

[——Please go out with me.]

Everything started from that one loving, charming confession from a certain Fallen Angel. This is where Hyoudou Issei, navïe to the supernatural world, got his first taste of blood and death.

[——I am Rias Gremory. I am a Devil. And I am your Master. Nice to meet you, Hyoudou Issei-kun. Can I call you Ise?]

From his first death, it led him towards a chain of events that will forever change his life. After being pierced by the Fallen Angel known as Raynare, a Pure-Blooded Devil Princess by the name of Rias, reincarnated Hyoudou Issei into a Devil.

Whether or not she helped him out of generosity or greed at that time is debatable, but now she is his most beloved girlfriend.

[———Ahahahaha! It's impossible! Because she died! That girl is dead, you know? It's not the matter of whether you protect her or not. You couldn't protect her! You couldn't protect her back at evening and even now! You really are a weird boy! It's so amusing!]

His first merit was taking down Raynare, and attempting to save Asia, an ex-nun, from having her Sacred Gear taken away. Although it was unfortunate, Asia had already been doomed the moment Raynare took the [Twilight Healing] from her. But then again, because of Rias's generosity, or perhaps her selfishness, she reincarnated Asia into her ranks, allowing the ex-nun the chance to live happily, as a Reincarnated Devil.

During this time, Issei discovered that his Sacred Gear was one of the thirteen longinus that allowed the user the ability to kill Gods. His Sacred Gear was the [Boosted Gear], which holds the legendary [Heavenly Dragon], Y Ddraig Goch.

[———Fire bird and Fenghuang! The hellfire of our clan that was praised as being that of a Phoenix! Taste it with your own body and turn into ashes!]

He fought with Riser, a High-Class Devil who was engaged to Rias, and won by sacrificing his arm to obtain the imperfect version of [Balance Breaker]. Winning against Riser made Rias realized that Issei was the one who was worthy of her love, and she rewarded her [Pawn] with a kiss on the lips.

[———No. I'm living so I can seek my revenge. Holy-sword Excalibur. Destroying that is the reason why I am living.]

He encountered the incident involving the possession of Excalibur. During this time, he reunited with Irina and met Xenovia, first as enemies, then as temporary allies who had a common goal. His best friend, Kiba, was driven by revenge to destroy the legendary sword [Excalibur]. Amidst the chaos, Issei did not spare a moment, and engaged with one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels; at the end, he met Vali Lucifer, his rival. Ironically, Xenovia became a Reincarnated Devil after hearing the news of God of the Bible's death.

[———Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say, but that isn't the case. Both you and I are healthily living like this.]

[ ———The world moves even without a God.]

He witnessed the signing of the Alliance of the Three Great Powers up close, and one of the first attacks of the [Khaos Brigade], a terrorist organization capable of destruction.

[———Ise-san, I love you. I will always stay beside you.]

He survived the experience of Juggernaut Drive, and strengthen his relationship with Asia. He was also attacked by the Evil God Loki and Fenrir, when it has or hasn't been 6 months since he reincarnated into a Devil.

[———Hyoudou Issei! I won't lose! There is a dream I need to fulfill!]

He conquered the Rating Game of the Underworld's Youth and then promoted to a Mid-class Devil.

[———...Friend? What's the benefit if I become that?]

[———I want to confirm.]

[———Hyoudou Issei. What are you?]

At the decisive battle against the Hero-faction, he went through a life and death experience during the monster crises and was resurrected by the power of Ophis and Great Red, which is an unpredictable happening. He then proceeded to defeat the Jabberwocky and Cao Cao in that flow.

[———Rias-buchou, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, Yuuto-senpai, Asia-senpai, Xenovia-senpai, Irina-senpai, Ravel-san, Rossweisse-san, Azazel-sensei, and the Sekiryuutei—Ise-senpai. After all, all of you are my precious comrades…]

Then it was the battle against Qlippoth. He received an assault from the Evil Dragon Grendel and witnessed the destruction of the country of Vampires up close.

