
Talking to the wisps

*abuse and rape, sexual content, language)

I didn't know where the chain came from. It had been at my bedside one summer morning, glistening in the sunlight streaming through my window. I had sat up, looking to a sleeping Vincent, and empty bed where Blaise should've been. Carefully, my hand had lifted the chain involuntarily. The gleaming sliver was beautiful, and it looked to be something you hooked on your pants. I had clipped the silver chain to my trousers the next morning, walking around with the metal jingling beneath my robes. I hadn't know what it was, or what it was used for. And I still didn't, as I stood here trying to figure out how to cast a bloody


"I swear they taught us the spell." I mumbled as I picked through a spell book from the library.

"Hey Malfoy. Uh-what are you doing out here? It's ten at night."

I sighed. Why was he always lurking about.

"None of your business Potter." I seethed flipping through the book.

"What spell are you trying to learn?" He asks sitting with me on the snow covered log. I sighed once more, trying to keep frustration out of my voice. I didn't want to hang out with him. I didn't want to hang out with anyone really. With a war going on, everyone thought I was evil. But I suppose he was trying.

"I am attempting to cast a patronus." This blasted book hasn't got any answers or spells.

"Oh. Well I could help you if you like." Harry said turning towards me. "You're not going to find an answer in that book though." I slammed the cover tossing it on the log.

"Very well. I don't suppose it's an easy spell?"

"Not really. It requires a lot of self-will." He said standing. I stood as well, pulling my wand from my waistband.

"Ok so first you wanna step forward, and this is the motion you'll use." He flicked his wand, making a small motion with the wood, and casting his patronus with ease after saying the spell. A gorgeous stag leaped from his wand, prancing around before disappearing into a blue fog.

"Ok so I-uh." I lifted my wand in my hand, holding my wrist up and out.

"You need a happy memory. Think about something that makes you happy, and then say 'Expecto Patronum' and it should cast your patronus"

I sighed grabbing my book and tucking my wand back into my trousers.

"Hey Malfoy wait! What are you doing?" He asked gently, looking concerned.

"I just don't want to do it anymore." I whispered trying not to show any emotion. I felt like crying. Instead I just looked into his emerald eyes.

"You don't have any happy memories." He said quietly. He sounded shocked, or maybe sad.

"Bye Potter. Thanks anyway." I said quietly crunching the snow as I walked away.

"Wait!" He said running up beside me. "We'll just have to make some."

I laughed bitterly. "Yeah lets." I hissed walking away.


I watched Malfoy walk away angrily towards the astronomy tower. I growled in frustration. Why couldn't he get over himself and let me help him? At the same time I was wondering how on earth I could give him a happy memory. I loathed the bloke. Sure helping was one thing, but- ugh.

"Malfoy!" I yelled. He was gone, leaving me in the darkness. I huffed a cold foggy breath and hiked back up to Hogwarts.


"Where've you been mate?" Asked Ron as I stormed into the dorm rooms. If any teachers had caught me I would've been toast.

"Outside." I grumbled quickly changing into pajamas and jumping under the warm covers. Stupid Malfoy. Shouldn't have even bothered. I slowly drifted off to sleep, still steaming with anger.


"I still don't understand Professor McGonagall. Why are we going on a trip when the weather is so awful." I said, clutching my books. Ron and Harry were standing silent at my side.

"Because Miss Granger, it is the Christmas season and there is a small camp by hogsmeade where you youngsters will learn to live off of magic. Warming and cleaning charms and such. It very important you know the small spells." Said the Professor.

"Very well." I mumbled sulking and walking off. Harry snickered.

"What's wrong 'Mione? Don't wanna live off of spells?" Ron snickered with Harry.

"Oh get over yourselves." I hissed walking towards the ladies dorm to pack. Ron and harry followed and then branched off to go to the men's dorm room.



"Alright everyone!" Yelled McGonagall. "Are you all here?" She ran by counting the eighth years. We were all grouped together, so Ron Neville and I tried to keep out of the Slytherins' way. Pansy gave me a death glare or two, then retreated to Malfoy like a puppy. He wasn't paying her any attention though. He was talking to a beautiful red head, with pale skin and green eyes. I nudged Ron pointing to the two of them. He started for a while, confused. The girl had a Slytherin uniform, which was probably why they didn't recognize her, but then Ron mentioned that she was a halfblood wizard, with amazing dueling abilities.

"I think her name is Rowan something." Ron said staring. "My mom loves her. She's been in the news, totally trashed the Daily Prophet. It was awesome." Ron laughed, still watching her. I caught Malfoy's eyes, he raised a brow and turned to the girl. She glanced my way, then turned to him and laughed, saying something. Malfoy reddened and looked away. She trotted over smiling and sticking her hand out to Ron. Her hair was long and wavy, cascading down past her waist.

Ron took her hand, distracted.

