
Devourers/ Core-Torn

ee=Elemental energy (author notes)

Tornifcation process:

The Core-torn are the reanimated corpses of Dragons who have had their cores torn through force. Dragons know little about these monsters or how they can live as Dragons live because of their core. Dragons have an in-built desire to survive, so this desire may fuel the Core-torn. The creation of Core-torn supports this theory as the only way to create a new Core-torn is that it must be done with rage, murderous intent, or other negative emotions within the core. This must be as if the core is removed, and the Dragon accepts it or wants it, then the Dragon's body will not become a Core-torn as their core was peaceful during the process. The body will then break down if left and will become one with the area if it is not moved. But if a Dragon is attacked and their core is ripped out forcefully, then they will become a Core-torn. Nearly all Dragons converted by other Core-torn will turn as Dragons hate the Core-torn. This is because Dragons are incredibly xenophobic due to Humanity and what they did to them. If the being does not have a core, then they are not a Dragon, Core-torn have none, so they are a separate race. Core-torn exist because of Humanity, so when a Dragon sights a Core-torn, they can't help it as they are filled with murderous intent towards it. They must let the Dragon's body finally rest. They want revenge for those it has killed. They must execute this atrocity. They must destroy this weapon of Humanity. They must kill it, so no others become infected. Even if a Dragon is calm during the fight, they will still be filled with rage and pain as their instincts hate the Core-torn for being able to kill them. 

If core not eaten:

When the core is torn out by a Core-torn, it is then devoured, and the Dragon is killed. If the core is not destroyed when forcibly removed from their body, the core will be full of negative emotions and go on an elemental rampage. The core will be unable to generate a new body so long as their body is a Core-torn. A Dragon cannot have two bodies at once, and the Core-torn is taking up the body. With the Dragon in core form, it will be unable to control its elemental energy, and their element will blast out in all directions, as Dragons use movement and their limbs to use their ee and cast their spells. Even if their Core-torn is destroyed (for this event to happen, the Core-torn is commonly destroyed before they could eat the core), the Dragon will be "changed." After a time, they will able to form a new body though this will formed from elements and not elemental flesh as the Dragon must have a clear core. Due to them being torn, they will stay rageful for the rest of their lives. 

As for the Core-torn themselves, their entire body is alive and fueled by energy created from the absence of elemental power. Since the body has no core controlling it, each cell works together as a hive mind. All of the cells are connected to the newly enhanced sight, sense of smell, and hearing. Each cell then acts on this sensory information. If they hear something, then the Core-torns flesh will rise in the direction. If the Core-torn is not currently hunting another being, then the body will investigate it. When the Core-torn senses another being, then their body becomes a flaying mass of limbs, with all the limbs attacking at once. The only two thoughts a Core-torn has is to kill anything it hears, smells, or hears, along with end any Dragon it senses. So if a Core-torn heard something simple like a twig snapping or a rock falling, then they will rush towards where the sound. They will then attack it over and over as their attacks make more sound. If they hear a waterfall, then they will slash at the water and rock till they bring it down. If they smell a freshly baked batch of cookies or a rotting corpse, they will attack it. Though if Core-torn senses a Dragon, their current action will be overridden, they will convert it and then continue their unfocused rampage. If they encounter a human or other non-Dragon race, they will kill, but if a Dragon is in the area, then they focus the Dragon. So a decent method for killing Core-torn would have a Dragon divert its attention and let Draan chip away at it bit by bit. Core-torns, no matter how close to re-death they are, no matter how out-matched they are, will never back down and never retreat. Core-torn are also so mindless they don't even feel pain and have no concept of self. Due to this they soul-fire is ineffective against them, it still does damage just very little. Core-torn can also use their energy in attacks by forcing it out their bodies, and it then takes the form of swirling orange energy called might. This energy can then coat their limbs and be fired as a beam through these attacks take time to charge up in battle. Might is so powerful it can tear apart the Core-torns body and tear of their skin, but they will not care, nor feel it. 