[———Hey, Ise-kun. If I ever get used by them...will you please kill me?]

He was there during the hijack of Agreas.

[————An angel's kiss! It was because the scene was so beautiful. People would naturally want to kiss like this.]

[———Everyone, make this become a happy Kuoh Academy. No, I'll do it. So, I'd like everyone to please take care of me.]

When the year was about to end, he was present during the Qlippoth's assault of Heaven. He then accepted the challenge from the Church's swordsman as soon as the new year began, and won the challenge…

The Dragon God of Time viewed these accomplishments, and watched as Issei continuously grow his merit; it amused him that this generation's Sekiryuutei sole purpose was obtaining an ultimate harem and become the embodiment of sexual desire.

"I have decided… perhaps, this generation's Sekiryuutei can acomposilsh what the others could not."

The Dragon God made his decision.

From that moment on, Issei's life will switch directions once again.

Whether it's for the better or worse.

-Line Break-

It was during the night before what suppose to be the celebration of Xenovia becoming the Student Council President. Everything was still and quiet throughout the neighborhood, and the air was chilly and dense, which was typical weather for the winter season. Inside the Hyoudou residence however, the warmth of the expensive complex made every room cozy and comfortable, and the residents living inside it can enjoy the sparkling snow lightly dropping onto the ground from the view of the window with a cup of coffee or chocolate on their hands, if given the opportunity.

Issei, was exactly doing just that. Since the house was designed by a designer who is sponsored by Ajuka Beelzebub, who happened to be fond of creating hidden rooms, Issei accidentally stumbled across a hidden bedroom that looked identical to his old room before the house was remodeled. The room contain one queen-size bed, a desk with a desktop with all its necessities and enough room to write, a rolling chair, and a window… which had a amazing view of the scenery outside. Carrying his hot chocolate, Issei welcomed himself in to his new found discovery, and triumphantly sat down on the chair. After a few seconds, he started to feel nostalgic, as he remember when he had posters of his favorite anime shows posted upon his wall, and alarm clocks that had voices of attractive woman and girls that always woke him up.

Before he realized, Issei moved his chair close to window, and dozed off, staring at the white snow. A few days ago, the anti-terrorist team [DxD] had peacefully dispatched the church rebellion, which consisted of Vasco Strada, Teodoro Legrenzi, and Ewald Cristaldi, plus their subordinates. (A/N: Peacefully dispatched, as in both sides did not suffer any casualties).

As he remembered the duel, the words that Vali said to him came across his thoughts, like a terrible flashback:

'It means that there are those who find it painful in what you call peace.'

Those words were glued into him ever since.

Even if Issei wanted to forget, with all the events he encountered, it was difficult to not think of Vali's words.

At first, he thought about why did it mattered to him; as long he continues to work on becoming the harem king and protect those he loved, he shouldn't really care about those ideals. But the more he put time into thinking about it, the more his resolve to forget shatters.

"How can I convince those who hate the peace to change their views?" he asked himself.

Of course, he, or anybody he knows, does not know the answer.

Nor was he bothered to research.

He had no idea why that question appeared on his mind. Perhaps, it's due to the fact that the peace that he and his friends earned and work so hard for, will soon be threaten again, knowing that Rizevim would not just run with his tail behind his legs. Rizevim had a slight advantage over them, and at any moment, he will begin his grand plan of creating his utopia using Trihexa and his mass produced army of [Evil Dragons], if he found the location of the legendary beast.

As Issei was contemplating, he thought he felt a presence entering the room; the shiver ran across his back like waves, but he shrugged off the feeling, thinking that it was just his nerves.

However, the said person crept up to him, and surprised him with a hug from behind. Her breasts were grinding against his back, creating a pillow-like sensation that was beyond godly to Issei. Because of the surprise, the blood was rushing through his nose, causing him to bleed.

