

Elijah black....He had perfectly slicked back hair with mesmerizing ocean blue eyes and the way he looked in a suit would make any girl fall to their knees but on that thought I've never even seen him in normal clothes but I guess it's normal for a business man as rich as himself. I just dream what it would be like to talk to such a perfect stranger. I mean he's just god awfully beautiful and perfect. Plus he owns and amazing company called black Corp. but I only see him ever cuz I work for a really nice bank called ink. I only work their cause my best friends Lin owns it. When her dad died she was really smart and never spent the money until a year ago when I helped her make her own bank. I helped but she owns it cause she payed for everything but I didn't mind I was only their for anyway. But she insist to tell me everyday that if it wasn't for me this bank would be where it is today. But I guess I have helped a lot we are so big now that we even had a huge bank in Dubai,China and other amazing places. I work at the bank in Los Angeles cause that where we hold the most money plus theirs lots of rich people here cause in order to in-list in our bank you must have 3million dollars in your account and be able to pay are big fees monthly. And to get back thinking about my dream boy mr.black he is our banks biggest client. If it wasn't for him we prolly Wouldn't of opened so many banks. But with all the move we really moved off and I got a stronger friendship and a great job out of it. And back to our best client mr.black he used our bank offices and cafe to do his meeting and everyday business he own black crop. But he uses ours so ppl don't have to actually go to his office cause he keep it more private cause only his clients stay go their so he does it so he won't bother them. I'm not really sure what all black Corp. does but I know it's a record label I also heard Elijah can even rap like how much more perfect can he get. But I see him almost everyday he stays at the cafe a lot while he does business I stay their a lot to cause I watch I've thing as a do other work for our other banks. I wish mr.black would even acknowledge me but I'm sure he doesn't even know I exist. Lin says I should talk to him but I always remind her he's way out of my league even tho each times she said I'm not because my beauty pays up for it even tho I never seem to see what she sees.