When a Core-torn eats a Dragon core, they absorb the Dragons ee along with their intelligence and memories. The Core-torn is then able to absorb the Dragon's flesh mass from its core, which is converted into Core-torn cells. Which then makes the Core-torn larger and develop more limbs, it grows stronger also. The Core-torn will also be able to gain more eyes and noses, which are spread along the body according to the number absorbed. When a Core-torn eats core after core, they become unrecognizable, and their strength lets them kill and convert more Dragons. This enables them to grow even stronger, and the cycle repeats until the Core-torn is killed. Unlike Dragons who can heal themselves with elemental energy, Core-torn can not heal themselves. They can only rearrange the flesh they currently have. If a limb is severed, then it will be replaced by rearranging their bodies with the new limb being very crude in design. Then the shed limb will become a new Core-torn and rearrange their matter into a form that can effectively kill. Though if the limb had no eyes on it, then they must eat a being with eyes to gain. Severed Core-torn limbs are called the Severed and are disconnected from the hive mind. Over time the Severed were able to develop sentience and the ability to mate with their kind. Over the generations, the Severed were able to further their intelligence, though they lost the properties of being a Core-torn and instead developed normal bodies. Though different types were able to learn the bio elements, they also retained their might. They then helped in the fight against the Core-torn, and Dragons don't hate the severed they just treat them as lesser beings. With the entire Core-torn being alive, this includes their blood and bones.

 If Core-torn blood is spilled, then the blood will attack the one that shed it, this blood called Torn-blood. If it touches any other blood, then it will be absorbed and turned into more Torn-blood and adding to the mass of the Torn-blood. Torn-blood can only absorb blood, which means they can't see, smell or hear and instead locate prey by sensing their vibrations (so they're like gross blobby leaches). They can also harden their blood bodies to create form blades to pierce flesh, and then extract the blood. When Dragon blood is absorbed, the Torn-blood gains a different effect depending on the blood drained. If the flesh of the Core-torn is destroyed, the Torn-blood will become separate, and the bones will become (you guessed it) Torn-bones. This Core-torn variant now grows in size though stealing the bones of others, with it being held together by the bones locking together and moving accordingly. Dragon bones are very strong, and when they are stolen, they keep this property, the bones, and also be turned into weapons though these are usually claws and spikes coating the bones of the Torn-bones. Finally, the flesh can become it's own Core-torn and is called Torn-flesh and takes the form of a blob of flesh. Like the others, this one grows by absorbing what it is made from. Torn-flesh solely uses blunt force as it can't form slashing limbs, though it is very physically strong. When it absorbs, this flesh keeps its traits. The bones provide structure, the blood eases movement, and is the main way the body moves; the skin keeps in the blood in. They have no muscles and no organs within themselves, as they do not need them. 

So for a regular Core-torn, these three work together but do become separated from the hive-mind when they are blown off. If Torn blood, flesh, and bones come together, then they can fuse into a complete Core-torn, though it may not be able to kill as the 3 "minds" need to meld together and form a hive mind between all the cells. Standard Core-torn can also fuse with the same applying to them. Though fusion is quite rare (seriously if it were this race would be unstoppable) as the only thing they think about is killing. They are never aware of themselves and don't even notice they lost a part of themselves. Core-torn also ignore other Core-torn

There are also different stages of the Core-torn, the first stage being new Core-torn for newly infected Dragons, with these being extremely rage-full. This stage is the shortest as when the new Core-torn eats cores, it grows more limbs, though still resemble the Dragon it once was, but as it grows more. It advances to the amalgamation stage, becoming no more than a mass of flesh with many different limbs around it and has no resemblance to its previous Dragon form. This form is still like all Core-torn, incredibly dangerous, though it is the "easiest" to destroy out of the three stages. Since the numerous limbs bump against another when attacking, though it can move very fast and attack from any side. As cores are devoured along with gaining power, they also absorb the Dragon's intelligence, battle knowledge, and memories. The Core-torn keeps the battle knowledge but has no need for the intelligence and memories with these being birthed out of the body as a small slug-like creature (more info on this soon). Though the collected battle knowledge, containing info such as melee attacks, strategy, and elemental energy, the Core-torn can not use ee. Though it still uses this info to improve its might attacks. The Core-torn then realizes that being this mass of limbs is ineffective for killing and will alter its form into one that can kill better. This form is called a final Core-torn and is the most dangerous of all stages, as it has absorbed the battle techniques of countless Dragons. This makes it incredibly dangerous as it will actually think as to best kill its prey as effectively as possible through its body is still filled with thoughts of killing and nothing else. They will no longer flail all their limbs at their prey. Amalgamations may look similar as they have the same limbs, but no two finals look similar. Finals can grow to kaiju and Godzillas level sizes and never stop growing.