"Rowan Flynn." The girl introduced herself, shaking my hand as well. "I think I've met your mum." She said to Ron. He nodded.

"Yeah. Are you-hanging out with Malfoy?" Ron asked bewildered.

"Funny you ask. He's quite lovely to me. Perhaps your hostility is what makes him so cold. You haven't got a clue what he's gone through." She said glancing back to Malfoy who was pointedly ignoring her. She hollered his name, waving for him to come over. He rolled his eyes, then stood and... limped? Over. Why was he limping? Why did I care.

"Yes? Are they messing with you?" He asked leaning back against a tree.

"No not at all-"

"ok everyone time to leave!" Yelled the Professor. Rowan sighed and jogged off.

"Flynn!" Malfoy hollered hobbling off after her.

"Oh right. Sorry!" She laughed helping him walk.

"He wasn't mean to her? She's a halfblood though..." Ron mumbled lining up.

It didn't make sense. Why was Malfoy with her? And once again, why did I give a shit?


After we arrived McGonagall walked us up to a small campsite-like area.

"Ew. We're staying here?" Grumbled Pansy, tossing her trunk into one of the huge tents. The tents could've fit at least a hundred people, maybe more. And had beds big enough for two or three people.

"Ok. When I call your name, you will report to the bed with your given number. Everyone has a same-sex partner they will share a bed with, and there will be NO fussing about it." Hissed Professor Lupin.

***side note: Some dead people aren't dead that should be dead, bc yk it's my story and I don't want Fred and Sirius dead. And also some characters have changed, like lupin is still a teacher and stuff***

Lupin seemed quite a bit frustrated, probably preparing for the arguments students were going to put up about the arrangements.

"Luna Lovegood, and Pansy Parkinson, tent 120 bed number 12. Neville longbottom and Ron Weasley. Same tent, bed 13."

Ron and Neville grinned and ran into their assigned tent. Lupin continued with tent 120. Luna was less enthusiastic, staying with Rowan and Draco instead. Wait... what? Why was she hanging with Draco. She was holding a chain clipped to Draco's pants. She looked fascinated and was talking eagerly to him. He looked astonished, focused on her every word.

"Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabe, bed 5. Harry Potter and Draco malfoy bed 14, Blaise Zabini and Cedric Diggory, bed 2 Fred and George Weasley, bed 20, Rowan Flynn and Hermione Granger, bed 18..."

"WHAT?!" I shrieked realizing what he said. I grabbed my bag sprinting into the tent. Malfoy was already there, tossing his trunk over the huge bed, Luna was still talking to him quietly. He nodded. I stormed over.

"No way." I snarled. "No way, I will not be kept in the same bed as you."

"Go complain to Lupin. Sure he'd like to hear it." Draco hissed. Luna continued to talk to him.

"Amazing artifact really, not only can you communicate with any patronus, you can also call them at will, and make them interactive. You could bring one out now. You could call yours." She said smiling wide.

"And if I just gave it to you? Would you want it?" He asked ignoring me completely. I was too interested to leave. The chain he wore could call patronus'?

"No. The chains find their masters. You've been chosen, only you can control them. This means you'd have dragons on your side, jungle cats and lions. Any patronus would be at your beckoned call." Said Luna.

"W-wait?" I gasped. "He can call them at will?"

She nodded pulling the chain. "He just has to think about who he wants to come to him."

"How do I call mine? I've never cast one. I don't know what it is." He said still ignoring me.

"They all have a piece of your soul. You could call mine, by thinking about me. Call yours by thinking about it. Call it. Close your eyes and call it." She said quietly.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow, but did what she said and closed his eyes, relaxing and putting his hands at his sides. I took the moment to look him over. Black pants, a white shirt and a tight black vest. With the silver chain and robes.Very handsome. Wait-why the fuck did I think that? A sharp blue light shot around the room and flashed to Draco's side. The light faded and left a beautiful blue bunny sitting at Draco's feet and looking up, as if waiting for directions. Luna gasped and bent down.

"It worked! You're so cute!!" She squealed petting her patronus and giggling lightly. Ron and Hermione came over, along with Rowan. Luna filled them in, explaining as she lifted and pet her bunny eagerly.

"Call mine Malfoy!" Rowan said with a grin stepping forward.

Draco close his eyes again, and again a beautiful blue flash zapped to malfoy, and an elegant peacock strutted to his side. Rowan grinned.

"That's mine!" She laughed sitting down to touch the gorgeous bird.

"Uh-hey Malfoy." Neville mumbled. Nervous. "Could you call mine? I don't know what it is." Malfoy nodded closing his eyes in concentration. His brow bent.

"You're sure?" He mumbled under his breath, eyes closed. A loud roar answered him. "Alright." He said quietly opening his eyes. A huge Lion stalked into the room, his long cascading mane covered in snow.