"Ise~ Whatcha doin'?" the one who was hugging him from behind, was no other than his master, but more importantly, his girlfriend, Rias Gremory. She was certainly in a good mood, having to call his name in a cutesy tone and pulling her face close to his, almost rubbing his check with hers. Her crimson hair was wet and had strong scent of shampoo, and the clothes she weared were a bit revealing, as if she purposely wore them just to excite her perverted boyfriend.

"H-Hey Rias." Issei replied with hint of shyness in his voice, causing him to slightly stutter, as he wiped the blood off his nose with some tissues. Usually, whenever Rias or any other of his female companions surprise Issei with a hug from behind, he would say some barbarous statements about his undying love for 'Oppai'. (A/N: Oppai translates to breasts in english) This time however, he was mentally occupied and couldn't really say something ridiculous.

"...What's wrong? That's not your usual reaction." Rias immediately noticed, and rested her face upon his shoulder. Although she did find his reaction to be a little bit cute, she was disappointed since the atmosphere that he was letting out was a let down. It was as if he wanted to be alone and not be bothered.

"It's nothing. Just… enjoying the view, and drinking some hot chocolate." he sighed, then took another sip from his mug. The chocolate milk was made by his Mother and Asia, so it was no surprise that he found it quite soothing and warm with every sip he took. Asia herself said that she 'made it with love'. It certainly did made Issei's heart skip a beat when he saw her emerald-like eyes beam at his with such tenderness and warmth.

"So, you're in a room by yourself?" she asked suspiciously.

"Yeah." he answered nonchalantly, scratching his face to satisfy the urge to itch. Rias stared at him concernedly, not understanding what was going, or what he was going through. Although she wanted to believe that Issei was just studying, meditating, or just relaxing, his facial expression was smug and tiresome.

"No, there's definitely something wrong. It's written all over your face, and I can tell."

"...It's really nothing, Rias. I swear." he said, but it was almost as if he begging to not pry into his business.

"...We can talk about it."

"I'll tell you another time then. Just... not now." Issei made himself perfectly clear that he was not willing to have the conversation. She wanted to protest against it, but then she realized it's better to leave it alone, and ask another time. She gave up and decided to trust on his word, although it was still strange for her to find him all by himself, and determined to not talk about his troubles.

"...Then, can I stay with you?" she asked shyly, acting like a girl of her age, but she had full confidence that Issei would allow her to stay with him; if not, she'll use her sex appeal to persuade him. She blushed and hold on to him even tighter, as Issei felt her heartbeat through her breasts. He gulped, and his mood switched within a flick. Forgetting the words Vali said to him, Issei shifts his gaze to his red-hair girlfriend with a joyous expression.

"Of course you can!" he shouted excitedly, causing Rias to smile happily, as she shouted a mental 'yay' in her mind. Rias then predicted that Issei was just feeling a bit under the weather because he was simply lonely and had nobody to talk to the entire day. She did find it strange, however, she let it slide.

"Fufufu, what's with the change of mood?" Rias asked. Issei was flustered with embarrassment, narrowing his eyes away from her.

"...Don't tease me."

"But teasing you is one of the best things in the world." Rias smiled playfully. Issei rolled his eyes, causing Rias to giggle.

"So what now?" he curiously asked.

"Since we're alone… what do you think we should do?" the redhead said flirtatiously, tempting Issei to use his wildest imagination. She watched her beloved's eyes widen with sexual desire, and a perverted expression appeared on his face, making him 20 years older than what he is.

The usual atmosphere came back to him, and once again, his mind had nothing but the imagination of glorious busts, thicknesses, and mysterious sides of a woman's body. Issei's eyes beamed towards Rias's breast that were under her pajamas, and his face immediately blushed, but his smile was devilish and playful like. Rias giggled as she watch her boyfriend lose his head over seeing her stark naked.

"You want a peek?" she asked seductively, slowly unbuttoning her shirt one by one.

"Yesssssssss!!!" he agreed with a 200% approval.