As for the slug, this creature contains the memories and experiences of the core that was eaten. So this slug is a clone of the Dragon. When this slug eats bio-matter such as plants or flesh, it will grow into the hatchling form it had when it was a Dragon. They will then be able to grow up like an animal, by eating, though since Dragons don't need to eat, but their new instincts are compelling them. So commonly these slugs die of starvation, as they can't bring themselves to eat. The Slugs are composed of waste-flesh, which include the Dragon's lungs, throat, stomach, and vocal cords. The Core-torn don't speak and have no internal organs. Slugs can speak, though they can't see, hear or smell as the Core-torn has taken those parts. This is another reason why commonly slugs don't survive as they need to be lucky to find that little amount of bio-matter to become a hatchling. As since they are blind, they will call out with the same voice they had when they were a Dragon. If a Dragon finds the slug, then two things will happen. The slug will either be killed as they are not Dragon, or the Dragon will recognize the voice and feed the slug, letting it become a hatchling. When a slug becomes a hatchling, they are called Core-clones. These Core-clones will then be able to rejoin Dragon society but will be treated as second-class, and are only allowed back if they help kill Core-torn. Core-torn focus Dragons first, so Draan are effective against them as they are immune to tornification (the name for the infection process), but the Core-torn still attack them. Since Core-clones are technically Core-torn as Core-torn birthed them. This makes the Core-torn not bother with them. They will see the Core-clone, but when they are attacked, the Core-torn will not fight back. They can't feel pain and presume the Core-clone wants to fuse. Core-clones have no core and no elemental energy running through them. They can't cast spells, but depending on the elemental kingdom they once belonged to, they can do something different. They can use bio versions of the elements through their biology. Core-clones have a brain, organs and can give birth with a mate. With their children becoming more like an intelligent animal. They can heal quickly and still use the bio-elements and might; later generations also lost the mangled state. Though if the child is from a Core-clone then they will still enter the mangled state, it takes several generations to remove the mangled stage. Like clones from other media, the Core-clone will most likely not becoming like the one it was cloned from. 

Bio-earth: This style gifts the user with strength great enough to tear up the ground and hurl it, they can burrow through loose earth and even detonate it if they release might into the ground.

Bio-air: The user is gifted with enhanced speed, they can suck and blow harder. If they have wings, then they can send out gusts of might-charged wings, including basic air manipulation. They can also create tornados by spinning and fire air blades. 

Bio-thunder: The user's roar is as loud or louder than thunder, they can also generate thunder from other parts of their body.

Bio-fire: The user has increased body temperature, which they can heat further to generate heat and fire around their bodies. They can then send this fire out by moving. They can also breathe fire and even turn parts of their bodies to thrusters. They can also create lava by sending fire through the ground, which they can then eat and barf out.

Bio-water: They can store water within their bodies and fire it out as even a thick or pressurized beam or mist. They can also swim in water.

Bio-electric: These Core-clones have greater levels of electricity within themselves, which they can coat their limbs in for improved attacks. They can make themselves incredibly fast and blast out electricity. 

Bio-ice: This Core-clone has a low body temperature, they can coat their limbs in ice to harden them, they can also shake this ice of and breathe icy air.

Bio-poison: The user has venomous blood, can inject poison through their teeth and claws. They can also spew poison. 

Bio-acid: Same as bio-poison just with a strong acid, which their body is immune to.

Bio-explode: The user emits a detonatable powder that they can set off by rubbing their claws and gnashing their teeth. The user is able to resist the powerful explosions it creates.

