confusion as he stared at the floating furballs, Fin and Vul, hovering around him.

"You can say that," Fin replied, reading Vish's mind with a mischievous smile. "But don't worry, Vish. We're not here to harm you."

"Speak for yourself, Fin," Vul chimed in with a devilish grin. "I might just nibble on your dreams a bit."

My dreams? What on earth are these creatures talking about?

"Okay, this is officially insane," Vish mumbled to himself.

"It's not insane, Vish. It's the Dream Realm," Fin explained, as if that cleared everything up.

"Dream Realm?" Vish echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Dream Realm. And you, Vish, are our Dreamer," Vul stated with a tone that sounded both ominous and playful.

Vish rubbed his temples, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. "Dream Realm, Dreamer, Furballs... What's next? Talking vegetables?"

Fin and Vul exchanged amused glances. "That would be interesting, but no," Fin said, "we're here because you made a wish, Vish. A wish that activated the Dreamer's code."

"The Dreamer's code?" Vish repeated, feeling like he was caught in a bizarre game of word association.

"Exactly. Dreams come true," Vul added.

Vish sighed. "I was half-asleep when I mumbled that. It was just a random thought."

"Ah, but Vish, thoughts have power in the Dream Realm. And your wish has consequences," Fin said cryptically.

Consequences? Vish's anxiety levels skyrocketed again. He looked around his room, half-expecting it to morph into a fantastical landscape.

"Relax, Vish. The Dream Realm is a reflection of your subconscious. Your room stays the same," Vul reassured him, almost as if sensing Vish's thoughts.

"So, what now? Am I stuck with you two floating fluffballs forever?" Vish asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Not forever, but until your wishes are fulfilled," Fin explained. "You have two more wishes, Vish. Use them wisely."

"And what happens if I don't use them?" Vish questioned, still struggling to grasp the reality of his situation.

"Let's not worry about that just yet," Vul said, his devilish grin widening. "For now, let's explore the Dream Realm together, Vish. Your adventure has just begun."

With those words, Fin and Vul guided Vish into the unknown depths of the Dream Realm, leaving behind the familiar but now surreal landscape of his room. Little did Vish know that his dreams were about to become a reality in ways he could never have imagined.