Neville gasped.

"That's mine?!" He choked walking toward the lion. It ignored him and walked to Draco's side, waiting for instructions.

"Go on." Malfoy said. The lion trotted forward eagerly, snuggling into Nevilles side. Neville snickered and sat down letting the giant cat cozy up to him.

"Wow!" Gasped Hermione. "Call mine!" She begged. Draco nodded, grinning.

Soon all of the children were laughing and playing with their patronus' except for Pansy and a few other Slytherins who's patronus' stuck to Draco, refusing to meet their unhappy and cruel owners. And of course me, I refused to ask Malfoy to call mine. He walked out of the tent, into the frosty weather. I followed, quickly grabbing my invisibility cloak. After walking for about ten minutes, and being half dead from the cold, we reached a little opening in a snow covered meadow. Draco closed his eyes, concentrating hard, his brow furrowed and he clenched his fists trying to call something. I walked closer, silently,stepping in his footprints so I wouldn't give myself away. I saw the blue flash of a patronus, and to my surprise and dismay, two deer walked into the clearing. A doe and a stag. My patronus-my father, and my mother. I kept in the tears that threatened. The deer were hesitant.

"No death eaters ma'am. I promise." Whispered Draco gently holding his hands out in surrender.

"I won't hurt you. I'm not like that. I don't even know how I got this chain thing." He said quietly. He had called my parents, and was comforting my mother. Tears pooled in my eyes and I quickly leaned back against a tree, clamping my eyelids shut to prevent them from flowing over my skin.

The two deer carefully walked forward, the stag leading. He bent his head in a bow of greeting.

"I promise I'll get Harry. But-" he scratched the back of his neck. "I mean we aren't on the best of terms. He thinks I'm some kind of evil- well I don't really know what he thinks of me." Said Draco. My mother-the Doe stepped forward.

"Snape's fine. He regrets calling you a mud blood every day. I'm sure of it." Said Draco quietly. "I need to go, there's a whole zoo back there. And I still need to call my own patronus." He said quietly. The two deer nodded and bounded through the snow coated underbrush. Draco sighed and leaned back against an oak tree.

"Let's try this again." He said quietly. He stood, clenching his fists and eyes. Focusing hard and long. "Come on." He begged raising his fists. "Come to me." He breathed. His slumped against the tree, growling in frustration. "Damnit. Where are you?" After a few more attempts he hiked back to the camp, me in close pursuit. When we retired I ran back to our bed before he could get there, stuffing the cloak away and sitting cross legged on the bed. He walked in, snow coating his hair and jacket. He walked over to the bed, frustrated.

"Which side do you want?" He asked digging through his things.

"I am not sleeping with you." I hissed. He sighed, walking back towards Rowan, Luna, Hermione and Ron. I growled. Ron came over away from Draco.

"Prat." He mumbled. His dog patronus ran to him, leaping in his lap and curling up into a ball. "I mean a prat with amazing powers but still a prat."


After about an hour the temperature began to rapidly decrease, but of course Draco had already put warming charms on our bed. His bed. I wasn't sleeping there if it killed me. Luna came over in a light blanket, radiating warmth.

"Hello Harry. What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just getting ready I suppose." I said quietly. She nodded cuddling her bunny under the blanket. Hermione yelled for her and she ran back to the girl group. Neville and his lion were snuggled up under the covers on one half of their bed, Ron was teaching his dog tricks on the other. Pansy Parkinson was sulking in a corner with Lavender, glaring at Luna, Rowan, and Hermione.Draco was neatly folding his clothes in his trunk. He left and came back in night clothes, with a bulky coat over them. I'd have to cast a ton of warming spells on my clothes if I was sleeping outside.


It was around eight o'clock, McGonagall had declared lights out and went to her tent, and I had gone outside to sleep. I lay down in the snow, casting a ton of warming spells. I was already freezing. It was better than being in the same bed as Malfoy. I snuggled into a ball, shaking like crazy as wind cooled my warming spell to a mere spark. I cast a few more and then went to sleep.



We watched Draco as he read. Each of us had placed a bet. Luna and I thought he'd leave Harry and not care, but Rowan thought he'd go get Harry, and Ron had bet the same surprisingly. Probably because he knew she knew Draco well. Draco glanced to the tent door with a quizzical brow. The tent was almost completely black, so Draco couldn't even tell we were awake, huddled in Rowan and I's bed. He continued to read for about ten minutes before sighing, scolding himself, and stuffing his feet into his shoes. He pulled his jacket on over his night clothes and walked to the door. He barely opened it and was greeted by an explosive wind gust. Shaking, he pulled the door open and walk out into the blizzard-like cold. He came back in with a sleeping-and almost frozen Harry-in his arms. Being slow and gentle he tucked Harry into the covers. The poor boy was shaking mad, ice coated his hair, eyelashes, and even parts of his skin. Draco sat there for a while, pointing his wand and warming Harry up. After a while of heating he grabbed a pillow and blanket and walked outside. After Luna and I paid Ron and Rowan we followed him to the window looking out into the cold to see what he was doing. He closed his eyes and two huge blue flashes came across the snowy yard. It was... Harry's patronus? And a doe. Draco heated up the ground, used a spell to erase the moister, and then set up, laying down and falling asleep. The stag walked forward hesitantly looking at Draco sleeping. The doe rose on her hind legs, calling her mate. He waved her off with his antlers, motioning for her to come. She looked terrified but carefully approached Draco. The stag licked the Doe's nose and lay down beside Draco, resting his head on Draco's back. The doe followed suit, snuggling into the stag and falling asleep.