Bio-thorn: The user grows many long sharp spines along their body to be used as weapons and flung.

Bio-bone: The user has bone plating, they can also increase their bone growth for longer horns, teeth, and claws.

Bio-mech: These Core-clones can't manipulate the other mech elements besides electricity, but they can grow metal armor if they eat metal.

Bio-plant: If the Core-clone can not use any of the listed above bio sub-elements, then they will be able to grow stronger and heal by eating plant life.

Bio-undead: like bio-plant but with necrotized flesh. 

Bio-mystic: These former mystic Dragons can't use only of the mystic sub-elements but can instead feed off the elemental energy and magic of others to become faster and stronger. 

How the Core-clones can use biological versions of the elements is through their memories. They learn how to use their element, and their bodies change to let them. They gain these only if they knew the element when they were a Dragon. So a fire Core-clone can't use biological water. Core-clones are created when a Core-torn eats a core absorbed the flesh and then births out a slug, this process always happens, though slugs do have a chance to fuse and then the slug will house the memories of the number of Dragons that fused. When they become a hatchling and then grow up, they become a hybrid and having different Dragon limbs and have multiple personalities. Some even have multiple heads, with each controlling a part of the body. Hybrid Core-clones are not like amalgamations as they have the same limbs of the Dragons just in one body. So if a berserker and wing-wyvern slug fused, then the hybrid will have the body of a berserker just with wyvern limbs, these limbs will be in a suitable place that does not impede movement. Hybrids can also use multiple biological elements depending on if slugs from different elemental kingdoms fused. Core-clones can't heal but instead stitch their flesh back together, leaving a scar behind. When they are damaged greatly and close to death, their buried rage and murderous intent will unearth itself. The Core-clone's flesh will deform, and the scars will open. They will mutate so significantly they will be unrecognizable. The Core-clone will lose itself and become mindless though it will not become a full Core-torn due to their brain, which is the only way to kill it. This name of this stage is the managed stage. 

 smaller pieces of information:

 All Core-torn can die of starvation, as their cells need to harvest the ee of Dragons or consume humans which satisfies only a little. Might costs the cell's energy, so the more the Core-torn uses it, the less time they have to live though Core-torn can still live for around 100-300 years depending on the Core-torn before they die of starvation. The stronger the Dragon, the stronger the Core-torn, so if a wyrm is converted, they become the strongest Core-torn and skip the amalgamation stage and instead improve their base form. Final Core-torn and wyrm Core-torn can also shape-shift to change their limbs and their entire structure be rearranging their current flesh. Most Final Core-torn will not have eyes across their bodies, as they are an unprotected weak spot. It will lead to a temporary loss of vision and decrease the eyes reserves if the eyes are destroyed. So they switch out the eyes for heads as they have a wider range of sight, can bite and fire beams. The previous forms can shape-shift be they commonly fail at it. Core-torn flesh is very similar to human flesh, it is just much, much stronger than human flesh. This is because Humans were created from Dragons, who gave up their elemental energy and cores. All Core-torn can lock onto fleeing targets, so even if they lose their prey, they can still sense their prey's general location. Final Core-torn also spend all their time hunting down new prey and will no longer attack something if there is nothing to kill. Final Core-torn also learn how to speak, but they can't hold intelligent conversations since every part of the Core-torn is used to kill their voice is no exception. They will use it to taunt their prey and sway the fight in their favor. Final Core-torn will also recognize other Core-torn and will fight back if another torn race attacks them. They will even devour other Core-torn and add their mass to their own.


