
Chapter 1 Death

Sam was walking down the street after finishing up his work and going home for the day. He felt like some pizza so he went to a restaurant and ate there. After finishing up he went out onto the pavement and walked home.

Sam was an average man. He had parents went to school and had a job. His hobby was watching anime, reading manga and reading novels. Sam had no love interests he was a single guy and was 26 years old that year.

While he was walking down the street he tripped and fell forward and a bit to the side. Right in the way of an oncoming truck. 'No! Why I didn't do anything great no one will remember me I can't die!' Sam thought as he quickly lay flat on the road.

Luckily the truck just ran "over" him leaving him unscathed but as he got off he was hit by a bus. 'WHY! F*CK THIS!' Sam thought as his best efforts went to waste.

He died in hospital as the surgeons tried to save him.... but it was too late.

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