Rias simply unbutton her shirt slowly to add more dramatic effect, but Issei saw it in a different perspective; the buttons on her pajamas were like locks, and everytime she unbuttoned one, the sound of clicking and twisting of hinges can be heard, opening something more scared than a legendary artifact.

Once she finished unbuttoning her shirt, she took it off; in Issei's eyes, the shine of golden light blinded him temporarily, leaving him more anticipated than ever… only a few more seconds before beholding the treasure! When he opened his eyes, he saw something that he had not expected. Rias also took off her pants, revealing a stunning sight to his eyes.

Rias was wearing a bikini; usually, it would excite Issei to see Rias in a lewd swimsuit, however she was only wearing an average two piece. But what made her more appealing and glamorous, was her fidgeting and bashful expression; her shoulders moved side to side, her breast sway with utmost excellency, and her thighs slightly twist and turn.

Overall, she looked cute. If anybody knew the difference between sexy and cute, it was Issei.

Since Rias and Akeno are older than him, Issei usually sees them in an adult way; the two Onee-sans use their sexiness as their attractiveness. However, Asia, Irina, Ravel and Koneko have a more 'cute atmosphere', and Issei sees them as something precious and gentle.

Xenovia was just power-idiot who lack common sense, who happens to have big breast. Well, Irina and Asia are also in same category, since they were raise in the church and lack common sense, but not as much as Xenovia.

In the end, it did not matter, because they were extremely attractive, have big breasts (expect poor Koneko), and they absolutely love him.

Rias coughed, grabbing Issei's attention from his thoughts.

"I brought this because I thought it looked cute on me. The graduation trip is coming soon, so I decided to buy it for I can wear it during the trip to Okinawa. ...I haven't shown it to nobody yet, so… um… I was thinking, maybe you can critique?" she spoke in a low tone, a bit embarrassed on the reasoning why she brought the swimsuit.

"...It's amazing. You look so beautiful, I mean, everything you wear makes you look beautiful." Issei spoke honestly from the bottom of his heart.

"...Really?" she shyly asked to get confirmation.

"Yeah, really." Issei answered without any hesitation.

"Thank you~!" she launched on to him, and hopped on between his legs, leaning her body against his.

Despite crushing his testicles (which the pain was quickly gone because of Rias's 'you know what' was on top of his shaft), Issei immediately overheated upon Rias's actions; to sudden feel the ampleness of her buttocks grinding against his lower abdominal muscles was a pleasure beyond divine for him.

'This is heaven…'

"Ara, ara, 'little Issei' seems to be awoken by my presence." she teased him, running her fingers through his chin. Issei immediately noticed that Rias was using some of the usual dialogue that Akeno used when she was attempting to seduce him. The seductiveness and power of a Pure Blooded Devil 'Onee-san' is a force to be wreck with, and although Issei had numerous experiences with Rias and his lovely female companions, there was only a few times where it escalated into something passionate and lewd.

"R-Rias…" he couldn't help himself but moaned her name in ecstasy. Rias's eyes became lustful, but also sympathetic and a bit sorrowful.

"...I know how lonely it gets, Ise. The time we can spend with each other… is really limited, ever since Qlippoth started their assault. Because you are the Sekiryuutei, and I am the heiress of the House of Gremory, we are always busy, and never find time to appreciate each other… and love one another." Rias emotionally whispered into his ears, as her face gets closer to his. She plucked her lips a few times, and she passionately gazed into his eyes.

"...Ne? Please kiss me, Ise." she closed her eyes, and awaited for the sensation upon her lips that she craved for so long. Issei obliged, and leaned into her soft lips, gently kissing her. When he kissed her, all the switches that were within her brain went on. She kissed back with a little more force, smacking her lips against his, and deeply inhaling his breath. The fact that she was on top of him excited her even more, as she grasped onto his head and pulled him towards her. Feeling a little kinky and daring, Issei moved his tongue inside her mouth, signalizing her to do the same. The tongues intertwined with each other, and the tastebuds gave them the ecstasy and pleasure beyond anything that they had experienced before.