New and amalgamation Core-torn will absorb the flesh of humans and discard the waste flesh. This includes the human brain, skin, organs, and other matter the Core-torn can't use. The human is still alive and conscious but is in constant agony as their body was torn apart and put back together as a blind blob. These beings crave human flesh and, when they eat, a human will absorb their muscles and bones and turning the eaten into a blob. These beings are called cannibals as they eat people, and as a cannibal consumes more human flesh, they become stronger. They gain the strength, traits, and powers if they drink the blood. Though quickly, their minds break. They go insane as they cant take the pain and new senses anymore. Their bodies also lose their human shape after a time, which also leads to their insanity. Though destroying the brain is still the way to kill the whole body. How they gain flesh accumulation and rearranging is by taking a "bath" in the Core-torn and absorbing the properties of the cells. Final Core-torn are so immense in their scale that eating humans is pointless to them. They still eat them though. But instead of absorbing their flesh and rebirthing them as cannibal blobs, they rebirth them as full cannibals that are connected to the one that turned them. These cannibals are then used as either scouts so the Core-torn can cover a wider area. Or they are sent off on their own. They will then consume humans to grow stronger, kill Dragons, and then bring the core back to their master. Which they are compelled to do. This cannibal army will also assist their master in battle, and if it needs a boost (minimal chance), they will absorb their cannibals and then release them later. Cannibals turned by a final Core-torn are called Thrall Cannibals and are much stronger than regular cannibals. Animals can also become Cannibals, with the same factors applied to them, Aniballs (their name) can eat humans, and Cannibals can eat animals. If a cannibal eats a Dragon core, then they will gain the Dragons limbs and their elemental energy. They will even be able to become Dragons themselves. If a cannibal eats a Core-torn, then they will become a Core-torn but keep their broken mind. Both of these examples make cannibals very dangerous. Mechanical Dragons are not immune to tornification as they still have flesh its just metallic. The most effective way to kill a Core-torn is to either disintegrate them or burn the flesh so it can not mutate. When attacked by certain attacks small chunks, the core-torn will fly off, these chunks will then squirm towards the attacker, but they will die in thirty seconds to a minute if they cannot eat. Chunks from new and amalgamations will not combine, but final chunks will fuse and create a new Core-torn. New and amalgamations will add all their absorbed flesh to their bodies, so when a limb is severed, they need to rearrange their mass to form a new one. So this decreases their total mass and if repeating will kill it. Finals can hold flesh in inventory as when they have a limb severed, they will then be able to grow a new limb without needing to rearrange their mass. So if the Final can't be killed in one shot, but broken down, they take a while to kill, as their inventory may be vast, but it is not infinite. Finals can also beak down flesh matter and use it to increase their size rather than only using the limb they absorbed. Melee combat against these monsters is hazardous as when they are stabbed. The blade will become stuck and then will be taken into its body. Though the skin can't take hold if the blade severs the limb. If physical contact is made with another being, then the skin will grab hold and pull them into the Core-torn. If the limb is charged with ee, the flesh will be unable to take hold as it is disengaged. Core-torn have no scales, as their skin is so thick and resistant to damage if they had scales that would mutation harder; Scales can't grab hold of others aswell. The scales are instead used to strengthen the bones. During tornification, the muscles bond with the skin. All Core-torn have pale skin, like discolored human skin, and whiteish yellow blood (I just think it makes sense and is a way to reduce the gore). Core-torn can live of plant matter, as they drain the life and nutrients from the plant, but eating living beings is more effective. They can also absorb the properties of inorganic matter such as metal, then strengthen their bones and claws with it, their skin can also become stronger. Core-torn also absorb the properties of other matter such as plant or technology though this is rare as they hunt biological beings primarily. Core-torn can also adapt to any environment by devouring and absorbing the area's inhabitants, though if there are none, their bodies will die in time. Dragons are resistant to ee attacks as though their usage they have developed a resistance towards it, but this makes them weaker to physical attacks; As charged attacks use more elemental power than physical. Core-torn purely use physical attacks, even might is physical so Core-torn attacks deal major damage to Dragons. The same is true for Core-torn as elemental attacks deal major damage to them. 

In summary, Core-torn are disgusting Dragon zombies that exist to kill and kill to exist and grow. They are complete opposites to Dragons as where they are elemental, intelligent, and have society; the Core-torn are wholly physical, mindless, and have none. A single Core-torn can destroy an ecosystem, but not all torn races are like their parents; as Core-clones, the Severed are intelligent feeling races. Even cannibals can be good.

(The Core-torn have come a long way from just being pale Dragons and them mutating really sets them apart from any other race in Drahumon. Their race is very powerful though they are solitary which bumps their power down so that they aren't planetary or universal level)