"Awwwwwwwwww." Rowan whispered.

"That's adorable." I whispered back. "Wait til Harry finds out."

We rushed back to bed, jumping under the covers and going to sleep giddily waiting for morning.


When I woke up light streamed into the tent. It was cold in here, so I couldn't imagine how it was outside. I looked around. Wait-last night. Had Malfoy brought me inside? That bloody prick. But, where was he? I walked around the tent, and after realizing he wasn't here I braved the cold and went outside. There was at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground. Next to the tent were- my parents? What the hell. The doe-my mom walked forward and butted my stomach with her head. I choked.

"Ow!" I gasped. She grunted and went back to Dad. He woke up and rose, his antlers caught on a piece of fabric. He lifted the fabric which was-of course-attached to Malfoy who was still sleeping. The blonde bloke was curled up in a blanket with a warming charm. How the hell was he alive? I went back inside to get changed, completely weirded out by all of this. And even more annoyed. Stupid bloody Malfoy.


We didn't know why, but Blaise Pansy and Cedric had become friends, being jerks to anyone who got in their way. Why the hell they were friends I didn't know. Ron thought it might be because Draco wasn't bad anymore and Cedric wanted attention. I agreed. Luna thought Pansy was just vile, and had found minions to follow her.

"Hey Potter." Pansy said walking over to the table Ron, Harry, Rowan, Luna, Neville and I were sitting at. "Where's your patronus? Oh sorry, I meant to ask where you dead father was."

"Pansy!" Snarled a voice. "Thats sadistic. Go find someone stupid to pick on." It was Draco. She laughed. Blaise joined in, "she was just asking, I mean you were sleeping with his wife so.."

"Shut your mouth." Draco growled.

"Or what?" Cedric snickered.

"I'll beat your ass."

"What? You gonna order one of your little pets after me?" Pansy snickered. "Go ahead."

"She's not worth it." Rowan said quietly.

Draco sighed and nodded turning away.

"One more question. Did your mom bang Voldemort before he murdered her? Like maybe the sex was shitty and that's why-" an ear piercing roar surged through the camp, making every child look up. A monstrous Dragon stood behind Draco, ten times the size of an elephant. He loomed over Malfoy, his black body contrasting with the snow. He had red-orange horns and some little red tinted scales. Huge claws with each nail bigger than a sword. The dragon had steam curling from its nostrils. It's wings had extremely sharp tips and ends, with lethal spikes on its tail. Red eyes flared at Pansy.

"I said shut your stupid ass mouth." Hissed Draco. The Dragon bent down snarling and showing off teeth each the size of a small child. She gulped and retreated.

"Whatever." She yelped running away. Draco looked back at the dragon.

"Woah. I didn't think I'd have you as my patronus." He said with a huge smile. The Professors were screeching and running around throwing spells at the magnificent beast. Nothing seemed to faze him, in fact he tried to bite the light cast by the spells.

"He's mine! He's my patronus!" Drsco gasped warding them off.

McGonagall yelled and put her wand away. "These powers of yours are ruining my poor nerves." She screeched walking back into the camp. My parents ran over to the dragon-almost giddily. They pranced around the beast, then dashed into the snow, racing apparently. The dragon stood stock still, focused on Draco. He turned to sit, and then bent down its long neck to go with him.

"Watch yourself." He said sitting next to Rowan.

"Bloody hell Malfoy." Ron choked holding his dog. "That things huge."

"It's beautiful Malfoy." Hermione said standing to say hello. She walked closer to Draco, reaching out a hand. Draco flinched, making the dragon snarl bitterly. Hermione jumped back.

"It's alright." Draco told the dragon, looking down. The interaction was quite strange. Why did he flinch so bad when her hand raised? Had his father- No that wasn't why he was a piece of shit. I wouldn't believe it. But then I remembered something: "you have no idea what he's been through." Rowan had said that. I shook my head focusing on Hermione. I wouldn't believe it.