Rias grabbed Issei's hand and pulled it towards her, beyond the fabric, causing him to feel her raw breast. Feeling her body temperature and the ampleness, Issei's mind melted in seconds. Rias finally broke the kiss, as a string of saliva appeared between the two lovers.

The mouth to mouth sensation was wet and hot, leaving the couple begging for more.

Issei's common sense snapped; all the hesitations he had to endure, finally made him more serious than ever before.

This time, unexpectedly, Issei took the lead, and hurled Rias towards the queen size bed. Rias wasn't pushed hard, but she was surprised.

Issei actually pushed her down.

"I-Ise?!" Rias was shocked, and a bit afraid of this new side of him.

"...I'm sorry, Rias. I can't hold on anymore… I want to become a man…!" he declared. Her eyes widen at hearing such a declaration; her heartbeat went from drumming to punching. Her chest ached with such happiness, so much that tears rolled down from her soft, blushing check.

Of course, she hesitated.

She wanted the 'union' to happen after the marriage.

But how could she say no to such determination?

"...You'll take responsibility, r-right?" she asked.

"Yes, absolutely."

That was all she needed.

"....Then take me!"

Issei went in for another kiss, and Rias responded with the same velocity and force.

The kiss lasted even longer than before, setting a new record of three minutes and twenty seconds. As they pulled away from the kiss, they gasped for air, panting and moaning with pleasure.

"...Don't stop Issei! I want us to explore the passionate love that we never got the chance to explore… I feel as if we stopped now, we won't get another opportunity like this soon enough. So… please, let's keep—" Rias expressed her sexual desire to Issei, as she moved her hand towards the place where all the magic happens, the forbidden zone of Issei's body. Just as she was about to pull down his pants and expose his shaft to the open air, heavy footsteps can be heard through the door.

The trespasser heard everything.

"How! How can this be…!" although his vision was blocked by Rias (Rias moved on top of him as they kissed), he clearly recognized that voice and it surprised him.

The one who trespassed into the room was Asia herself.

"Ise-san and Rias-oneesama… to have a secret rendezvous… Unacceptable! Unfair! I also want to be with Ise-san!" Asia protested and pouted, shouting at Rias like a spoiled child who wants its favorite toy back. As Rias was about to retaliate and Issei was about to make excuses, more reinforcements came and saw what was going on.

Akeno, Xenovia, Irina and Koneko saw what seem to be the interruption of their foreplay. Envious, and inspired, they're eyes glistened towards the couple.

"Arara, looks like Asia-chan ruined Rias and Ise-kun's moment." despite saying that, Akeno sadistically licked her index finger in excitement when she saw the affair that was about to commence; luckily, Asia stopped Rias and Issei from doing anything before Akeno had the chance to do something drastic.

"See Irina? If Asia was a bit bolder, she could have taken Issei in one fell swoop! We must follow her example!" Xenovia said to her best friend Irina, as her eyes shone with admiration, praise, and enlightenment.

"Eh?! N-No! It's wrong to take away Ise-kun from Rias! A-Although… it doesn't sound like a bad idea…" Irina blushed furiously at the thought of taking Issei from Rias. For a moment, she imagined herself on top of Issei instead of Rias, and then her wings immediately flicked like crazy, making her erase the thought from her head.

"Ah, so you thought about it? As expected for the lewd self-proclaiming Angel." Xenovia teased, enjoying herself in taking mental notes and boosting her best friend's morale. Irina's face had gotten even redder, and she looked away from the scene.

"...This is very vulgar, Senpai." Koneko harshly remarked, but still look at the couple with wide and determined eyes, taking mental notes for future references.

"I-I'm sorry Rias-sama and Ise-sama!" Ravel, who came to investigate what was happening that caused all the ladies to go inside the room, apologized, although she had nothing to apologize for.

".....Mou!!!!!!!" Rias exploded in anyonace, and pouted heavily.