The dragon huffed a warm breath, then stuck his huge nose into Hermione's hand. He grunted, slamming to the ground to lay on his side. The whole camp shook. Draco laughed watching his patronus. Hermione grabbed a stick waving it around to try to get him to play. The dragon jerked back, hiding his face. She dropped the stick.

"No no no! I just wanted to play." She gasped. The Dragon stuck his long neck out to reach Draco.

"She didn't mean you any harm." He said quietly. The dragon huffed again, grabbing the stick and running into the woods with it. The earth rocked under each step and the Dragon jumped off the ground flying above the camp. Draco laughed quietly under his breath.

"One hour until lights out children! We are expecting a lot of snow tonight." Professor Lupin yelled. His wolf patronus sat obediently at his side.

"When did you call Lupins?" Hermione asked.

"Couple hours ago? I was running out of things to do so I just yelled for him and he ran, said hi to me then darted to Remus and hasn't left his side since."


Everyone had gone in the tent to prepare for bed, except me of course. I'd brave the snow if I had to. I wasn't sleeping with Malfoy.

"What side do you want?" He asked half heartedly. I ignored him focusing on the door his patronus was trying to open with its teeth. I laughed out loud. The dragon roared, almost a whine. Draco sighed and walked out the door into the cold. I followed. -You need to make sure he isn't doing anything wrong-I told myself.

"What?" He asked. The dragon whimpered loudly, practically screeching. "No. And don't ask again. You can't fit in there." He said with a smile. The dragon grumbled.

"There aren't any death eaters anywhere near here. I'm not afraid, why should you be?" He asked. So was he abused or not? I was so confused, unable to hear the other side of the conversation.

"I understand, but that never happened to you. Just because you got a part of my soul doesn't mean you were abused like I was. No one could hurt you." He said quietly. I just sat there, perfectly visible, listening to the conversation. Pain etched into my features as I heard him say abuse. He was hurt.

"Well I'm staying out here anyway, Harry's being a stubborn ass." The dragon breathed smoke then bent his head down, looking amused. Draco flushed pink. "No." The dragon nudged him. "I said no! He doesn't even like me as a friend. Much less a-" he grew sadder. "Much less a boyfriend." I had to clutch my mouth to keep from giving myself away. I walked forward, acting like I just came out.

"Hey Malfoy." I said walking over. The dragon showed his teeth in a scary smile. "Shut up." Hissed Draco growing redder.

"What Potter?" He asked glaring at the ground.

"I'm well thanks for asking." I seethed, walking forward.

"Oh yeah sorry for my foul manners." He grumbled rolling his eyes.Sarcasm suffocated me.

"Why are you out here?" I asked. He pointed to the monstrous creature.

"He's a baby." Draco said with laugh. The dragon shot his head up growling. "Sorry but it's true!" Draco snickered. The dragon grinned and lowered his huge head, using his teeth to bite Draco's shirt right off.

"AHH WHAT THE HELL!" Draco shrieked as the dragon ate his shirt. He was left in the blizzard like cold in nothing but trousers. "You dick!" He yelled jumping at the dragon. I was laughing hysterically until I noticed his body. Because...fuck. There wasn't an inch of him that wasn't muscle, and the heavy metal chain attached to his pants made them sag, showing his very defined V-line. My cheeks were on fire. Why on earth did I care?! Sure I was gay but this was- this was Malfoy for gods sake. Then I saw the scars. His entire body was covered in jagged raised pink wounds. His back was covered in thin slashes from some kind of whip.he was running around, but I could see a very familiar mark cut into his hip. My scar. The cut on his side matched the one on my forehead. I was shocked. He walked past me fuming.

"Damn dragon. HAVE FUN SLEEPING OUT HERE!" Draco yelled.

I followed him inside,shaken. Everyone turned to see him, many of the girls turned red or started giggling to their friends. He stormed to our bed, grabbing his night shirt and stuffing his arms in the sleeves. He then charmed the bejesus out of his shirt to warm it.

"Stupid bloody patronus." He hissed. Rowan Hermione and Luna came over laughing hysterically.

"You look like you're having fun." Snickered Hermione.

"Shut it granger. I'll hex you. Or take your patronus back." He snapped his fingers and the little otter ran to his side.

"Ok ok ok!" Hermione said grabbing the otter up in her arms.

"But seriously what happened?" Laughed Rowan.

"That stupid dragon took my shirt." He grumbled. "Ate it too!" Nevilles lion came over rubbing slobber all over my pant leg. The lion then retreated to Neville once more, beaming. I frowned looking down at my drool covered trousers. There was too much to process. Why did Malfoy have so many scars? Why was I the only one who noticed? Why did he have a scar the same as mine? I couldn't understand any of it. I was too tired to fight so instead of refusing I answered when Malfoy asked me which side I wanted.

"Potter, do you want-"

"Left." I said hopping on the mattress and sitting cross legged.

He raised a brow looking very surprised. But to my amusement he didn't say anything, just put his trunk on the right side of the bed. He slipped under the covers blowing out his lamp and facing away from me. I did the same, facing Ron and Neville's bed. Ron looked at me, bemused. He made a kissy face. I reddened and rolled my eyes. Then looked over to Hermione who was talking to Dean. I made the lovey face this time. His brow furrowed and he moved his lips.

" touché" he mouthed. I grinned blowing out my lamp and closing my eyes. I was trying my best to figure out all this shit with malfoy.


I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud clacking sound, along with whispers.

"He's gotta be in one of these tents. Find him and lure him out with the polyjuice potion." Hissed a voice outside our tent. I quickly jumped down and slid between the bed and side table, covering myself with my invisibility cloak. Draco tossed in his sleep, mumbling.

"Found him!" Whispered a black figure, looming over Malfoy.

"Lure him out. Turn into the Potter boy." Hissed a familiar voice outside the tent. A woman's voice. I was so confused. Who were these people trying to lure Malfoy out of bed? The floor creaked and two brown shoes stood in front of me. Their owner was digging through my bedside table. He found my comb, then picked a tiny hair from the brush. The silhouette lifted the hair, placing it into a small flask. After a quick shake he downed the liquid and quickly began to shape shift. I had to hold my mouth when the man turned into me. A small gasp escaped my lips. It went unheard.

"Malfoy!" Hissed the man. He sounded nothing like me. I was frozen in place, recounting the events that just happened. They were luring Malfoy out...as me? I knew them from somewhere. Both people were familiar to my ears. Malfoy shot up, wand at the strangers neck.

"Jesus Potter what?" He asked lowering his wand.

"Cmon! We gotta go outside. I need to talk to you." Hissed the man trying to mimic my voice.

"Christ you sound like shit." He mumbled hopping out of bed. The silver chain was clipped at his side,hidden partially by his cloak. He stuck his wand into his trousers. Hermione and Ron were both up looking at the stranger and Draco. As soon as they left I threw the blanket the off waving my hands above my head silently. They both saw me and their eyes widened. We rushed to th window silently looking outside. Malfoy's eyes were bleary, he was yawning again and again listening to the fake me. We could hear parts of the conversation.

"Listen I like you Draco. I have for a while." The fake me said. My eyes widened with Malfoy's, but the voice didn't sound anything like mine. I hoped he'd catch a hint or I'd have to go out there and see who it really was.

"Come again?" Malfoy asked eyes wide open.

"I just- fuck it." The fake me said grabbing Malfoy's shirt and kissing him. I choked quietly. What the fuck! Who was this fake version of me and why was he kissing Malfoy? Was this some kind of prank? Draco jerked-surprised- then leaned into the man, kissing him back. His cheeks heated, and he gently touched the fake me's cheek.He pulled back his brow raised, he looked scared. He drew his wand pointing it at the fake.

"Who the fuck are you?" He growled. Looking very hurt. Wait wait wait. Did Malfoy like me? We're these people messing with him because he liked me? I stared in shock out the window.

"What do you mean Draco? It's me Harry!" He said.

"Potter would never call me by my first name. And he came out as gay less than a year ago. Even if he liked me it wouldn't have been that long. And he would never drag me out into the freezing cold with no explanation. Not to mention your voice is all screwed up." Draco said holding his wand steady.

"Draco it's me." The man whispered. Three black figures were walking behind Malfoy.

"Get your wands. And wake everyone up." I whispered. When Hermione and Ron left to wake the others I shoved open the door holding my wand to the figures behind Draco.

"I knew it." Malfoy breathed.

"Damnit." Hissed my clone.

"You had one job!" Growled a woman's voice. Out of the shadows walked Bellatrix Lestrange, and Lucius Malfoy. Malfoy was still turned away from them. He looked terrified. He grabbed his wand, but instead of pointing it to them, he turned it on himself.

"I won't go back to him alive." Malfoy snarled. "I'd rather die than go through that again." His eyes pooled with tears, anguish etched into his features. He backed up, closer to the wood line.

"Draco." Lucius hissed. "The dark lord has chosen you. It is an honor-"

"Really?" He choked. "You think being-r-r-being raped is an honor? You think being beaten and tortured for not killing Harry is an honor?" He gagged, pointing the wand to his throat. My eyes widened. Voldemort had-Voldemort-. I couldn't even say it in my own head. Draco had saved me. Protected me. Withstood torture to keep me alive. And I treated him like the enemy.

"Back away from him!" Came a low growl. Rowan,Fred,George,Ron,Hermione, and Neville stood in the doorway.

"Now." Bellatrix hissed. Harry's clone disappeared into thin air, spawning again behind Draco. He grabbed Malfoy's wand, twisting his wrist behind his back.

"Potter!" Draco yelled, meeting my eyes, "Potter kill me." He begged. Lucius laughed out loud.