"You guys are ridiculous! To interrupt me and Ise…!" Rias hopped off of Issei, and stormed towards Asia and Akeno, engaging them into a fierce argument.

This was the everyday occurrence for the [Girls' Club of Hell]; it was a literal battle for the affections of one man: Hyoudou Issei.

Issei was about to watch the terror and horror unraveled between his female companions, and there was no way stopping them.

"Not this again!" he screamed within his thoughts, knowing how drastic this will end up if doesn't stop them.

"Ara ara, did you know eating him when you find a chance is what you call having an affair? Rias, you shouldn't let your guard down, you know? Besides, it's not like I'm the only one… Asia-san could have pushed you down and take over~"

"I-I-I also want the chance to eat him, whenever I can!" following the example of Akeno, Asia declared towards Rias with blushing cheeks from embarrassment. Rias was taken aback by Asia's declaration and influence, angrily glaring at Akeno for tainting the pureness of Asia's innocence.

"...Asia-senpai, do you even know what you're saying?" Koneko remarked in the sidelines alongside with Ravel. Ravel felt too embarrassed to say anything, so she stood quiet.

"Ooooooo! Asia is taking a stand against the legal wife! Irina, we should definitely— I-Irina?" Xenovia was pumped and over inspired by Asia's stance against Rias, but when she turned toward Irina to discuss her opinion, she found Irina filled with concern.

"Irina, what's wrong?" despite the chatter and arguments, Xenovia was able to project her voice enough that Irina can clear hear.

"It's Ise-kun. He doesn't look so very well…" she said, getting Xenovia's attention.

"Now that you mentioned it, he usually does tries to stop us from getting too chaotic. Ah, maybe he's feeling uncomfortable because he's gone limp since we interrupted him and Rias. Should we take over?"

"W-What are you saying dummy?!"

"It's true, isn't it Irina?"

"...W-Well… anyways, let's check on him." Irina suggested, as she walked towards

Xenovia agreed, as she walked up to him and place her hand over his forehead.

"It doesn't seem like he has a fever. Are you okay, Issei?" Xenovia asked, taking her hand away.

"...It's not that I am sick, I am just sexually frustrated." he sighed, putting his hand over his face in exhaustion. Akeno, Asia, and Rias were still arguing about the incident earlier, and Koneko and Ravel decided to leave the scene hurriedly to not get caught in between Rias and Akeno.

"Come on Xenovia, let's help Ise-kun feel better!" Irina exclaimed happily, as her eyes sparkled with tenderness.

"He's not sick, Irina. He's sexually frustrated."

"E-Eh? W-What does he mean by that?"

"Obviously, he was about to have intercourse with Rias, then we came in. Hm, it does gives us an enormous opportunity over everyone else. Or perhaps you wanted to take advantage of him? You are sure etroic and lewd for an angel."

"M-Mou! That is absolutely ridiculous! Why would you think that in the first place?! There's no way I'll take advantage—"

"You say that, but yesterday you were playing a certain eroge inside that room. If my memory serves me right, the main protagonist was sick, and the heroine had to 'take care' of him. Did it left you an impact when Issei had the Devil Flu, and we cross played as nurses?" Xenovia narrowed her eye towards her best friend in a scheming way. Irina's face became beet red, and she couldn't help herself but to retaliate. (A/N: That room that Xenovia was talking about is the Dimensional Room that Michael gave Irina, which allows her to have sex with Issei without falling).

"Y-Y-You were there as well!"

"Ah, but see? At least I am able to admit it."

"Mouuuu! Darling, Xenovia is bullying me!" Irina cried and faced towards Issei, expecting him to comfort her and resolve the situation.

"It's not like I am in any position to help you, Irina…"

"You're going to abandon your childhood friend?!" she cried.


"Say Ise, why won't you go with us to the [Ero Room] for tonight? We can have sex there as much as we want."


"Ah shit, they heard Xenovia——"

End of Chapter 1

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