"That boy couldn't harm a flea."

"If you honestly believed that you'd have killed him yourself, not sent a bunch of clones and minions out to do it for you."

Lucius smacked him across the face. I jerked in place, raising my wand to defend him. Draco smiled, the grin didn't reach his eyes and it was a sad gesture.

"After everything he's done to me father, did you honestly think that would do anything?" Lucius was angry. He grabbed Draco, punching him firmly in the stomach. Draco gasped, the air rushing out of his lungs. Lucius didn't stop. He beat Draco until blood gushed from his nose and mouth, bruises lined his neck and face, and red stained his hair. Draco didn't even hunch over. He stood tall and defiant. Looking me straight in the eyes he smiled gently, closing his eyes. He stopped moving.

"Wait." I breathed. "Wait no!" I raised my wand, along with the rest of the kids behind me.

"Is he dead?" Bellatrix asked.

A loud roar echoed through the woods, sending birds flying into the night sky. Out of the trees came Dracos Patronus, along with my parents. The dragon rain for Lucius, snarling and charging forward, teeth bared.

"We gotta go." My clone growled.

"Incapacitate him." Bellatrix hissed. She disappeared. Lucius and the fake me raised their wands to Draco

"Crucio!" They both yelled before disappearing into thin air.

I turned back to Draco after looking around for them, but he was on the ground screaming in agony.

"Quick the professors!" I yelled running to Malfoy. He was writhing on the floor, blood pouring from his nose, mouth, and all over his shirt.

"Potter." He choked, spitting blood.

"I'm here. I'm here Malfoy. Breathe. Just breathe."

He rolled on the ground, shrieking in pain as his body distorted and jerked around involuntarily. It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen. The teachers came running, Snape and Lupin in the lead.

"Good lord." Hissed Snape dropping to his knees. Draco screamed, arching his back and jerking up and back. His entire body was writhing.

They quickly ran him into tent 120, laying him on our bed. Every touch made him scream louder. By now the whole tent was awake, running to see what was happening. My father and mother were grunting and running around with the dragon. Trying to get a good look in. The dragon screeched and whined. I went to go console the dragon, but was stopped when Draco's bloodied hand gripped my sleeve.

"Don't go. I can't do this alone." He spit blood, coating his face in the sticky mixture as he writhed. Every movement, even a tiny turn, sent Draco reeling over the edge in pain. No matter how many spells they used the curse wouldn't wear off. The two death eaters had made the curse overbearingly strong. The teachers still worked to release the curse, sweat and blood covering their hands. I was frozen at Draco's side, watching him come closer and closer to death. The students crowded around his bed, watching him bleed and cry out. It angered me. I stood up, casting a curtain around Draco's bed, keeping only me, Ron, Hermione, and Luna inside the curtain. Neville and Rowan's voices rang out as they ordered the students away.

"Deep breaths Mr. Malfoy. We've almost lifted the curse." Professor McGonagall whispered. Draco cried out, agony clinging to his voice, as they pulled the strong curse from Draco's body.

"Hurts...blood...I'm-d-dying?" Draco was hallucinating horribly,seeing the teachers as death eaters, screaming and then crying out as the pain from the movement rocked his body.

"Get away! I... help! No! Please...no... hurts... help." Draco was broken,the strength of the curse messing with his mind.

"Malfoy." I whispered quietly taking his frail hand in mine.

"no...NO!" He yelped swinging at my face. He crumpled into a ball as the pain swiftly stabbed at him.

"Draco. It's Harry." I tried again, rubbing his back gently. He turned, his face scrunched into a pained and relieved expression.

"Harry?... Potter?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yeah." I breathed scooting closer. "Can you see me?" I asked. He nodded.

"You're clearer now. Before...you looked like-never mind." He said quietly. "Are they gone?" He asked. I nodded. He turned, clutching his side and grunting.

"Still hurts." He groaned. Snape walked forward, shoving past me.

"He needs to leave Minerva."

"Yes of course. Harry dear please step outside." McGonagall whispered.

"Wait why?" I asked as she ushered me out.

"Honey, he has several broken ribs, a lot of blood loss. We have to mend it all. It won't be pretty."

"No I want to be there!" I yelled shoving forward. At this point I didn't even know why I wanted to be with him. He didn't need me anymore, and I would only end up doing something dumb. But I still needed to make sure he was ok,every instinct I had told me to stay with Malfoy.

"You cannot." She hissed shoving him out. The curtains had a spell on the outside, locking them shut. After almost an hour of malfoy screaming and crying out, the Professors came out, huffing and gasping as the tossed bloodied clothes aside. I ran into the small curtained room.

"You missed the fun part." Malfoy coughed. He clutched his stomach, grunting.

"Oh yeah I'm sure it was lovely." I teased. His hair was soaked in sweat, splayed across his face and pillow. It was annoying me. I reached forward carefully tucking the hair behind his ear. I noticed how tense he got at the slightest touch, fear staining the movement. He relaxed when I settled back in my chair.

"You know it's only eleven fifty at night?" I laughed. Most of the students had retreated to bed.

"Oh yeah." Draco mumbled.



The teachers helped me to my bed,laying me down on the right side of the mattres and carefully pulling blankets over my battered, bruised,body. Harry was taking a long while getting ready- stalling- I realized. I smirked. Boy wonder was stalling. Good lord. He tugged his shirt off, grabbing another and slipping it over his head. He looked handsome in sweats. Homeless sure, but still handsome.



I crawled under the covers, pulling them up over my neck. They jerked back down.

"What the hell." I mumbled. Malfoy snickered.

"It's not my fault you're so short." He laughed.

"Sod off. I'm not short, you're too tall."


"Well now I'm freezing so just deal with it." I hissed lifting them up again. He tugged them down.

"I'm an injured man. Don't be rude."

"Well I'm sorry but I'm bloody fre-"

"If you're so cold then just get your skinny ass over here. Body heat." He said lifting the blankets so I could move closer to him. He was still facing away from me, but I could here his grin. He didn't think I'd do it. Fine, I'd show him. I shimmied across the bed to his side wrapping my arms tight around his chest.

"Ahh-ouch... shit." He gasped, loosening my hands.

"Sorry." I mumbled. He laughed turning towards me.

"That eager huh?"

"To prove you wrong maybe." I seethed, turning red. The darkness made it impossible to tell. Draco rolled over into his back, holding his arm out.

"C'mon I haven't got all night. My arm hurts." He mumbled. I blushed furiously. Why?! Why was I so bloody nervous.

"Wait you want me to lay on you?" I asked, bewildered.

"Why not?"

"Because... that's weird?" I didn't have a valid argument.

"Wow I'm shaking. You should be a lawyer." I could hear the eye roll in the dark.

I scooted close, resting my head on Draco's bandaged chest. Since when did I think of him as Draco? He was warm, like really warm. I nestled my head into the crook of his arm, pressing my whole body against his. Letting myself admire Draco for all he'd been through. I nudged him gently with my hand.

"Hmm?" He asked sleepily.

"Will you... uh-never mind." I didn't have the balls.

"I won't be able to sleep now. What?" He asked with an airy laugh.

"Will you hold me?" I choked immediately regretting it. "I meant-what I... I didn't-mean-"

"Roll over." He said quietly turning onto his side.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Well do you want me to hold you or not?"

"You're not-weirded out?" I asked.

"Course not." He mumbled poking my ribs. "Roll over."

I did what he said and gasped when he spooned me into his warm body.

"Like this?" He asked tenderly wrapping an an arm around my waist.

"Yeah I guess." I breathed. He was so warm. This was weird, I should tell him to stop, that this was inappropriate and gross. But I couldn't. I couldn't say that because it was a lie. I loved the feeling of his tender arms around me, his warm breath flooding across my neck.

And I wanted to die, when my heart fluttered at the thought of his lips touching mine.

"Hey Draco." I whispered quietly.


"I think this was a bad idea."

"Yes I suppose you're right." He said without emotion. He began to move.

"But." I mumbled turning around to face him. "I don't want you to stop."

A huge grin spread across his face, and he moved closer, surrounding me in warmth and sweetness as he buried his lips in my hair.

"Ok. What do you want me to do?" He asked sweetly.

"Umm... I want you to sing something." I said. I wanted to hear his voice sing a melody.

"I don't know any muggle songs except for lullabies, and even then I can't sing very well because if father found out he'dve killed me." Draco said quietly against the nape of my neck.

"That's alright just sing anything, i don't mind how good it is." I whispered. I heard him gulp, and then quietly began singing. At first I thought it sounded rough but then-oh.

"I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the lord but you don't really care for music do yah?" He sang quietly against my skin, his voice was like fluid honey, warm and soft and liquid.he sang the whole song only stopping for breath. I couldn't help but think 'Hallelujah' when Draco pulled me tighter against him.

"Draco..." I whispered turning to face the blonde I had thought was my enemy for so long. "Draco that was amazing." I whispered quietly.

"What do you want me to do now Potter?" He asked, his lips only inches from mine, quivering slightly.

"I want you to... I want..." but i couldn't' tell him what i wanted, I had to show him. "Draco..." i whispered almost pleadingly. His lips pressed firmly against mine, soft and warm. I gasped and kissed him back sifting my hands through his soft hair.

"Potter-" he gasped.

"Harry-" I corrected almost moaning.

"Harry. You're so bloody brilliant Harry." He whispered kissing me again. I felt the soft warmth flowing through my veins, the love finally releasing. I loved Draco Fucking Malfoy.


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